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Fort Gregg Adams Sustainment Gate

The Army Garrison Fort Lee plans to relocate their access control point (ACP) entrance for Mahone Gate to southwest of the present location along State Route 109 (Hickory Hill Road), just past the NPS, Petersburg National Battlefield Park s entry to its Resource Center. Due to long traffic queues caused by vehicles waiting to enter the facility, the relocation of the access point requires an additional lane. Currently, at both ends of the project limits there is a second lane extension ending with a lane taper. The objective of the project is to extend the existing second lanes for approximately 4210 feet, and tie the ends together as one second lane entering the Mahone Gate.  The project will also require a noise study to determine if there will be any noise impacts caused by the second lane traffic to residences located along the proposed lane widening.

The U.S. Department of Defense, Army has partnered with Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) to deliver seven projects under the Defense Access Road Program.  The list of projects can be found here:

Other Defense Access Road (DAR) Projects

Anticipated Timeline

Advertise: Winter 2023

Construction: 2024

Project Photos