Reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Blue Ridge Parkway, 2B-2H, from MP 229.6 to MP 305.1
Project Description:
The primary objective of the project is to improve the condition, and extend pavement life of Blue Ridge Parkway North Carolina Sections 2B-2H, MP 229.6 to MP 305.1 and 43 to include overlooks and parking areas within the project limits. Work includes heavy 3R and light 3R pavement resurfacing, rehabilitation and reconstruction; drainage structure assessment, repair and reconstruction; pavement edge rut repairs; pavement markings and signage improvements; guardrail and guardwall improvements; minor bridge repairs; shoulder reconditioning; geotechnical assessment, repairs and reconstruction. Miscellaneous work along the corridor may include shoulder stabilization with aggregate topsoil and turf establishment and asphalt curb reconstruction.
Anticipated Timeline
Advertise and Award: Fall/Winter 2021
Construction: Spring 2022-Fall 2025