Downtown Estes Loop
Project Description
The Town of Estes Park, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), and the Federal Highway Administration, Central Federal Lands Highway Division (FHWA - CFLHD) are proposing improvements to the roadway network within the Town, known as the "the Downtown Estes Loop" project. The scope includes evaluation of three primary roadways: Elkhorn Avenue, Moraine Avenue, and Riverside Drive through downtown Estes Park.

Construction Project Website and Information
Project Email:
Project Phone Number: 970-880-2373
Project History
This project originated through the Town s 2013 application for Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) funds to explore a one-way couplet along Elkhorn Avenue, Moraine Avenue, and Riverside Drive. Approximately $17.2 million in funds were subsequently awarded through a combination of FLAP funds and CDOT RAMP (Responsible Acceleration of Maintenance and Partnerships). An Environmental Assessment (EA) was then initiated in the Fall of 2014. A multi-tiered screening process led to the decision to evaluate the environmental impacts of the No Action and the Proposed Action in the EA. The proposed action consisted of "Phase 1" improvements as well as future unfunded improvements. The Phase 1 improvements consist of a 0.9-mile loop of Elkhorn Avenue, Moraine Avenue and Riverside Drives. The future unfunded improvements analyzed in the EA included reconstruction of the Rockwell and Riverside Bridges and future channel/floodplain improvements.
The Downtown Estes Loop Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was signed on April 19, 2017 by CFLHD. The FONSI covers "Phase 1" of the proposed action analyzed in the 2016 Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Downtown Estes Loop Project. The future unfunded phases discussed in the EA do not have a funding source or anticipated dates for implementation; these future phases are not included in the April 19, 2017 FONSI/NEPA decision document.
The purpose of this project is to improve access to and from Rocky Mountain National Park by reducing travel time, congestion, and pedestrian and vehicle conflicts through downtown Estes Park as well as the associated negative impacts to visitor experience.
The project need is to improve system management and reduce severe congestion of the existing roadway network for both motorized and non-motorized users accessing and leaving Rocky Mountain National Park.
Anticipated Timeline
Environmental Assessment (EA): June 29, 2016
Environmental Decision Document (FONSI): April 19, 2017
Complete Final Design: Winter 2021
Right of Way Acquisition: Spring of 2019 - Summer 2021
Advertise: Summer/Fall 2022
Construction Date: Winter 2023 to Winter 2024