Glenn Highway
Project Overview
The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Utilities (ADOT&PF) has requested that the Western Federal Lands Highway Division (WFLHD) of the Federal Highway administration (FHWA) develop and complete the preliminary design for a rehabilitation project on the Glenn Highway in Alaska. The work will include survey, geotechnical investigation, pavement analysis, preliminary design, and updated National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation.
The proposed project would rehabilitate about 25.5 miles of the Glenn Highway, from Kings River Bridge (milepost [MP] 66.5) to Cascade (MP 92), to preserve and extend the service life of the highway; enhance safety; and, if needed, provide passing lanes and climbing lanes.
The FHWA is coordinating with the ADOT&PF and project stakeholders to update the environmental review and preliminary design plans for the proposed project. As part of the environmental review process, the FHWA plans to complete two re-evaluations, one for the Chickaloon Bridge and one for the MP 66.5 to MP 92 section of the Glenn Highway. The reevaluations are of the information evaluated in the 1993 Glenn Highway Parks MP 35 to MP 109 Environmental Assessment.
If you have questions, concerns, or comments related to the proposed project, please send an email to

Related Resources
Long Lake Drive-through Video (AVI, 344 MB)
(Warning: This is a very large file. In order to view it, you must first download it to your local machine and then open it with a media player application.)