On-the-Job Training Supportive Services (OJT/SS)
On-the-Job Training Supportive Services (OJT/SS): On Federal-aid contracts, Federal regulations require State Departments of Transportation (State DOTs) to establish apprenticeship and training programs targeted at moving women, minorities, and disadvantaged persons into journey-level positions. The goal of the FHWA OJT/SS is to support the States’ OJT programs. Congress authorized the OJT/SS program in 23 U.S.C.140(b).
Every year, FHWA requests DOTs to submit a Statement of Work (SOW) demonstrating how the State DOT plans to provide a career path for minority, women, and/or disadvantaged groups and individuals. State DOTs must also demonstrate involvement and collaboration among construction and professional trade associations, contractors, educational institutions (trade schools, public schools, community colleges, and universities), Departments of Labor, Departments of Education, and/or advocacy, non-profit, or veteran organizations. When developing a SOW, the State DOT must consider the following workforce and SOW fundamental outcomes:
- Careers leading to journey status (Not Short-Term Jobs);
- Partnerships and Meaningful Industry Engagement;
- Strategies to Increase Opportunities for Under-Represented Populations;
- Focus on Results and Outcomes;
- Value for the Funds Provided.
- Highway Construction Workforce Partnership: The HCWP grew out of the OJT/SS program and focuses on increasing the capacity and capability of the highway construction workforce. By partnering with key organizations to develop and deploy highway construction training and placement programs, this initiative will increase the number of individuals trained and hired in highway construction trades and crafts. Learn more about training resources associated with the HCWP.
- The National Highway Institute (NHI) is the training and education arm of the Federal Highway Administration and offers free or low-cost training to improve the skills of highway professionals.
- The National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse is dedicated to providing the transportation construction industry and the general public with comprehensive information to improve motorist, worker, and pedestrian safety in roadway work zones. The website includes links to free training and education via the ARTBA Work Zone Safety Consortium Online Learning System which was funded by an FHWA grant.
- The National Center for Construction Education and Research is an educational foundation offering curriculum in more than 70 craft areas of the construction industry. NCCER develops standardized construction and maintenance curriculum and assessments with portable credentials.
U.S. Code and Federal Regulations
On-the-Job Training (OJT): 23 USC 140 (a); 23 CFR 230.111
OJT Supportive Services (OJT/SS): 23 USC 140 (b); 23 CFR 230.113