- USDOT Summit on Pedestrian Safety Virtual Series: A Summary Report
- USDOT Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
Materials recommended for reading in advance to prepare for the U.S. DOT Pedestrian Safety Summit:
- 2018 Traffic Tech for Pedestrians
- 2017 Traffic Tech for Pedestrians
- Pedestrian Safety Virtual Booth
- STEP Studio
- Table of Actions
July 8, 2020
Taking Action on Pedestrian Safety – Part 1: Introduction and Safe System Approach
In this event, FHWA Administrator Nicole R. Nason and NHTSA Deputy Administrator James C. Owens were joined by leading State transportation experts to discuss the current state of pedestrian safety and issues surrounding this problem. U.S. DOT gave a safety data overview and provided a glimpse at the 2019 preliminary data release.
- Chuck DeWeese, Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)
- Mike Griffith, FHWA
- Jeff Paniati, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- Mary Ann Koos, Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP)
- Jessica Cicchino, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
July 15, 2020
Taking Action on Pedestrian Safety – Part 2: Consider Risk: When, Where, Who, How?
This event focused on risk factors that impact pedestrian safety. “When, Where, Who, How?” refers to the time of day, the type of road, the demographics, and the behaviors that heighten pedestrian risk. This session provided attendees the opportunity to hear from U.S. DOT leaders and key safety stakeholders and to provide comments on joint solutions to address these high risk pedestrian safety issues.
- Smartphone-Based Mid-Block Pedestrian Crossing In-Vehicle Warning Application
- Making a Community Safer for Pedestrians | A Protected Intersection
- Laura Sandt, Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
- David Yang, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (AAAFTS)
- Corinne Kisner, National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
- Ian Thomas, America Walks
- Anne Marie Doherty, New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT)
- Bradley Sant, American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
July 28, 2020
Taking Action on Pedestrian Safety – Part 3: Next Steps
This closing session discussed the planned efforts of U.S. DOT and leading safety stakeholders to address pedestrian safety. The dialogue gathered input from safety professionals regarding opportunities and challenges in improving pedestrian safety, as well as successes and lessons learned which will help to inform U.S. DOT’s future actions. The closing session included remarks from FHWA’s Administrator, Nicole R. Nason, FHWA’s Executive Director, Thomas D. Everett, and NHTSA’s Deputy Administrator, James C. Owens.
If you have any questions, please contact us at Pedestrian.Safety.Summit.2020@dot.gov