Road Diet – Free Workshop
What are Road Diets?
Undivided roadways often experience a large number of crashes–especially between high-speed through traffic, left-turning vehicles, and other road users. One treatment for addressing this safety concern is a Road Diet, which typically involves removing or narrowing motor vehicle lanes and utilizing the space for other uses, including but not limited to a two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL), non-motorized travel modes, or parking.
Workshop Agenda
Part 1:
- Why consider a Road Diet?
- When to use a Road Diet?
- How to design a Road Diet?
Part 2:
- Evaluate a real-world Road Diet candidate project.
- Document findings and make recommendations.
Workshop Time and Location
You Choose!
Contact hours: 6 - 8
For more information or to schedule a workshop please contact:
Rebecca Crowe
FHWA Office of Safety
Example of a Road Diet
Road Diet Workshop
FHWA is pleased to offer a one-day workshop on this low-cost, proven safety countermeasure that explores how agencies can use Road Diets to improve safety, operations, and livability in their communities.Participants will be introduced to the FHWA Road Diet Informational Guide and guided through a decision-making process to determine when a Road Diet may be a good solution.
Who Should Attend
- Transportation engineers and planners
- Pedestrian & bicycle and Safe Routes to School program coordinators
- Local police, fire, EMS and transit personnel
- Community leaders
Workshop Learning Outcomes
- Learn about the different types of Road Diets and why they work.
- Understand the characteristics that make Road Diets the right choice.
- Identify roads that are good candidates for Road Diets.
- Learn what segment and intersection design elements are affected by a Road Diet.
- Practice reallocating street space for other uses, including non-motorized user needs.
Why Choose a Road Diet?
- Safety. Road Diets can make the roadway environment safer for all users. Studies indicate a 19 to 47 percent reduction in overall crashes when a Road Diet is installed.
- Cost-efficiency. Road Diets make efficient use of a limited cross sectional area. When planned in conjunction with reconstruction or overlay projects, the safety and operational benefits of Road Diets can be achieved essentially for the cost of restriping the pavement.
- Quality of Life. Road Diets can make shared spaces more livable and contribute to a community-focused, "Complete Streets" environment.
Example of a Road Diet on Southern Blvd., Bronx, New York