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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Facts & Statistics

Part of our mission at the Office of Safety is to advance the use of scientific methods and data-driven decisions to reduce the number and severity of crashes on our roadways. We use safety data to identify those areas with the greatest need for improvement because understanding the most prevalent safety problems on our roadways is the first step in solving them.

Data effectively drives the Office of Safety program and focus areas, informing our efforts at each step along the way. With the help of our safety partners at the national, State, and local level, we also are able to support broader implementation of predictive and systemic analysis approaches not only in safety management processes but also in project development and decision making. This enables us to share the most effective technical and operational solutions for improving safety that have been identified across the country.

Searchable Safety Databases

Bureau of Transportation Statistics Databases
The USDOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) provides a wide range of transportation data and statistics organized by mode, region, and subject area. Its Safety Data Program integrates safety data across modes and highlights safety in Chapter 2 – Transportation Safety of the National Transportation Statistics publication.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics TranStats
BTS TranStats organizes and information about more than 100 BTS and other transportation-related databases on one website. Users can sort information by mode and by subject.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Fatality Analysis Report System
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Report System (FARS) contains data on all vehicle crashes in the United States that occur on a public roadway and involve a fatality. The FARS website provides instant access to FARS data via the Query Engine, Wizard, and Reports Library. The site is maintained by NHTSA's Center for Statistics and Analysis.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration National Automotive Sampling System
NTSA's National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) provides nationally representative data on vehicle crashes for understanding the vehicle-trauma experience and to determine national crash trends. NASS is composed of two systems - the Crashworthiness Data System (CDS) and the General Estimates System (GES). CDS data focus on passenger vehicle crashes, and are used to investigate injury mechanisms to identify potential improvements in vehicle design. GES data focus on the bigger overall crash picture, and are used for problem size assessments and tracking trends.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration State Traffic Safety Information System
This NHTSA website provides a wide range of FARS data by State and by year. It also provides GIS maps of fatal traffic crashes by State.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Vehicle Crash Test Database
The NHTSA Vehicle Crash Test Database contains engineering data measured during various types of research, the New Car Assessment Program, and compliance crash tests. Information in this database refers to the performance and response of vehicles and other structures in impacts. This database is not intended to support general consumer safety issues.

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Other Sources of Safety Information

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) website provides information on current transportation-related policies and access to technical services to support States in their efforts to efficiently and safely move people and goods.

Association of Traffic Safety Information Professionals
The Association of Traffic Safety Information Professionals' (ATSIP) is an advocate for improving the quality and use of transportations safety information. Its website provides information about the annual Traffic Records Forum meeting, ATSIP committees, and its annual awards program featuring best practices, websites, and data visualization.

Governors Highway Safety Association Spotlights on Highway Safety Issues
The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) produces a series of short reports spotlighting various highway safety issues. GHSA asks its State Highway Safety Office members to provide data and uses the data provided to put together these reports.

Institute of Transportation Engineers Library
The Institute of Transportation Engineers library contains all published ITE Journal articles, technical conference and annual meeting papers and web files. Access to full text articles is free for members with their ITE ID/password. Non-members can order copies for a fee.

National Safety Council Library
The National Safety Council (NSC) Library is a comprehensive resource for information about safety at work, at home, and on the road and has been recognized by government agencies, universities, and research organizations. Members can access the collection for free; non-members can access the collection for a fee.

Transportation Research Board Publications Index
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) publications index contains more than 60,000 papers, articles, and reports published by the TRB, Highway Research Board, Strategic Highway Research Program, or the Marine Board from 1923 to date.

US Department of Transportation Traffic Record Coordinating Committee
The USDOT Traffic Records Coordinating Committee is a multi-modal group with members from FHWA, FMCSA, NHTSA, and RITA that works to improve the collection, management, and analysis of traffic safety data at the State and Federal level. Its website includes information on grants, guidance and training, State programs, and federal initiatives.