Colorado - Denver Valley Highway - Interstate Route 25 at the Speer Boulevard cloverleaf interchange. Speer Boulevard is a principal artery to downtown Denver. 11/4/58.
Colorado - Natural Fort safety rest area on Interstate 25 just south of the Wyoming State line.
Colorado - Interstate Project I-70-3(1)250) - Ground view west (before construction) at Floyd Hill junction of I-70 and U.S. 6 showing normal daily traffic. Interstate Route 70 westerly from Denver.
Big rock job on I-70 at historic Georgetown, near grade. Excavation ran around 1,500,00 cubic yards in 2.6 miles, much of it in solid silver plume granite.
View of I-70 through Glenwood Canyon, Colorado.
Colorado - Interstate Route 70 westerly from Denver. View of new Interstate location as it bypasses Idaho Springs approximately 40 miles west of Denver.
Colorado - Interstate Route 70 westerly from Denver (Colorado Interstate Project I-70-3(1)250)). View looking northwest showing the Floyd Hill interchange completed except for a small amount of cleanup work. The project was officially opened to traffic on Dec. 11, 1959.
Colorado - View of the bypass at Idaho Springs, Colorado, on Interstate Route 70. Old routing of U.S. 40 through the town can be seen to the right. 11/20/58.
Colorado - Interstate Route 25. Looking north from the Central Avenue interchange. 6/8/59
Colorado - Denver Valley Highway - Interstate Route 25. View of the intersection of 46th Avenue and the Valley Highway. 11/4/58
Colorado - Pueblo Freeway - Interstate Route 25. View of Pueblo Freeway with Ilex Street interchange in the foreground. June 8, 1959
Colorado - Denver Valley Highway - Interstate 25. View of southeast Denver looking toward the northwest. Franklin Street underpass bridge is in the foreground. November 4, 1958
60-302- Colorado - Denver Highway Interstate Route 25. View of the freeway as it passes under Alameda paralleling the Platte River. Nov. 4, 1958.