North Carolina - Aerial photo looking north at the interchange between I-26 and U.S. 64 on the Hendersonville by-pass. U.S. 64 is shown running from the lower left of the picture to the upper right and has a 1975 design capacity of 9,000 ADT. Interstate 26 has a 1975 design capacity of 15,400 ADT.
North Carolina - Shown here is column under construction which will support the highest bridge in North Carolina. The dual bridge is the Green River Bridge on Interstate 26 between East Flat Rock and Saluda and when finished will be 218 feet above the Green River. The longest column will be 139 feet from footing to pier cap measuring approximately 13 1/2 feet in diameter at its base and 9 feet at its top. The columns will be reinforced concrete encased in structural steel shells.
North Carolina - Looking northwest toward Hendersonville across site of the highest bridge in the State. This is the Green River on I-26 between East Flat Rock and Saluda. The dual bridges will span a distance of 0.198 miles at 218 feet above the Green River. The steel encased concrete columns will remain unpainted, giving a rustic appearance to the bridge. The longest columns will be 139 feet from footing to pier cap and will be approximately 13 1/2 feet at its base and 9 feet at the top.
North Carolina - This aerial photo was taken looking northwest along I-26 with the U.S. 64 interchange shown in the foreground. This project was handled under two contracts totaling more than $5.5 million. Work began February 25, 1963, and the roadway was opened to traffic on January 9, 1967.