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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

An elevated section of the interregional system with exit ramps and lateral entrance ramps.

An elevated section of the interregional system as it might be built according to the standards propesed, with central exit ramps and lateral entrance ramps. The sketch suggests the manner in which new properties might conform to curving lines of the expressway in widened sections at access points, and a show window at the elevated level dressed appropriately with the kind of large display that would be needed for comprehension by express traffic

An elevated section of the interregional system as it might be built according to the standards propesed, with central exit ramps and lateral entrance ramps. The sketch suggests the manner in which new properties might conform to curving lines of the expressway in widened sections at access points, and a show window at the elevated level dressed appropriately with the kind of large display that would be needed for comprehension by express traffic

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