I-89 looking easterly up the Winooski River valley. Interstate overpasses relocated US-2 in center of photograph, approximately 2 3/4 miles west of the village of Waterbury.
Vermont - Hartland. The I-91 interchange with US Route 5 looks southerly toward Windsor. Hartland Four Corners to the north and Winsor to the south are both served by this facility. I-91 replaces US Route 5 as the major north-south traffic carrying facility in the Connecticut River Valley.
Vermont - Whit River Junction. The principal intersections of Interstate Routes 89 and 91 in the vicinity of White River Junction. Interstate 89 connects the metropolitan Boston area via Concord, New Hampshire, White River Junction, Montpelier, Burlington and St. Albans, Vermont with Montreal and Quebec, Canada. Interstate 91 replaces US Route 5 as the principal north-south route through the Connecticut River Valley.
Vermont Hartford. A 1,059' structure spanning the White River approximately 5 miles northwesterly of White River Junction. This photograph was taken at the southerly end of the project looking north and depicts substructure construction that is currently under way. It is anticipated that this structure will be opened to traffic in the fall of 1968. This structure will be a major link in I-89 between River Junction and Montpelier.
Interstate Route 91 in southern Vermont was designed to blend with the scenery. Here one roadway, skirting a picturesque ledge, is at a higher elevation than the other.
Interstate Route 91 in southern Vermont was designed to blend with the scenery. Here one roadway, skirting a picturesque ledge, is at a higher elevation than the other.