Oregon - Screen planting of Incense Cedar on fill on Interstate 5 in Roseburg. Object - to reduce noise to hospital, left center of photograph. Planted in 1955. These trees are 15-18 feet high.
Oregon - Garden Valley interchange on Interstate 5 at the north entrance to Roseburg. Landscaping appears prominently in the interchange space.
Idaho-Oregon - Ribbon cutting day at State line bridges one mile southeast of Ontario, on Snake River. The bridges were opened to traffic in January 1960
Idaho-Oregon - Looking south at the State line bridges over the Snake River one mile southeast of Ontario. Concrete surface, 30 foot curb on each bridge. Length of bridge is 986 feet, spans 127 feet. Bridge designed and constructed by Oregon State Highway Department. Each State paid one-half the cost. The bridges were opened to traffic in January 1960
Oregon - Recently completed Baldock Safety Rest Area south of Portland, about a half-mile south of the Hubbard Interchange just south of Wilsonville on I-5.
Oregon- The Stadium Freeway, I-405, in Portland is currently under construction. The 5th Street freeway on-ramp is in lower half of the photograph. The freeway when completed, will bypass downtown Portland on the west.
Oregon - Cow Creek Safety Rest Area was the site of the I-5 dedication ceremonies about 29 miles north of Grants Pass. Looking south, showing the twin installations of the area.
Oregon - Construction underway on one of the last segments of Oregon's I-5 south of Canyonville. Shown here is the West Fore Interchange taking shape, with the two southbound lanes of the freeway in use.
Oregon - The North Wolf Creek interchange, looking north, on I-5 serves the town of Wolf Creek just out of the photograph on the left. The slopes are stabilized by the benching technique, which also catches falling rock.
Oregon - From Siskiyou Summit, looking north, I-5 winds its way down toward Ashland. The grade is east and the sight distance is excellent, thus combining to make a trip over the rugged Siskiyou a favorable traveling experience.
Oregon - The Marquam Bridge over the Willamette River in Portland. The two-decked structure connects I-5 and the Stadium Freeway (I-405) with the East Bank Freeway, I-80N (now I-84), and the Minnesota Freeway, which runs to the Interstate Bridge (I-5 across the Columbia River).
Oregon- Interstate I-84, Forest Highway Route 28; Bonneville Dam Interchange.
Oregon - This is the southernmost section of Oregon's I-5 with the California State line just beyond the next hill. Looking southerly along the split-level freeway. At upper left, the old Pacific Highway, U.S. 99, at a former location.
Oregon- Looking northwest at Farewell Bend Interchange on newly constructed portion of I-84 in Eastern Oregon. Old U.S. 30 is shown on the right.
Oregon- Looking northwest at Farewell Bend Interchange on newly constructed portion of I-84 in Eastern Oregon. Old U.S. 30 is shown on the right.
Oregon - Siskiyou Highway interchange. This interchange provides the exit to the Mt. Ashland ski area.
Oregon- Construction continues on the Bonneville-Hood River County Line Section of I-84. The two-lane Tooth Rock Tunnel will be used for eastbound traffic; the westbound lanes will use a viaduct.
Oregon- The State tree of each of the States is planted in the Grove of the States. The grove is located in the Baldock Safety Area on I-5, approximately 20 miles south of Portland.
Oregon- The new Ontario State Park. It lies between the Snake River and I-84 just north of Ontario.
Oregon- The Suncrest Safety Rest Area is located adjacent to the southbound travel lanes of I-5, about five miles northwest of Ashland.
Oregon- Looking east on the Mitchell Point-Cascade Lock Section of the Columbia River Highway, I-80N (now I-84).
Oregon - Looking westerly from Hood River toward the Mitchell Point-Cascade Locks Section of I-80N(now I-84) recently opened to traffic.
Oregon- Looking westerly on I-105 from a point just southeast of the High Banks Road in the Eugene-Springfield area.
Oregon- The Meacham on the Pendleton-LaGrande Section of I-80N(now I-84) over the Blue Mountains in Eastern Oregon.
Oregon- South Tigard Interchange at intersection of Interstate 5 and the Beaverton-Tigard Highway.
Oregon - Looking westerly at the new Interstate 105 as it crosses over High Banks Road in the Eugene-Springfield area.
Oregon - Interstate Route 80N (now I-84) travels rough country along the Columbia River near Cascade Locks. A narrow median with safety guard rail was used, since a broad median would have been too costly.
Oregon- Construction workers pour pavement on the Huntington Bypass Section of I-84 as work on that section of the Interstate system moves steadily toward completion. Oregon has completed 86 percent of its Interstate system to present-day standards.
Oregon- Interstate I-84 just west of Meacham in the Blue Mountains in northeastern Oregon. Interstate route traverses some of Oregon's most scenic countryside in this area.
Oregon - Upper Perry Interchange, west of La Grande on I-84, permits traffic to get to Hilgard and way points.
Oregon- The South Tigard Interchange on I-5 just south of Portland is fast nearing completion. Interchange will permit traffic from I-5 to reach the Sunset Highway (US26) without going through to Portland.
Oregon- Oregon has an intensive program to landscape it's interchange at the entrances to cities along the freeways as well as landscaping the freeways which run through the cities. Here, the Lombard Street Interchange and Interstate 5 in Portland show the results of that program. A pedestrian spiral, center of Photograph, has been provided for safety purposes.
Oregon - Interchanges along the freeway have led to industrial and community development. This shows a development adjacent to the Albany Interchange along Interstate 5 in Oregon.
Oregon- Interstate 5 cuts through some picturesque country in southern Oregon, as it wends its way through the mountains in that area. Every effort was made to preserve as much of the original beauty of this stretch as possible despite.
Oregon- Work moves ahead on Interstate I-84 in the vicinity of Huntington. The old highway, US 30, can be seen in right portion of picture.
Oregon - An expensive and difficult project is the construction of the Stadium Freeway (I-405) through metropolitan westside Portland. Work is well advanced with some of the over crossing already opened to traffic.
Oregon- The Marquan Bridge gives motorist in the Portland area direct and easy access to the Banfield, Baldock, and Stadium Freeways. The opening of the bridge has reduced traffic congestion in this area considerably. The uncompleted section of the span in lower right corner of picture will connect to the Mr. Hood Highway (US26) in the future.
Oregon - The Dalles, Oregon Bypass - I-80N-3. Columbia River on the right. Harvey Aluminum Plant in background, far right.
Oregon- One of last major sections of the Interstate system to be completed in Oregon is I-84. Present plans call for the completion of this freeway on schedule. Here work is shown in progress on the South Baker Interchange.
Oregon- The Safety Rest Area program in Oregon has proved to be most popular with the motoring public. Originally planned to provide for 12 percent of the average daily traffic some of the areas are now servicing as high as 18 percent of the ADT by their sites. This aerial photograph shows the Santiam Safety Rest Area located on I-5 approximately mid-way between Salem and Albany.
Oregon- Pacific Highway, I-5, Forest Highway 15, completed section north of Azalea.
Oregon - Pacific Highway, I-5 Forest Highway 15, completed section south of Canyonville.
Oregon- Pacific Highway, I-5, Forest Highway 15, completed section north of Azalea.
Oregon- Interstate I-84 in the Dalles, Oregon, travels along the Columbia River on an embankment which required 2 1/2 million cubic yards of fill.
Oregon Interstate Route 5 lies below ground level as it passes through a residential area of North Portland, Oregon. Trees and shrubs have been planted along the freeway to enhance it's appearance and to serve as a screen.
Oregon - Siskiyou Highway Interchange. This interchange provides the exit to the Mt. Ashland ski area.
Oregon - This is the southernmost section of Oregon's I-5 with the California State line just beyond the next hill. Looking southerly along the split-level freeway. At upper left, the old Pacific Highway U.S. 99 shows up at a former location.
Oregon - This is the southernmost section of Oregon's I-5 with the California State line just beyond the next hill. Looking southerly along the split-level freeway. At upper left, the old Pacific Highway U.S. 99 shows up at a former location.
Oregon - Interstate 80N (now I-84), Forest Highway Rt. 28 west of Bonneville Dam interchange, Columbia River Highway.
Oregon- The North Wolf Creek Interchange, looking north, on I-5 serves the town of Wolf Creek just out of the photograph on the left. The slopes are stabilized by the benching technique, which also catches falling rocks.
Oregon- The Marquam Bridge over the Willamette River is Portland. The two-decked structure connects I-5 and the Stadium Freeway with the East Bank Freeway, I-84, and the Minnesota Freeway, which runs to the Interstate Bridge.
Oregon- Cow Creek Safety Rest Area was the site of the I-5 dedication ceremonies about 29 miles north of Grants Pass. Looking south, showing the twin installations of the area.
Oregon - Recently completed Baldock Safety Rest Area south of Portland, about a half-mile south of the Hubbard Interchange just south of Wilsonville on I-5.
Idaho-Oregon - Looking south at the State line bridges over the Snake River one mile southeast of Ontario. Concrete surface 30 feet curb to curb on each bridge. Length of bridge is 986 feet, spans 127 feet. Bridge designed and constructed by Oregon State Highway Department. Each State paid on-half the cost. The bridges were one to traffic in January 1960
Oregon- Garden Valley Interchange on Interstate 5 at the north entrance to Roseburg. Landscaping appear prominently in the interchange space.
Idaho-Oregon _ Ribbon cutting day at State line bridges on mile southeast of Ontario, on Snake River. The bridges were opened to traffic in January 1960.
Oregon -Safety rest area under construction on Interstate 5, M.P. 236. This illustrates the type of parking are design now employed; capacity based on percentage of estimated A.D.T. twenty years hence.
Oregon - Screen planting of Incense Cedar on fill, Interstate 5, in Roseburg. Planted in 1955. These trees are 15-18 feet high.
Oregon- A planting of Douglas Fir to screen outdoor theater adjacent to Interstate 5 at Cottage Grove.
Oregon - Interstate 80N (now I-84), Forest Highway Rt. 28. West of Bonneville Dam interchange, Columbia River Highway.
Oregon- Planting of evergreen groundcover (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Kinnikinick) at interchange on Interstate 5 between Albany and Salem. Note also heavy shrub planting on slope beyond crossing A functional planting that improves appearance and reduces maintenance.
Oregon- Screen planting of Incense Cedar on fill on Interstate 5 in Roseburg. Object - to reduce noise to hospital, left center of photograph. Planted in 1955. These trees are 15-18 feet high.
Oregon- Interstate I-84, Forest Highway Route 28; Bonneville Dam Interchange, Columbia River Highway.
Oregon - The Dalles, Oregon Bypass I-84, Columbia river on the right. Harvey Aluminum Plant in background, for right.
Oregon - East Bonneville Dam Interchange, Columbia River Highway, Interstate 84, Forest Highway Route 28.
Interstate Route I-84 travels rough country along the Columbia River near Cascade Locks, Oregon. A narrow median with safety guard rail was used, since a broad median would have been too costly.
A connecting link from Interstate Route 5 (on the right) joins Harbor Drive at the edge of downtown Portland, Oregon. An area prepared for urban redevelopment appears at the upper left.
Oregon - Safety rest area under construction on Interstate 5, milepost 236. This illustrates the type of parking area design now employed; capacity based on percentage of estimated A.D.T. twenty years hence.
Oregon - Screen planting of Incense Cedar on fill, interstate 5, in Roseburg. Planted in 1955. These trees are 15-18 feet high.
Oregon - A planting of Douglas Fir to screen outdoor theater adjacent to Interstate 5 at Cottage Grove.
Oregon - Planting of evergreen groundcover (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Kinnikinnick) at interchange on Interstate 5 between Albany and Salem. Note also heavy shrub planting on slope beyond crossing - a functional planting that improves appearance and reduces maintenance.