New Hampshire- Interstate Route 93 near Sanbornton, illustrates the use of independent roadway design and the preservation of trees on the roadside and in the median, for scenic effect and economy.
New Hampshire- A pre-completion tour was held in 1966 of 10-mile section of I-89 construction during National Highway week. Guests for the Good Roads Association are shown inspecting freeway construction underway along the southbound lanes of the Warner By-pass
New Hampshire -Interstate 89, northwest of Concord. Dramatic savings in travel time, operating costs and improved driving conditions have already been realized by the highway users as each new segment of the Interstate System is opened to traffic through separate regions of the Granite State. This -mile freeway stretch of Interstate 89 was opened to traffic in Warner last fall, in time for the winter ski season.
New Hampshire Artist's rendering of the proposed $3 million Amoskeag Bridge in Manchester. Twin deck girder bridges across the Merrick River at Amoskeag. Actual construction on the Federal-aid urban project is not planned to start before the spring of 1968, with final completion due in the fall of 1969. The above view of the 800-foot long twin structures depicts the N.H. Insurance Group home office and the State Armory in the center and right-hand background, along with proposed roadway ramps to Elm Street,
New-Hampshire Artist's rendering of the proposed I-95 bridge over the Piscataqua River between Portsmouth, N.H. and Kittery, Maine.
New Hampshire- Interstate 89 crossing the Connecticut river near Leanon.
New Hampshire - Interstate 89 spans the Connecticut River between Vermont and New Hampshire. Looking Northwesterly toward "Twin State Crossroads" of Interstate Routes 91 and 89 at White River Junction in Vermont.
New Hampshire- Interstate 89 crossing the Connect River near Lebanon.
The Ash Street bridge over Interstate Route 93 in Londonerry, N.H., was a prize-winning entry in a bridge design competition.