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Interstate Photo Gallery - List of All Images for Sequential Viewing

  1. US_1_gen_FHWA_48_734.jpg
    General Philip B. Fleming, Administrator of the Federal Works Agency, home of the Public Roads Administration (PRA), views PRA exhibit at the 1948 convention of the American Road Builders Association in Chicago.

  2. US_2_gen_FHWA_48_735.jpg
    General Philip B. Fleming, Administrator of the Federal Works Agency, home of the Public Roads Administration, with Director Charles Upham and group at the 1948 convention of the American Road Builders Association in Chicago.

  3. al_14_I65_fhwa_1963_1238.jpg
    The 13-mile, $3.8 million section of Interstate Route 65 in Escambia County, Ala., is part of the route from Mobile to Montgomery. (Not yet open to traffic when this photograph was made.)

  4. al_15_I59I65_fhwa_1971_120.jpg
    Junction of Interstate 59 and 65- Birmhingham in background.

  5. al_1_I65_FHWA_63_1238.jpg
    Alabama - This 13-mile, $3.8 million section of Interstate Route 65 in Escambia County is part of the route from Mobile to Montgomery. (Not yet open to traffic when this photograph was made.)

  6. al_2_I59_FHWA_1964_8.jpg
    Alabama - Separate roadways fitted into the landscape, as seen beyond the diamond interchange, are typical of design on Interstate Route 59 between Argo and St. Clair Springs. (Not yet in use when photographed.)

  7. az_1_I15_FHWA_67_522.jpg
    Arizona - Interstate 15, Virgin River Bridge #7, looking east from abutment #1

  8. az_25_I15_fhwa_1973_155.jpg
    Arizona -The rugged beauty of the Virgin River Gorge is brought to light as this portion of Interstate 15 deftly winds its way through this colorful canyon completed 1973

  9. az_26_I10_fhwa_.jpg
    Arizona highway

  10. az_2_I10_4_NARA_1960_456.jpg
    Arizona - Tuscon Freeway, looking westerly along State Route 84 at interchange construction at junction with Interstate Route 10.

  11. ca_11_I5_NARA_1960_82.jpg
    California - Ground view of the Las Feliz Boulevard interchange showing the signing, striping, and the single circular, column bents on the Las Feliz Boulevard on-ramp structure. Signs on Golden State Freeway - Aug. 15, 1958.

  12. ca_12_I5_NARA_1960_304.jpg
    California - San Diego Freeway, San Juan Capistrano looking north with the new project nearing completion. The old Spanish Mission is at left center portion of the photograph and in the left background the new highway ties into old U.S. 101. Sept. 26, 58.

  13. ca_13_I80_NARA_1960_305.jpg
    California - Interstate 80 at Carquinez Straits with new bridge in foreground and the 8 million yard benched cut at left center beyond the Crockett interchange. Old U.S. 40 can be seen at the right. January 29, 1959.

  14. ca_14_I80_I40_NARA_1960_630.jpg
    California - Interstate Guide Signs

  15. ca_15_I80_NARA_1961_24.jpg
    California - Interstate 80 in the vicinity of Newcastle looking westerly toward Sacramento.

  16. ca_16_I80_I395_NARA_1961_25.jpg
    California - The interchange between Interstate 8 and U.S. 395 in San Diego looking westerly towards Pacific Ocean.

  17. ca_17_I280_NARA_1961_27.jpg
    California - Interstate 280 in San Jose looking northerly. Bascom Avenue in the foreground followed by Alameda interchange. In the distant background at the point of curvature is the Bayshore Freeway interchange.

  18. ca_18_I280_NARA_1961_33.jpg
    California - Stevens Creek Road interchange on Interstate 280 looking easterly along Stevens Creek Road in San Jose.

  19. ca_19__I80_NARA_1961_34.jpg
    California - El Cerrito overhead and interchange on Interstate 80 in El Cerrito looking southerly toward Oakland.

  20. ca_1_I10_FHWA_63_1239.jpg
    California - Interstate Route 10, the Santa Monica Freeway, meets the Harbor Freeway in Los Angeles at an interchange designed for extremely heavy traffic movements.

  21. ca_20_I10_NARA_1963_940.jpg
    California - Diamond interchange and frontage roads on Interstate Route 10 looking easterly in Beaumont. Traffic volume on the local street do not warrant the use of islands.

  22. ca_21_I5_NARA_1963_991.jpg
    California - Interstate 5 parallel to Pacific Coast Highway south of Shasta-Siskiyou County line.

  23. ca_22_I10_I5_NARA_1963_1001.jpg
    California - Traffic on the Santa Monica Freeway (I-10) near the intersection with the Santa Ana (I-105) and Golden State Freeways (I-5). Note the use of the corrugated plastic shield on the median barrier rail.

  24. ca_23_I405_NARA_1963_1011.jpg
    California - San Diego Freeway (I-405) - About 80,000 vehicles per day cross the Santa Monica Mountains on this freeway between San Fernando Valley and West Los Angeles. The bridge in center of the picture is Mulholland Drive overcrossing.

  25. ca_24_I5_NARA_1963_1214.jpg
    California - A four-lane divided freeway (I-5) together with frontage roads, ramps and connections graded and surfaced with concrete pavement on cement treated subgrade.

  26. ca_25_I5_NARA_1963_1294.jpg
    California - Grapevine Grade through the Tehachapi Mountains in Kern County on I-5.

  27. ca_26_I5_NARA_1963_1296.jpg
    California - Interstate 5 near Castella in northern Shasta County. Snow-clad Mount Shasta appears in the background.

  28. ca_27_I10_I5_NARA_1963_1297.jpg
    California - A section of the 23-mile freeway loop formed by the junction of the Santa Monica and Golden State Freeways (Interstate Routes 10 and 5) in Los Angeles.

  29. ca_28_I580_NARA_1963_1298.jpg
    California - The MacArthur Freeway (Intestate 580) was opened to traffic from the distribution structure near the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge to Grand Avenue in Oakland last May. (1963 photo)

  30. ca_29_I80_NARA_1963_1299.jpg
    California - Freeway construction on Interstate 80 in the Sierra Nevada features opposing lanes on independent vertical and horizontal alignments with a widely varying median width to conform to the terrain and to provide adequate room for snow throw.

  31. ca_2_I30N_NARA_1960_63.jpg
    California - Golden State-San Bernardino Freeway interchange, with the State Street structure iin the center of the picture. 11/15/59

  32. ca_30_I60_NARA_1963_1300.jpg
    California - The interchange between the Interstate 680 and State Sign Route 24 freeways near Walnut Creek in Contra Costa County.

  33. ca_31_I10_NARA_1963_1301.jpg
    California - The San Gorgonio Pass Freeway (Interstate 10) near Beaumont completed in 1961.

  34. ca_32_I405_FHWA_1964_13.jpg
    California - Interstate Route 405, the eight-lane San Diego Freeway in Los Angeles County crosses over Sepulveda Boulevard near the massive Mulholland Cut.

  35. ca_37_I80_fhwa_1965_274.jpg
    California- Interstate 80, Donnor Pass, California.

  36. ca_38_I5_I10_fhwa_1968_95.jpg
    California- Interchange of Golden State Freeway (I-5) and Santa Monica Freeway, (I-10).

  37. ca_39_I5_fhwa_1967_512.jpg
    California -Orange County. I-5 and SR-22 Interchange, Santa Ana.

  38. ca_3_I5_NARA_1960_64.jpg
    California - Looking northwesterly along Interstate Route 5 near the Los Angeles River Bridge. May 12, 1959.

  39. ca_40_I405_fhwa_1967_509.jpg
    California - Los Angeles County. I-405 Interchange, Culver City, looking south.

  40. ca_41_I5_fhwa_1960_81.jpg
    California-Ground view of Interstate 5 at Riverside Drive Off-Ramp.

  41. ca_42_I405_fhwa_1964_13.jpg
    Interstate Route 405, the 8 lane San Diego Freeway in Los Angeles County, Calif., crosses over Sepulveda Boulevard near the massive Mulholland Cut.

  42. ca_43_I80_fhwa_1965_275.jpg
    I-80, Donner Pass

  43. ca_44_I5_fhwa_1967_515.jpg
    California Rest area near Artois, Glenn County, I-5, looking north.

  44. ca_45_I28_fhwa_1970_1801.jpg
    California Department of Public Works take five first places in a nationwide highway beauty contest sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration. Shown above is the winner of the bridge, ramp, overpass, interchange area or tunnel approach category. It is the Cabrillo Freeway bridge at the Interstate 280 interchange in the San Francisco area.

  45. ca_46_I8_fhwa_1971_72.jpg
    I-8 near Peutz Valley Road under crossing in San Diego County.

  46. ca_47_I280_fhwa_1971_127.jpg
    Eugene A. Doran Bridge over San Mateo Creek on I-20, Junipero Serra Freeway, was designed with a narrow sight-lined span with delicately fashioned.

  47. ca_48_I15_fhwa_1980_761.jpg
    Category 3 2nd place, I-15 Escondido, California

  48. ca_49_I580I238_fhwa_1990_310.jpg
    California - The I-580 & I-238 interchange in Alameda County closed the gap on two vital highways. (Caltrans photo)

  49. ca_4_I5_NARA_1960_66.jpg
    California - Looking southeasterly along Golden State Freeway near Burbank Boulevard. May 12, 1959.

  50. ca_50_I110_fhwa_1956_261.jpg
    Looking southerly along Harbor Freeway showing Alpine Street overcrossing. Four -level traffic interchange structure in center. ( California Department of Public Works photo)

  51. ca_51_I10_fhwa_1957_1663.jpg
    San Bernardino Freeway looking east on Kelleg Hill showing summit cut. (California Department of Transportation of Public Works photo)

  52. ca_52_I10_fhwa_1958_4213_4.jpg
    Looking southwest along the San Bernardino Freeway, (California Department of Public Works photo)

  53. ca_53_I5_fhwa_1957_5599_4.jpg
    San Diego Freeway looking south to Wilshire Boulevard interchange and Santelle Veterans Hospital. California Department of Public Works photo)

  54. ca_54_I5_fhwa_1957_5599_5.jpg
    San Diego Freeway st the Sunset Boulevard overcrossing looking north (two-quad modified cloverleaf interchange. (California Department of Public Works photo)

  55. ca_55_I5_fhwa_1957_5768_7.jpg
    Looking northerly along San Diego Freeway with Wilshire Boulevard in foreground. (California Department of Public Works photo)

  56. ca_56_I5_fhwa_1957_5772_12.jpg
    Santa Ana Freeway, looking northeasterly toward Los Angeles Street interchange (three-quad modified diamond interchange) California Department of Public Works photo.

  57. ca_57_I5_fhwa_1957_57713_13.jpg
    Santa Ana Freeway, with Ball Road overcrossing in foreground. Disneyland is on the right. (California Department of Public Works photo)

  58. ca_58_I5_fhwa_1957_5776_14.jpg
    Looking northwest along the Golden State Freeway showing western Avenue cloverleaf in Glendale (four-quad cloverleaf interchange with collector-distributor roads.) California Department of Public Works photo

  59. ca_59_I5_fhwa_1957_5776_6.jpg
    Golden State Freeway looking northwest across northeast corner of Griffith Park. Three-leg connection to Victory Street in upper left, future connection from south east Colorado Freeway to right (stubs shown). California Department of Public Works photo

  60. ca_60_I5_fhwa_1957_5776_14.jpg
    I-5 Golden State Freeway in foreground. (California Department of Public Department of Public Works photo.

  61. ca_61_I5_fhwa_1957_5772_18.jpg
    I-5 Santa Ana Freeway looking southeasterly along Anaheim line. (California Department of Public Works hoto)

  62. ca_62_I5_fhwa_1957_5772_21.jpg
    Santa Ana Freeway looking southeasterly toward Anaheim line with interchange with Euclid Avenue in center. (California Department of Public Works photo)

  63. ca_6_I5_NARA_1960_78.jpg
    California - Recently completed contract on Interstate 5 in Burbank with the Magnolia Avenue structure and Olive Avenue structure in the center of the picture. Aug 16, 1959.

  64. ca_7_I5_10_NARA_1960_77.jpg
    Interstate 5 Interchange with Interstate 10 looking northerly. To the right is the San Bernardino Freeway toward Pomona. To the left is Los Angeles. State Street structure is directly in front of the County Hospital. Nov. 15, 1959.

  65. ca_8_I5_NARA_1960_79.jpg
    California - Temporary terminus of Interstate 5 on Riverside Drive in the vicinity of Glendale Boulevard, Las Feliz Boulevard interchange and Griffith Park ramps can be seen in the background. Aug 16,1959.

  66. ca_9_I5_NARA_1960_80.jpg
    California - Looking northwesterly along Golden State Freeway with the Las Feliz Boulevard interchange in the center of the picture. The cities of Burbank and Glendale are in the background. May 12, 1959.

  67. co_10_I25_NARA_1960_303.jpg
    Colorado - Denver Valley Highway - Interstate Route 25 at the Speer Boulevard cloverleaf interchange. Speer Boulevard is a principal artery to downtown Denver. 11/4/58.

  68. co_11_I25_fhwa_1966_277.jpg
    Colorado - Natural Fort safety rest area on Interstate 25 just south of the Wyoming State line.

  69. co_1_I70_NARA_1960_15.jpg
    Colorado - Interstate Project I-70-3(1)250) - Ground view west (before construction) at Floyd Hill junction of I-70 and U.S. 6 showing normal daily traffic. Interstate Route 70 westerly from Denver.

  70. co_27_I70_fhwa_1967_422.jpg
    Big rock job on I-70 at historic Georgetown, near grade. Excavation ran around 1,500,00 cubic yards in 2.6 miles, much of it in solid silver plume granite.

  71. co_28_I70_fhwa_1992.jpg
    View of I-70 through Glenwood Canyon, Colorado.

  72. co_2_I70_NARA_1960_296.jpg
    Colorado - Interstate Route 70 westerly from Denver. View of new Interstate location as it bypasses Idaho Springs approximately 40 miles west of Denver.

  73. co_3_I70_NARA_1960_18.jpg
    Colorado - Interstate Route 70 westerly from Denver (Colorado Interstate Project I-70-3(1)250)). View looking northwest showing the Floyd Hill interchange completed except for a small amount of cleanup work. The project was officially opened to traffic on Dec. 11, 1959.

  74. co_4_I70_I40_NARA_1960_297.jpg
    Colorado - View of the bypass at Idaho Springs, Colorado, on Interstate Route 70. Old routing of U.S. 40 through the town can be seen to the right. 11/20/58.

  75. co_5_I25_NARA_1960_298.jpg
    Colorado - Interstate Route 25. Looking north from the Central Avenue interchange. 6/8/59

  76. co_6_I25_NARA_1960_299.jpg
    Colorado - Denver Valley Highway - Interstate Route 25. View of the intersection of 46th Avenue and the Valley Highway. 11/4/58

  77. co_7_I25_NARA_1960_300.jpg
    Colorado - Pueblo Freeway - Interstate Route 25. View of Pueblo Freeway with Ilex Street interchange in the foreground. June 8, 1959

  78. co_8_I25_NARA_1960_301.jpg
    Colorado - Denver Valley Highway - Interstate 25. View of southeast Denver looking toward the northwest. Franklin Street underpass bridge is in the foreground. November 4, 1958

  79. co_9_I25_NARA_1960_302.jpg
    60-302- Colorado - Denver Highway Interstate Route 25. View of the freeway as it passes under Alameda paralleling the Platte River. Nov. 4, 1958.

  80. ct_16_I84_fhwa_1970_804_4.jpg
    Curved girder bridge in Farmington over I-84 (Conn DOT photo)

  81. ct_1_I84_FHWA_63_1233.jpg
    Connecticut - Interstate Route 84 winds through Seymour on a long viaduct.

  82. ct_2_I91_NARA_1960_306.jpg
    Connecticut - I-91-3(15)38 - Interstate Route 91 - Founders Bridge interchange in Hartford. Aerial view looking northeast. Nov. 26, 1958

  83. ct_3_I84_FhWA_1964_569.jpg
    Connecticut - A steel-arch design was chosen for esthetic reasons for this bridge spanning Interstate Route 84 in Middlebury.

  84. dc_1_I95I495_FHWA_1964_495.jpg
    Capital Beltway - Maryland - The final link in the Capital Beltway around Washington, D.C. is opened in ceremonies on August 17, 1964, with Federal Highway Administrator Rex Whitton and Maryland Governor Millard Tawes cutting the ribbon, and John B. Funk, Chairman of the Maryland State Highway Commission, assisting. (Photo by Washington Star)

  85. dc_2_I95I295_FHWA_1964_14.jpg
    Washington, D.C. - Interstate Route 95 [now I-395] carries 52,000 vehicles daily into and out of Washington, D.C., not far from the Nation's Capitol. Presently blocked-off lanes will connect with the inner loop, I-295, seen here under construction

  86. fl_2_I4_FHWA_62_63_75280_3417.jpg
    Florida - I-4 (Section 75280-3417) in Orange County - America to Washington Street in Orlando showing Municipal Parking Area under the large structure on the recently opened project. 7-19-62.

  87. fl_36thstmiamiexpressway_FHWA_63_1144.jpg
    Florida - Completed 36th Street interchange on the Miami Expressway, Miami, Florida.

  88. fl_45_I95_fhwa.jpg
    I-95 in Brevard County shows the wooded median and roadside areas preserved by the Florida Department of Transportation. The tall cypress tree in the median area is the nesting site for a family of ospreys. (photo taken by FLDOT

  89. ga_5_I285_I75_fhwa_1966_125.jpg
    Georgia - The interchange between Interstate Route 285 (bottom & top) and Interstate 75 (right & left) northwest of Atlanta, illustrates the beauty achieved through varying roadway elevations and median widths and selective clearing in the original design and construction of a highway.

  90. ga_60_I85_fhwa_1966_127.jpg
    Georgia- Views of Interstate 85 in northeast Georgia, one of six routes cited for imaginative excellence in design and construction in PARADE magazine's 1965 Scenic Highway Contest.

  91. ga_61_I65_fhwa_1966_126.jpg
    Georgia - View of Interstate Route 85 in northeast Georgia, one of six routes cited for imaginative excellence in design and construction in PARADE magazine's 1965 Scenic Highway Contest.

  92. ga_62_I285I75_fhwa_1966_125.jpg
    Georgia - The interchange between Interstate Route 285 (Bottom- Top) and Interstate 75 (Right - Left) northwest of Atlanta, Illustrates the beauty achieved through varying roadway elevations and median width and selective clearing in the original design and construction of a highway.

  93. ga_63_I20I75_fhwa_1966_124.jpg
    Georgia- An aerial view of the interchange in Atlanta between Interstate Routes 20 (Right - Left) and 75 (Bottom - Top), Atlanta's new major league stadium dominates the foreground and the ever changing skyline makes a striking backdrop.

  94. ga_64_I75_fhwa_1966_129.jpg
    Georgia - Highway Department maintenance forces are shown removing a billboard erected in violation of State law controlling outdoor advertising from alongside Interstate 75 in south Georgia during a May, 1965, clean-up of unauthorized signs.

  95. ga_65_I75_fhwa_1967_490.jpg
    I-75 @ Chattahoochee River (north of Atlanta)

  96. ga_66_I75_fhwa_1967_493.jpg
    I-75 South of Calhoun, Gordon County.

  97. ga_67_I16I75_fhwa_1967_494.jpg
    I-16 and I-75 North of Macon, Bib County

  98. ga_68_I75_fhwa_1970_1055.jpg
    Erection of lights with break-away base on Atlanta's Northwest Freeway.

  99. ga_6_I20_I75_fhwa_1966_124.jpg
    Georgia - An aerial view of the interchange in Atlanta between Interstate Routes 20 (right & left) and 75 (bottom & top). Atlanta's new major league stadium dominates the foreground and the ever-changing skyline makes a striking backdrop.

  100. hi_8_H1_fhwa_1968_168.jpg
    Hawaii Lunalilo Freeway, Honolulu: vicinity of Middle Street.

  101. ia_15_I8_fhwa_1967_385.jpg
    I-80 LeClaie bridge over the Mississippi River at LeClaire, Iowa.

  102. id_10_I184_fhwa_1967_742.jpg
    Idaho - Looking east on revised photograph of the Interstate spur leading into Boise. The seciton beyond Orchard Street is under construction and the section in lower half of the photo is advertised for bids July 1967. Looking east.

  103. id_11_I15_fhwa_1964_85.jpg
    Idaho - Interstate Route 15, here skirting Idaho Falls, is open to traffic for 57 miles north from Pocatello.

  104. id_1_I15_fhwa_1967_725.jpg
    Idaho - Federal Aid Highway No. I-15 at Inkom, in Bannock County, looking southwest in May 1967. Project I-15-1(2)54.

  105. id_2_I15_fhwa_1967_728.jpg
    Idaho - FAI Route I-15 through the large lava field looking north some 6 miles north of the city of Blackfoot. This picture was taken in June 1965 to show the construction of the rest area facilities. It shows the access roads to the proposed areas. The rest areas facilities have now been constructed but no picuture is available at this time.

  106. id_3_I15_fhwa_1967_729.jpg
    Idaho - FAI Route I-15 through the large lava field near Blackfoot. Looking north some 6 miles north of the city of Blackfoot. This picture was taken in June 1965 to show the construction of the rest area facilities. It shows the access roads to the proposed areas. The rest areas facilities have now been consturcted but no picuture is available at this time.

  107. id_4_I84_fhwa_1967_731.jpg
    Idaho - Rest area on FAI Route I-80N (now I-84) at the Idaho-Oregon State line. This rest area is on the Idaho side overlooking the Snake River and the highly developed agricultural land on the Oregon side. The area provides tables, toilets, shade, lighting, grass, and running water. Trees have been planted. Looking northwest in June 1967.

  108. id_5_I15_fhwa_1967_733.jpg
    Idaho - Federal Aid Highway No. I-15 at Inkom, in Bannock county, looking southwest in May 1967. Project I-15-1(2)54.

  109. id_6_I84_fhwa_1967_734.jpg
    Idaho - Rest area on FAI Route I-80N (now I-84) at the Idaho-Oregon State Line. This rest area is on the Idaho side overlooking the Snake River and the highly developed agricultural land on the Oregon side. The area provides tables, toilets, shade, lighting, grass, and running water. Trees have been planted. Looking northwest in June 1967.

  110. id_7_I184_fhwa_1967_739.jpg
    Idaho - Project U-3281(15) on the west edge of Boise in April 1967 looking west. A twin 10'x7' concrete box culvert 452' in length is shown under construction. The cost of the project is $167,000. It includes this culvert for the Settlers Canal and two bridges over the Boise River Slough. The project is a portion of the Boise Connector to Interstate Route 80N (now I-184)

  111. id_8_I184_fhwa_1967_740.jpg
    Idaho - This revised photograph shows the proposed Interstate spur and the adjoining primary section on the west side of Boise. In the lower righthand corner the bridges across the Boise River are constructed. The portion from Orchard Street to these bridges is now under construction. The portion beyond Orchard Street is to be let July 1967. The project under construction is U-3281(14) and I-IG-80N-1(25)50, now Inerstate 184, looking west.

  112. id_9_I184_fhwa_1967_741.jpg
    Idaho - This revised picture shows a section of the proposed Interstate spur leading into the city of Boise. The separation structure in the lower half of the picture is over the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad and Franklin Road (FAS 3779). This section is on Project I-IG-80N-1(22)50, now Inerstate 184. It is advertised for bids July 1967. Looking northeast.

  113. il_10_aasho_64_482.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois - (K-I) HETAG Heavy Duty Tank Transporter used in the special conducted after completion of regular test traffic.

  114. il_11_aasho_64_483.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois - L-3 Heavy Duty Tank Transporter used in the special test conducted after completion of regular test traffic.

  115. il_12_aasho_64_485.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois Off-Road Train Trailer used in the special test conducted after completion of regular test traffic.

  116. il_13_aasho_64_487.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois -LPLS Tire mounted on Special Test vehicle for Post Test Special Studies.

  117. il_14_aasho_64_493.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois Interior of vehicle maintenance shop.

  118. il_15_aasho_64_489.jpg
    AASHO Road Test track, near Ottawa, IL.

  119. il_16_aasho_64_491.jpg
    AASHO Road Test Illinois - Traffic over Test Bridge.

  120. il_17_aasho_10_15_1958.jpg
    After ribbon cutting ceremony, first trucks roll over Loop 6(D) at the AASHO Road Test. (See October 15, 1958)

  121. il_19_aasho_54_17.jpg
    President Eisenhower signs the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1954 on May 6, 1954. Watching are (left to right) Senator William F. Knowland (R-CA), Representative George A. Dondero (R-MI), Rep. Clifford Davis (D-TN), Senator Francis Case (SD), Rep. Homer D. Angell (R-OR), Senator Edward Martin (R-PA), and Rep. J. Harry McGregor (R-OH). On the fringe at far right is Rep. George H. Fallon (D-MD), who would play a key role in making the President's vision a reality in 1956. (Courtesy Dwight Eisenhower Library).

  122. il_1_I57_I70_FHWA_63_1240.jpg
    Illinois - A tri-level interchange interconnects Interstate Routes 57 and 70 southwest of Effingham. Each of the three levels carries traffic in one direction only.

  123. il_1_aasho_64_488.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois - Aerial view of AASHO Road Test.

  124. il_2_I55_FHWA_1964_432.jpg
    Illinois - Sign at a construction site on Interstate 55.

  125. il_2_aasho_64_489.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois - Test Traffic on Loops.

  126. il_3_I90_I59_FHWA_1964_25.jpg
    Wisconsin - Interstate Route 90 crosses the Rock River on twin bridges and intersects State Route 59 near Edgerton on its way from Chicago to Wisconsin Dells.

  127. il_3_aasho_64_473.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois- Taking deflection measurements with the Benkelman Beam device.

  128. il_4_aasho_64_488.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois - Aerial view of AASHO Road Test.

  129. il_53_I90_nara_1960_655.jpg
    Congress St. Expressway (Interstate 90) from 17th st. overpass looking East, showing depressed section with good landscaping, steel cable guard rail, 10 foot paved shoulder, 24 foot median. Residential Area. Chicago, Illinois. Photo by T. W. Kines 10-12-60

  130. il_54_I94_nara_1960_656.jpg
    Interstate 94 (Edens Expressway) showing 6 traffic lanes, off ramp right and one ramp left, steel cable guard in median, Chicago, Illinois.

  131. il_55_I94_nara_1960_657.jpg
    Interstate 94 (Edens Expressway) showing 6 traffic lanes, off ramp right and one ramp left, steel cable guard in median, Chicago, Illinois.

  132. il_56_I94_nara_1960_658.jpg
    Interstate 94 (Edens Expressway) thru commercial and residential area, also showing depressed section and frontage road left. Looking North into Foster Ave. From Railroad overpass, Chicago, Illinois.

  133. il_57_I94_nara_1960_659.jpg
    Interstate 94 (Edens Expressway) View showing 6 traffic lanes, crushed stone shoulders, and steal cable guardrail in median. Looking north from Carpenter Road. Chicago, Illinois.

  134. il_58_I94_nara_1960_660.jpg
    Interstate 94 (Edens Expressway) View showing 6 traffic lanes, 24 foot median with steel cable guard rail - looking N.W. from Oakton St. Chicago, Illinois.

  135. il_59_I94_nara_1960_661.jpg
    Interstate 94 (Edens Expressway) View of Edens Expressway showing commercial development left and residential section right. Looking N.W. between Touchy Ave. and Oakton Street. Chicago Illinois.

  136. il_5_aasho_64_490.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois Test Traffic on Loops.

  137. il_60_I94_nara_1960_662.jpg
    Interstate 94 Interchange of Dempster St. and Edens Expressway Skokie, Illinois.

  138. il_61_I94_nara_1960_663.jpg
    Interstate 94 View of (Edens Expressway) looking into Church St. overpass about 1 mile north of Dempster Street. Skokie, Illinois.

  139. il_62_I90_nara_1969_664.jpg
    Interstate 90 (Congress St. Expressway) View of expressway thru Post Office Building looking east showing west side of expressway and building, Chicago, Ill.

  140. il_63_I55_nara_1960_693.jpg
    INTERSTATE 55 Grade Separation of State Route 126 over I-55 north of US 52 10 miles.

  141. il_64_I55_nara_1960_694.jpg
    INTERSTATE 55 Looking north showing frontage roads, 48 foot depressed median, 10 foot gravel shoulders and 24 foot concrete pavement. Miles north of US 52

  142. il_65_I94_nara_1961_170.jpg
    View of Northwest Expressway sowing a section of reversible roadway with 6 lanes of traffic. Looking West from Augusta Blvd. Chicago, Illinois. Photo by T.W. Kines 5-8-61

  143. il_66_I94_nara_1961_171.jpg
    View of Northwest Expressway showing heavy traffic during peak period. Looking East between Augusta Blvd. And Division Street, C&NW RR on Left. Chicago, Ill. Photo by T. W. Kines 5-8-61

  144. il_67_I94_nara_1961_172.jpg
    View of Northwest Expressway showing heavy traffic during peak period. Looking East between Augusta Blvd. And Division Street, C&NW RR on left. Chicago Illinois.

  145. il_68_I94_nara_1961_176.jpg
    Interstate 94 Chicago, Illinois. View of Northwest Expressway showing heavy traffic on a section of reversible roadway with 6 lanes of traffic. Looking West from Irving Park overpass.

  146. il_69_I94_nara_1961_177.jpg
    Interstate 94- Chicago Illinois. Junction of Northwest Expressway and Edens Expressway looking West from Montrose Avenue.

  147. il_6_aasho_64_491.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois Traffic over Test Bridge.

  148. il_70_I90_nara_1961_178.jpg
    View of Interstate 90 - Congress Street Expressway showing depressed section of Congress Street. Expressway with C.A. & E. RR using median strip. Looking East from Larmaie Avenue.

  149. il_71_I90_nara_1961_179.jpg
    View of Interstate 90 - Congress Street Expressway showing depressed section of Congress Street. Expressway with C.A. & E. RR using median strip. Looking East from Larmaie Avenue.

  150. il_72_I90_nara_1961_180.jpg
    View of Congress Street Expressway ( Interstate 90) looking East from Lombard Street showing concrete retaining wall, exit and enter ramp from center of median and C.A.&E. RR.

  151. il_74_I66_nara_1960_47.jpg
    Looking southwest on U.S. 66 and now frontage road construction, west of Romeoville.

  152. il_75_I90_nara_1961_182.jpg
    View of Congress Street Expressway (I-90) showing exit ramp from Congress Street Expressway to Harlem Avenue From West bound lane. Looking east. Chicago Ill.

  153. il_76_I90_nara_1961_183.jpg
    View of Congress Street, Expressway looking East from Howard Street.

  154. il_77_I90_nara_1961_184.jpg
    View of Congress Street, Expressway looking East from 25th Avenue overpass showing exit ramp right and traffic on Congress Street Expressway.

  155. il_78_I90_nara_1961_185.jpg
    View of Congress Street Expressway looking East from Mannheim Road overpass showing heavy traffic and exit ramp right and enter ramp left.

  156. il_79_I80_fhwa_1964_568.jpg
    A forest of steel takes shape as twin bridges and approaches to carry Interstate Route 80 over the Des Plaines River at Joliet. A main center span is seen here mounted on barges, ready to be floated into place.

  157. il_7_aasho_64_492.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois - Traffic over Test Bridge

  158. il_8_aasho_64_494.jpg
    AASHO Road Test Illinois - Longitudinal Profilometer.

  159. il_9_aasho_64_496.jpg
    AASHO Road Test - Illinois - Two-axle tractor scraper used in special studies after regular test traffic.

  160. in_16_I80_fhwa_1967_568.jpg
    Indiana- I70 near Richmond

  161. in_17_I69_fhwa_1964_17.jpg
    Interstate 69, here meeting Indiana State Route 14 at a cloverleaf interstate section, bypasses Fort Wayne. (Not yet in use when photographed.)

  162. in_18_I74_fhwa_1963_1235.jpg
    Interstate Route 74 and 465 meet on the west side of Indianapolis, Ind. Interstate 465, running across the picture, is part of the Indianapolis circumferential freeway.

  163. in_1_I74_I465_FHWA_63_1235.jpg
    Indiana - Interstate Routes 74 & 465 meet on the west side of Indianapolis. Interstate 465, running across the picture, is part of the Indianapolis circumferential freeway.

  164. ks_1_I70_K_23E_FHWA_63_1231.jpg
    Kansas - Intersection of I-70 and K23E at Grainfield, Grove County. (Kansas State Highway Comm. Photo)

  165. ks_2_exhibitEintercityviaductkansascity_missouri_fhwa_1962.jpg
    Kansas - Intercity Viaduct in Kansas City - Kansas-Missouri westbound structure complete November 1962. (Kansas State Highway Commission Photo)

  166. ks_5_I70_fhwa_1964_7.jpg
    Kansas - Interstate Route 70 links the two Kansas Cities, crossing the Kansas River on the old and new Intercity Viaducts. (The new structure was carrying all traffic while the old one was being re-decked.) The Kansas City, Mo., central business district, looming in the distance above, is shown close up below, served by the Innerloop section of I-70. (Construction was underway at the time of this phrotograph.)

  167. ks_6_I70_fhwa_1967_88.jpg
    Kansas - Safety rest area located on Interstate 70 in Geary County. Native timber lends maturity to the rest area; picnic facilities are available.

  168. ky_18_I75_fhwa_1967_664.jpg
    I-75 Clays Ferry Bridge, Madison County- Fayette County.

  169. la_10_I10_fhwa_1967_230.jpg
    230-Louisiana - Bridge construction for Interstate 10.

  170. la_11_I10_fhwa_1967_229.jpg
    230-Louisiana - Bridge construction for Interstate 10

  171. la_12_I10_fhwa_1967_228.jpg
    230-Louisiana - Bridge construction for Interstate 10.

  172. la_1_I20_fhwa_1967_558.jpg
    Louisiana - The Shreveport Expressway, part of Interstate Route 20, skirts the southwest edge of the city's downtown area. (Under construction when photographed.)

  173. la_2_I20_fhwa_1967_745.jpg
    Louisiana - Lincoln Parish, I-20, Rustow-Simsboro Highway.

  174. la_3_I20_fhwa_1967_746.jpg
    Louisiana - Lincoln Parish, I-20, Rustow-Simsboro Highway.

  175. la_4_I20_fhwa_1967_747.jpg
    Louisiana - Lincoln Parish, I-20, Rustow-Simsboro Highway.

  176. la_5_I20_fhwa_1967_748.jpg
    Louisiana - I-20, Lincoln Parish, Rustow-Simsboro Highway.

  177. la_6_I210_fhwa_1967_752.jpg
    Louisiana - Lake Charles bypass bridge over Calcasieu Lake and River - I-210.

  178. la_7_I10_fhwa_1967_755.jpg
    Louisiana - Westlake interchange underpass Route I-10, Calcasieu Parish.

  179. la_8_I10_fhwa_1967_756.jpg
    Louisiana - Westlake interchange underpass Route I-10, Calcasieu Parish.

  180. la_9_I20_fhwa_1967_759.jpg
    Louisiana - Interchange and railroad overpass east of Greenwood Rt. I-20, Caddo Parish.

  181. ma_10_I95_nara_1963_1434.jpg
    Massachusetts - Rest area, Interstate 95.

  182. ma_11_I95_nara_1963_1454.jpg
    Massachusetts - Massachusetts Turnpike Interstate 95 showing wide median and long straight alignment.

  183. ma_12_I95_nara_1963_1456.jpg
    Massachusetts - Merrick River Bridge on Interstate 95 North of Boston.

  184. ma_13_I95_fhwa_1967_216.jpg
    Massachusetts - Shown in the lower foreground are concrete promenade areas for the Fall River City complex that will be constructed over this depressed segment of Interstate I-95.

  185. ma_1_I95_FHWA_63_1133.jpg
    Massachusetts - I-95 in Attleboro-North Attleboro - Graded to leave as much of the natural growth as possible in median.

  186. ma_2_I95_fhwa_1966_192.jpg
    Massachusetts - Interstate 95 in Attleboro. When the Attleboro strip was being designed, a city reservoir was under construction, and the highway was planned so that its embankment would serve as a dike for the reservoir (left background), adding to the overall attractiveness of the landscape.

  187. ma_3_I95_fhwa_1966_383.jpg
    Massachusetts - Independent roadway design and a wide median help fit Interstate Route 95 into the landscape in between Attleboro and Sharon. (Projects I-95-1(23)4,(11)9,(19), (18)15, &(21)19.)

  188. ma_4_I95_nara_1963_1323.jpg
    Massachusetts - Interstate 95 north of Boston.

  189. ma_5_I90_nara_1958_1083.jpg
    Massachusetts - Massachusetts Turnpike looking west showing variable guard rail in median, and two-level sections.

  190. ma_6_I90_nara_1958_1084.jpg
    Massachusetts - Massachusetts Turnpike looking east in the Lee-Pittsfield area.

  191. ma_7_I495_nara_1963_1129.jpg
    Massachusetts - Portion of the completed I-495, a six-lane facility with two bridges on which a future contract will be awarded for roadside development.

  192. ma_8_I495_nara_1963_1131.jpg
    Massachusetts - Portion of the completed I-495, a six-lane facility with two bridges on which a future contract will be awarded for roadside development.

  193. ma_9_I95_nara_1963_1433.jpg
    Massachusetts - Rest area, Interstate 95.

  194. md_41_I97_fhwa_1990_MD972.jpg
    This segment of I-97 between Baltimore and Annapolis opened in December 1987. (Maryland state highway administration photo)

  195. me_14_I95_fhwa_1967_385.jpg
    Twin Interstate Bridges on I-95 across the Penobscot River at Medway. These structures opened to traffic in the Fall of 1966.

  196. me_1_I95_FHWA_1963_1230.jpg
    Maine - Interstate Route 95 crosses Messalonskee Stream on twin bridges in Waterville, Maine, as it sweeps past Colby College.

  197. me_2_I95_FHWA_1964_142.jpg
    Maine - A typical highway cross section, cut away to show thickness of pavement and base courses. The test spot was selected at random from a 25-mile newly opened stretch of I-95 between Newport and Bangor as part of an "inspection-in-depth" made by officials of the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads and Maine State Highway Commission in November, 1963. The photo provides indisputable evidence that the tax payer is receiving full value for every highway tax dollar.

  198. mi_Ford_1951.jpg
    Ford Expressway. Michigan Avenue interchange in foreground. McGraw Ave on left and Michigan Avenue on right of Ford Expressway. Wyo ming Ave is under RR track crossing and intersects Mich Ave at grade in foreground

  199. mi_Ford_1952.jpg
    Michigan, Detroit, Ford Expressway showing Livernois interchange, C and O RR structure and Wesson Structure

  200. mi_Ford_1952_001.jpg
    Michigan, Detroit. Ford Expressway looking NE across connection with Willow Run Expressway

  201. mi_I757i94_FHWA_1964_557.jpg
    Three mile of Interstate Route 75, the Walter Chrysler Freeway (upper right), from the downtown business district of Detroit, to Interstate Route 94, the Edsel Ford Freeway, were completed in June 1964. (Not yet finished when photographed.)

  202. mi_Lansing_1946.jpg

  203. mi_ford_1955.jpg
    Michigan, Detroit. Aerial view looking NE along Ford Expressway from vicinity of Grand River Avenue intersection area

  204. mn_1_I535_FHWA_63_1463.jpg
    Minnesota - Duluth-Superior bridge looking toward Wisconsin on Interstate route 535

  205. mn_2_I535_FHWA_63_1464.jpg
    Minnesota - Congressman John Blatnik cutting ribbon, Duluth-Superior bridge, I-535.

  206. mn_3_I494_35W_FHWA_63_1465.jpg
    Minnesota - Looking south-southeast at juncture of Interstates 494 and 35W near Bloomington, south of Minneapolis.

  207. mn_4_I494_route61_FHWA_63_1466.jpg
    Minnesota - Interchange of Interstate Route 494 with Trunk Highway Route U.S. 61 at Newport. South St. Paul in background.

  208. mo_1_I70_FHWA_1964_6.jpg
    Missouri - The Kansas City central business district, looming in the distance above, is shown close up below, served by the Inner loop section of I-70. (Construction was underway at the time of this photograph.)

  209. ms_2_I20_I59_fhwa_1967_457.jpg
    Mississippi - Project I-IG-59-3-(15), Lauderdale County. Directional interchange between I-20 and I-59 west of Meridian. Completed 7-14-67.

  210. ms_3_I55_fhwa_1967_456.jpg
    Mississippi - Project I-IG-55-2(31)96, Hinds County. Three-level separation structure.

  211. mt_13_I15_fhwa_1967_504.jpg
    I-15 Between Helena and Great Falls. Missouri River Canyon construction underway. Existing road show in lower and upper left. Bridge crossing of Missouri River at top center.

  212. mt_2_I15_fhwa_1966_175.jpg
    Montana - Interstate 15-4(6)182, facing west. Capitol interchange east side of Helena, with Interstate roadway appearing across center of photo with railroad overpass at extreme right. U.S. 12 crossroad over Interstate shown. Helena in background. Far skyline is Continental Divide.

  213. mt_3_I15_fhwa_1964_559.jpg
    Montana - Interstate Route 15 traverses flat land as it bypasses Helena; the interchange with U.S. 12 providing ready access into town via two one-way streets. The Continental Divide looms in the distance.

  214. mt_4_I90_fhwa_1967_507.jpg
    Montana - I-90, Homestake Pass east of Butte. Continental Divide facing west. Rest Area in upper center.

  215. mt_5_I90_fhwa_1967_506.jpg
    Montana - I-90, Homestake Pass east of Butte\.- Continental divide facing west. Rest Area in upper center.

  216. mt_6_I15_fhwa_1967_505.jpg
    Montana - I-15 - Town of Wolf Creek between Helena and Great Falls. Town preserved by "tight"design through narrow canyon.

  217. mt_7_I90_fhwa_1967_45.jpg
    Montana - Interchange on the Continental Divide at Homestake Pass just east of Butte on I-90.

  218. mt_8_I90_fhwa_1967_44.jpg
    Montana - "Old Timers Caravan" on Interstate 90 between Manhattan and Belgrade.

  219. mt_9_I15_fhwa_1967_504.jpg
    Montana - I-15 between Helena and Great Falls. Missouri River Canyon construction underway. Existing road shows in lower and upper left. Bridge crossing of Missouri River at top center.

  220. nc_2_I26_fhwa_1967_453.jpg
    North Carolina - Aerial photo looking north at the interchange between I-26 and U.S. 64 on the Hendersonville by-pass. U.S. 64 is shown running from the lower left of the picture to the upper right and has a 1975 design capacity of 9,000 ADT. Interstate 26 has a 1975 design capacity of 15,400 ADT.

  221. nc_3_I26_fhwa_1967_452.jpg
    North Carolina - Shown here is column under construction which will support the highest bridge in North Carolina. The dual bridge is the Green River Bridge on Interstate 26 between East Flat Rock and Saluda and when finished will be 218 feet above the Green River. The longest column will be 139 feet from footing to pier cap measuring approximately 13 1/2 feet in diameter at its base and 9 feet at its top. The columns will be reinforced concrete encased in structural steel shells.

  222. nc_4_I26_fhwa_1967_450.jpg
    North Carolina - Looking northwest toward Hendersonville across site of the highest bridge in the State. This is the Green River on I-26 between East Flat Rock and Saluda. The dual bridges will span a distance of 0.198 miles at 218 feet above the Green River. The steel encased concrete columns will remain unpainted, giving a rustic appearance to the bridge. The longest columns will be 139 feet from footing to pier cap and will be approximately 13 1/2 feet at its base and 9 feet at the top.

  223. nc_5_I26_fhwa_1967_445.jpg
    North Carolina - This aerial photo was taken looking northwest along I-26 with the U.S. 64 interchange shown in the foreground. This project was handled under two contracts totaling more than $5.5 million. Work began February 25, 1963, and the roadway was opened to traffic on January 9, 1967.

  224. nd_14_I94_fhwa_1966_334.jpg
    North Dakota- Looking easterly on Interstate 94 through the Theodore Roosevelt National Park and the crossing of the Interstate over the Little Missouri River.

  225. nd_15_I94_fhwa_1966_207.jpg
    North Dakota- This lake is impounded by Sweet Briar Dam, which is a section of Interstate 94. The use of the highway as dam was made possible by the cooperation of Federal, State and local agencies.

  226. nd_16_I94_fhwa_1967_407.jpg
    Paving operations near Richardton on Interstate 94.

  227. nd_17_i94_fhwa_66_206.jpg
    North Dakota - This lake is impounded by Sweet Briar Dam, which is a section of Interstate 94. The use of the highway as a dam was made possible by the cooperation of Federal, State and local agencies

  228. nd_18_I94_fhwa_66_335.jpg
    North Dakota - Looking westerly on Interstate 94 showing the West Medora Interchange nearing completion, the Little Missouri River Bridge, and present travel on U.S. highway 10. The interchange shown will be the west terminus of Interstate 94 until the next portion west to the Montana State Line is completed.

  229. nd_1_I94_FHWA_1966_206.jpg
    North Dakota -This lake is impounded by Sweet Briar Dam, which is a section of Interstate 94. The use of the highway as a dam was made possible by the cooperation of Federal, State and local agencies.

  230. nd_2_I94_US10_fhwa_1966_335.jpg
    North Dakota - Looking westerly on Interstate 94 showing the West Medora interchange nearing completion, the Little Missouri River Bridge, and present travel on U.S. Highway 10. The interchange shown will be the west terminus of Interstate 94 until the next portion west to the Montana State Line is completed.

  231. ne_2_I480_fhwa_1967_233.jpg
    Nebraska - The new Missouri River Bridge, I-480, between Omaho (above) and Council Bluffs.

  232. nh_1_I93_fhwa_1964_562.jpg
    New Hampshire- Interstate Route 93 near Sanbornton, illustrates the use of independent roadway design and the preservation of trees on the roadside and in the median, for scenic effect and economy.

  233. nh_2_I89_fhwa_1967_636.jpg
    New Hampshire- A pre-completion tour was held in 1966 of 10-mile section of I-89 construction during National Highway week. Guests for the Good Roads Association are shown inspecting freeway construction underway along the southbound lanes of the Warner By-pass

  234. nh_3_I89_fhwa_1967_633.jpg
    New Hampshire -Interstate 89, northwest of Concord. Dramatic savings in travel time, operating costs and improved driving conditions have already been realized by the highway users as each new segment of the Interstate System is opened to traffic through separate regions of the Granite State. This -mile freeway stretch of Interstate 89 was opened to traffic in Warner last fall, in time for the winter ski season.

  235. nh_4_I93_fhwa_1967_631.jpg
    New Hampshire Artist's rendering of the proposed $3 million Amoskeag Bridge in Manchester. Twin deck girder bridges across the Merrick River at Amoskeag. Actual construction on the Federal-aid urban project is not planned to start before the spring of 1968, with final completion due in the fall of 1969. The above view of the 800-foot long twin structures depicts the N.H. Insurance Group home office and the State Armory in the center and right-hand background, along with proposed roadway ramps to Elm Street, Canal Street and River Road.

  236. nh_5_I95_fhwa_1967_630.jpg
    New-Hampshire Artist's rendering of the proposed I-95 bridge over the Piscataqua River between Portsmouth, N.H. and Kittery, Maine.

  237. nh_6_I89_fhwa_1967_218.jpg
    New Hampshire- Interstate 89 crossing the Connecticut river near Leanon.

  238. nh_7_I89_fhwa_1967_217.jpg
    New Hampshire - Interstate 89 spans the Connecticut River between Vermont and New Hampshire. Looking Northwesterly toward "Twin State Crossroads" of Interstate Routes 91 and 89 at White River Junction in Vermont.

  239. nh_8_I89_fhwa_1967_218.jpg
    New Hampshire- Interstate 89 crossing the Connect River near Lebanon.

  240. nh_9_I93_fhwa_64_19.jpg
    The Ash Street bridge over Interstate Route 93 in Londonerry, N.H., was a prize-winning entry in a bridge design competition.

  241. nj_22_I78_fhwa_1967_937.jpg
    Construction on Interstate 78 near Annandale.

  242. nj_23_I78_fhwa_67_943.jpg
    New Jersey portion of largest sing grading contract in history of Dept. including 3 1/2 million cubic yards of excavation. Cuts run to 127 feet deep and fills to 107 feet. Looking west from top of south side of jugtown Mt. Notch. Route 78

  243. nm_1_I40_fhwa_1967_499.jpg
    New Mexico -Construction underway on Interstate 40 between San Fidel and Laguna in Valencia County.

  244. nm_2_I25_I40_fhwa_1967_497.jpg
    New Mexico - Interstate 25/Interstate 40 interchange in Albuquerque, the State's only tri-level interchange structure. The unfinished portion of Interstate 40, which can be seen in the lower foreground, is the last link of Albuquerque's Interstate System to be completed and is presently under construction.

  245. nm_3_I25_fhwa_1967_501.jpg
    New Mexico - Culvert installation on Interstate 25 north of the town of Truth or Consequences in Sierra County.

  246. nm_4_I25_fhwa_1967_502.jpg
    New Mexico - Bridge over the Alamosa River on Interstate 25 north of the town of Truth or Consequences in Sierra County.

  247. nm_5_I40_fhwa_1967_503.jpg
    New Mexico - Utilities bridge spanning Interstate 40 on the west side of Albuquerque.

  248. nm_6_I40_fhwa_1967_498.jpg
    New Mexico - Roadside reat area along interstate -40 approximately 20 miles east of Gallup.

  249. nv_10_I80_fhwa_63_1234.jpg
    Interstate Route 80 head toward Golconda Summit in western Nevada.

  250. nv_9_I15_fhwa_1967_206.jpg
    Nevada- Tropicana Interchange on Interstate 15 looking Northeast toward downtown Las Vegas. Old U.S. 91 is parallel to Interstate 15.

  251. ny_10_I81_fhwa_1967_696.jpg
    New York - I-81 Syracuse.

  252. ny_11_I81I690_fhwa_1967_697.jpg
    New York - Onondaga Interchange, I-81 and I-690 - Syracuse.

  253. ny_12_I81I690_fhwa_1967_698.jpg
    New York - Onondaga Interchange, I-81 and I-690 - Syracuse.

  254. ny_13_I81I690_fhwa_1967_699.jpg
    New York - Onondaga Interchange, I-81 and I-690 - Syracuse.

  255. ny_14_I81_fhwa_1967_695.jpg
    New York - I-81 Syracuse.

  256. ny_15_I87_fhwa_1967_685.jpg
    New York - A view along the 23-mile section of the Adirondack Northway (Interstate Route 87) which was adjudged America's Most Scenic New Highway of 1966 by Parade Magazine. The section, between Lake George and Potterville in Warren County, is part of the 176-mile-long Albany-to-Canada Expressway.

  257. ny_16_I87_fhwa_1967_686.jpg
    New York - A view along the 23-mile section of the Adirondack Northway (Interstate Route 87) which was adjudged America's Most Scenic New Highway of 1966 by Parade Magazine. The section, between Lake George and Potterville in Warren County, is part of the 176-mile-long Albany-to-Canada Expressway.

  258. ny_17_I87_fhwa_1967_687.jpg
    New York - A view along the 23-mile section of the Adirondack Northway (Interstate Route 87) which was adjudged America's Most Scenic New Highway of 1966 by Parade Magazine. The section, between Lake George and Potterville in Warren County, is part of the 176-mile-long Albany-to-Canada Expressway.

  259. ny_18_I87_fhwa_1967_688.jpg
    New York - A view along the 23-mile section of the Adirondack Northway (Interstate Route 87) which was adjudged America's Most Scenic New Highway of 1966 by Parade Magazine. The section, between Lake George and Potterville in Warren County, is part of the 176-mile-long Albany-to-Canada Expressway.

  260. ny_19_I87_fhwa_1967_689.jpg
    New York - A view along the 23-mile section of the Adirondack Northway (Interstate Route 87) which was adjudged America's Most Scenic New Highway of 1966 by Parade Magazine. The section, between Lake George and Potterville in Warren County, is part of the 176-mile-long Albany-to-Canada Expressway.

  261. ny_1_GeorgeWashingtonBridge_FHWA_63_1074.jpg
    New York - George Washington Bridge. Second deck construction

  262. ny_20_I87_fhwa_1967_690.jpg
    New York - A view along the 23-mile section of the Adirondack Northway (Interstate Route 87) which was adjudged America's Most Scenic New Highway of 1966 by Parade Magazine. The section, between Lake George and Potterville in Warren County, is part of the 176-mile-long Albany-to-Canada Expressway.

  263. ny_21_I87_fhwa_1967_691.jpg
    New York - A view along the 23-mile section of the Adirondack Northway (Interstate Route 87) which was adjudged America's Most Scenic New Highway of 1966 by Parade Magazine. The section, between Lake George and Potterville in Warren County, is part of the 176-mile-long Albany-to-Canada Expressway.

  264. ny_22_I87_fhwa_1967_692.jpg
    New York - A view along the 23-mile section of the Adirondack Northway (Interstate Route 87) which was adjudged America's Most Scenic New Highway of 1966 by Parade Magazine. The section, between Lake George and Potterville in Warren County, is part of the 176-mile-long Albany-to-Canada Expressway.

  265. ny_23_I176_fhwa_1963_1075.jpg
    New York- Looking north at new ramp to Henry Hudson Parkway. Second deck Construction.

  266. ny_24_I87_fhwa_1989_390.jpg
    The Adirondack Northway Interstate Route 87 Potterville - Keeseville New York

  267. ny_26_I90_fhwa_1958_3665.jpg
    New York State Thruway (NY thruway authority photo)

  268. ny_27_I90_fhwa_1958_3735.jpg
    New York State Thruway (NY thruway authority photo)

  269. ny_2_I95_FHWA_1963_939.jpg
    New York - Verrazano-Narrows Bridge between New York City and Staten Island is the largest suspension bridge in the world. Total length of bridge is 13,700 ft; length of suspended structure, 6,690 ft; main span, 4,260 ft; each side span, 1,215 ft; width, 103 ft. The main towers reach 690 ft above the mean high water and the clearance at center is 228 ft above the mean high water. On two decks with roadways of 74 ft in width, twelve lanes of traffic will carry vehicles across the Narrows. (Photo by U.S. Steel Corporation)

  270. ny_3_I87_FHWA_1967_690.jpg
    New York- A view along the 23-mile section of the Adirondack Northway (Interstate Route 87) which was adjudge America's Most Scenic New Highway of 1966 by Parade Magazine. The section, between Lake George and Potterville in Warren County, is part of the 176-mile-long Albany-to-Canada expressway.

  271. ny_3_verrazanonarowsbridge_FHWA_1964_615.jpg
    New York - Verrazano-Narrows Bridge between New York City and Staten Island is the largest suspension bridge in the world. Total length of bridge is 13,700 feet; length of suspended structure, 6,690 ft; main span, 4,260 ft; each side span, 1,215 ft; width 103 feet. The main towers reach 690 feet above the mean high water and the clearance at center is 228 feet above the mean high water. On two decks with roadways of 74 feet

  272. ny_4_I87_fhwa_1967_89.jpg
    New York- Presplit rock cut along I-87 in Warren County, This method provides for line of drill holes along the proposed rock backslope which are lightly charged and set off with the regular drill holes using millisecond delays. This provides a relatively smooth face, eliminating much scaling and simplifying future maintenance.

  273. ny_4_verrazanonarrowsbridge_FHWA_1964_613.jpg
    New York - Verrazano-Narrows Bridge between New York City and Staten Island is the largest suspension bridge in the world. Total length of bridge is 13,700 ft; length of suspended structure, 6,690 ft; main span, 4,260 ft; each side span, 1,215 ft; width, 103 ft. The main towers reach 690 ft above the mean high water and the clearance at center is 228 ft above the mean high water. On two decks with roadways of 74 ft in width, twelve lanes of traffic will carry vehicles across the Narrows. (Photo by U.S. Steel Corporation)

  274. ny_5_I87_fhwa_1967_86.jpg
    New York - View from a scenic rest area on Interstate 87 overlooking Lake George. This section bypasses the village of Lake George and U.S. Route 9, which in past years has been the scene of miles long traffic jams during the tourist season. Upon completion of I-87, an expressway facility will be available from New York City to the Canadian border.

  275. ny_6_I95_fhwa_1965_39.jpg
    New York- George Washington Bridge approaches with Alexander Hamilton Bridge foreground. View looking west. Photo by the Port of New York Authority.

  276. ny_7_I95_fhwa_1965_42.jpg
    New York- George Washington Bridge approaches with Alexander Hamilton Bridge foreground. View looking west. Photo by the Port of New York Authority.

  277. ny_8_I95_fhwa_1965_46.jpg
    New York- The Trans-Manhattan Expressway crossing the island of Manhattan. This is the most outstanding example of utilization of air rights in the country. Four 32 story apartment building and the Port of New York Authority bus terminal are shown spanning the 12 land freeway. Photo by Port of New York Authority.

  278. oh_8_I71I75_fhwa_1964_563.jpg
    Ohio- Interstate Route 71 & 75 cross the Ohio River from Covington, Kentucky, on this two-level bridge into Cincinnati, Ohio, where ramps distribute traffic to the two diverging Interstate routes and the city Streets.

  279. ok_3_I40_fhwa_1965_377.jpg
    The twin Tiger Mountain safety rest areas on Interstate Route 40 in Okmulgee County, Okla., offer pleasant respite to motorists.

  280. or_10_I5_fhwa_1966_217.jpg
    Oregon - Screen planting of Incense Cedar on fill on Interstate 5 in Roseburg. Object - to reduce noise to hospital, left center of photograph. Planted in 1955. These trees are 15-18 feet high.

  281. or_11_I5_fhwa_1966_313.jpg
    Oregon - Garden Valley interchange on Interstate 5 at the north entrance to Roseburg. Landscaping appears prominently in the interchange space.

  282. or_12_I5_fhwa_1966_311.jpg
    Idaho-Oregon - Ribbon cutting day at State line bridges one mile southeast of Ontario, on Snake River. The bridges were opened to traffic in January 1960

  283. or_13_I5_fhwa_1966_310.jpg
    Idaho-Oregon - Looking south at the State line bridges over the Snake River one mile southeast of Ontario. Concrete surface, 30 foot curb on each bridge. Length of bridge is 986 feet, spans 127 feet. Bridge designed and constructed by Oregon State Highway Department. Each State paid one-half the cost. The bridges were opened to traffic in January 1960

  284. or_14_I5_fhwa_1966_337.jpg
    Oregon - Recently completed Baldock Safety Rest Area south of Portland, about a half-mile south of the Hubbard Interchange just south of Wilsonville on I-5.

  285. or_15_I405_fhwa_1966_345.jpg
    Oregon- The Stadium Freeway, I-405, in Portland is currently under construction. The 5th Street freeway on-ramp is in lower half of the photograph. The freeway when completed, will bypass downtown Portland on the west.

  286. or_15_I5_fhwa_1966_338.jpg
    Oregon - Cow Creek Safety Rest Area was the site of the I-5 dedication ceremonies about 29 miles north of Grants Pass. Looking south, showing the twin installations of the area.

  287. or_16_I5_fhwa_1966_340.jpg
    Oregon - Construction underway on one of the last segments of Oregon's I-5 south of Canyonville. Shown here is the West Fore Interchange taking shape, with the two southbound lanes of the freeway in use.

  288. or_17_I5_fhwa_1966_341.jpg
    Oregon - The North Wolf Creek interchange, looking north, on I-5 serves the town of Wolf Creek just out of the photograph on the left. The slopes are stabilized by the benching technique, which also catches falling rock.

  289. or_17_I5_fhwa_1966_342.jpg
    Oregon - From Siskiyou Summit, looking north, I-5 winds its way down toward Ashland. The grade is east and the sight distance is excellent, thus combining to make a trip over the rugged Siskiyou a favorable traveling experience.

  290. or_18_I5_I80N_fhwa_1966_323.jpg
    Oregon - The Marquam Bridge over the Willamette River in Portland. The two-decked structure connects I-5 and the Stadium Freeway (I-405) with the East Bank Freeway, I-80N (now I-84), and the Minnesota Freeway, which runs to the Interstate Bridge (I-5 across the Columbia River).

  291. or_18_I84_fhwa_1966_195.jpg
    Oregon- Interstate I-84, Forest Highway Route 28; Bonneville Dam Interchange.

  292. or_19_I5_fhwa_1966_344.jpg
    Oregon - This is the southernmost section of Oregon's I-5 with the California State line just beyond the next hill. Looking southerly along the split-level freeway. At upper left, the old Pacific Highway, U.S. 99, at a former location.

  293. or_19_I84_fhwa_1968_53.jpg
    Oregon- Looking northwest at Farewell Bend Interchange on newly constructed portion of I-84 in Eastern Oregon. Old U.S. 30 is shown on the right.

  294. or_1_I5_FHWA_63_1237.jpg
    Oregon - A connecting link from Interstate Route 5 (on the right) joins Harbor Drive at the edge of downtown Portland. An area prepared for urban re-development appears at the upper left.

  295. or_20_I5_fhwa_1966_346.jpg
    Oregon - Siskiyou Highway interchange. This interchange provides the exit to the Mt. Ashland ski area.

  296. or_20_I84_fhwa_1968_54.jpg
    Oregon- Construction continues on the Bonneville-Hood River County Line Section of I-84. The two-lane Tooth Rock Tunnel will be used for eastbound traffic; the westbound lanes will use a viaduct.

  297. or_21_I5_fhwa_1968_43.jpg
    Oregon- The State tree of each of the States is planted in the Grove of the States. The grove is located in the Baldock Safety Area on I-5, approximately 20 miles south of Portland.

  298. or_22_I84_fhwa_1968_44.jpg
    Oregon- The new Ontario State Park. It lies between the Snake River and I-84 just north of Ontario.

  299. or_23_I5_fhwa_1968_45.jpg
    Oregon- The Suncrest Safety Rest Area is located adjacent to the southbound travel lanes of I-5, about five miles northwest of Ashland.

  300. or_24_I84_fhwa_1968_47.jpg
    Oregon- Looking east on the Mitchell Point-Cascade Lock Section of the Columbia River Highway, I-80N (now I-84).

  301. or_25_I84_fhwa_1968_48.jpg
    Oregon - Looking westerly from Hood River toward the Mitchell Point-Cascade Locks Section of I-80N(now I-84) recently opened to traffic.

  302. or_26_I105_fhwa_1968_49.jpg
    Oregon- Looking westerly on I-105 from a point just southeast of the High Banks Road in the Eugene-Springfield area.

  303. or_27_I84_fhwa_1968_50.jpg
    Oregon- The Meacham on the Pendleton-LaGrande Section of I-80N(now I-84) over the Blue Mountains in Eastern Oregon.

  304. or_28_I5_fhwa_1968_51.jpg
    Oregon- South Tigard Interchange at intersection of Interstate 5 and the Beaverton-Tigard Highway.

  305. or_29_I105_fhwa_1968_52.jpg
    Oregon - Looking westerly at the new Interstate 105 as it crosses over High Banks Road in the Eugene-Springfield area.

  306. or_2_I80_FHWA_1964_21.jpg
    Oregon - Interstate Route 80N (now I-84) travels rough country along the Columbia River near Cascade Locks. A narrow median with safety guard rail was used, since a broad median would have been too costly.

  307. or_30_I84_fhwa_1967_1024.jpg
    Oregon- Construction workers pour pavement on the Huntington Bypass Section of I-84 as work on that section of the Interstate system moves steadily toward completion. Oregon has completed 86 percent of its Interstate system to present-day standards.

  308. or_31_I84_fhwa_1967_1025.jpg
    Oregon- Interstate I-84 just west of Meacham in the Blue Mountains in northeastern Oregon. Interstate route traverses some of Oregon's most scenic countryside in this area.

  309. or_32_I84_fhwa_1967_1026.jpg
    Oregon - Upper Perry Interchange, west of La Grande on I-84, permits traffic to get to Hilgard and way points.

  310. or_33_I5_fhwa_1967_1027.jpg
    Oregon- The South Tigard Interchange on I-5 just south of Portland is fast nearing completion. Interchange will permit traffic from I-5 to reach the Sunset Highway (US26) without going through to Portland.

  311. or_34_I5_fhwa_1967_1028.jpg
    Oregon- Oregon has an intensive program to landscape it's interchange at the entrances to cities along the freeways as well as landscaping the freeways which run through the cities. Here, the Lombard Street Interchange and Interstate 5 in Portland show the results of that program. A pedestrian spiral, center of Photograph, has been provided for safety purposes.

  312. or_35_I5_fhwa_1967_1029.jpg
    Oregon - Interchanges along the freeway have led to industrial and community development. This shows a development adjacent to the Albany Interchange along Interstate 5 in Oregon.

  313. or_36_I5_fhwa_1967_1030.jpg
    Oregon- Interstate 5 cuts through some picturesque country in southern Oregon, as it wends its way through the mountains in that area. Every effort was made to preserve as much of the original beauty of this stretch as possible despite.

  314. or_37_I84_fhwa_1967_1031.jpg
    Oregon- Work moves ahead on Interstate I-84 in the vicinity of Huntington. The old highway, US 30, can be seen in right portion of picture.

  315. or_38_I405_fhwa_1967_1032.jpg
    Oregon - An expensive and difficult project is the construction of the Stadium Freeway (I-405) through metropolitan westside Portland. Work is well advanced with some of the over crossing already opened to traffic.

  316. or_39_I5_fhwa_1967_1034.jpg
    Oregon- The Marquan Bridge gives motorist in the Portland area direct and easy access to the Banfield, Baldock, and Stadium Freeways. The opening of the bridge has reduced traffic congestion in this area considerably. The uncompleted section of the span in lower right corner of picture will connect to the Mr. Hood Highway (US26) in the future.

  317. or_3_I80_N3_FHWA_1966_198.jpg
    Oregon - The Dalles, Oregon Bypass - I-80N-3. Columbia River on the right. Harvey Aluminum Plant in background, far right.

  318. or_40_I84_fhwa_1967_1022.jpg
    Oregon- One of last major sections of the Interstate system to be completed in Oregon is I-84. Present plans call for the completion of this freeway on schedule. Here work is shown in progress on the South Baker Interchange.

  319. or_41_I5_fhwa_1967_1023.jpg
    Oregon- The Safety Rest Area program in Oregon has proved to be most popular with the motoring public. Originally planned to provide for 12 percent of the average daily traffic some of the areas are now servicing as high as 18 percent of the ADT by their sites. This aerial photograph shows the Santiam Safety Rest Area located on I-5 approximately mid-way between Salem and Albany.

  320. or_42_I5_fhwa_1967_722.jpg
    Oregon- Pacific Highway, I-5, Forest Highway 15, completed section north of Azalea.

  321. or_43_I5_fhwa_1967_723.jpg
    Oregon - Pacific Highway, I-5 Forest Highway 15, completed section south of Canyonville.

  322. or_44_I5_fhwa_1967_724.jpg
    Oregon- Pacific Highway, I-5, Forest Highway 15, completed section north of Azalea.

  323. or_45_I84_fhwa_1964_564.jpg
    Oregon- Interstate I-84 in the Dalles, Oregon, travels along the Columbia River on an embankment which required 2 1/2 million cubic yards of fill.

  324. or_46_I5_fhwa_1965_372.jpg
    Oregon Interstate Route 5 lies below ground level as it passes through a residential area of North Portland, Oregon. Trees and shrubs have been planted along the freeway to enhance it's appearance and to serve as a screen.

  325. or_47_I5_fhwa_1966_129.jpg
    Oregon - Siskiyou Highway Interchange. This interchange provides the exit to the Mt. Ashland ski area.

  326. or_48_I5_fhwa_1966_344.jpg
    Oregon - This is the southernmost section of Oregon's I-5 with the California State line just beyond the next hill. Looking southerly along the split-level freeway. At upper left, the old Pacific Highway U.S. 99 shows up at a former location.

  327. or_49_I5_fhwa_1966_339.jpg
    Oregon - Valley of the Rogue State Park has an east access from I-5. The park is taking shape again after the floods of two years ago. Looking northerly, Rogue River on left.

  328. or_4_I80N_RT28_FHWA_1966_196.jpg
    Oregon - Interstate 80N (now I-84), Forest Highway Rt. 28 west of Bonneville Dam interchange, Columbia River Highway.

  329. or_50_I5_fhwa_1966_341.jpg
    Oregon- The North Wolf Creek Interchange, looking north, on I-5 serves the town of Wolf Creek just out of the photograph on the left. The slopes are stabilized by the benching technique, which also catches falling rocks.

  330. or_51_I84_fhwa_1966_343.jpg
    Oregon- The Marquam Bridge over the Willamette River is Portland. The two-decked structure connects I-5 and the Stadium Freeway with the East Bank Freeway, I-84, and the Minnesota Freeway, which runs to the Interstate Bridge.

  331. or_52_I5_fhwa_1966_338.jpg
    Oregon- Cow Creek Safety Rest Area was the site of the I-5 dedication ceremonies about 29 miles north of Grants Pass. Looking south, showing the twin installations of the area.

  332. or_53_I5_fhwa_1966_337.jpg
    Oregon - Recently completed Baldock Safety Rest Area south of Portland, about a half-mile south of the Hubbard Interchange just south of Wilsonville on I-5.

  333. or_54_I84_fhwa_1966_310.jpg
    Idaho-Oregon - Looking south at the State line bridges over the Snake River one mile southeast of Ontario. Concrete surface 30 feet curb to curb on each bridge. Length of bridge is 986 feet, spans 127 feet. Bridge designed and constructed by Oregon State Highway Department. Each State paid on-half the cost. The bridges were one to traffic in January 1960

  334. or_55_I5_fhwa_1966_313.jpg
    Oregon- Garden Valley Interchange on Interstate 5 at the north entrance to Roseburg. Landscaping appear prominently in the interchange space.

  335. or_56_I84_fhwa_1966_311.jpg
    Idaho-Oregon _ Ribbon cutting day at State line bridges on mile southeast of Ontario, on Snake River. The bridges were opened to traffic in January 1960.

  336. or_57_I5_fhwa_1966_208.jpg
    Oregon -Safety rest area under construction on Interstate 5, M.P. 236. This illustrates the type of parking are design now employed; capacity based on percentage of estimated A.D.T. twenty years hence.

  337. or_58_I5_fhwa_1966_209.jpg
    Oregon - Screen planting of Incense Cedar on fill, Interstate 5, in Roseburg. Planted in 1955. These trees are 15-18 feet high.

  338. or_59_I5_fhwa_1966_210.jpg
    Oregon- A planting of Douglas Fir to screen outdoor theater adjacent to Interstate 5 at Cottage Grove.

  339. or_5_I80N_RT28_FHWA_1966_197.jpg
    Oregon - Interstate 80N (now I-84), Forest Highway Rt. 28. West of Bonneville Dam interchange, Columbia River Highway.

  340. or_60_I5_fhwa_1966_215.jpg
    Oregon- Planting of evergreen groundcover (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Kinnikinick) at interchange on Interstate 5 between Albany and Salem. Note also heavy shrub planting on slope beyond crossing A functional planting that improves appearance and reduces maintenance.

  341. or_61_I5_fhwa_1966_217.jpg
    Oregon- Screen planting of Incense Cedar on fill on Interstate 5 in Roseburg. Object - to reduce noise to hospital, left center of photograph. Planted in 1955. These trees are 15-18 feet high.

  342. or_62_I84_fhwa_1966_196.jpg
    Oregon- Interstate I-84, Forest Highway Route 28; Bonneville Dam Interchange, Columbia River Highway.

  343. or_63_I84_fhwa_1966_198.jpg
    Oregon - The Dalles, Oregon Bypass I-84, Columbia river on the right. Harvey Aluminum Plant in background, for right.

  344. or_64_I84_fhwa_1966_197.jpg
    Oregon - East Bonneville Dam Interchange, Columbia River Highway, Interstate 84, Forest Highway Route 28.

  345. or_65_I80_fhwa_1964_21.jpg
    Interstate Route I-84 travels rough country along the Columbia River near Cascade Locks, Oregon. A narrow median with safety guard rail was used, since a broad median would have been too costly.

  346. or_67_I5_fhwa_63_1327.jpg
    A connecting link from Interstate Route 5 (on the right) joins Harbor Drive at the edge of downtown Portland, Oregon. An area prepared for urban redevelopment appears at the upper left.

  347. or_6_I5_fhwa_1966_208.jpg
    Oregon - Safety rest area under construction on Interstate 5, milepost 236. This illustrates the type of parking area design now employed; capacity based on percentage of estimated A.D.T. twenty years hence.

  348. or_7_I5_fhwa_1966_209.jpg
    Oregon - Screen planting of Incense Cedar on fill, interstate 5, in Roseburg. Planted in 1955. These trees are 15-18 feet high.

  349. or_8_I5_fhwa_1966_210.jpg
    Oregon - A planting of Douglas Fir to screen outdoor theater adjacent to Interstate 5 at Cottage Grove.

  350. or_9_I5_fhwa_1966_215.jpg
    Oregon - Planting of evergreen groundcover (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Kinnikinnick) at interchange on Interstate 5 between Albany and Salem. Note also heavy shrub planting on slope beyond crossing - a functional planting that improves appearance and reduces maintenance.

  351. pa_10_I79_fhwa_1965_51.jpg
    Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh, I-79 Still under construction, the Crosstown Boulevard penetrates the east end of the Golden Triangle. Completion of this facility will provide the triangle with express access on all three sides. Dome at left is unique Public Auditorium with retractable roof.

  352. pa_11_I148_fhwa_1964_572.jpg
    Pennsylvania- The Crosstown Boulevard, a connector freeway skirting the cast edge of Pittsburgh's "Golden Triangle," was being built with Federal-aid urban funds. This Pennsylvania Project was coordinated with urban renewal redevelopment programs, The dome at the right is the retractable of the civic auditorium.

  353. pa_12_I84_fhwa_1967_849.jpg
    Pennsylvania Pike County- near Milroy, I-84, first construction started.

  354. pa_13_I84_fhwa_1967_850.jpg
    Pennsylvania Pike County- near Milroy, I-84, first construction started.

  355. pa_14_I95_fhwa_1967_851.jpg
    Pennsylvania- Delaware County, I-95 looking south from Chester.

  356. pa_15_I95_fhwa_1967_854.jpg
    Pennsylvania - I-95 Bridge at Cottman Avenue, Philadelphia.

  357. pa_16_I80I81_fhwa_1967_859.jpg
    Pennsylvania - Luzerne County - westbound lane of I-80 crosses over I-81.

  358. pa_17_I80I81_fhwa_1967_865.jpg
    Pennsylvania - Luzerne County, wes bound lane of I-80 crosses over I-81.

  359. pa_18_I79I80_fhwa_1967_868.jpg
    Pennsylvania- Mercer County. I-79 and I-80 crossroads near Mercer.

  360. pa_19_I79_fhwa_1967_869.jpg
    Pennsylvania - Mercer County. High level welded plate girder bridge on I-79

  361. pa_1_I84_routes6_11_FHWA_63_1236.jpg
    Pennsylvania - North Scranton - triple trumpet interchanges link Interstate Route 81, on the right side of the picture, U.S. Routes 6 & 11, at the lower left and the northern terminus of the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, which comes in from the left on a high viaduct (parallelling U.S. Routes 6 & 11 in the lower left is a railroad.)

  362. pa_20_I84_fhwa_1967_848.jpg
    Pennsylvania - Pike County - near Milroy, I-84, first construction started.

  363. pa_21_I81_fhwa_1966_150.jpg
    Pennsylvania- Interstate Route 81 in Susquehanna County in Pocono resort area.

  364. pa_22_I81_fhwa_1963_1236.jpg
    North of Scranton, Pa. Triple trumpet interchanges link Interstate Route 81, on the right side of the picture, U.S. Routes 6 and 11, at the lower left, and the northern terminus of the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, which comes in form the left on a high viaduct. Paralleling US 6 and 11 at the lower left is a railroad.

  365. pa_23_I80_fhwa_1964_572.jpg
    Pennsylvania - The Crosstown Boulevard, a connector freeway skirting the east edge of Pittsburgh's "Golden Triangle," was being with Federal-aid urban funds. This Pennsylvania Project was coordinated with urban renewal redevelopment programs, The dome at the right is the retractable roof of the civic auditorium

  366. pa_2_pittsburghgoldentriangle_FHWA_1964_572.jpg
    Pennsylvania - The Crosstown Boulevard, a connector freeway skirting the east edge of Pittsburgh's "Golden Triangle," was being built with Federal-aid urban funds. This Pennsylvania project was coordinated with urban renewal redevelopment programs. The dome at the right is the retractable roof of the civic auditorium.

  367. pa_9_I80_fhwa_1966_147.jpg
    Pennsylvania - Interstate Route 80 in Monroe County near Scotrun showing nearly completed rest area along westbound lanes.

  368. ri_1_I195_fhwa_1967_892.jpg
    Rhode Island - Washington Dual Bridge on I-195

  369. ri_2_I95I295_fhwa_1967_893.jpg
    Rhode Island - East Avenue-to-Warwick interchange of I-95 and I295.

  370. ri_3_I95_fhwa_1967_894.jpg
    Rhode Island - East Greenwich, I-95

  371. ri_4_I95_fhwa_1967_895.jpg
    Rhode Island - Centerville Road Interchange on I-95 - Warwick.

  372. ri_5_I95_fhwa_1967_896.jpg
    Rhode Island - I-95 in Warwick.

  373. ri_6_I95I295_fhwa_1967_897.jpg
    Rhode Island - I-95 interchange with I-295 and East Avenue in Warwick.

  374. ri_7_I95_fhwa_1967_887.jpg
    Rhode Island - Airport Connector from I-95, Warwick.

  375. ri_8_I195_fhwa_1967_889.jpg
    Rhode Island - Construction on Fox Point Boulevard - I-195

  376. ri_9_I195_fhwa_1967_890.jpg
    Rhode Island - Junkyard Screening on I-195

  377. tn_10_I240_fhwa_1967_714.jpg
    Tennessee - I-240 and U.S. Route 72 Interchange in Memphis.

  378. tn_11_I24_fhwa_1967_715.jpg
    Tennessee- Primary Route F-002 interchanging with I-24 near Nashville, Davidson County.

  379. tn_12_I40_fhwa_1967_716.jpg
    Tennessee - I-40, Benton County, approximately 4 miles west of Tennessee River.

  380. tn_13_I75_fhwa_1967_717.jpg
    Tennessee - I-75 north of Hamilton Bradley County line.

  381. tn_14_I75_fhwa_1967_718.jpg
    Tennessee _ I-75 north of Hamilton-Bradley County line.

  382. tn_15_I24_fhwa_1967_719.jpg
    Tennessee -I-24 development through Missionary Ridge and urban fringe of Chattanooga.

  383. tn_16_I24_fhwa_1967_720.jpg
    Tennessee- Bridge across Tennessee River on I-24, Marion County near Nickajack Dam.

  384. tn_17_I24_fhwa_1967_721.jpg
    Tennessee- Bridge across Tennessee River on I-24, Marion County near Nickajack Dam.

  385. tn_18_I40_fhwa_1964_566.jpg
    Tennessee Interstate Route 40 descends the western slope of the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee midway between Nashville and Knoxville. Note the "split-level" independent roadway design, fitted to the rough topography,, in the distance.

  386. tn_19_I40_fhwa_1964_22.jpg
    The dignity of this one-half-mile long bridge carrying Interstate route 40 across the French Broad River near Dandridge, Tenn., is in keeping with its scenic setting.

  387. tn_20_I40_fhwa_1967_713.jpg
    1966 Shoulder construction and striping on I-40 east of Natchez Trace State Park, Henderson County

  388. tn_2_i75_fhwa_1967_706.jpg
    Tennessee I-75 north Hamilton-Bradley County line.

  389. tn_3_I24_fhwa_1967_707.jpg
    Tennessee - Bridge across Tennessee River on I-24, Marion County near Nickajack Dam.

  390. tn_4_I24_fhwa_1967_708.jpg
    Tennessee - Federal-aid Highway Section Slope Treatment - I-24 through Missionary Ridge in Chattanooga.

  391. tn_5_I24_fhwa_1967_709.jpg
    Tennessee- Federal-aid Highway Section- I-24 and Rest Area Site Monteagle Mountain just west of U.S. Route 64 Interchange, Grundy County.

  392. tn_6_I24_fhwa_1967_710.jpg
    Tennessee- Federal-aid Highway Section- I-24 and Rest Area Site Monteagle Mountain just west of U.S. Route 64 Interchange, Grundy County.

  393. tn_7_I24_fhwa_1967_711.jpg
    Tennessee- Interstate Route 24 segment along Moccasin Bend on Tennessee River at Chattanooga just prior to opening to traffic in late 1966.

  394. tn_8_I24_fhwa_1967_712.jpg
    Tennessee- Interstate Route 24 segment along Moccasin Bend on Tennessee River at Chattanooga just prior to opening to traffic in late 1966.

  395. tn_9_I40_fhwa_1967_713.jpg
    Tennessee - 1966 Shoulder construction and striping on I-40 east of Natchez Trace State Park, Henderson County.

  396. tx_10_I45_fhwa_63_1232.jpg
    The Capital Avenue interchange on Interstate Route 45, adjacent to downtown Houston, Tex. (The viaduct at the left was not yet open to traffic.)

  397. tx_11_I45_fhwa_66_88.jpg
    Texas- The towers of Houston rise over the North Freeway (I-45), presenting travelers with a stunning urban panorama.

  398. tx_1_I45_FHWA_63_1232.jpg
    Texas - The Capitol Avenue interchange on Interstate Route 45, adjacent to downtown Houston. (The viaduct at the left was not yet open to traffic.)

  399. tx_2_I45_fhwa_1966_88.jpg
    Texas - The towers of Houston rise over the North Freeway (I-45), presenting travelers with a stunning urban panorama.

  400. tx_6_I35E_fhwa_1967_130.jpg
    Texas I-35 E The Thornton Freeway in Dallas.

  401. tx_7_I35E_fhwa_1967_129.jpg
    Texas- The final section of the complex Thornton Freeway skirts downtown Dallas.

  402. tx_8_I410_fhwa_1967_128.jpg
    Texas - This is a part of the 55-mile loop around San Antonio. I-410 overpasses Southton Road (foreground) just south of Brooks Air Force Base. Southton Road intersects U.S. 181 in the background.

  403. tx_9_I20_fhwa_1967_332.jpg
    Texas- Interstate highway 20 near Longview.

  404. us_3_gen_NARA_1956_1527.jpg
    The first Federal Highway Administrator John A. Volpe with President Dwight D. Eisenwhower at the White House on October 22, 1956.

  405. us_4_gen_NARA_1957_304.jpg
    Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks, Bertram Tallamy (who would become Federal Highway Administrator in February 1957) and Mr. John Volpe on the occasion of Mr. Volpe's swearing in as first Administrator, October 22, 1956.

  406. ut_7_I15I80_fhwa_1965_362.jpg
    Work on this section of Interstate Routes 15 and 80, leading into Salt Lake City, Utah, from the north, began in 1958. The elevated roadways leading off to the left are spur routes to the central city. (Project I-15-7(23), (34), (46), & (51).)

  407. ut_8_I70_fhwa_1988_8008.jpg
    Towering cliffs dwarf vehicles near Rattlesnake Bend as I-70 wends through the spectacular scenic area 15 miles west of Green River, Utah. One of the unique engineering challenges of Interstate 70 was the ten-mile section through Spotted Wolf Canyon with its "V" shaped canyon walls. Rock slabs were split from the walls and used as fill to elevate the roadway. The technique provided sufficient room for the four-lane divided highway and preserved the rugged appearance of the environment.

  408. ut_9_I70_fhwa_21.jpg
    Region 8 - Interstate I-70 Fremont Junction, Utah Interchange with SH10

  409. va_10_I460_fhwa_1967_821.jpg
    Virginia- Bridge construction over southern branch of Elizabeth 1 1/2 miles south of US 460 & S.R. 166.

  410. va_11_I81_fhwa_1964_567.jpg
    Virginia - Interstate Route 81 required heavy cuts and fills and two pairs of bridges for an interchange and a grade separation, where it bypass Marion in southwest Virginia.

  411. va_12_I77_fhwa_1980_752.jpg
    Virginia- Interstate 77 in Virginia was built in many sections as two individual roadways to avoid disturbing the natural landscape.

  412. va_1_I95_fhwa_1966_223.jpg
    This section of Interstate highway (I-95 in Virginia) illustrates many of the safety features being built into the Interstate System, which will result in saving 8,000 lives each year when the system is complete. These features include: controlled access, wide median dividing opposing traffic, long sight distances, gentle curvatures, all crossings separated by bridges or underpasses, wide paved shoulders, and acceleration and deceleration lanes. Note also good design integrating esthetics and safety, including retention of trees in median and interchange area to reduce headlight glare, and adaptation of all highway elements to geographical features.

  413. va_2_I395_fhwa_1965_48.jpg
    Interstate 95, The Shirley Highway at the Shirlington bridged rotary. It is being widened to eight lanes with reversible roadways. The first facility of its kind to be built as a reconstruction of an existing freeway.

  414. va_3_I95_fhwa_1967_810.jpg
    Virginia - Dumfries rest area, Route 95, Prince William County.

  415. va_4_I81_fhwa_1967_811.jpg
    Virginia- New River bridges, I-81, Montgomery County.

  416. va_5_I81_fhwa_1967_813.jpg
    Virginia- Completed Interstate 81 -11/4 mile north of RT. 730 exit, Shenandoah County.

  417. va_6_I64_fhwa_1967_816.jpg
    Virginia Just east of Gaskins Road, I-64 in Henrico County.

  418. va_7_I464_fhwa_1967_817.jpg
    Virginia Construction paving Portsmouth County - I-464 spur.

  419. va_8_I64_fhwa_1967_819.jpg
    Virginia Bridge construction I-64- in Chesapeake County, south of US 460 & S.R.166

  420. va_9_I64_fhwa_1967_820.jpg
    Virginia Bridge construction Elizabeth River in Chesapeake County south of US 460 & S.R. 166

  421. vt_4_I89_fhwa_1963_902.jpg
    I-89 looking easterly up the Winooski River valley. Interstate overpasses relocated US-2 in center of photograph, approximately 2 3/4 miles west of the village of Waterbury.

  422. vt_5_I91_fhwa_1967_703.jpg
    Vermont - Hartland. The I-91 interchange with US Route 5 looks southerly toward Windsor. Hartland Four Corners to the north and Winsor to the south are both served by this facility. I-91 replaces US Route 5 as the major north-south traffic carrying facility in the Connecticut River Valley.

  423. vt_6_I91_fhwa_1967_702.jpg
    Vermont - Whit River Junction. The principal intersections of Interstate Routes 89 and 91 in the vicinity of White River Junction. Interstate 89 connects the metropolitan Boston area via Concord, New Hampshire, White River Junction, Montpelier, Burlington and St. Albans, Vermont with Montreal and Quebec, Canada. Interstate 91 replaces US Route 5 as the principal north-south route through the Connecticut River Valley.

  424. vt_7_i89_fhwa_1967_701.jpg
    Vermont Hartford. A 1,059' structure spanning the White River approximately 5 miles northwesterly of White River Junction. This photograph was taken at the southerly end of the project looking north and depicts substructure construction that is currently under way. It is anticipated that this structure will be opened to traffic in the fall of 1968. This structure will be a major link in I-89 between River Junction and Montpelier.

  425. vt_8_I91_fhwa_1964_23.jpg
    Interstate Route 91 in southern Vermont was designed to blend with the scenery. Here one roadway, skirting a picturesque ledge, is at a higher elevation than the other.

  426. vt_9_I89_fhwa_1965_363.jpg
    Vermont-New Hampshire-These twin bridges, under construction, will carry Interstate Route 89 across the Connecticut River at White Junction. New Hampshire is building the spans over the river; Vermont is constructing the near abutment and first piers. The concrete "box" in the foreground will carry a local road under the bridge approach. (Projects Vermont I-89-1(3); New Hampshire I-89-1(41).)

  427. wa_10_I5_fhwa_1967_1007.jpg
    Washington - Freedom of mobility is the key at the Pacific Avenue Interchange in Tacoma where construction continues on parts of the $12,000,000 junction serving five state highways. Since the interchange was opened to through traffic just two years ago on September 21, it is estimated that approximately 29,200,00 vehicle crossing have been made. Construction is progressing southward between East 34th and 40th streets on Sighn Routes 7, the highway to majestic Mount Rainier. Robert W. Evans, chairman of the Washington State Arts Commission, commended the State Highway Commission and the Department of Highways for "an outstanding beautification program" for the interchange where Interstate 5, U.S. 410 and Sign Routes 7, 16 and 509 join.

  428. wa_11_I5_fhwa_1967_1008.jpg
    Washington- Interstate 5 in downtown Seattle. At top left is the Smith Tower. At center top is pictured the top of the world famous Space Needle, focal point of the 1962 World's Fair.

  429. wa_12_I5_fhwa_1967_1009.jpg
    Washington- PSH-! Seattle-Everett Freeway, looking north from 175th Street NE.

  430. wa_13_I5_fhwa_1967_1001.jpg
    Washington- Smoke stacks? No. supports for Seattle's section of Interstate 5.

  431. wa_14_I5_fhwa_1965_56.jpg
    Washington- this sit-in park was constructed on right-of-way remnants along I-5 within the Seattle city limits. This site is also at the termination of a freeway ramp that forms the primary entrance to the C.B.D. for northbound travelers. The water sculpture, landscaping and decorative paving, costing approximately $70,000. was donated to the City of Seattle by Mr. Floyd A. Naramore of the architectural firm of Naramore, Bain, Brady and Johanson, and was dedicated on June 13, 1967.

  432. wa_15_I5_fhwa_1964_555.jpg
    Washington- The reversible center roadway (not yet in use) of the Seattle Freeway, part of Interstate 5, will meet the alternating-direction peak demand of morning and evening rush-hour traffic.

  433. wa_16_I90_fhwa_64_24.jpg
    Interstate Route 90 slopes down from the foreground to cross an impressive structure over the Columbia River near Vantage, Wash. The old bridge at this location was removed, since it would have been submerged after completion of Wanapum Dam downstream. The public utility district which built the dam contributed $4 million toward the new bridge.

  434. wa_17_I90map_fhwa_63_895.jpg
    Progress of the Interstate Map.

  435. wa_1_I5_fhwa_63_895.jpg
    Washington - Exhibit featuring Washington State's segments of the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways (I-5,I-90, and I-82) at the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads.

  436. wa_2_I90_FHWA_1964_24.jpg
    Washington - Interstate Route 90 slopes down from the foreground to cross an impressive structure over the Columbia River near Vantage. The old bridge at this location was removed, since it would have been submerged after completion of Wanapum Dam downstream. The public utility district which built the dam contributed $4million toward the new bridge.

  437. wa_3_I5_fhwa_1966_312.jpg
    Washington - Interstate 5 is pictured as I winds through the central business district of Seattle, queen city of the Northwest. Opening of this freeway by the end of 1966 is expected to place approximately three million people within two hours of downtown Seattle. According to Director of Highways, Charles g. Prahl, this project will serve more people than any other transportation incomplete n cooperation with engineers and officials of the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads.

  438. wa_4_I5_fhwa_1966_308.jpg
    Seattle, Washington - tri-level section of I-5 near Lakeview Boulevard. Space Needle towers above city's skyline.

  439. wa_5_I5_fhwa_1965_369.jpg
    Interstate 5 in Washington has cut travel time between Seattle and Everett by 30 percent. (Construction incomplete when photographed)

  440. wa_6_I5_fhwa_1967_1003.jpg
    Washington- Seattle Freeway, Looking north-- Swamp Creek Interchange near Lynnwood.

  441. wa_7_I90_fhwa_1967_1004.jpg
    Washington- The craggy face of Mt. Stewart, masked by winter snows, is just one delightful sample of the scenic vistas opened to motorist upon completion of the I-90 link between Cle Elum and Ellensburg. The 4-lane Freeway climbs gracefully to more than 2,000 feet, sweeping through evergreen-studded elk territory. Two rest areas are planned, one for each direction of travel, at a point chosen for its panoramic mountain view.

  442. wa_8_I5_fhwa_1967_1005.jpg
    Washington - Seattle- area motorist lost little time in getting acquainted with the Seattle Freeway. This photo, taken shortly after the ribbon-cutting ceremony, shows the prompt changeover of traffic to the new and safer highway. The view is toward the south from the Yesler Way under-crossing bridge.

  443. wa_9_I5_fhwa_1967_1006.jpg
    Washington- Shrubs planted along Interstate 5 north of Seattle help to beautify the highway and prevent erosion.

  444. ws_10_i90_fhwa_64_25.jpg
    Interstate Route 90 crosses the Rock River on twin bridges and intersects State Route 59 near Edgerton, Wis., on its way from Chicago to Wisconsin Dells.

  445. ws_11_I90_fhwa_63_1249.jpg
    These to pairs of twin bridges on Interstate Route 90 in Wisconsin Illustrate both the functional grace and the diversity of design with which bridge builders fit structures to location needs. The girder bridges supported on piers cross the Wisconsin River; the steel arches span Mirror Lake near the Wisconsin Dells. These bridges are part of a 55-mile, $32 million section of Interstate 90 between Madison and the Dells, opened to traffic in October 1961.

  446. ws_1_I94_fhwa_1967_772.jpg
    Wisconsin- View of typical southeastern Wisconsin along Interstate 94 between Madison and Milwaukee, near Hartland-Wales exit (STH 83) in Waukesha County.

  447. ws_2_I90_fhwa_1967_773.jpg
    Wisconsin - Traffic flow of Interstate 90 between Madison-Illinois state line, Rock County near Rock River.

  448. ws_3_I94_fhwa_1967_780.jpg
    Wisconsin- Slip form concrete paving construction on Interstate 94 near Northfield between Osseo and Hixton in Jackson County.

  449. ws_4_I94_fhwa_1967_781.jpg
    Wisconsin - Slip form concrete paving construction on Interstate 94 near Northfield between Osseo and Hixton in Jackson County.

  450. ws_5_I94_fhwa_1967_782.jpg
    Wisconsin - Slip form concrete paving construction on Interstate 94 near Northfield between Osseo and Hixton in Jackson County.

  451. ws_6_I94_fhwa_1967_783.jpg
    Wisconsin- US 12-STH 27 and STH 54, traffic at Black River bridge in Black River Falls, Jackson County. This now carries over 25,000 vehicles on some summer days. This situation will be eliminated by the construction of Interstate 94.

  452. ws_7_I94_fhwa_1967_784.jpg
    Wisconsin - US 12-STH and STH-54, traffic at Black River bridge in Black River Falls, Jackson County. This now carries over 25,000 vehicles on some summer days. This situation will be eliminated by the construction of Interstate 94.

  453. ws_8_I90_fhwa_1963_1250.jpg
    These tow pairs of twin bridges on Interstate Route 90 in Wisconsin Illustrate both the functional grace and the diversity of design with which bridge builders fit structures to location needs. The girder bridges supported on piers cross the Wisconsin River; the steel arches span Mirror Lake near the Wisconsin Dells. These bridges are part of a 55-mile, $32 million section of Interstate 90 between Madison and the Dells, opened to traffic in October 1961.

  454. ws_9_I90I94_fhwa_1965_374.jpg
    Wisconsin- These ponds alongside Interstate Routes 90 and 94 in Wisconsin were developed from borrow pits used during the highway construction.

  455. wy_1_I80_FHWA_63_1241.jpg
    Wyoming - Interstate Route 80 a few miles east of Laramie was designed with independent roadways to overcome economically the difficult topography.

  456. wy_2_I90_FHWA_1965_375.jpg
    Wyoming - Interstate Route 90 traverses the snowclad hills of northern Wyoming between Buffalo and Gillette. (Project I-902(42)79, dect.II)

  457. wy_7_I90_fhwa_1965_375.jpg
    Interstate Route 90 traverses the snow-clad hill of northern Wyoming between Buffalo and Gillette.

  458. wy_8_I80_fhwa_63_1241.jpg
    Interstate Route 80 a few miles east of Laramie, Wyo., was designed with independent roadways to overcome economically the difficult topography.