Idaho - Looking east on revised photograph of the Interstate spur leading into Boise. The seciton beyond Orchard Street is under construction and the section in lower half of the photo is advertised for bids July 1967. Looking east.
Idaho - Interstate Route 15, here skirting Idaho Falls, is open to traffic for 57 miles north from Pocatello.
Idaho - Federal Aid Highway No. I-15 at Inkom, in Bannock County, looking southwest in May 1967. Project I-15-1(2)54.
Idaho - FAI Route I-15 through the large lava field looking north some 6 miles north of the city of Blackfoot. This picture was taken in June 1965 to show the construction of the rest area facilities. It shows the access roads to the proposed areas. The rest areas facilities have now been constructed but no picuture is available at this time.
Idaho - FAI Route I-15 through the large lava field near Blackfoot. Looking north some 6 miles north of the city of Blackfoot. This picture was taken in June 1965 to show the construction of the rest area facilities. It shows the access roads to the proposed areas. The rest areas facilities have now been consturcted but no picuture is available at this time.
Idaho - Rest area on FAI Route I-80N (now I-84) at the Idaho-Oregon State line. This rest area is on the Idaho side overlooking the Snake River and the highly developed agricultural land on the Oregon side. The area provides tables, toilets, shade, lighting, grass, and running water. Trees have been planted. Looking northwest in June 1967.
Idaho - Federal Aid Highway No. I-15 at Inkom, in Bannock county, looking southwest in May 1967. Project I-15-1(2)54.
Idaho - Rest area on FAI Route I-80N (now I-84) at the Idaho-Oregon State Line. This rest area is on the Idaho side overlooking the Snake River and the highly developed agricultural land on the Oregon side. The area provides tables, toilets, shade, lighting, grass, and running water. Trees have been planted. Looking northwest in June 1967.
Idaho - Project U-3281(15) on the west edge of Boise in April 1967 looking west. A twin 10'x7' concrete box culvert 452' in length is shown under construction. The cost of the project is $167,000. It includes this culvert for the Settlers Canal and two bridges over the Boise River Slough. The project is a portion of the Boise Connector to Interstate Route 80N (now I-184)
Idaho - This revised photograph shows the proposed Interstate spur and the adjoining primary section on the west side of Boise. In the lower righthand corner the bridges across the Boise River are constructed. The portion from Orchard Street to these bridges is now under construction. The portion beyond Orchard Street is to be let July 1967. The project under construction is U-3281(14) and I-IG-80N-1(25)50, now Inerstate 184, looking west.
Idaho - This revised picture shows a section of the proposed Interstate spur leading into the city of Boise. The separation structure in the lower half of the picture is over the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad and Franklin Road (FAS 3779). This section is on Project I-IG-80N-1(22)50, now Inerstate 184. It is advertised for bids July 1967. Looking northeast.