- DOT FOIA Web Page
- DOT FOIA Regulations, 49 CFR Part 7
- This regulation is the primary implementation vehicle for FOIA within the Department of Transportation. With the exception of FHWA N1320.6 (FOIA - Predisclosure Notification to Submitters of Confidential Commercial Information), FHWA does not have a FOIA regulation or directive of its own, but relies on 49 CFR, Part 7. Information regarding fees for FOIA services can be found at this link.
- FHWA N1320.6
- FOIA - Predisclosure Notification to Submitters of Confidential Commercial Information
- This document describes procedures for notifying the submitters of confidential commercial information that such information has been requested pursuant to the FOIA and may be released to the requested in whole or in part.
- FOIA Annual Reports
- Department of Justice (DOJ) FOIA Web Page
- DOT Docket Management System
- FHWA Small Purchase Cardholders
- FMCSA FOIA (Motor Carrier-related records)
Last updated: Friday, December 20, 2024