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2017 FOIA Request Log


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2017-0001 CLOSE 10/3/2016 Cook Arriba Construction Inc Solicitation No. DTFH70-13-B- 00015 Project No. WA PFH 29- 1(1) Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Road 1. All transit mix concrete delivery tickets and any other written or recorded data arriving on site at time of each transit mix concrete delivery between July 10, 2014 and September 15, 2014 inclusively. 2. All Field testing and inspection notes, memoranda, recordings or other documents that refer to or pertain to Portland Cement concrete mix delivered to the work whether placed or rejected between July 10, 2014 and September 15, 2014 inclusively. 3. All pay application and pay factors pertaining to cast- in-place Portland Cement concrete work for the project for July, August and September 2014.
2017-0002 CLOSE 10/3/2016 Guntin Coalition of Citizens Opposed to Rail Expenditures - CCORE Please provide an electronic copy of the TIGER II grant awarded on Oct. 15, 2010 by the U.S. DOT Federal Highway Administration to the Village of Barrington, IL. We are seeking to review the terms of the grant for the Village of Barrington to undertake the preliminary engineering studies for a grade separation between the EJ&E railway line (now CN) and U.S. Route 14.
2017-0003 CLOSE 10/3/2016 Brandt Chaloupka, Holyoke, Snyder, Chaloupka, Longoria & Kishiyama, PC, LLO Information regarding any federal fund expenditures for a railroad crossing located at Brick Church Road in Clinton Township, Crossing ID #526744M. If there have been any federal funding expenditures regarding the above named rail crossing, include the following: 1) The date of such expenditure 2) The amount of money spent and 3) What the expenditure was used for, i.e. repairs, maintenance, etc. 4) What date any repairs or maintenance was performed using federal funds.
2017-0004 CLOSE 10/4/2016 Goodman Haynes and Boone, LLP All documents that regard, relate to, reference, or concern the car crash that occurred on Interstate 295 South near mile marker 17.7 at approximately 8:22 a.m. on April 26, 2015 in East Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey. The New Jersey State Police, Bellmawr Station, responded to the crash, and the Case Number is A310-2015- 00803A. The owner of the 2007 Acura TL involved in the crash was  b(6)                  , and the driver was Jasmine M. Gonzalez (DL# G64593887459932). The car was travelling south and crashed into the median guardrail separating northbound and southbound traffic on Interstate 295. Jasmine M. Gonzalez and Nkemjika E. Anyim died in the accident. All documents that regard, relate to, reference, or concern the highway products located at the scene of the above-referenced crash on Interstate 295 South near mile marker 17.7, including all median guardrail installations, guardrail panels, guardrail posts and blockouts, and component parts. This includes, but is not limited to, all records relating to the pre- and post-crash manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of these median guardrails along Interstate 295 South near mile marker 17.7. All other FOIA requests to the FHWA and your response to such requests (including but not limited to cover letters and responsive documents) that regard, relate to, reference, or concern: the car crash that occurred on Interstate 295 South near mile marker 17.7 at approximately 8:22 a.m. on April 26, 2015 in East Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey; or the median guardrail on Interstate 295 South near mile marker 17.7.
2017-0005 CLOSE 10/5/2016 Lindgren Kenaitze Indian Tribe All public comments submitted on the Sterling Highway MP 45-60 project.
2017-0006 CLOSE 10/11/2016 McNally Senator, State of Tennessee Copies of records,including, but not limited to, emails, that relate to the U.S. Department of Transportation's determination on September 2, 2016 to withhold eight percent (8%) of federal-aid highway monies to Tennessee for noncompliance with 23 U.S.C. Section 161 ("Section 161"). The records for which disclosure is being sought are any emails, letters, correspondence, or other records in any format created or received by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and/or U.S. Department of Transportation or its other sub- agencies, between February 10, 2015 and September 2, 2016, that mention, reference, or otherwise relate to the following subjects: Tennessee Senate Bill 1317/ House Bill 622, which was enacted as Chapter 1030 of the 2016 Tennessee Public Acts ("Chapter 1030"), and/or Tennessee's compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of 23 U.S.C. Section 161 ("Section 161") and its implementing regulations at 23 CFR Part 1210. The requested records also include any correspondence the agencies received from the Obama Administration that mention, reference, or otherwise relate to the above-mentioned subjects.
2017-0007 CLOSE 10/12/2016 Brock- Hamilton Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP Freedom of Information Act Request, US 411 Connector, EDS00 0500 00 005 PI No 661950 and or PI No 0013238 Bartow County Georgia.
2017-0008 CLOSE 10/11/2016 Morrison Goodwin Procter LLP All records (defined to include data, information, email, reports, and comment(s) of surveys, studies, or assessments of shortnose and/or Atlantic sturgeon locations or movement within. as well as foraging habits and behavior in, the Hudson River Estuary from the Troy Dam to where the main stem river discharges at the mouth into New York City Harbor over the time period from 2006 to the present, including but not limited to any and all Records received by NMFS related to sturgeon data collection required by the New York State Dept. of Environment Conservation permit for the Tappan Zee bridge project (Permit ID 3-9903-00043/00014, effective Mar. 25, 2013), attached hereto, or comparable surveys, studies or assessments required by NMFS pursuant to its consultation or authorizations for Tappan Zee Project.
2017-0019 CLOSE 10/12/2016 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP FHWA's approval, etc., of the I-81 Viaduct Project Tunnel Feasibility Study and FHWA's approval. etc. of NYSDOT's proposal that Options V-2 and V-3 be dismissed.
2017-0020 CLOSE 10/17/2016 McCraw The McCraw Group Please send me the following information on the motor carrier Deago Scott d/b/a Kenco Haulers: 1. Copies of all MCS-150 registration reports 2. Copies of all MCS-90 reports 3. Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) data 4. A copy of any New Entrant Reports, Audits and Compliance Reviews (defined in 49 CFR Section 385.3), including any attached documents as well as any additional information that exists in your database; 5. A copy of any enforcement investigations and/or enforcement actions as well as supporting documents pertaining to enforcement investigations or actions; 6. Copies of all Driver/Vehicle Roadside Inspection reports; 7. Copies of all reported crach reports; including but not limited to the fatal/injury crash occurring October 7, 2015. 8. The USDOT number(s) of any other entities operating from the same Principal Place of Business as the above entity, if any exist in your database; 9. Copies of any Safety Management System (SMS) Compliance, Safety & Accountability program (CSA 2010) records to include any notices of "Intervention Level" safety categories. 10. Copies of Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs), assessment of the motor carrier's on-road performance and investigation results.
2017-0021 CLOSE 10/18/2016 Perks Camden County Historical Society A copy of the following records pertaining to the Hugg-Harrison- Glover House in Bellmawr, N.J. and the Rt 42/I76 Rt 295 Direct Connect Project: 1. Any and all documents (including emails, correspondence, and written reports) that compose the thorough analysis of the feasibility of moving the structure which concluded that the structure could not be moved on or off site, and 2. Any documents that identify which federal and New Jersey state officials approved the conclusions of the analysis or study and what information they relied upon in concurring with the conclusion that the structure could not be moved. The records sought were identified in the last paragraph of the first page of an email to Garry Stone dated April 26, 2016, from Martin Knopp (FHWA) on the subject: 4(f) study requested of Hugg-Harrison- Glover House, Bellmawr, NJ DOT160328 22 which stated: NJDOT has considered ways to avoid or minimize adverse effects to the Harrison-Glover House, and has reviewed all measures to mitigate the adverse effect on the house. This review of all mitigation measures included a thorough analysis of the feasibility of moving the structure which concluded that the structure could not be moved on or off site.
2017-0022 CLOSE 10/18/2016 Huffman Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP All documents, or portions thereof provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to the requester in response to any FOIA request submitted from July 1, 2016 to the present for records relating to the ET-Plus System, including but not limited to, any FOIA request for such records submitted during such period by the firm of Martineau King. This request includes all records, documents, electronic correspondence, and other information, whether in writing or electronic format, provided in response to any FOIA request indentified above. Please inform us if FHWA asserts that any information requested herein is exempt form release. We are willing to pay the fees associated with processing this request up to $250.00 without further authorization. Please contact our office if you anticipate the fees associated with processing this request to exceed that amount.
2017-0023 CLOSE 10/17/2016 Elliott National Motorcycle Institute - NMI Data Request: MOTORCYCLE VMT For Calendar Year 2014: The Motorcycle Vehicle Miles Traveled for each of the 50 United States state and Washington, DC. A tabular form is preferred. This table would have 51 entries, one entry for each state.
2017-0024 CLOSE 10/20/2016 Brune Cook Inlet Region, Inc. We would like to appeal FHWA's redaction of names and organizations form the FOIA request we submitted on September 29 to which FHWA responded on October 11 (ADMS 39-1 FOIA 2016-0367). I respectfully urge you to reconsider these redactions. I would further urge you to make all comments on this issue available for public review immediately, rather than at publication of the final EIS.
2017-0025 CLOSE 10/19/2016 Gannon LaneLight >The email: From: To: Wainwright, Scott" RE: from rick jones - requesting interpretation Date prior to Wed., 20 Jul. 2005 21:04:00 Containing 3 video clips and requesting interpretation of MUTCD relating to Warning Beacons
2017-0026 CLOSE 10/24/2016 Guynn Jr. Solano County Taxpayers Association As you probably know our organization, whose primary purpose is to secure by lawful means, greater economy and efficiency in government, has been involved with the Dixon Transit Center - Federal Project No CML-5056(011) and the misuse of Taxpayer funds. We would like to review the Grant Application submitted by the City requesting the Federal Aid Projects No 04- 5056 (Project No: CLM-5056(11) E.A No: 04-924217). The city conveniently cannot find this document thus, pursuant to my rights under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552), I am requesting a copy of this application submitted by the City requesting the Federal grant.
2017-0027 CLOSE 10/27/2016 Baker The Law Firm of Waldo & Lyle Request for a list of all financial reviews conducted by the FHWA for all transportation projects carried out in the state of Virginia and administered by the Virginia Department of Transportation between 2010 and today. Also requesting a list of financial reviews conducted by the FHWA of all right of way or other property by the Virginia Department of Transportation between 2010 and today. Also requesting a list of any transportation project conducted in the state of Virginia between 2000 and today in which the FHWA has withdrawn it financial support.
2017-0028 CLOSE 10/27/2016 Cabrera R. E. Cabrera & Associates In reviewing the Department's response to my FOIA request, I don't believe that the Department was fully responsive to that request. My original request was as follows: I'm interested in materials submitted by TTI / Trinity Highway Products in support of their Split Rail Terminal (SRT). The SRT evaluations begin with approval letters CC-31, CC- 31A, CC-51, CC-51A, and most recently CC-101. In addition to digital copies of all materials for the noted approvals, I am also requesting copies of the testing videos. Clearly, approval letters HSSD/CC-101, which was not provided to us, mentions materials submitted by the applicant which were not provided to us.  How many of the other approvals CC-72, CC-100, CC-100a and their supporting documentation were left out of the Department's response.  I would appreciate a more thorough response to my request.
2017-0029 CLOSE 10/31/2016 Ravnitzky   A copy of the Freedom of Information Act Appeals Log for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for the time period since 2009. I prefer to receive the records in electronic format if practicable. Please release all segregable releaseable records. This is an individual noncommercial request. I agree to pay up to $25 for applicable fees if necessary.
2017-0030 CLOSE 10/31/2016 Barnes Southern Environment al Law Center Request all documents for projects to widen US 441 Watkinsville in Oconee County  and Madison in Moran County projects 0441042 and 0441043 also identified as PI 122660 and 222560, including accounting ledgers and spreadsheets, in the possession or control of FHWA relating to federal funds expended and/or reimbursed in these projects. Such funds may be those used for right of way acquisition or preliminary engineering,  among other purposes.
2017-0031 CLOSE 10/31/2016 Brown The Van Winkle Law Firm Any and all documents concerning or related to North Carolina Department of Transportation's Buncombe County Project No. 34233.2.1, TIP No. 1-4401, Federal No. NHIMF-40-l( 142)46, including, but not limited to, any documents related to certification for this Project. We agree to pay reasonable duplication fees for  the processing of this request. If you require prepayment of these fees, please contact me so that I may arrange for such payment.
2017-0032 CLOSE 11/2/2016 Lallo Hill and Smith, Inc. We hereby request all records pertaining to the issuance of the following Roadway Safety Hardware Eligibility Letters: B- 258    B-251    B-233    B-52B B-52C
2017-0033 CLOSE 11/1/2016 Reichert Indiana, Illinois, Iowa Foundation for Fair Contracting Contract DTFH7016C00019 - IA NPS PRES 15(1) 1. A copy of the applicable wage determination(s); 2. A copy of the certified payrolls submitted by the referenced contractor and subcontractors for the referenced project. If certified payrolls have not been submitted by the contractor or subcontractors please provide a statement to that effect in your response; and 3. A copy of the Engineer's daily work log and project notes.
2017-0035 CLOSE 11/2/2016 Mainley RK&K We would like copies, preferably digitally, of the following winning proposals awarded for various contracts with FHWA agencies - specifically: Highway and/or Bridge Design and Engineering Services IDIQC for the South Region Full and Open - Contracts are for highway and/or bridge design and engineering services. Awarded to: CDM Federal Programs Corp, #DTFH71-12-D- 00006; Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., #DTFH71-12-D-00004; Neel Schaffer, Inc., #DTFH71-12-D- 00005; HDR, #DTFH71-12-D-00003 Highway and/or Bridge Design and Engineering Services IDIQC for the South Region Hubzone. Awarded to: Albemarle & Associates, Ltd., #DTFH71-12-D-00007; H.A. Spalding, #DTFH71-12-D-00008 Southern Region IDIQ. Not sure of awards here - shortlisted firms include: ARCADIS; HRD; Wilbur Smith; MACTEC; Stantec; PB&J; PB America; Kimley-Horn;Neel- Schafer; Garver. #DTFH71-11-R- 00007 Highway and/or Bridge Design and Engineering Services IDIQC for the North Region Full and Open - Contracts are for highway and/or bridge design and engineering services for construction projects. Awarded to: AECOM Technical Services, #DTFH71-12-D-00009; Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc., #DTFH71-12-D- 00010; Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., #DTFH71-12-D- 00011; Johnson, Mirmiran & Thomas, #DTFH71-12-D-00012 Highway and/or Bridge Design and Engineering Services IDIQC for the North Region 8A. Awarded to: Barr & Prevost, #DTFH71-12-D- 00001; Suhail/RW Armstrong, #DTFH71-12-D-00002 CFL Full Service A/E Contracts - Contracts may require any of the following services: Highway design; Bridge and other Structural design activities; Surveying and Mapping services; Preparation of right-of- way plans; Hydraulic and Hydrologic engineering; Geotechnical; Environmental compliance; Transportation planning. Awarded to: AECOM Technical Services, Inc., Award Date: August 2012; Atkins North America, Inc., April 2014; Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., April 2014; Muller Engineering Company, Inc., April 2014; H D R Engineering, Inc., May 2016; CH2M Hill, May 2016 WFL - Multi- Discipline Contracts - These contracts were issued under Solicitation No. DTFH70-15-R- 00004, and have a maximum value of $18.5M. They may require any or all of the following A/E services: Highway Design; Environmental, Geotechnical; Hydraulics/hydrology; Survey and Mapping; Landscape Architecture; Right-of-Way and Utilities; Bridge and highway related Structural Engineering. Issued under DTFH70-15-R-00004 to AECOM Technical Services, Inc., David Evans and Associates, Inc., DJ&A, P.C., Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc., PND Engineers, Inc., Robert Peccia and Associates, Inc. Feel free to direct any questions regarding this request to my attention. Digital or hard copies can also be sent to my attention at the contact information provided below.
2017-0036 CLOSE 10/31/2016 Materi Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida I am requesting copies for any and all public records regarding: Meetings discussing the effects, implementation, and consultation for the River Grass Greenway (ROGG) and those who advocate for the ROGG with references made to the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida. Including, but not limited to advocacy groups such as, Friend of ROGG, Naples Pathway Coalition, and Rails to Trails Conservancy.   All Advisory Committee's reports to each county regarding ROGG and related meetings, discussions, and hearings which include Ms. Patricia Huff with references made to the Miccosukee Tribe of  Indians of Florida. If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me of the charge at the Governmental rate before filling my request.
2017-0037 CLOSE 11/3/2016 Campbell USA Today Network I request that a copy of the documents pertaining to the following information be provided to me: Written or electronic communication with the State of New York and/or its agencies regarding highway signs promoting New York tourism initiatives, including but not limited to I Love New York, Taste New York and/or Path Through History. In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am a representative of the news media affiliated with the USA Today Network's Albany Bureau, and this request is made as part of news gathering and not for a commercial use. I am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $20. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please inform me first.
2017-0038 CLOSE 10/31/2016 Stokes Southern Environment al Law Center Requests all documents (digital copies) in the possession or control of the FHWA that relate to any plans for constructing Cahaba Beach Road in Jefferson and/or Shelby County, AL ("Cahaba Beach Road"), Project Reference No. 100059534, FA Number ACAA59534 ATRP (015). The request is to include documents produced from July 8, 2015 to the present.
2017-0039 CLOSE 11/4/2016 Schneider Schneider Rothman Intellectual Property Law Group PLLC 1. All documents relating to your Interim Approval for Optional Use of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (1A-11).2. All documents relating to your Interpretation Letter 4(09)-4(1)-RRFB Flash Pattern. 3. All documents relating to your Interpretation Letter 4(09)-21(I)-Clarification of RRFB Flashing Pattern. 4. All documents relating to your Interpretation Letter 4(09)-22(I)-Flashing Pattern for Existing RRFBs. 5. All documents relating to your Interpretation Letter 4(09)- 41(I)-Additional Flash Pattern for RRFBs. 6. All documents relating to your official Interpretation 4- 376(I)-Overhead Mounting. 7. All documents relating to your Official Interpretation 4(09)-38(I)- RRFB Flashing Extensions and Delays. 8. All documents relating to your Official Interpretation 4(09)-37(I)-Definition of Dimming. 9. All documents relating to your Official Interpretation 4(09)-24(I)- Dimming of RRFBs during Daytime Hours. 10. All documents relating to your Official Interpretation 4(09)-17(I)-RRFB Light Intensity. 11. All documents relating to your Official Interpretation 4(09)-5(1)- RRFB Use with W11-15 Sign. 12. Al documents relating to your reference HOTO-I. 13. All documents to or from relating to RRFBs. 14. All documents to or from W. Scott Wainwright relating to RRFBs. 15. All documents to or from Bruce Friedman relating to RRFBs. 16. All documents to or from Paul Pisano relating to RRFBs 17. All documents to or from Mark R. Kehrli relating to RRFBs. 18. All documents to or from an email address at the relating to RRFBs. 19. All documents to or from an email address at the domain relating to RRFBs. 20. All documents to or from an email address at the domain relating to RRFBs. 21. All documents to or from an email address at the domain relating to RRFBs. 22. All documents to or from an email address at the domain relating to RRFBs. 23. All documents to or form an email address at the domain relating to RRFBs. 24. All docuemnts to or from an email address at the domain @rtc- relating to RRFBs. 25. All documents to or from an email address at the domain relating to RRFBs. 26. All documents to or from an email address at the domain relating to RRFBs.
2017-0040 CLOSE 11/3/2016  b(6)                     b(6)                                                                                                                                                                   
2017-0041 CLOSE 11/3/2016 Scheimer Hogan Lovells US LLP Contract No. DTFH6116D00035 (the "Contract") awarded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on or about August 24, 2016 to Booz Allen Hamilton, including complete documentation of all modifications to the Contract and complete documentation of all task or delivery orders issued by Booz Allen Hamilton under the Contract. The Contract was awarded under Solicitation No. DTFH6116R00003, "Non-Personal Technical Support Services for the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO). The firm is prepared to pay all applicable fees for the direct costs of record research, review, and duplication. However, if you anticipate that the fees will exceed $500, please notify me in advance of incurring the costs.
2017-0042 CLOSE 11/3/2016 Scheimer Hogan Lovells US LLP Contract No. DTFH6116D00050 (the "Contract") awarded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on or about September 29, 2016 to Booz Allen Hamilton, including complete documentation of all modifications to the Contract and complete documentation of all task or delivery orders issued by Booz Allen Hamilton under the Contract. The Contract was awarded under Solicitation No. DTFH6116R00007, "Support Services for the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Operations." The firm is prepared to pay all applicable fees for the direct costs of record research, review, and duplication. However, if you anticipate that the fees will exceed $500, please notify me in advance of incurring the costs.
2017-0043 CLOSE 11/3/2016 Choi York Law Corporation Our office is hereby requesting the following records to be copied and sent to our office: 1. Any and all contracts between the Department of Transportation and any entity, for any and all construction, repairs, and/or  other road work on California State Route 16 in Amador County for the last 10 years; 2. Any and all contracts between the Department of Transportation and any entity, for any and all construction, repairs, and/or  other road work on California State Route 16 Sacramento County for the last 10 years; 3. Any and all Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) Reports relating to any and all motor vehicle accidents on California State Route 16 in Amador County for the last 10 years; 4. Any and all Department of Transportation measurements, markings, data, reports, and/or findings for California State Route 16 between the Old Highway and Lake Gate Road exits in Plymouth, CA for the last 10 years; 5. Any requests for repairs, road alterations, changes, modifications, projects, or comments for California State Route 16 between the Old Highway and Long Gate Road exits in Plymouth, CA for the last 10 years; 6. Copies of any and all communications between any persons and/or entities regarding any and all road conditions, road construction, safety concerns, and/or road hazards on California State Route 16 between the Old Highway and Long Gate Road exits in Plymouth, CA for the last 10 years; 7. Any and all photographs and/or aerial surveillance photographs of California State Route 16 between the Old Highway and Long Gate Road exits in Plymouth, CA for the last 10 years. If there are any fees/costs for searching and/or copying these records, please inform me if the cost will exceed However, I am requesting a waiver of all fees for this disclosure, because the requested information is in the public interest and will contribute significantly to the public's safety on public roads and highways. This information is not being sought for commercial purposes. Please respond to this letter within 10 days with information about when I might expect copies of the requested records.
2017-0044 CLOSE 11/3/2016 Taylor Hampton University - School of Business I would like to request the annual reports for the National Summer Transportation Institute Program that is hosted on the campus of the following colleges/universities: 1. Howard University 2. Delaware State University 3. Clark Atlanta University 4. Kentucky State University 5. Morgan State University 6. Alcorn State University 7. University of New Mexico 8. Elizabeth City State University 9. North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University 10. University of Puerto Rico 11. Tennessee State University 12. Hampton University 13. Virginia State University 14. College of Menominee Nation 15. Lac Court Ojibwa Community College I would like to request the annual reports that are submitted by the host sites (to include information such as, but not limited to, the type of institution, content regarding the specific host site's program, demographics about the participants, and components covered during the program) for the outlined schools for the years - 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.
2017-0045 CLOSE 11/3/2016 Little Law Offices, Smith, Spires, Peddy, hamilton & Coleman, P.C. Any and all records regarding FHWA's inspection of guardrail in relation to a roadway construction project (designated by the Alabama DOT as NHF-101(506)). Project involved 6.554 mi. Base & Pave, Partial Grade & Drain, Signing & Bridge Culvert on the relocation of US 431 from South of Seale, Russell County, Alabama to Northeast of Seale, Russell County.
2017-0046 CLOSE 11/8/2016 Alto Cooper & Elliott I request all reports, correspondence, letters, e-mails, videos, and photographs pertaining to the eligibility requests associated with the FHWA eligibility letter B-193 (Nu- Cable 4 Cable System on 1 V:4H TL-3). This request includes, but is not limited to, documents related to approval, modification, alteration, and testing. The applicable period is 2007 to the present. My firm will reimburse the FHWA for all costs up to $50.00. If the cost for this request exceeds $50.00, please contact me for additional authorization.
2017-0047 CLOSE 11/14/2016 Gonzalez Williams Civil Construction MT STILLWATER 207(1) WEST ROSEBUD CREEK ROAD RECONSTRUCTION, requesting Surveying Map Design files containing the TIN and CAD Files.
2017-0048 CLOSE 10/26/2016 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna, LLP All records related to the I-81 project between September 20, 2016 and October 26, 2016.
2017-0049 CLOSE 11/9/2016 Mixon Millar & Mixon, LLC I request copies of the following records/contracts: Name of Company: Blount-Sanford Contracting, Inc. (Georgia) Location of the Company: 5275 Webb Pkwy., NW, Lilburn, GA 30047 Contract Types: Concrete - Median Construction Contracts Geographic Location of the Contracts: Varies, Mainly Southern Region Funding Type: Federally and State Funded Date Range: 1/1/2016 to Present Name of DOT Component: FHWA Please inform me of a copying fee prior to making a copy.
2017-0050 CLOSE 11/21/2016 McCurdy Ahmad Zavitsanos Anaipakos Alavi Mensing Requesting any notices or complaints received involving driver visibility or lack thereof and /or roadway lighting or lack thereof on Interstate 10 between Mile Markers 810 and 830 between January 1, 2012 to the present date, and any remedial measures taken to the same.
2017-0051 CLOSE 11/22/2016 Carlson Flathead County - Finance Requesting payroll for public employees and all documentation that supports the excel worksheet we were given by Mike Traffalis for the construction of Blacktail Road in Flathead County during fiscal year 2016. Because this is an asset of Flathead County, we were required to book the portion completed with federal funds as a contribution. This asset was selected by our auditor's at random. Please expedite this request. Revised request 12/2/2016 via email. "our auditors and they said a letter from the granting agency stating that they paid 138,242.17 was paid on our behalf for engineering costs would be sufficient. No payroll information would be needed."
2017-0052 CLOSE 11/23/2016 Green Baron & Budd, PC Seeking all copies of all photographs, reports, statements, technical information, memorandums, investigation materials, TxDOT reports and records, and correspondence (written or electronic/email) concerning the March 26, 2015 incident in Salado, Texas in which the FM 2484 bridge over IH-35 was struck and partially collapsed.
2017-0053 CLOSE 11/21/2016 Nelson Fair Contracting Foundation Project: MN NPS PRES 15(1) Pavement Preservation Minnesota specifically requests the following information: 1. Certified Payroll records for V. Pakov Contraction Co., Inc. for all work done to date. 2. Provide names of any an all subcontractors on the above project who performed or are scheduled to perform work.
2017-0054 CLOSE 11/28/2016 Green WDRB News Under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552) I am requesting access to and copies of:       All agency documents produced as part of any investigation by FHWA's Kentucky Division, alone or in conjunction with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, into the potential causes for disparities between the rates that African- American owned firms were terminated or withdrawn from Kentucky's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program compared with white- owned firms. This investigation was requested by Martha Kenley, National DBE Program Manager, FHWA Office of Civil Rights, in a June 1, 2015 memo to Thomas Nelson, Jr.      All agency documents produced as part of any investigation of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet's practice of requiring DBE applicants to bear the burden of assigning NAIC codes. This investigation was requested by Martha Kenley, National DBE Program Manager, FHWA Office of Civil Rights, in a June 1, 2015 memo to Thomas Nelson, Jr.     All agency documents produced as part of any investigation of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet's interim appeals process regarding DBE applicant firms. This investigation was requested by Martha Kenley, National DBE Program Manager, FHWA Office of Civil Rights, in a June 1, 2015 memo to Thomas Nelson, Jr.
2017-0055 CLOSE 11/29/2016 Volkert Georgia Department of Law I request a copy of a Memorandum from Robert J. Black, Senior Attorney Advisor to Virgil Pridemore, Director of Realty Services dated November 17, 2016. The subject of the Memorandum is "Request for Opinion on the Meaning of the term "Outdoor Advertising Sign." HERP-1. I would like to file it in the Georgia Court of Appeals in the case of Monumedia II, LLC v. Georgia Department of Transportation, Case No. A17A0647.
2017-0056 CLOSE 11/28/2016 Gibson Idaho Walk Bike Alliance To review public records of the Safe Routes to School programs (SRTS) under Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).
2017-0057 CLOSE 12/6/2016 Waddell Michigan Department of Transportatio n/ Department of Attorney General Please consider this a FOIA request for any and all design exception requests (with attachments) and denials or approvals regarding the following MDOT project: CS 28051/JN 4581BC : M-37 from Wexford/Grand Traverse County Line to M-113: 6.00 miles of HMA Crushing and Shaping, Resurfacing and Miscellaneous Safety and Drainage Improvements.  I believe the time frame for the project was between 2002-2005. Please feel free to respond via email.
2017-0058 CLOSE 12/13/2016 Best   I hereby request any and all materials produced for, received by or relating to President-Elect Donald Trump's Transition Team, including any questionnaires relating to the transition, the incoming administration or produced by any of the Transition Team for your agency. Please also include any presentations created for, received by or to members of the Presidential Transition Team for the new Administration since November 1, 2016 through the date of the processing of this FOIA request. Please also include any emails which include any or all of the following terms or phrases: Trump Transition New Administration New boss In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by email attachment if available or CD- ROM if not.
2017-0059 CLOSE 12/13/2016 Teal   I am requesting through the Freedom of Information Act." A detailed resolution of safety laws violated as video provided details. The conversation between two officers provide more details of interest. To note, video is approximately 30 minutes after the accident. This accident occurred in a work zone, not set in place as required safety.
2017-0060 CLOSE 12/13/2016 Misour Farrell & Reisinger, LLC I request copies of the following records: 1. For the time period between January 1, 2010 and the present, copies of any communications from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to funding recipients (be they state transportation agencies or individual contractors) on any FHWA-funded projects indicating FHWA's intent to discontinue funding for a specific project as a result of violations of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Commercially Useful Function regulations, found at 49 CFR Part 26; and 2. For the time period between January 1, 2010 and the present, copies of any communications from the FHWA to funding recipients (be they state transportation agencies or individual contractors) who or which receive or received funding from the FHWA indicating FHWA's intent to generally discontinue funding as a result of violations of the DBE Commercially Useful Function regulations, found at 49 CFR Part 26; and 3. For the time period between January 1, 2010 and the present, copies of any communications from the FHWA to funding recipients (be they state transportation agencies or individual contractors) on any FHWA-funded projects indicating FHWA's imposition of penalties or sanctions other than the intent to discontinue funding or discontinuance of funding generally or for a specific project as a result of violations of the DBE Commercially Useful Function regulations, found at 49 CFR Part 26; and 4. For the time period between January 1, 2010 and the present, copies of any communications from the FHWA to funding recipients (be they state transportation agencies or individual contractors) who or which receive or received funding from the FHWA indicating FHWA's intent to generally discontinue funding or discontinuance funding for a specific project for any reason whatsoever. To help determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I fall in the following fee category: "ALL OTHER." I am willing to pay $100.00 in fees for purposes of fulfilling this request.
2017-0061 CLOSE 12/12/2016 Mayberry Owners, ATS, Inc. Information relating to the Right- of-way plans for ID PFH 9-1(4) Eniville-Thompson Pass Highway in Shoshone County ID. Please ensure the right-of-way records include SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 50 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, B.M
2017-0062 CLOSE 12/14/2016 Kirkwood Public Works Department- Pend Oreille County Plan set for WA PFH 158-1(1), Flowery Trail. In particular, the wall detail at STA 30+540.
2017-0063 CLOSE 12/14/2016 Ragland   Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all records of the Federal Highway Administration's Kentucky Division regarding KY 3005 (Ring Road) extension from Western Kentucky Parkway to I-65 and 31-W including a new interchange with I-65, Item No. 4-0198.00, Hardin County, Kentucky since my June 29, 2016 Freedom of Information Act request FOIA Control Number 2016-0281.
2017-0064 CLOSE 12/15/2016 Ragland   Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all records of the Federal Highway Administration's Kentucky Division regarding KY 3005 (Ring Road) extension from Western Kentucky Parkway to I-65 and 31-W including a new interchange with I-65, Item No. 4-0198.00, Hardin County, Kentucky since my June 29, 2016 Freedom of Information Act request FOIA Control Number 2016-0281.
2017-0065 CLOSE 12/15/2016 Goodman Haynes and Boone, LLP We respectfully request copies of the following : 1. All documents that regard, relate to, reference, or concern the car crash that occurred on the Garden State Parkway in Bloomfield Township, County of Essex, New Jersey, on March 3, 2015. The crash occurred at approximately 10:47 p.m. while the vehicle was travelling north. The crash occurred near milepost 148.9 at the northbound exit 148 sign post. The New Jersey State Police, Bloomfield Station, responded to the crash, and the Case Number is E040-2015-00731A. The owner of the 2010 Honda Accord (VIN  b(6)                 ; License Plate No.  b(6)       ) involved in the crash was  b(6)                  (DOB  b(6)             ; Driver's License No.  b(6)                 ). The car was travelling north and crashed into the highway product separating northbound traffic and the exit 148 off-ramp. 2. All documents that regard, relate to, reference, or concern the highway products located at the scene of the above- referenced crash on the Garden State Parkway near milepost 148.9 at the northbound exit 148 sign post, including but not limited to all crash cushions and component parts of crash cushions; guardrail and end treatment installations, panels, posts, and blockouts, and component parts; and any other highway products. This includes, but not limited to, all records relating to the pre- and post-crash manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, installation, inspection, maintenance and repair of these highway products along the Garden State Parkway near milepost 148.9 at the northbound exit 148 sign post. 3. All other FOIA requests to the FHWA and your response to such requests (including but not limited to cover letters and responsive documents) that regard, relate to, reference, or concern the car crash referenced in Request No. 1 or the highway products referenced in Request No. 2. We will pay the fees for this request. If, however, you estimate that the fees will exceed $100, please contact me first and obtain our written approval before any charges are incurred.
2017-0066 CLOSE 12/16/2016 Alto Cooper & Elliott I request all reports, correspondence, letters, emails, videos, and photographs pertaining to the eligibility requests associated with the following FHWA eligibility letters: B-96 B-96A B-183 B-184 B-184A CC-76 CC-105 CC-105A My firm wil reimburse the FHWA for all costs up to $50.00. If the cost for this request exceeds $50.00, please contact me for additional authorization.
2017-0067 CLOSE 12/16/2016  b(6)                     b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
2017-0068 CLOSE 12/16/2016 Campbell USA TODAY Network I request that a copy of the following documents:  1) Any notes taken by attendees during a Dec. 13, 2016, meeting between representatives of the Federal Highway Administration and New York State Department of Transportation 2) Any documents distributed during a Dec. 13, 2016, meeting between representatives of the Federal Highway Administration and New York State Department of Transportation Please note: The meeting I am referring to was acknowledged by FHWA spokesman Neil Gaffney and NYSDOT spokesman Gary Holmes in a joint statement on Dec. 14, as referenced in the following article. (http://www.democratandchronic politics/albany /2016/12/14/meeting-i-love-ny- signs/95429332/). I am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $20. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please inform me first.
2017-0069 CLOSE 12/19/2016 Rogers Delaware Riverkeeper Network Enclosed please find a request for the following information for the period from September 10, 2016 to December 19, 2016: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarter Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from September 10, 2016 to December 19, 2016. This request includes all attachments mentioned in these documents. The bridge project is scheduled and/or has received federal funding, and (2) A request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0070 CLOSE 12/20/2016 Rogers   Requesting a copy of the current Federal/State Highway Beautification Act (HBA) Agreement including any and all amendments currently in force. My understanding is that the Federal HBA includes a provision that the FHWA enter into an "agreement" with each state outlining the provisions to be enforced in that state. So there is an "agreement" by and between the FHWA and the State of Texas. I would like a copy of this "agreement" with amendments as applies today.
2017-0071 CLOSE 12/21/2016 Killinger Cameron, Hodges, Coleman, LaPointe & Wright Any and all non-privileged records, including but not limited to, electronically stored, or other format of records and/or computer generated documents pertaining to payroll records, payroll history, personnel files and personnel records, commission history, attendance records, performance evaluations, employment applications, resume, job descriptions and duties, pay scale, payment histories, W-2 wage and tax statement; W-4 forms, disability notes and records workers compensation information and/or claims, workers compensation payments, lien claims, insurance information, I-9 forms, work absence records, pre-employment exam records, employee progress reports, explanation of benefits, payments, adjustments, write-offs, balances due and itemized billing pertaining to any and all care, treatment and/or examinations, pertaining to the plaintiff, from the first date of employment to and including the present, in the matter relating to said individual or thing pertaining to: Records of:  b(6)                                                      Date of Birth:  b(6)                      Social Security #:  b(6)                  Employed between 08/2001 -12/2014
2017-0072 CLOSE 12/22/2016 McCurdy Ahmad Zavitsanos Anaipakos Alavi Mensing Requesting all reports or studies done involving driver visibility, or lack thereof, and or roadway lighting, or lack thereof, on Interstate Highway 10 between Mile Markers 810 and 830 between January 1, 2012 to the present date, and any remedial measures taken in relation to the same.
2017-0073 CLOSE 12/15/2016 Sanford Aspect Consulting Inc request any Geotechnical Data and Report(s) for the Mission Ridge Road, Project WA PFH 216- 1(1)
2017-0074 CLOSE 12/27/2016 Bahnsen   Please send copies of reports received by Karen Stippich from the Indiana Department of Transportation in October and November of 2016. The reports will contain data as signs for Gore Exits 1, 3, 6, and 10 on Eastbound I 80/94 installed or Directional and Route Confirmation signs installed at the junction of US Routes 6 & 35 south of Westville.
2017-0075 CLOSE 1/3/2017 Greenewald, Jr. The Black Vault I respectfully request a copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of the FOIA Case Log for Calendar year 2016. If only the FY'16 is available, that will also be acceptable (though calendar is preferred).
2017-0076 CLOSE 1/3/2017 Frazer   All course materials developed for the US DOT Intelligent Transportation Systems Professional Capacity Building Program (ITS PCB), including slideshows in native Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) format, final documents in Word format, as well as final recorded videos for each course hosted on _training.aspx.
2017-0077 CLOSE 1/3/2017 Bowles Jenkins Fenstermake r, PLLC I am requesting copies of any and all documents pertaining to C L H Logging, Inc. located at 3 Cherry St., Richwood, WV 26261. This request is being made on behalf of C L H Logging, Inc. for use in the investigation and litigation of matters pending in the Circuit Court of Nicholas County, West Virginia. This firm has been retained to represent the interests of the C L H Logging, Inc. in relation to this matter.
2017-0078 CLOSE 1/4/2017 Ibarra Nixon Peabody LLP 1. All communications between CFLHD and any person concerning the project known as CA FLAP 3050(2) 2. All documents in CFLHD possession or control regarding CA FLAP 3050(2) 3. All documents     in CFLHD possession that contain raw data of any laboratory test results concerning any asphalt materials provided for CA FLAP 3050(2) 4. All documents in CFLHD possession that contain laboratory work sheets concerning any asphalt materials provided for CA FLAP 3050(2) 5. All documents in CFLHD possession concerning calibration of any laboratory equipment utilized to conduct any laboratory tests on any asphalt materials provided for CA FLAP 3050(2) 6. All documents in CFLHD possession concerning the chain of custody of any samples utilized to conduct any laboratory tests on any asphalt materials provided for CA FLAP 3050(2) 7. All documents in CFLHD possession regarding any time records kept for any washing performed on any samples utilized to conduct any laboratory tests on any asphalt materials provided for CA FLAP 3050(2) 8. All documents in CFLHD possession concerning any field tests conducted on any asphalt materials provided for CA FLAP 3050(2) 9. All documents in CFLHD possession concerning CFLHD's standard sampling procedures and policies followed when testing asphalt materials provided for CA FLAP 3050(2) 10. All communications between any laboratory performing testing services for CFLHD and anyone else regarding CA FLAP 3050(2) 11. All documents in CFLHD possession concerning any change orders regarding CA FLAP 3050(2) 12. All documents in CFLHD possession concerning any change order memorandums regarding CA FLAP 3050(2) 13. All documents in CFLHD possession concerning any pay reductions for work or materials regarding CA FLAP 3050(2) 14. All communications in CFLHD's possession concerning any pay reductions for work or materials regarding CA FLAP 3050(2)
2017-0079 CLOSE 1/3/2017 Mednick Western Connecticut Council of Governments and Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments You disagree with the Agency's refusal to disclose any of the material requested in FOIA Control No. 2016-0318 on the basis of Exemption 5. Therefore, you make a timely appeal in response to the Agency's denial of the FOIA request. Because your clients do not agree that the requested materials are exempt from disclosure, they ask for a reversal of the denial of their FOIA request and waive all associated fees. Further, they request that if any portions of the requested documents are withheld, the Agency should describe the withheld material in detail and specify the statutory basis for the denial as well as your reasons for believing that alleged statutory justification applies in this instance. Additionally, they ask that those portions of the documents which may indeed be properly exempted from disclosure by Exemption 5, should be released pursuant to the Chief's powers of discretionary release.
2017-0080 CLOSE 1/3/2017 Friedman The Oregonian I am seeking communications, electronic or otherwise, between the Federal Highway Administration, its representatives and employees and Rep. Greg Walden, his office,  representatives and employees. Please search for communications created between 1 Dec. 2016 and 31 Dec. 2016.
2017-0081 CLOSE 1/5/2017 Troutman Dewey Publications, Inc. Provide the name, title, and work email and mailing address for persons in the following positions in your agency: 1. Human Relations Directors 2. Civil Rights Directors 3. Equal Employment Opportunity Directors 4. Labor Relations Directors 5. Workers' Compensation Directors 6. Training Directors 7. Within Personnel Offices/ Employee Relations Offices/ Labor Relations Offices         a) Chiefs of Staffing/ Classification         b) Chiefs of Employee Relations 8. Within General Counsel Offices, Assistant or Deputy General Counsels for: i) Administrative Civil Rights           iv) Labor and Employment Law 9. Chief Equal Employment Opportunity Counselors We would prefer this information in digital form via email (troutman.deweypublications@g If digital versions are not available, printed material may be mailed to Dewey Publications. Response can also be sent by fax to (703) 524-1463. If the cost exceeds $50, please notify us for prior approval.
2017-0082 CLOSE 1/5/2017 Campbell USA Today Network This is a follow-up request to FOIA 2017-0037. At that time the requestor agreed to narrow his request to formal correspondence on the topic. He is now requesting all written or electronic communication. "Written or electronic communication with the State of New York and/or its agencies regarding highway signs promoting New York tourism initiatives, including but not limited to I Love new York, Taste New York, and/or Path Through History."
2017-0083 CLOSE 1/9/2017 Nada American Roas & Transportation Builders Association I would like to request an updated full data dump of the Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) database through the end of 2016. I received this data last year as part of FOIA 2016-0120.
2017-0084 CLOSE 12/29/2016 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna All records regarding the I-81 project between October 26, 2016 and December 29, 2016.
2017-0085 CLOSE 1/6/2017 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna I-81 project - all studies and analysis prepared in connection with the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, including, but not limited to all traffic studies and analysis.
2017-0086 CLOSE 1/10/2017  b(6)                        I would like a copy of the entire case file pertaining to Hotline  b(6)                     .
2017-0087 CLOSE 1/10/2017  b(6)                        I would like a copy of the entire case file pertaining to Hotline  b(6)                     .
2017-0088 CLOSE 1/10/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. I request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH6112D00032: 1. All task orders, contract modifications and change requests under the SEVATECH FITSS Contract with Federal Highway Administration. I agree to pay reasonable FOIA fees, however, please notify me if these fees exceed $55.00 for approval.
2017-0089 CLOSE 1/10/2017 Hartnett Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll, PLLC I am writing to request any and all of the following: 1. From August 2005 to the present produce all documents, including invoices, billing statements, bill of receipts, inventory lists, etc., evidencing the number of Lindsay X-Lite End Terminals purchased from Lindsay Corporation and/or Barrier Systems, Inc. 2. From August 2005 to the present produce all documents from contractors, vendors and installers that identify the number of Lindsay X- Lite End Terminals they purchased for installation on behalf of the Tennessee DOT. 3. From August 2005 to the present produce all documents regarding Tennessee DOT's decision to remove Lindsay X-Lite End Terminals from your Qualified Products List. 4. Any and all correspondence, crash test reports, drawings, and crash test videos, including but not limited to any and all material regarding    the testing of the Lindsay X-Lite End Terminals. 5. All Installation requests, reports and inspections for the Lindsay X-Lite End Terminal involved in the accident involving  b(6)                      that occurred on November 1, 2016 in McMinn County on I75 at Mile Marker 55.90
2017-0090 CLOSE 1/12/2017 Ravnitzky   I request a digital/electronic copy of each of these records: 1) The FHWA Bridge Program Manual 2) The questionnaire used to facilitate collection of information necessary to complete a risk assessment and posted on the internal employee intranet - may be at or near ndex.htm 4) the FHWA Field Planner Guidebook Probably available on the internal employee intranet - may be at or near ffepp/fpguide.htm 5) the Border Information Guide Probably available on the internal employee intranet - may be at or near ffepi/bord_abstract.htm 6) the Area Engineers Manual Probably available on the internal employee intranet - may be at or near m.pdf 7) the Risk Assessment Guide Probably available on the internal employee intranet - may be at or near madmin/risktoc.htm 8) the FHWA Tribal Consultation State of the Practice Report Available on the internal employee intranet.
2017-0091 CLOSE 1/13/2017 Waters Ancor, Inc- President AKPFH 59(1) Snug Harbor Road Paving and Bike Trail Any additional information that was not included in the solicitation of the above project, regarding Engineering Calculations or Analyses in relation to the I V: I H slopes of the Riprap, Method A, Class 1, or the 1V:1H slopes or stability of the native or underlying soils beneath the Riprap, Method A, Class 1. Any Design Review Comments from FHWA or any other Federal, State or Local agencies, (or private entities employed by those agencies), regarding the above referenced project (Snug Harbor).
2017-0092 CLOSE 1/17/2017 Weis WALA FOX10 News Copies of public records that pertain to FHWA grants administered to the city of Mobile from the late 1990s to present day that were awarded for the restoration of the city's waterfront bulkhead and the construction of a waterfront maritime transportation complex, which ultimately became the National Maritime Museum of the Gulf of Mexico, or GulfQuest.
2017-0093 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide to this office the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Independence Elementary School located at 8435 Victoria Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280. 2. Any and all    documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Independence Elementary School. 3. Any and all documents provided to Independence Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0094 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Montara Avenue Elementary School located at 10018 Montara Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280. 2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Montara Avenue Elementary School . 3. Any and all documents provided to Montara Avenue Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0095 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following:  1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Vista High Continuation School located at 11300 Wright Rd., all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Vista High Continuation School.    3. Any and all documents provided to Vista High Continuation School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0096 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Stanford Primary Center School located at 3020 Kansas Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Stanford Primary Center School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Stanford Primary Center School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0097 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Liberty Boulevard Elementary School located at 2728 Liberty Boluevard, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Liberty Boulevard Elementary School .    3. Any and all documents provided to Liberty Boulevard Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0098 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following:  1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Madison Elementary School located at 9820 Madison Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280.    2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Madison Elementary School.    3. Any and all documents provided to Madison Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0099 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Victoria Elementary School located at 3320 Missouri Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Victoria Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Victoria Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0100 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Florence Avenue Elementary School located at 7211 Bell Avenue, 2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Florence Avenue Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Florence Avenue Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0101 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by San Gabriel Avenue Elementary School located at 8628 San Gabriel Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280. 2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by San Gabriel Avenue Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to San Gabriel Avenue Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0102 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by 92nd Street Elementary School located at 9211 Grape Street, Los Angeles, CA 90002. 2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by 92nd Street Elementary  School.   3. Any and all documents provided to 92nd Street Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0103 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Retton STANTEC Consulting Services Would like copies of the technical proposals of all submittals for Project: NP NACE 17(2), 18(2), 19(2), 118(11), 206(1), Fort Davis and Fort Dupont Parks Stormwater Management Plan.
2017-0104 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Graham Elementary School located at 8407 S. Fir Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90001.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Graham Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Graham Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0105 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Tweedy Elementary School located at 9724 Pinehurst Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Tweedy Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Tweedy Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0106 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Thurgood Marshall Elementary School located at 3593 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Lynwood, CA 90262.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Thurgood Marshall Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Thurgood Marshall Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0107 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Roosevelt Elementary School located at 10835 Mallison Avenue, all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Roosevelt Elementary School. 3. Any and all documents provided to Roosevelt Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0108 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Bryson Elementary School located at 4470 Missouri Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Bryson Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Bryson Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0109 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by the City of South Gate, Los Angeles County, California.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by City of South Gate, Los Angeles County, California.   3. Any and all documents provided to City of South Gate, Los Angeles County, California in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0110 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by San Miguel Elementary School located at 9807 San Miguel Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280. 2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by San Miguel Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to San Migue Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0111 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Stanford Avenue Elementary School located at 2833 Illinois Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280. 2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Stanford Avenue Elementary School.     3. Any and all documents provided to Stanford Avenue Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0112 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by South Gate Elementary School No. 4 located at 8435 Victoria Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280. 2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by South Gate Elementary School No. 4.     3. Any and all documents provided to South Gate Elementary School No. 4 in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0113 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Grape Street Elementary School located at 1940 E. 111th St., Los Angeles, CA 90059.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Grape Street Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Grape Street Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0114 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please search and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Weigand Avenue Elementary School located at 10401 Weigand Avenue, 2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Weigand Avenue Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Weigand Avenue Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0115 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Lincoln Elementary School located at 11031 State St., all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Any and all documents provided to Lincoln Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0116 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Ritter Elementary School located at 11108 Watts Avenue, and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Ritter Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Ritter Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0117 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C.  Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Park Avenue Elementary School located at 8020 Park Avenue, Cudahy, CA 90201.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Park Avenue Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Park Avenue Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0118 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Will Rogers Elementary School located at 11220 Duncan Avenue, all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Will Rogers Elementary School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Will Rogers Elementary School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0119 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Southeast Area New High School located at 3941 Tweedy Boulevard, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Southeast Area New High School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Southeast Area New High School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0120 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Southeast High School located at 2720 Tweedy Boulevard, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Southeast High School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Southeast High School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0121 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by South Gate High School located at 3351 Firestone Boulevard, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by South Gate High School.   3. Any and all documents provided to South Gate High School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0122 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by STEAM Legacy High School located at 5525 Tweedy Boulevard South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by STEAM Legacy High School.   3. Any and all documents provided to STEAM Legacy High School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0123 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Lynwood High School located at 4050 East imperial Highway, all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by and all documents provided to Lynwood High School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0124 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Jordan High School located at 2265 East 103rd St., Los Angeles, CA 90002.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Jordan High School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Jordan High School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0125 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Marco Antonio Firebaugh High School located at 5426 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Lynwood, CA 90262. 2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Marco Antonio Firebaugh High School.   3. Any and all documents provided to Marco Antonio Firebaugh High School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0126 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide for the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by South Gate Middle School located at 4100 Firestone Boulevard, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by South Gate Middle School.   3. Any and all documents provided to South Gate Middle School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0127 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Southeast Middle School located at 2560 Tweedy Boulevard South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by Southeast Middle School .   3. Any and all documents provided to Southeast Middle School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0128 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by San Miguel Catholic School located at 2216 E. 108th St., Los Angeles, CA 90059.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by San Miguel Catholic School.   3. Any and all documents provided to San Miguel Catholic School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0129 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by St. Helen's Catholic School located at 9329 Madison Avenue, South Gate, CA 90280.   2. Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by St. Helen's Catholic School.   3. Any and all documents provided to St. Helen's Catholic School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0130 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Liberatore Liberatore, P.C. Law Firm Please research and provide the following: 1. Any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by St. Emydius Catholic School located at 10990 California Avenue, Any and all documents, photographs or evidence supplementing any and all applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs submitted by St. Emydius Catholic School . 3. Any and all documents provided to St. Emydius Catholic School in response to applications for federal funding to either or both of the SR2S and SAFETEA-LU Programs.
2017-0131 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Lall SWP Contracting and Paving 1. The apparent low bidders Bidder's Information sheet (B-3) 2. The apparent low bidders resumes of key personnel (B-4) 3. The apparent low bidders contracts in force (B-5) 4. The apparent low bidders list of projects in last five years (B-6)
2017-0132 CLOSE 1/20/2017 Westerman Franklin County Board of Commissioners With regards to US 52 (Main Street) in Brookville, IN, The Board of Commissioners would like to have a copy of the contractors contract concerning US 52 as well as the contract with O'Mara (contractor) and INDOT. Also, a copy of the Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Brookville and INDOT. This has to do with US 52 Main Street and the sidewalks. Send a copy of the State showing jurisdiction from the curb to the buildings on US 52 Main Street.
2017-0133 CLOSE 1/24/2017 Wittman Atorney at Law copies of the WA PFH 29-1(1) Middle Fork Snoqualmie project diaries from August 28, 2014.
2017-0134 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Day- Woodruff University of Texas This request is for (1) all Title VI complaints lodged in a court of law and served against the Federal Highway Administration since 1996 and (2) any document indicating the final disposition of those legal complaints (such as public settlements, consent decrees, final judgements, etc).
2017-0135 CLOSE 1/20/2017 Sanchez, Jr. Liles & White, PLLC Respectfully request certified copies of the following for State of Texas Project Number 0328-06- 028 and FA Project Number STP 1402 (065). Said projects were road construction projects for Currant Contracting, Asphalt In., L.L.C., and Lonestar Paving in McMullen County, TX for 2016: 1. All documents, records, and contracts for the above- referenced projects. 2. All traffic control plans in their original format for the above-referenced projects. 3. All traffic control device inspection checklists performed by TX D.O.T. engineers and inspectors for the above- referenced projects. 4. All index of sheets for the above- referenced projects. 5. All storm water pollution and prevention plans for the above-referenced projects. 6. All logs or journal entries specifically the daily work record kept by TX D.O.T. for the above-referenced projects. 7. All minutes and memorandums concerning the meetings that were conducted prior to the start of the above-referenced projects, including but not limited to all minutes and memorandums between the State of Texas and the federal government and Currant Contracting, Asphalt Inc., .C., and complaints made by the public to TX D.O.T. concerning the above- referenced projects. 9. All motor vehicle accident or accident records maintained by TX D.O.T. pertaining to the above- referenced projects. 10. All road construction journal entries and diaries by all engineers, road construction supervisors, road construction assistants for the above-referenced projects. 11. All daily logs regarding signage, safety barrels, cones, striping, and any other activities pertaining to the above-referenced projects. 12. All photographs and videos of the above-referenced projects. 13. All records and documents between TX D.O.T., Currant Contracting, Asphalt Inc., L.L.C., Lonestar Paving, and any other road construction company in the above-referenced projects. 14. Al Changes orders for the above- referenced projects.
2017-0136 CLOSE 1/25/2017 Block Hiltgen & Brewer BNSF Railway Company File #249.000
2017-0137 CLOSE 1/23/2017 Jacobsen   I request the following through the Freedom of Information Act: The date and posting of the Federal Register regarding the FONSI for the Longmeadow Toll Bridge, Kane County. Any information regarding the rules and regulations for challenging a FONSI. Any correspondence between FHWA and the Kane County Department of Transportation for November, 2016. This information will be shared with the public.
2017-0138 CLOSE 1/26/2017 Osmulski MacIver News Service Copies of all correspondence between Michael Davies and state officials in Wisconsin concerning state transportation funding between October 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016. Please advise me before processing this request if the total cost will exceed $50.
2017-0139 CLOSE 1/26/2017 Meeks Troutman Sanders Request the following public records: 1. The letter sent on behalf of the Georgia Department of Transportation ("GDOT") to the Federal Highway Administrations ("FHWA") on or about July 21, 2016, in which GDOT requested an opinion from FHWA regarding whether signs located inside a building are outdoor advertising signs under the Highway Beautification Act. 2. All other public records pertaining to GDOT's request for an interpretation from FHWA regarding whether signs located inside a building are outdoor advertising signs. This request includes all public records pertaining to this issue without any time limitation and includes, but is not limited to, the following communications:  1. Electronic messages, whether in the form of electronic mail ("e-mail") or other format, sent or received by any FHWA employee;  2. Voice mail; 3. Calendar items regarding this subject;  4. Notes; and  5. Research materials
2017-0140 CLOSE 1/27/2017 Flowers Transcore Please provide the following information: (a) Cooperative Agreement issued and/or executed by your agency with the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association ("Recipient IBTTA") in relation to the Notice of Funding Opportunity Number DTFH6116RA00004 issued February 1, 2016 for "Communications Protocol Testing for Electronic Toll Collection Interoperability Nationwide"; and (b) All documents and records in your agency's possession which were prepared or exchanged by your agency with Recipient IBTTA or any third party in relation to the Cooperative Agreement and Funding Opportunity referenced in paragraph (a).
2017-0141 CLOSE 1/27/2017 Smith Work Area Protection Corporation Respectfully requesting all supporting documentation submitted for MASH testing of the QuadGuard M10. They ran additional test and we do not have the following: 1. All supporting documentation including engineering summaries and video submittals for additional tests run. 2. Tests that need this supplied information are #3-30, #3-33, #3-35 on asphalt (CC-122B), #3-36 on wide M10. 3. My previous request for M10 information did not include the documentation on the M10 Elite (CC112A). We request all engineering summaries, supporting documentation and videos from that submittal.
2017-0142 CLOSE 1/27/2017 Turk New Scientist A copy of any contracts, letters and emails between the Federal Highway Administration and Elon Musk or his companies Tesla, SpaceX or The Boring Company, regarding the building/excavation of a tunnel.
2017-0143 CLOSE 1/26/2017 Rizvi Lindsay Corporation Request information for the following: FHWA letter of eligibility reference HSST-1/CC- 131 (approval for MASH Sentry Longitudinal Energy Dissipater (Sill receive all written documentation (including full test reports), engineering analysis, pictures and forms pertaining to this approval letter HSST/CC-131 and the full and complete electronic video files for the vehicle crash tests on the approval letter as below: 1. MASH test 3-40 2. MASH test 3-41 3. MASH test 3-42 4. MASH test 3- 43 5. MASH test 3-44 6. MASH test 3-45
2017-0144 CLOSE 2/1/2017 Morris Federal Marketing Manager Would like names - prime plus subconsultants as listed in the technical proposal submission for the HD and/or Bridge Design IDIQ - South Region and North Region.
2017-0145 CLOSE 2/3/2017 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Copies of all documents relating to I-81 Viaduct Project that came into FHWA's possession on or after December 29, 2016 through February 3, 2017.
2017-0147 CLOSE 2/6/2017 West Pennsylvania Diversity Coalition - PADC Please release all reasonably segregable nonexempt portions of documents. We are requesting all Uniform Report of DBE Awards or Commitments and Payments Forms submitted by Alabama DOT, Alaska DOT, Arkansas DOT, Arizona DOT, California DOT,          Colorado DOT, Connecticut DOT, Delaware DOT, District of Columbia DOT, Florida DOT, Georgia DOT, Hawaii DOT, Idaho DOT, Illinois DOT, Indiana DOT, Iowa DOT, Kansas DOT, Kentucky DOT, Louisiana DOT, Massachusetts DOT, Maryland DOT, Maine DOT, Michigan DOT, Minnesota DOT, Mississippi DOT, Missouri DOT, Montana DOT, Nebraska DOT, New Hampshire DOT, Nevada DOT, New Jersey DOT, New Mexico DOT, New York DOT, North Carolina DOT, North Dakota DOT, Ohio DOT, Oklahoma DOT, Oregon DOT, Pennsylvania DOT, Puerto Rico DOT, Rhode Island DOT, South Carolina DOT, South Dakota DOT, Tennessee DOT, Texas DOT, Utah DOT, Vermont DOT, Virginia DOT, Virgin Islands DOT, Washington DOT, Wisconsin DOT, West Virginia DOT Wyoming DOT. We are requesting all Uniform Report of DBE Awards or Commitments and Payments Forms submitted during three (3) most recent fiscal years of FY 2014 - FY 2016. Please include both forms/reports for each period of report submission for each respective DOT that was listed. Additionally, as this information will be provided directly to stakeholders and beneficiaries of the DBE Program, I request a waiver of all fees for this request. If you determine that fees will not be waived and estimate that the fee amount will exceed $100, please inform me before processing my request.
2017-0148 CLOSE 2/3/2017 Janisch CBS News I request records from the following electronic search: A copy of all emails from the  domain to senior managers encompassed within the required agency system for retaining emails of senior officials. Frequently this records management policy/system is described by the name Capstone. -mgmt/grs/grs06-1-faqs.html If the agency has not yet established NARA-compliant email retention procedures, then I instead request an electronic search of the mailboxes of agency senior managers for all emails that include the phrase in the FROM address. I limit this request to the time period January 20, 2017 to the present. This is a request in the news media fee category. I agree to pay up to $25 for applicable fees if necessary. I request that documents be provided in electronic form if possible.
2017-0149 CLOSE 2/7/2017 Lanham Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance Committee CA FTBL 67110(1) - Gecko Road, Gray Wells Road - Prime Contractor Pyramid Construction. Request copies of the following information for the above referenced project: 1. Name, address and license number of each awarded subcontractor (Public Contract Code, 4104 (a) requires that the prime contractor making a bid shall list, ("The name and location of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work."
2017-0150 CLOSE 2/7/2017 Tyler   I request that a copy of the following documents be provided to me: A copy of correspondence from Congressman Pat Tiberi (OH- 12) or his staff and the response to the correspondence. Please search for documents from January 2001 through present.  I believe the correspondence are most likely to be held by your Office of Congressional Affairs, Office of Legislative Affairs, or the office of the Executive Secretariat and likely tracked within a correspondence management system. I am specifically looking for correspondence regarding policy, legislation, or regulations, recommendations for executive branch positions or appointments, or support or opposition to federal funding for programs, projects, or companies.  I am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $50. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please inform me before processing my request.
2017-0151 CLOSE 1/26/2017 Anderson Swandal Law Offices MT PARK 2013(1), Contract # DTFH7014D00006 Copy of task order contract for the above project.
2017-0152 CLOSE 2/7/2017 Cullen Triple B's, LLC We have requested from Alaska DOT & PF the prices that were paid for parcels within 1 mile of our location. Our address is 1880 Glenn Highway, Palmer, AR 99645 and we would like the values of any and all properties purchased to date for the construction of the project within 1 mile of our address. (Federal-Aid Project No.: 0A15024 and State of Alaska Project No.: Z581040000)
2017-0153 CLOSE 2/9/2017 Ravnitzky   I request a digital/electronic copy of the following records: A digital/electronic copy of the FHWA Risk Assessment Guide. I believe this document is available to FHWA staff at madmin/risktoc.htm This is a noncommercial individual request. I agree to pay up to $25 for applicable fees, if necessary
2017-0154 CLOSE 2/9/2017 Ravnitzky   I request a digital/electronic copy of the following records: The list or printout of items from the Federal Highway Administration Research Library Catalog which are nonpublic, restricted, classified, for internal use, etc. This is a noncommercial individual request. I agree to pay up to $25 for applicable fees, if necessary.
2017-0155 CLOSE 2/9/2017 Ravnitzky   I request a digital/electronic copy of the following records: The catalog database for the Federal Highway Administration(FHWA) Research Library Catalog. This is a noncommercial individual request. I agree to pay up to $25 for applicable fees, if necessary.
2017-0156 CLOSE 2/9/2017 Campbell USA TODAY Network I request a copy of the following documents: 1) Any formal letters or responses since Dec. 13, 2016, between representatives of the Federal Highway Administration and New York State Department of Transportation regarding rest areas on Long Island and in Broome County, New York. 2) Any formal letters or responses since Dec. 13, 2016, between representatives of the Federal Highway Administration and New York State Department of Transportation regarding tourism signage in New York.
2017-0157 CLOSE 2/10/2017 Brooke EBSCO Industries Inc Cultural Resources Assessment (CRA) conducted by MRS Consultants with David Schneider, in Appendix E of the FONSI, ALDOT Project IM-1059(367), I- 59.20 Corridor Improvements, Jefferson County, AL., June 2015
2017-0158 CLOSE 2/13/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH7112D00006: 1.   contract with SOW/PWS 2.   task orders with SOW/PWS 3.   all mods for contract & task orders 4. technical response to RFP number DTFH7111R00005 5.   agency evaluation/scoring
2017-0159 CLOSE 2/13/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH7112D00010: 1.   contract with SOW/PWS 2.   task orders with SOW/PWS 3.   all mods for contract & task orders 4. technical response to RFP number DTFH7111R00005 5.   agency evaluation/scoring
2017-0160 CLOSE 2/13/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH7112D00011: 1.   contract with SOW/PWS 2.   task orders with SOW/PWS 3.   all mods for contract & task orders 4. technical response to RFP number DTFH7111R00005 5.   agency evaluation/scoring
2017-0161 CLOSE 2/14/2017 Mercer Jeff Mercer LLC Request for payments made by LADOTD for the I49 or Bastrop Project
2017-0162 CLOSE 2/15/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH7112D00005: 1.   contract with SOW/PWS 2.   task orders with SOW/PWS 3.   all mods for contract & task orders 4. technical response to RFP number DTFH7111R00005 5.   agency evaluation/scoring
2017-0163 CLOSE 2/15/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH7112D00004: 1.   contract with SOW/PWS 2.   task orders with SOW/PWS 3.   all mods for contract & task orders 4. technical response to RFP number DTFH7111R00005 5.   agency evaluation/scoring
2017-0164 CLOSE 2/15/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. Good morning, under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH7112D00003: 1.   contract with SOW/PWS 2. task orders with SOW/PWS 3.   all mods for contract & task orders 4.   technical response to RFP number DTFH7111R00005 5. agency evaluation/scoring
2017-0165 CLOSE 2/15/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH7112D00012: 1.   contract with SOW/PWS 2.   task orders with SOW/PWS 3.   all mods for contract & task orders 4. technical response to RFP number DTFH7111R00005 5.   agency evaluation/scoring
2017-0166 CLOSE 2/15/2017 Wilenzik Powell Trachtman Logan Carrle & Lombardo, P.C. all documents related to the Maryland State Highway Administration ("MDSHA") Contract No. H02485126, (F.A.P. No. NH-95-3(197)E) Extension of Existing Southbound I-95 Timberview Community Noise Barrier (13027NO), since November 1, 2012 to the present, including but not limited to: - audits - reports of any kind, including investigation reports - investigation results - payment information - interviews - memoranda - photos/videos - correspondence (including e- mails) - diagrams - meeting minutes - any other information relating to any investigation.
2017-0167 CLOSE 2/16/2017 Lindblom Transportatio n Reporter, Seattle Times Highway 99 project financial reports
2017-0168 CLOSE 2/16/2017 Podskoc Retirement Benefits Institute, Inc. the names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, grade and step (if applicable), and job titles of all Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) employees in the following areas: Tallahassee, FL Denton, TX Dallas/Ft Worth, TX Winston- Salem, NC Raleigh-Durham, NC Richmond, VA Fredericksburg, VA New Orleans, LA
2017-0169 CLOSE 2/17/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH7112D00009: 1.   contract with SOW/PWS 2.   task orders with SOW/PWS 3.   all mods for contract & task orders 4. technical response to RFP number DTFH7111R00005 5.   agency evaluation/scoring
2017-0170 CLOSE 2/16/2017 Gonzalez Williams Civil Constructions, Inc. we are requesting the MicroStation .dgn file with the final cross sections for MT Stillwater 2017(1) West Rosebud Creek Rd.
2017-0171 CLOSE 2/13/2017 Smith D & L Construction Co., Inc. Request copies of any and all communication, written and/or electronic, between your office and the Gwichyaa Zhee Gwichin Tribal Government and between your office and the Western Federal This would be information gathered over a period of some ten years. We are particularly interested in any communication about the Ivars Access Road.
2017-0172 CLOSE 2/21/2017 Ravnitzky   I request a copy of the FHWA INTRAnet home page for the internal FHWA webpage that posts NBIS (National Bridge Inspection Program) guidance, including guidance related to ART (Assessment Reporting Tool), and also each page connected to that page by one click. I agree to pay up to $25 for applicable fees.
2017-0173 CLOSE 2/21/2017 Ravnitzky   I request a digital/electronic copy of the FHWA Bridge Program Manual (BPM). By the BPM, I do not mean the Bridge Program Guide. I certify that I searched for this manual on the FHWA website without any success. I agree to pay up to $25 for applicable fees.
2017-0174 CLOSE 2/21/2017 Barnes Southern Environmental Law Center Termination of Federal Funding for Transportation Projects in Georgia. Request all documents in the possession or control of the Federal Highway Administration FHWA relating to the termination of Georgia Department of Transportation GDOT projects.
2017-0175 CLOSE 2/13/2017 Granneman Environment al Law and Policy Center Requesting any environmental impact statement documentation for the proposed Illiana Tollway project submitted to the Federal Highway Administration by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and/or Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) after June 16, 2015, including but not limited to, any partial or draft documents.
2017-0176 CLOSE 2/22/2017 Bowles Jenkins Fenstermake r PLLC I respectfully request that you provide me with any documentation in the possession of the U.S. Department of Transportation and/or the Federal Highway Administration pertaining to Mid South Carbon Corporation. Your response should include any documents obtained during the course of any investigation related to Mid South Carbon Corporation. We are requesting a complete copy of any and all documents pertaining to the January 12, 2017 accident in Middlebourne, Tyler County, West Virginia involving Hunter Osborn.
2017-0177 CLOSE 2/23/2017 Vigna Manko Gold Katcher Fox LLP We request copies of the following: All documents including but not limited to, correspondence, emails, memoranda, work orders, permits inspection reports regarding project(s) involving excavation and/or disturbance of the surface and sub-surface of Klingle Road, NW between Beach Drive and Adams Mill Road in Washington, DC. Please note that the work took place between March 1996 and sometime in 2001. This was prior to the establishment of the District Department of Transportation in May 2002. Please advise if the expected cost to fulfill this request exceeds $350.00.
2017-0178 CLOSE 2/21/2017 Donnelly NBC Universa Data sufficient to show the number of crashes tied to police pursuits and the number of fatal crashes tied to police pursuits in Massachusetts from 2000 through the most recent data you have available.
2017-0179 CLOSE 2/27/2017 Granneman Environment al Law & Policy Center any documents relating to Tier 1 or Tier 2 Draft or Final Environmental Impact Statements for the proposed Illiana Tollway project, including emails, memoranda, letters, and notes of meetings, from June 16, 2015 to the present.
2017-0180 CLOSE 2/28/2017 Dexter- Cooper Monaghan Safar Ducham, PLLC We seek the following documents and information: (1) Any Cooperative Agreements entered into between the Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA") and Vermont State Infrastructure Bank ("SIB") from January 1, 1995 through the present; (2) Any agreements entered into between FHWA and SIB from January 1, 2015 through the present related to a transload project in Shelburne, VT; (3) Any agreements entered into between FHWA and Vermont Agency of Transportation ("VTrans") from January 1, 2015 through the present related to Shelburne Transload Facility; (4) Any reports, annual or otherwise, submitted to FHWA by SIB from January 1, 2015 through the present; (5) Records of any federal funds provided to SIB by FHWA from January 1, 2015 through the present for Shelburne Transload Facility, and for each please provide the date, amount, and purpose (if any); (6) Records of any federal funds provided to VTrans by FHWA from January1, 2015 through the present for Shelburne Transload Facility, and for each please provide the date, amount, and purpose (if any); and (7) Any correspondence between SIB, Vermont Economic Development Authority or VTrans, or an agent, employee, board member, or representative thereof, and FHWA, or representative thereof, from January 1, 2015 through the present related to Shelburne Transload Facility. We consent to pay applicable fees for this request up to a maximum of $250. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please inform us first.
2017-0181 CLOSE 2/27/2017 Cobian AAC Abestos Analytical & Consultants This letter is in request of Records of Financial Expenditures of use of RTP (Recreational Trails Program) funds used and allocated in the State of Hawaii by the State of Hawaii Department of Land And Natural Resource's Division of Forestry and Wildlife. We are requesting copy of Expenditure records from 2013 to 2016 for the purpose of the States compliance with: - Diverse Trail use: 40% minimum with a maximum of 100% - Motorized: 30% minimum with a maximum of 70% - Nonmotorized: 30% minimum with a maximum of 70% of in which the State of Hawaii there are no exceptions to this requirement. The State of Hawaii by definition of the RTP has only one public "diverse trail" park. We appreciate your assistance to this request.
2017-0182 CLOSE 2/28/2017 Kingsdale Law Office of Andrew S. Kingsdale This is a request on behalf of Eco- Asset Solutions and Innovations, illC (EASI). EASI requests copies of the following records: (1) The final agreements and contracts to purchase each compensatory mitigation credit (including wetland, wildlife habitat, stream, and other natural resource- related mitigation credits) purchased by your or any component of the United States Department of Transportation (DOT Component) within the last ten years; (2) All reports, databases, lists, or compilations containing information about compensatory mitigation credits available for purchase, and created within the last ten years; and (3) All reports, databases, lists or compilations containing information about compensatory mitigation credits actually purchased, and created within the last ten years. EASI's preferred format for the requested documents is electronic, sent via email or U.S. Mail. EASI is willing to pay up to $25.00 for the requested records.
2017-0183 CLOSE 3/1/2017 Goodman Haynes adn Boon, LLP Attorneys and Counselors All documents that regard, relate to, or reference, or concern the car crash that occurred on Interstate 90 eastbound near mile post 55.8 on March 25, 2016 in Elgin, Kane County, Illinois. All documents that regard, relate to, reference, or concern the highway products located at Interstate 90 eastbound near mile post 55.8. This includes but not limited to crash attenuators and component parts
2017-0184 CLOSE 2/28/2017 Cobian   This letter is in request if Records of Financial Expenditures of use of RTP (Recreational Trails Program) funds used and allocated in the State of Hawaii by the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resource's Division of Forestry and Wildlife. We are requesting copy of Expenditures records from 2013 to 2016 for the purpose of the States compliance.
2017-0185 CLOSE 3/2/2017 Rodgers Delaware Riverkeeper Network Request for the following information for the period from December 20, 2016 to March 2, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA") relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails applications, determinations, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania. (MPMS 13716) from December 20, 2016 to March 2, 2017. this request includes all attachments mentioned in these documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or has received federal funding; and (2) A request for a ful waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0186 CLOSE 3/3/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Copies of all records pertaining to I-81 Viaduct Project or the I-81 Opportuntities Environment Review Process that FHWA came in to possession of on or after February 3, 2017 through March 3, 2017.
2017-0187 CLOSE 3/2/2017 Pineda University of Hawai'i at Manoa Public records that state the backlog of maintenance on Federa highways in Hawai'i.
2017-0188 CLOSE 3/2/2017 Moore RainKing I would like to place a request for a list or organization chart of all agency employees with their title, name, phone number, and email address.
2017-0189 CLOSE 3/7/2017 Falanga Law Offices Falanga & Chalker Copies of its certificates and/or permits; a copy of its proof of public liability security; a copy of its designation of an agent for service of process; a copy of the fee for filing of proof of insurance; a copy of any inspection reports, logs, citations, insurance filings, disciplinary actions, licenses, authorities, correspondence, safety records, accident register, or any other documents concerning, referencing or relating to Pina Record Trucking,             Inc.
2017-0190 CLOSE 2/27/2017 Huffman Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP All documents, or portions, provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to the requester in response to the FOIA request submitted on or about October 27, 2016, for records relating to split-level rail terminals. This request includes al records, documents, electronic correspondence and other information, whether in writing or electronic format. We are willing to pay the fees associated with processing this request up to $250.00 without further authorization. Please contact this office if you anticipate the fees associated with processing this request to exceed that amount.
2017-0191 CLOSE 3/6/2017 Strahm   Returning granted FHWA funds by PSRC from 2007 to 2016.
2017-0192 CLOSE 3/14/2017 Rivera-Cole Travelers Staff Counsel Office Indiana I am requesting copies of records pertaining to a Federal-aid highway sign modernization project that took place in Howard County, Indiana in 1990. I am attaching a copy of the document I have regarding the project to provide you the most detail and identifying information I have about the project. It has an HES project number 000S(171). I would like any information you have regarding the project, particularly any information showing that the project was ultimately approved by the FHWA and that federal funds were used on the project. Please supply the records without informing me of the cost if the fees do not exceed $50.00 which I agree to pay. You may also provide the records by email if that would be the most convenient method.
2017-0193 CLOSE 3/14/2017 Lipton MuckRock News I request the following records: 1. Any available log of appeals submitted to this agency or the agency tasked with processing Freedom of Information Act appeals for this division. Please provide such logs for the period from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. Please, if possible, include with the log the following items: (a) the request number associated with the FOIA in question; (b) the appeal number assigned to the appeal; (c) the description of the subject matter addressed by the request; (d) the division or office of initial receipt; (e) the date on which the appeal was received; (f) the date on which the appeal was closed; (g) the determination or final disposition status of the appeal. 2. All appeal letters and opinion letters associated with appeals for which the determination was to reverse, in whole or in part, the decision of the initial request agency. Please provide such letters for appeals closed during the period from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. 3. All appeal letters and opinion letters associated with appeals for which the determination was to remand the request to the appropriate agency. Please provide such letters for appeals closed during the period from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. 4. All appeal letters and opinion letters associated with appeals for which the determination was to affirm the decision of the initial agency. Please provide such letters for appeals closed during the period from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. 5. Any instructive or guiding materials provided to and/or utilized by employees of this department's Freedom of Information Act office. Please include any manuals, procedural materials, reference guides, checklists, training materials, flow charts, directives, memorandums, legal decisions, presentations, or similar material used in the process of an appeal by this office tasked to process FOIA appeals for this office. Any guiding materials used for the preparation of an appeal package should be considered responsive to, though not the entirety of, this element  of this request. 6. The name and contact information for the appropriate appeal authority to whom appeals for this agency should be directed. If such information exists as part of a template letter sent to requesters, provision of this document will be considered satisfactory. Please provide responsive materials on a rolling basis.
2017-0194 CLOSE 3/15/2017 Moore RainKing We would like to offer the amount of $300 to obtain the existing technology contracts within your agency.
2017-0195 CLOSE 3/21/2017 Bahnsen   Please send me copies of reports received by Karen Stippich from the Indiana Department of Transportation in December 2016 and February 2017. The reports will contain data such as signs for Gore Exits 1, 3, 6, and 10 on Eastbound I-80/94 installed. On Directional and Route Confirmation signs installed at the injunction of US Routes 6 & 35 south of Westville.
2017-0196 CLOSE 3/1/2017 Hunter Southern Environmental Law Center The Southern Environmental Law Center requests all records regarding enforcement of Section 1306 of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act's (MAP-21) financial penalties provision, codified at 23 U.S.C. Section 139(h)(7). This FOIA request specifically includes: (1) All records regarding any policies and procedures related to implementation of 23 U.S.C. Section 139(h)(7); (2) All records regarding all instances where the deadlines described in 23 U.S.C. Section 139(h)(7) were not met; and (3) All records regarding financial penalties that were assessed or were contemplated but not assessed pursuant to 23 U.S.C. Section 139(h)(7).
2017-0197 CLOSE 2/27/2017 Rodd Friends of Blackwater Any and all records in your files wherever located created after January 1, 2015, reports, letters, correspondence, notes, receipts, maps, plans or draft plans, photographs, video tapes, computer records or files, e-mail, telephone logs, message notes, and any other documents on the topic listed below. Friends of Blackwater requests all such records containing information on the Corridor H Segment from Davis to Parsons, including all information on proposed routes, all cultural and environmental impacts, all endangered species locations and stream locations and all communications as stated above between your office and the WVDOH, US Fish and Wildlife Service, WV Department of Environmental Protection, WV Department of Natural Resources, The Environmental Protection Agency, the State Historic Preservation Office, The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, land managers, elected officials, planners and consultants or experts regarding Corridor H in this area.
2017-0198 CLOSE 3/23/2017 Morrison Associated General Contractors of NYS, LLC. Communications and correspondence between NYSDOT and FHWA related to the review and approval, or denial, of PLA's related to FHWA contracts. This includes design-bid projects as well as alternative delivery contracts submitted to date, during the current 2016-2017 federal fiscal year.
2017-0199 CLOSE 3/28/2017 Smith Coffman Specialties, Inc. Route 60/215;Fed. aid Project: ACNH-X065(095)n, cmln- 6208(017) Caltrans Contract No. 08-449314    1. FHWA's file on the Project. 2. All letters, memos, emails, and other communications and documents regarding the design or construction of the Project. 3. All letters, memos, emails, and other communications and documents regarding errors or omissions or allegations of errors or omissions in the design or construction of the Project. 4. All letters, memos, emails, and other communicatioms and documents regarding disputes with respect to the design or construction of the Project. 5. All letters, memos, emails, and oTher communications and documents to or from FHWA, California department of Transportation (Caltrans), Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), AECOM, or LAN Engineering regarding the Project. 6. All evaluations or comments or other emails or communications regarding the Project. 7. All requests for funding and evaluations of or comments on requests for funding regarding the Project. 8. All evaluations or comments or other emails or communications regarding claims by Coffman Specialties, Inc. on the Project.
2017-0200 CLOSE 3/29/2017 Marshall Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates, Richmond I request a copy of any application submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia or its agencies to toll existing lanes on Interstate 66 in Virginia from Haymarket to Washington, DC, as well as copies of any documents relating to the approval or denial of the application.
2017-0201 CLOSE 3/29/2017 Elliott National Motorcycle Institute - NMI Oregon data, "Annual Vehicle Distance Traveled in Miles and Related Data between 2011-2015 concerning Motorcycle (Motor Vehicle Travel) and All Motor Vehicles.
2017-0202 CLOSE 3/30/2017 Reap Associated Builders & Contractors, Empire State Chapter March 6, 2017 letter from Matthew Driscoll to FHWA NY Division requesting FHWA action on PLA agreements submitted to the Division.
2017-0203 CLOSE 3/31/2017 Rosenblatt NBC News This is a Freedom of Information Act Request for any correspondence regarding Interstate-85 in Fulton County, Georgia, in the last year (03/31/2016 - 03/31/2017) between the Federal Highway Administration and the Georgia Department of Transportation, Georgia's Department of Public Safety, and Governor Nathan Deal's Office. We are also requesting any Records of Inspection for Interstate 85 in the state of Georgia between 03/31/2016 - 03/31/2017.
2017-0204 CLOSE 3/31/2017 Oswald   A copy of correspondence from Congressman Robert "Beto" O'Rourke and the response to the correspondence. Please search for documents from January 2013 through present. I believe the correspondence are most likely to be held by your Office of Congressional Affairs, Office of Legislative Affairs, or the office of the Executive Secretariat and likely tracked within a correspondence management system. I am specifically looking for correspondence regarding policy, legislation, or regulations, recommendations for executive branch positions or appointments, or support or opposition to federal funding for programs, projects, or companies.
2017-0205 CLOSE 3/29/2017 Meddock Interstate Executive Services Information regarding government testing that is being performed on  b(6)                      on  b(6)    and  b(6)     home, including, but(6n)ot limi(t6e)d to, the following types of testing: chemical, radio wave, magnetic, genetic, pathogens, disease, biological warfare agents, electromagnetic radiation, electric torture, synthetic telepathy, remote neural monitoring, microwave energy, sound waves, ultra-sounds, radiofrequency radiation, bio- electromagnetic, active denial technology, full spectrum surveillance, GHZ radiation, any type of directed energy weapons, telepathic raygun, psychotropic weapons, germ bombing, and or any other type of testing.
2017-0206 CLOSE 4/4/2017 Rapp Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial I request information concerning State Project No. 700-99-0463 for the widening of Interstate 12 from O'Neal Lane to Walker in the area of East Baton Rouge and Livingston Parishes in and around 2009. I request the following documents, as well: 1) All "Finding of No Significant Impact" (FONSI) documents for the I-12 widening from O'Neal Lane to Walker; 2) All documents regarding the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) adoption of the U.S. Corp. of Engineer's (COE) decision in regards to the widening of I-12 from O'Neal Lane to Walker; 3) Any and all documents determining that the widening of I-12 from O'Neal Lane to Walker that will not have a significant impact on the human environment; 4) Any and all documents independently evaluated by the FHWA regarding the widening of I-12 from O'Neal Lane to Walker; 5) All documents regarding the environmental assessment by the FHWA regarding the widening of I-12 from O'Neal contract documents for the I-12 widening from O'Neal Lane to Walker; and 7) All engineering data, specifically, those documents referencing to a "Finding of No Significant Impact" (FONSI).
2017-0207 CLOSE 4/4/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna Records pertaining to the project known as I-81 Viaduct Challenge between FHWA and any or all of the NYSDOT or Syracuse Metropolitan Council or any representative or agent acting for or on behalf of any of them with respect to the project. Request limited to documents FHWA came in to possession of on or after March 3, 2017 through the date of letter (4/4/17).
2017-0208 CLOSE 4/3/2017 Shinn Camden County Historical Society The Camden County Historical Society requests copies of the following: All headquarter's correspondence (paper or digital, incoming, outgoing, or internal) or memoranda of record dated between 28 July 2014 and your receipt of this request that mention the William Harrison, Jr., House, located at 515 West Browning Rd., Bellmawr, NJ 08031(I-295/I-76/Rte. 42 Direct Connection project, or which mention any of the house's alternate names, which include the Harrison-Glover House, the Hugg- Harrison-Glover House, the Glover House, the Captain William Harrison House, and/or the New St. Mary's Cemetery office building. In the context of the I- 295/I-76/Rte. 42 Direct Connection project, it might be referred to as the "old house," "the house," "the 1764 house," or the house at New St. Mary Cemetery.
2017-0209 CLOSE 4/11/2017 Reap Associated Builders & Contractors, Empire State Chapter Any communications between FHWA and NYSDOT on topic of NYSDOT's PLA and the ultimate approval by FHWA to move forward. Copies of PLA due diligence studies performed related to PIN X80723 (D900037), PIN X72699 (D900039) and PIN 800684 (D900038).
2017-0210 CLOSE 4/11/2017 Heinitz DCCC I request copies of all records of or reflecting correspondence to, from, and/or between officials in the Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs, as well as the Office of the Administration, and Representative Peter Roskam or any member of Rep. Roskam's congressional staff or campaign staff acting on behalf of Rep. Roskam.
2017-0211 CLOSE 4/7/2017 DeLuca Law Office of Pepper Hamilton, LLP PennDOT Approval to use a pre- hire collective bargaining agreement with one or more labor organizations (PLA) for US 202, Markley Street (Section 510), Project MSMS#80021
2017-0212 CLOSE 4/13/2017 Streett ANSER We'd like to obtain details on task orders awarded on FHWA's Program Support for Highway Policy Analysis contracts with each of the ten contract awardees. They include: Contract #    Company Name DTFH 6113D00023 APPill RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. DTFH6113D00012  BATTEillE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE DTFH6113D00013 BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON DTFH6113D00014 CAMBRIDGE SYSTEMATICS, INC. DTFH6113D00015 CDM FEDERAL PROGRAMS CORPORATION DTFH6113D00016 ICF INTERNATIONAL, INC. DTFH6113D00019 JACK FAUCETT ASSOCIATES, INC. DTFH6113D00020 MACROSYS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY DTFH6113D00022 ill INC. DTFH6113D00021 RD MINGO AND ASSOCIATES We're interested in the description of the work requested (e.g., statements of work) for each of the task orders awarded since the beginning of fiscal year 2013 (i.e., FY2013, FY2014, FY2015, FY2016, and FY2017) under each of the ten contracts. We'd like to know which company was awarded each task order, and if possible, how much was/has been billed to each - so we have a feel for the magnitude of the effort.
2017-0213 CLOSE 4/13/2017 Paragamian   I would like an electronic copy or hard copy (if free) of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Fernan Lake Road Safety Improvement Project FHWA-ID- EIS-04-1-F, ID PFA 80. Also any other documents related to this project.
2017-0214 CLOSE 4/13/2017 Masciarelli Rhode Island House of Representatives I request copies of the following records: 1. All memoranda. opinions, emails, and documents of any kind containing legal analysis with respect to any toll facilities as defined in Subsection 42-13.1-3(8) of the General Laws of Rhode Island which may be erected and which may collect tolls from large commercial trucks as defined in Subsection 42-13.1- 3(3) of the General Laws of Rhode Island comply with federal law and/or regulations. 2. Any and all commnications, correspondence, memoranda, emails, or other documents to or from the Federal Highway Administration to any official or department head or employee of the State of Rhode Island, including the Department of Transportation, which discusses in any manner the legality or legal propriety of the actions authorized by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation pursuant to Title 43 Chapter 13.1 of General Laws of Rhode Island. 3 Any and all memoranda, opinions, emails and documents containing legal analysis discussing or opining regarding the constitutionality under the United States Constitution or the Rhode Island Constitution with respect to the authorization to collect tolls from large commercial trucks pursuant to the authority granted to the Rhode Island Department of Transportation under Title 42 Chapter 13.1 of General Laws of Rhode Island. 4. Any and all communications, correspondence, memoranda, emails, or other documents relating to or rendering an opinion relative to the constitutionality under the United States Constitution or the Rhode Island Constitution with respect to the authority granted  to the Rhode Island Department of Transportation to collect tolls from large commercial vehicles pursuant to Title 42 Chapter 13.1 of General Laws of Rhode Island. We are willing to pay all fees for FOIA information, please contact if over $50.00. However, we request a fee waiver due to disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the government.
2017-0215 CLOSE 4/13/2017 Carr Carr & Carr I am requesting things that others have already requested via FOIA request in years past. I am requesting copies of the following records: 1. Katy Stech of the Wall Street Journal issue a FOIA request to the FHWA on 5-15- 2014 (Control No. 2014- 0300). Please produce each thing that you produced to her pursuant to her 5-14-2014 request. 2. Danielle Ivory of the New York Times issued a FOIA Request to the FHWA on 11-6- 2014 (Control No. 2015-0045). Please produce each thing that you produced to her pursuant to her 11-6-2014 request. 3. Cindy Galli of ABC News issued a FOIA Request to the FHWA on 11-4- 2014 (Control No. 2015-0041). Please produce each thing that you produced to her pursuant to her 11-4-2014 request. 4. Peter Kurdock of the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety issued a FOIA Request to the FHWA on 11- 14-2014 (Control No. 2015-0061). Please produce each thing you produced to him pursuant to his 11-14-2014 request. 5. Lang of Hillard, Munoz, Gonzales LLP issued a FOIA request to the FHWA on 11-21-2014 (Control No. 2015-0071). Please produce each thing you produced to him pursuant to his 11-21-2014 request. 6. Juan Renteria, Jr. of Renteria Law Firm, PLLC issued a FOIA Request on 12-2-2014 (Control No. 2015-0080). Please produce each thing you produced to him to his 12-2-2014 request. 7. Juan Renteria, Jr. of Renteria Law Firm, PLLC issued a FOIA Request on 12-16-2014 (Control No. 2015- 0087). Please produce each thing you produced to him to his 12-16- 2014 request. 8. Toby Hauser of Miller Schirger LLC issued a FOIA request on 3-13-2015 (Control No. 2015-0166). Please produce each thing produced to his 3-13-2015 request. I am willing to pay fees for these searches in the amount of $5,000.00. Please contact me if your fee estimate exceeds this amount.
2017-0216 CLOSE 4/13/2017 Carr Carr & Carr I am requesting things that others have already requested via FOIA request in years past. I am requesting copies of the following record: 1. Sean Kane of the Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. issued a FOIA Request to the FHWA on 11-10-2014 (Control No. 2014- 0171). Please produce each thing you produced to him pursuant to his 11-10-2014 request.
2017-0217 CLOSE 4/13/2017 Carr Carr & Carr I am requesting things that others have already requested via FOIA request in years past. I am requesting copies of the following records: Cindy Galli of ABC News issued a FOIA Request to the FHWA on 2-2-2015 (Control No. 2015-0119). Please produce each thing to her pursuant to her 2-2- 2015 request.
2017-0218 CLOSE 4/17/2017 DeScherer Southern Environmental Law Center The SELC is requesting all records in the possession or control of the FHWA related to the I-73 proposal that were generated in the previous three years. This request includes all records, including but not limited to, the following: 1. any revised reevaluations for this project undertaken pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA"); 2. any revised cost estimates for the project; 3. all correspondence, including e-mail, between FHWA, any other local, state, or federal agencies, consultants, state or federal legislators, or other persons relating to I-73 proposal.
2017-0219 CLOSE 4/13/2017 Paragamian   I would like an electronic copy or hard copy (if free) of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Fernan Lake Road Safety Improvement Project FHWA-ID- EIS-04-1-F, ID PFA 80. Also any other documents related to this project.
2017-0220 CLOSE 4/18/2017 Terpstra Cox Media Group, Washington News Bureau I request access to and copies of all emails pertinent to the I-85 overpass collapse sent to and from: Rodney Barry, FHWA Georgia Division, William Farr, FHWA Georgia Division, and Jeffrey Schmidt, FHWA Georgia Division, from March 30, 2017 through April 3, 2017. I agree to pay reasonable duplication fees for the processing of this request in an amount not to exceed $25. However, please notify me prior to your incurring any expenses in excess of that amount.
2017-0221 CLOSE 4/18/2017 Schultz Grants Office LLC I request digital copies of the following records: 1. FY 2016 Advanced Transportation & Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) proposal - City of Pittsburgh, PA     - Volume 1 (Technical application) and Volume 2 (Budget application) components 2. FY 2016 Advanced Transportation & Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) proposal - Texas Department of Transportation (Houston, TX)     - Volume 1 (Technical application) and Volume 2 (Budget application) components 3. FY 2016 Advanced Transportation & Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) proposal - City of Los Angeles, CA     - Volume 1 (Technical application) and Volume 2 (Budget application) components
2017-0222 CLOSE 4/19/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network I request the following information for the period from April 18 to April 19, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from April 18, 2017 to April 19, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding, and (2) A request for a ful waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0223 CLOSE 4/19/2017 Hammond   Names and contact information for all consultants not listed under WFL Construction Inspector Contracts @ ae/contracts/ management- inspection.htm that WFL will be using to provide CIs for projects, in and out of Alaska in 2017. Names of each consultant listed under WFL Construction Inspection Contracts @ /ae/contracts/ management- inspection.htm that WFill be using to fill CI positions in Alaska in 2017.
2017-0224 CLOSE 4/21/2017 Zimmerman HK Contractors, Inc. Design line data files for all portions of WY PRA YELL 10(19); Grand Loop Road Norris to Golden Gate, Phase 2 Project. Contract Number: DTFH7014D00004/0002.
2017-0225 CLOSE 4/24/2017 Eimers   The meeting attended via conference call on 4/19/2017 at the United States Department of Transportation, led by Acting Deputy Administrator Walter Waidelich, Jr., regarding the approval and performance of the X-Lite Terminal system, and all correspondence related to your FOIA requests.
2017-0226 CLOSE 4/21/2017 Eimers   All accident reports in the ongoing FHWA X-Lite guardrail end treatments study.
2017-0227 CLOSE 4/21/2017 Rauch Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP Documents evidencing the FHWA's eligibility process and/or procedure for issuing roadside safety device acceptance letters during calendar years 2008 through 2011. This request includes, without limitation, the FHWA memorandum or memoranda setting forth the eligibility process or criteria for receiving an FHWA acceptance letter for a roadside safety device or system for that timeframe.
2017-0228 CLOSE 4/21/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network I request the following information for the period from April 19 to April 20, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from April 18, 2017 to April 19, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding, and (2) A request for a ful waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0229 CLOSE 3/29/2017 Reifers Boyle Brasher LLC All public records relating to the use of federal funds via Federal Railway-Highway Crossings Program concerning Main Street Crossing in Biloxi, MS (DOT/AAR ID No. 340185W) - including all communications and contracts and payment records between MDOT and FHWA.
2017-0230 CLOSE 4/20/2017 Lanham Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance Committee Certified payroll records for project CA FTBL 67110(1) Gecko Road/Gray Wells Road - Prime Contractor: Pyramid Construction
2017-0231 CLOSE 4/24/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network I request the following information for the period from April 19 to April 20, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from April 20, 2017 to April 24, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or has received federal funding, and (2) A request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0232 CLOSE 4/25/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network I request the following information for the period from April 24 to April 25, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from April 24, 2017, to April 25, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) A request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0233 CLOSE 4/26/2017 Mestre Bercow Radel Fernandez & Larkin I would like to submit a FOIA request to obtain the customary use agreements entered into between FHWA and local municipalities. This relates to signage regulations. Attached please find an example of a customary use agreement entered into between FHWA and the City of Miami, Florida. I understand FHWA has entered into similar agreements in regards to Times Square, as well as with local municipalities in the State of  Texas and Orlando, Florida. I would like to request all such customary use agreements.
2017-0234 CLOSE 4/26/2017 Hanna CNN Digital, Atrium Newsroom Documents related to any communication to the state DOTs concerning the storage of materials under bridges.
2017-0235 CLOSE 4/21/2017 Cannon Cannon Hadfield Any Federal funds used in connection with Federal Railroad Administration highway crossing #804855W in the Town of Eaton, Weld County, Colorado.
2017-0236 CLOSE 4/26/2017 Mestre Bercow Radel Fernandez & Larkin I would like to submit a FOIA request to obtain the customary use agreements entered between FHWA and local municipalities. This relates to signage regulations. Attached please find an example of a customary use agreement entered into between FHWA and the City of Miami, Florida. I understand FHWA has entered into similar agreements in regards to Times Square, as well as with local municipalities in the State of Texas and Orlando, Florida. I would like to request all such customary use agreements.
2017-0237 CLOSE 4/26/2017 Mestre Bercow Radel Fernandez & Larkin I would like to submit a FOIA request to obtain the customary use agreements entered between FHWA and local municipalities. This relates to signage regulations. Attached please find an example of a customary use agreement entered into between FHWA and the City of Miami, Florida. I understand FHWA has entered into similar agreements in regards to Times Square, as well as with local municipalities in the State of Texas and Orlando, Florida. I would like to request all such customary use agreements.
2017-0238 CLOSE 4/27/2017 Schultz Grants Office LLC I am requesting a complete list of denied applicants to the FY 2016 Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) grant program, due June 3, 2016. For each applicant, I request the Applicant's Legal Name, Point of Contact, and Address provided in the application.
2017-0239 CLOSE 4/28/2017 Pecher Klar, Izsak & Stenger, LLC I request copies of the following: 1 This request is for any and all records relating to a request or granting of a design waiver, exception or variance from U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and/or Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) standards concerning the shoulder and/or lane width of the Westbound Interstate 64, U.S. Route 40 and U.S. Route 61 span of the Daniel Boone Bridge, during the time period from 1/1/2010 through the date of this request. 2. Additionally, please consider this a request for any and all records relating to the shoulder and/or lane width on either the eastbound or westbound Interstate 64, U.S. Route 40 and U.S. Route 61 span of the Daniel Boone Bridge between 1/1/2010 and through the date of this request. I fall in the following fee category: Commercial Use. I am willing to pay $200.00 for all fees on this request. If your estimated cost is higher that that amount, please contact me in writing before any further action is taken.
2017-0240 CLOSE 5/1/2017 Allen Guest & Brady We are requesting copies of the following information regarding Railroad Crossing No. 716587W; Spartansburg County, South Carolina; Crossing at Mt. Calvary Church Road: (1) Any documents reflecting the expenditure of state or federal funds for the installation of any grade crossing warning devices at the above crossing. (2) If federal funds were expended for the warning devices, any information that would reveal whether or not the funds were "section 130" funds.
2017-0241 CLOSE 4/28/2017 Alaruri Fairmarkit A formal request for every Software & Hardware purchase/quote in the last 3 years. We'd like the company manufacturing sku, pricing, product, msrp, purchase price, and reseller. We'd like these in electronic copies. If possible, I'd also like to FOIA the managers in charge of procurement and sourcing for each branch location.
2017-0242 CLOSE 4/28/2017 Falcone Steptoe & Johnson LLP documents and records (other than materials published in the Federal Register) interpreting or discussing the provision relating to axle weight limits for over-the- road buses and public transit vehicles set forth at 23 USC 127.
2017-0243 CLOSE 5/1/2017 Johnson Keleher and McLeod, P.A. I request that the following documentation be copied and submitted to my office: 1. Documents showing any federal easement(s) on former United States Highway Route 66 ("Route 66") between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Grants, New Mexico. 2. Documents showing ownership of former Route 66 between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Grants, New Mexico, including when ownership of Route 66 was transferred to any other entity.
2017-0244 CLOSE 5/2/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network Request for the following information for the period from Apr. 25, 2017 to May 2, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania. (MPMS 13716) from April 25, 2017 to May 2, 2017. This bridge project is scheduled and/or has received federal funding, and (2) A request for a ful waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0245 CLOSE 5/3/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network Request for following information for the period from May 2 to May 3, 2017: 1) Copies of all records filed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania. (MPMS 13716) from May 2, 2017 to May 3, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or has received federal funding. 2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0246 CLOSE 5/5/2017 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Copies of all records pertaining to the project known as I-81 Viaduct Project. Request is limited to documents that FHWA came into possession of on after April 4, 2017 through the date of this letter (May 5).
2017-0247 CLOSE 5/8/2017 Miller ProPublica I request a copy of the following reports: All reports of eminent domain land seizure submitted to the Federal Highway Administration, Office of Real Estate Services (HEPR), 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590. Copies of all reports submitted by all federal agencies from 2011 through 2017. I expect reports from the following agencies: Department of Homeland Security; General Services Administration; Department of Justice; Department of Interior; and Department of Transportation I want this FOIA request expedited.
2017-0248 CLOSE 5/9/2017 Alaruri FairMarkIT, Inc. The fields we are requesting are: company, product, PO date, PO Number, QTY, Price, description. Send a file with all software purchases over the last 12 months.
2017-0249 CLOSE 5/1/2017 Hammond   1. Provide a list of each project that Western Federal Lands (WFL) will be using consultants to fill Construction Management (CM) and Construction Inspector (CI) support positions in 2017, in and out of Alaska. This list should include projects that are listed under Awarded Contracts and Current Projects" for each state. 2. For each of the projects listed in No. 1above, provide the name of the consultant that will be used to fill each CM and CI support position. Note: I am not requesting the names of the consultants listed on WFL's website at https flh projects us-states-map. I am specifically requesting the name  of each consultant that will be used for each project listed in No. 1 above. 3. If any consultants will be using subcontractors to fill CM and CI positions, provide the name of the consultant using subcontractors and the names of the subcontractors WFL has approved to fill these positions. 4. Provide a list of each project that already has an approved CM and or CI and the name of the consultant that filled the position. 5. For each project listed in No. 4 above, if a Task Order has been issued, provide a copy of the Task Order.
2017-0250 CLOSE 5/5/2017 Eimers   1. I would like the names and titles of any individual that is working on the inquiry by FHWA into the Lindsay X-Lite. 2. I would like any employment history/ consulting history/ lobbying history/ or any financial/ personal relationship of the official described above and any manufacturers or installers of highway safety equipment with a letter of approval from FHWA. 3. I would like a copy of all email threads/ documentation of calls/ correspondences made from FHWA investigators described above and the Lindsay corporation from 4/1/2017- 5/3/2017. 4. I would like any documentation or emails from FHWA of Lindsay being asked for their estimated US distribution numbers, performance concerns, crash testing, or their ongoing training/ support for end users since 4/1/2017 through 5/3/2017 5.I would like any emails or call logs to or from Lindsay Corporation from Beth Alicandri, Menna Yassin, Butch Waidelich, Jr. or anyone that attended the meeting I attended at DOT on 4/19/2017 chaired by Butch Waidelich Jr. In addition, please include any email with the word X-Lite/ Lindsay/ Eimers/ Hannah/ Stephen/ Leopold/ Tennessee/Byrd. 6. I would like all threads of any email from me ever sent to FHWA that was forwarded to any other email addresses. 7. I would like a copy of any emails or calls or documentation related to my above foia requests
2017-0251 CLOSE 5/9/2017 Rizvi Lindsay Transportatio n Solutions Corporation I would like to receive all the information, pertaining to NCHRP Project 22-30, Multi-State In- Service Performance Evaluations of Roadside Safety Hardware, but not limited to: written documentation, engineering analysis, statistical analysis, pictures, video files, data collection & inspection forms, study design, design of experiments, sampling size calculations, crash scene evaluations, all police reports
2017-0252 CLOSE 5/9/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network Request for the following information for the period from May 3, 2017, to May 9, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from May 3, 2017, to May 9, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0253 CLOSE 5/11/2017 Chopra DCCC I request access to and copies of all congressional correspondence logs regarding correspondence between any officials at the Federal Highway Administration of the Department of Transportation and Representative Leonard Lance between January 1, 2009 and May 10, 2017.
2017-0254 CLOSE 5/12/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network Request for the following information for the period from May 9, 2017, to May 12, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716)from May 9, 2017, to May 12, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0255 CLOSE 5/12/2017 Campbell USA TODAY Network I request a copy of any formal letters or responses since Feb. 9, 2017, between representatives of the Federal Highway Administration and New York State Department of Transportation regarding tourism signage in New York.
2017-0256 CLOSE 5/15/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network Request for the following information for the period from May 12, 2017, to May 15, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from May 12, 2017, to May 15, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0257 CLOSE 5/16/2017 Walters Reed Pruett Walters PLLC The request pertains to the I-90 Two-Way Transit and HOV Operations construction project in King County, Washington. We request copies of all signed contracts between the Federal Highway Administration and (a) the Washington Department of Transportation; (b) Sound Transit; and (c) any contractors on the Project.
2017-0258 CLOSE 5/15/2017 Rothstein WCVB ABC, Channel 5 Provide the underlying data to the "200-plus crashes" that were considered when evaluating the ratio of "Fatality and Serious Injury per total crashes," including but not limited to the specific locations of those crashes and the outcome (fatality and/or serious injury) and date of crashes. Requesting a fee waiver.
2017-0259 CLOSE 5/5/2017 Eimers   1. I would like the names and titles of any individual that is working on the inquiry by FHWA into the Lindsay X-Lite. 2. I would like any employment history/ consulting history/ lobbying history/ or any financial/ personal relationship of the official described above and any manufacturers or installers of highway safety equipment with a letter of approval from FHWA. 3. I would like a copy of all email threads/ documentation of calls/ correspondences made from FHWA investigators described above and the Lindsay corporation from 4/1/2017- 5/3/2017. 4. I would like any documentation or emails from FHWA of Lindsay being asked for their estimated US distribution numbers, performance concerns, crash testing, or their ongoing training/ support for end users since 4/1/2017 through 5/3/2017 5.I would like any emails or call logs to or from Lindsay Corporation from Beth Alicandri, Menna Yassin, Butch Waidelich, Jr. or anyone that attended the meeting I attended at DOT on 4/19/2017 chaired by Butch Waidelich Jr. In addition, please include any email with the word X-Lite/ Lindsay/ Eimers/ Hannah/ Stephen/ Leopold/ Tennessee/Byrd. 6. I would like all threads of any email from me ever sent to FHWA that was forwarded to any other email addresses. 7. I would like a copy of any emails or calls or documentation related to my above foia requests
2017-0260 CLOSE 5/15/2017 Benevento Joseph Greenwald Laake, PA I request the following documents relating to the guardrail in Montgomery County, Maryland on Interstate Highway 270, travelling northbound just after merging from Interstate Highway 495 westbound, at approximately the GPS coordinates of - 77.1043212711811, 39.0201631177408: (1) The specifications and design of the guardrail, including feeder chutes and end terminals; (2) The identity of the manufacturer of the guardrail; (3) The identity of the installer of the guardrail and date of installation; (4) Any records associated with maintenance, improvements, modifications or repairs to the guardrail; (5) The identity of any private companies who have maintained, improved, modified, or otherwise repaired the guardrail and the records associated with that work including but not limited to the date and scope of work; (6) Any request for proposals regarding the guardrail; (7) Any records relating to safety and/or crash testing of the guardrail; (8) All documents reflecting the relationship between the Federal Highway Administration and the State of Maryland regarding the inspection and maintenance of the guardrail; and (9) Any records documenting crashes involving the guardrail.
2017-0261 CLOSE 5/16/2017 Watt   I am a freelance journalist working on a story about the funds released under the Emergency Relief program in April. I request copies of the following records: A full list of states receiving funds under this program since January 20th, 2017; A full list of states applying for funds under this program since January 1st, 2015; All application materials received from states or state agencies requesting reimbursement under the ER program since January 20th, 2017; All communications sent to and received from states applying to this fund, and pertinent to their application, including notices of funding awards.
2017-0262 CLOSE 5/18/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network Request the following information for the period from May 15, 2017, to May 18, 2017, copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from May 15, 2017, to May 18, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. Also, request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0263 CLOSE 5/22/2017 Lee Freelance State and Local Govt Reporter Any correspondence to, from, or CC'd to Atlanta FHWA personnel from January 1, 2016 through present date regarding 1) The Georgia Department of Transportation's "Amendment #25" to its Statewide Transportation Improvement Program; 2) GDOT Project number PI-0014203.
2017-0264 CLOSE 5/18/2017 Lee   Any 2016 report listing Federal-aid projects by state, to include obligations and expenditures.
2017-0265 CLOSE 5/22/2017 Krauss RES 1.     All written and electronic communications between U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration and Ecosystems Investment Part (EIP) 2.     All written and electronic communications between U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration and Talisheek, LLC
2017-0266 CLOSE 5/23/2017 Dorman Knoxville News Sentine The Highway Administration requested each of its state divisions submit information on whether X-LITE ends are used in the state; if so, how many are installed; and whether there is any additional performance information to share (the Inquiry). Responses to the Inquiry were required to be submitted by Friday, April 21. I am requesting all responses and other correspondence between the Federal Highway Administration and its state divisions pertaining to the Inquiry. Additionally, I am requesting all correspondence between the state Highway Administration divisions and state departments of transportation pertaining to the Inquiry. Responsive records may include, but may not be limited to: email messages, other written correspondence, voicemails, photos and videos from the state divisions to Highway Administration officials. Include all attachments to the email messages and other correspondence. Search for correspondence sent and received by: Elizabeth Alicandri, the associate administrator of the office of safety; Highway Engineer Menna Yassin; and others at the Highway Administration involved in the Inquiry.
2017-0267 CLOSE 5/24/2017 Mealiffe Nixon Peabody LLP I request the following: 1. Communications, including letters, emails, and memoranda, concerning the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) or Department of Transportation's (DOT) finding that New York State tourism signage, including "I Love N.Y." signage, is out of compliance with federal law, as described in the New York Times article by Sarah Masin Nir, "'I Love N.Y.' Signs Have a Lot to Say. The Government Says They're Illegal," dated Nov. 30, 2016; 2. Documents showing FHWA's or DOT's finding and decision to meet to negotiate in December 2016 with New York State regarding the "I Love N.Y." signage 3. Any documents regarding the December 2016 meeting between FHWA or DOT representatives of the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) or New York Executive Chamber, including Alphonso Daivd and Ali Chaudry, regarding the "I Love N.Y." signage other tourism signage, or Taste N.Y. stores; 4. Communications, including letters, emails, and memoranda, with representatives of NYSDOT or New York Executive Chamber, including Alphonso David and Ali Chaundry, regarding New York State toruism signage from 2013 to the present; 5. Communications, including letters, emails, and memoranda, with representatives of NYSDOT or New York Executive Chamber,  including Alphonso David and Ali Chaundry, concerning Taste N.Y. stores from 2013 to the present; 6 Documents regarding any other meetings, either in person or telephonically and including meeting calendar requests, between FHWA or DOT and with any representatives of NYSDOT or New York Executive Chamber, including Alphonso David and Ali Chaundry, or the New York State Office of the Attorney General, regarding New York State's noncompliance with federal law on matters relating to "I Love N.Y." signage, other tourism signage,    or Tast N.Y. stores; 7. Any documents indicating the outcome, including any decisions or findings, of any meetings other than the December 2016 meeting between FHWA or DOT and representatives of New York State, including but not limited to, representatives of NYSDOT, New York Executive Chamber, including Alphonso David and Ali Chaundry, or the New York State Office of the Attorney General, concerning New York State's noncompliance with federal law on "I Love N.Y." signage, other tourism signage, or Tast N.Y. stores; 8. Any documents relating to the site located in a middle island of the Hutchinson River Parkway, near North Street, White Plains, Westchester County, New York (the Site) from 2010 to the present; 9. Any documents relating to the construction of a Taste N.Y. project located at the Site (the Project); and 10. Any documents relating to Taste N.Y. stores, including their placement on interstate highways.
2017-0268 CLOSE 5/16/2017 Machetanz Davis Wright Tremaine LLP All daily or weekly reports or diaries or other written documentation(A) of FHAs observation(B) on the above project and interpretations(B) of the project documents, including any photographs or email communication(A) A. Emails or other internal records from the Project CIs or PM regarding the project. I do not need communications with Ancor. Only Internal FHWA emails- No contractor emails or documents needed B. Internal communications of FHWA regarding contract questions, site condition questions, contract issues
2017-0269 CLOSE 5/25/2017 Rauch Hahn Loeser & Parks, LLP All emails between either Joe Frazzetta ( or Rick Mauer ( and Nick Artimovich and/or Will Longstreet for the years 2008 through 2011.
2017-0270 CLOSE 5/25/2017 Strobo Strobo Barkley This request seeks copies of the following records: (1) All emails, letter or communications, of any kind, between the FHWA and the Kentucky Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabinet (KTAHC) regarding the Minority Historic Rehabilitation Craftsman Training Program (MHRCTP), which subsequently became the Samuel Plato Academy, including, but not limited to, who has management authority over MHRCTP and who controls the $1.5 million allocated to the MHRCTP. (2) All emails, letter or communications, of any kind, between the FHWA and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KTC) regarding who has authority over the MHRCTP, which subsequently became the Samuel Plato Academy, Kentucky, including, but not limited to, who has management authority over MHRCTP and who controls the $1.5 million allocated to the MHRCTP. (3) Any memoranda of agreement/understanding between the FHWA and KTC or KTAHC addressing the MHRCTP or the Samuel Plato Academy.
2017-0271 CLOSE 5/26/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network Request the following information for the period from May 18, 2017, to May 26, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from May 18, 2017, to May 26, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0272 CLOSE 5/26/2017 Austin The Virgin Islands Daily News Complete copies of communications - digital and/or written - to the Federal Highway Administration offices in Puerto Rico in calendar year 2016 from Gustav James, the commissioner of Public Works in the U.S. Virgin Islands - or from any other USVI official or the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands - addressing the Main Street Restoration Project in Charlotte Amalie and questions about the legality of the contract with Tip Top Construction.
2017-0273 CLOSE 5/26/2017 Williams   all documents related to the following Title VI complaint:  HCR- 20, DOT # 2016-0015, Intake # 1213242
2017-0274 CLOSE 5/25/2017 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Withheld Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement ("PDEIS") and Draft Environmental Impact Statement ("DEIS") related to the 1-81 Viaduct Project in Syracuse, New York (the "Project") under FOIA Control No. 2017- 0145, dated March 2, 2017
2017-0275 CLOSE 5/25/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Withheld Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement ("PDEIS") and Draft Environmental Impact Statement ("DEIS") related to the 1-81 Viaduct Project in Syracuse, New York (the "Project") under FOIA Control No. 2017- 0186 dated March 24, 2017
2017-0276 CLOSE 5/25/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna Withheld Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement ("PDEIS") and Draft Environmental Impact Statement ("DEIS") related to the 1-81 Viaduct Project in Syracuse, New York (the "Project") under FOIA Control No. 2017- 0207 dated April 26, 2017
2017-0277 CLOSE 5/31/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network I request the following information for the period from May 26 to May 31, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from May 26, 2017 to May 31, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding, and (2) A request for a ful waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0278 CLOSE 5/31/2017 McMullen Phoenix Mountains Preservation Council, Inc. Request for biological research materials relied upon in preparation of the 2014 South Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) Final Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation (FHWA-AZ-EIS-1401-F), as part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review of the ADOT/Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)'s South Mountain 202L Project. The supporting documents requested herein are part of the administrative record for this EIS and should therefore be made available for disclosure.
2017-0279 CLOSE 5/31/2017 Bradley Bradley & Bradley Law Firm I am requesting a copy of the complete NCHRP Report 350 for the Trinity Attenuating Crash Cushion (TRACC) Test Level 3 Crash Cushion System, including testing data, photographs, and videos associated and relied upon by Trinity for the NCHRP Report 350.
2017-0280 CLOSE 5/12/2017 Rothstein WCVB ABC, Channel 5 Provide the underlying data to the "200-plus crashes" that were considered when evaluating the ratio of "Fatality and Serious Injury per total crashes," including but not limited to the specific locations of those crashes and the outcome (fatality and/or injury) and date of crashes. Requesting a fee waiver.
2017-0281 CLOSE 6/1/2017  b(6)                   b(6)                                                                                                                                                       
2017-0282 CLOSE 6/1/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network I request the following information for the period from May 31, 2017, to June 1, 2017: (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from May 31, 2017, to June 1, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding, and (2) A request for a ful waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0283 CLOSE 5/19/2017 Vuinovich Baldwin, Crocker & Rudd, P.C. 1.Documents related to site visits by Mr. David Hilgendorf, Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads Program (ERFO) Coordinator, Western Federal Lands Highway Division (WFL), to the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Montana, from 2011 -2013, inclusive. 2.Documents related to field notes, applications, project funding, project close-out, audits, damage survey reports, and any similar documentation regarding ERFO projects approved for, or funding to, the Fort  Belknap Indian Reservation, Montana, from 2011- 2013, inclusive. 3.Documents related to field notes, applications, project funding, project close-out, audits, damage survey reports, and any similar documentation regarding ERFO projects approved for, or funding for BIA Route 113 on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Montana, from 2011-2013, inclusive. 4.Correspondence to or from Mr. David Hilgendorf regarding ERFO projects approved for, or funding to, the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Montana, from 2011- 2013, inclusive. 5.Correspondence to or from Mr. David Hilgendorf regarding projects approved for, or funding for, BIA Route 113 on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Montana, from 2011- 2013, inclusive.
2017-0284 CLOSE 5/23/2017 Wittman Attorney At Law staff diaries from August 28, 2014 on the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River WA PFH 29-1(1) project
2017-0285 CLOSE 6/2/2017 Strahm   I request copies of records pertaining to: (1) The returning of granted Federal Highway Administration funds by the Metropolitan Planning Organization, Puget Sound Regional Council,for the years 2007 to 2016. (2) Application(s) for federal funding submitted by the Metropolitan Planning Organization, Puget Sound Regional Council for the years 2007 to 2017.
2017-0286 CLOSE 6/5/2017 Strahm   I request copies of records pertaining to the returning of granted Federal Highway Administration funds by the Metropolitan Planning Organization, Puget Sound Regional Council for the years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.
2017-0287 CLOSE 6/5/2017 Cox Lone Staar Legal Aid Budgetary or finance documents related to port expansion and channel widening projects where the recipient is the City of Freeport or Port Freeport from 2008 through the present.
2017-0288 CLOSE 5/31/2017 Toole   Requesting to inspect any complaints filed in the last 3 years against the Arizona Department of Transportation or any local public agency alleging their non compliance with the Uniform Act (UAR 49 CFR Part 24). Would also like to inspect the certification and/or assurances given to the Federal Highway Administration by the Arizona Department of Transportation regarding compliance with the Uniform Act. in general and specifically in reference to ADOT Project Number 010 PM 248 H8479 (Casa Grande - Tucson Ina Road TI), including those required by or referenced in; 49 CFR 24.4 49 CFR 24.603 23 CFR 710.305 23 CFR 710.309 23 CFR 635.309 Would like to inspect these documents at our office in Phoenix.
2017-0289 CLOSE 6/7/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman,O sterman & Hanna LLP Copies of records pertaining to the I-81 Challenge project. This request is limited to documents that FHWA came into possession of on or after May 5, 2017 through June 7.
2017-0290 CLOSE 6/2/2017 Wenz Cars Are Basic CAB is making the formal FOIA request for the SBCAG application for funding, all supporting documents submitted by SBCAG for the funding request, and all documents submitted to the FHWA from the County of Santa Barbara, the City of Santa Barbara and Caltrans regarding HPLUL- 6090(048).
2017-0291 CLOSE 6/2/2017 Wenz Cars Are Basic CAB is making the formal FOIA request for the SBCAG application for funding, all supporting documents submitted by SBCAG for the funding request, and all documents submitted to the FHWA from the County of Santa Barbara, the City of Santa Barbara and Caltrans regarding HPLUL- 6090(048).
2017-0292 CLOSE 6/2/2017 Wenz Cars Are Basic CAB is making the formal FOIA request for the SBCAG application for funding, all supporting documents submitted by SBCAG for the funding request, and all documents submitted to the FHWA from the County of Santa Barbara, the City of Santa Barbara and Caltrans regarding HPLUL- 6090(048).
2017-0293 CLOSE 6/8/2017 Bahnsen   Please send copies of reports received by Karen Stippich from the Indiana Department of Transportation in March, April , and May of 2017. The reports will contain data as signs for Gore Exits 1, 3, 6, and 10 on Eastbound I 80/94 installed or Directional and Route Confirmation signs installed at the junction of US Routes 6 & 35 south of Westville. You also seek a list of all signs installed by the LaPorte District during these three months as reported to Ms. Stippich.
2017-0294 CLOSE 6/8/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna LLP I-81NYSDOT documents on or about 12/23/2016 concerning "Pre-Draft Design Report/Draft EIS and which NYSDOT forwarded to Onondaga Nation by FHWA. The most recent complete version of the 'Pre-Design Report/Draft EIS including any comments.
2017-0295 CLOSE 6/9/2017 Zou   Request all raw traffic monitoring data from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2016 underlying the Traffic Volume Trends publication. Specifically, daily traffic volume and vehicle miles traveled estimates for all monitored highway segments across the US.
2017-0296 CLOSE 6/9/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from June 1, 2017, to June 9, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0297 CLOSE 6/12/2017 Merritt National Trust for Historic Preservation Please provide a copy of the 2013 report prepared by David B. Schneider containing a discussion of the Birmingham Civil Rights District and the potential impacts of the project on the historic Oak Hill Cemetery.
2017-0298 CLOSE 6/12/2017 Ryan Lowenstein Sandler LLP Please provide all records, documents, memoranda, and emails regarding the William Harrison House (the "House"), formerly located in Bellmawr, New Jersey and razed in furtherance of the Direct Connection project. This request includes, without limitation, all items relating to: (1) any assessments of whether the House was eligible for inclusion in the National Registrar of Historic Places; and (2) the demolition of the House. Please provide all such documents from 2002 to the present day. Please note that the House also has been referred to as the Harrison-Glover House and the Hugg-Harrison-Glover House. Expedited processing is requested.
2017-0299 CLOSE 6/12/2017 Hartnett Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC Documents containing information on the Lindsay X-Lite system (system), including information on States' QPL; number of the systems in each State; repairs, accidents (both general and specific), and failures involving the system; crash testing on the system; testing labs and individuals involved in those tests of the system; engineering analysis of the system; communication between FHWA, DOT, and any State; communications to or from Paul Degges and/or John Schroer from August 2005 through the present; and specific scenarios related to different individual accidents involving injury or death.
2017-0300 CLOSE 6/14/2017 Ravnitzky Provide Requesting Firm/Compa ny Name as Affiliation A Report on Scour at Bridge Waterways - a Review by Alvin G. Anderson.
2017-0301 CLOSE 6/15/2017 Veasey Bugg & Wolf, P.A. 1. Request all documents showing the amount of FHWA funds requested by SCDOT related to the 1000 year flood event in Oct. 2015.  2. All documents showing the amount of funds disbursed to SCDOT related to the 1000 year flood event in Oct. 2015 Request was modified on 6-20-2017 to include only files regarding the I- 95/US 301 Interchange and SC 6 Connector associated with the Oct 2015 1000 year flood event
2017-0302 CLOSE 6/16/2017 Lacarra DCCC All logs of congressional correspondence regarding correspondence to or from any officials at the Federal Highway Administration and Congressman John A. Culberson between 1/1/2001 and 6/14/17
2017-0303 CLOSE 6/19/2017 Tenney Law Offices of Eugene Tenney, PLLC Request all records relating to the Federal Court Project No. 5470193 No. 4 and Project Description namely Buffalo Grant Street over Route 198 and Scajaquada Creek (OOC to D259335 for a Pedestrian and Bicycle Path Under Bridge).
2017-0304 CLOSE 6/19/2017 Salomon DCCC I request access to and copies of all logs of congressional correspondence regarding correspondence to and from any officials at the Federal Highway Administration and Representative Mimi Walters between January 1, 2015 to June 19, 2017.
2017-0305 CLOSE 6/20/2017 Standridge Chickasaw Nation Industries Request the following information FITSS II - Federal Highway Administration Information Technology Support Services II DTFH6112D00032 DTFH6117RI00001 SEVATEC, INC. (1) Proposal (2) Plans (3) Procedures
2017-0306 CLOSE 6/21/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from June 9, 2017 to June 21, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0307 CLOSE 6/21/2017 Schiraldi The Brandi Law Firm Please provide the following documents: Any and all speed zone surveys on State Route 12 for Bouldin Island (post 0.0 to 4.4) located in the County of San Jaoquin, State of California.
2017-0308 CLOSE 6/21/2017 McClure Kuhlman & Lucas, LLC Please provide the following completed FHWA report and any supported documentation including, but not limited to, addenda, photos, videos, data, analyses, or other information: Date of Accident: February 6, 2017 Time of Accident: 9:25 am marker 77.0 in Saline County, MO
2017-0309 CLOSE 6/21/2017 McClure Kuhlman & Lucas, LLC With regards to the NCHRP Project 22-30 (Multi-State In- Service Performance Evaluation of Roadside Safety Hardware), please provide the Special Crash Investigation reports from the Guardrail End Terminals conducted in California, Massachusetts, Missouri, and Pennsylvania.
2017-0310 CLOSE 6/22/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Concerning the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) refusal to disclose certain documents enumerated on the "Withheld Document List FOIA Control No. 2017-0186" to the extent the documents were shared with non- federal agencies and the documents contain factual/no- deliberative materials. FHWA previously forwarded a Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PDEIS) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to the Onondaga Nation for comment. Comments made by the Onondaga Nation and sent to FHWA are not subject to any FOIA exemption.
2017-0311 CLOSE 6/12/2017 Kostakis BOLYE BRASHER, LLC Requested copies of documents for Northwood Drive Crossing in Huntingdon, TN. Requester's letter asked for documents for the Mississippi Division Office of FHWA.
2017-0312 CLOSE 6/21/2017 Veno Point 72, LP Requesting traffic measurement data concerning actual vehicle counts on the following sections of highways in Texas during January 1, 2017 through June 21, 2017: 1. LBJ Expressway; 2. State Highway 130, Segments 5 & 6; and 3. North Tarrant Expressway's 13 1/2 mile stretch by Dallas and Ft. Worth.
2017-0313 CLOSE 6/26/2017 Streett ANSER I am interested in obtaining a list of the titles for all of the task orders awarded on FHWA's current Program Support for Highway Policy Analysis contracts with each of the following ten contract awardees: DTFH6113D00023 APPill RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. DTFH6113D00012 BATTEillE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE DTFH6113D00013 BOOZ AillEN HAMIill CAMBRIDGE SYSTEMICS, INC. DTFH6113D00015 CDM FEDERAL PROGRAMS CORPORATION DTFH6113D00016 ICF INTERNATIONAL, INC. DTFH6113D00019 JACK FAUCETT ASSOCIATES, INC. DTFH6113D00020 MACROSYS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY DTFH6113D00022 ill DTFH6113D00021 RD MINGO AND ASSOCIATES
2017-0314 CLOSE 6/26/2017 Elliott National Motorcycle Institute - NMI Annual Vehicle Distance Traveled in Miles and Related Data between 2011-2015 concerning Motorcycle (Motor Vehicle Travel) and All Motor Vehicles in 50 states, including Washington, DC.
2017-0315 CLOSE 6/15/2017 Rodd Friends of Blackwater "Any and all records in your files wherever located created after February 13, 2017, reports, letters, correspondence, notes, receipts, maps, plans or draft plans, photographs, video tapes, computer records or files, e-mail, telephone logs, message notes, and any other documents on the topic listed below. Friends of Blackwater requests all such records containing information on the Corridor H Segment from Davis to Parsons, including all information on proposed routes, all cultural and environmental impacts, all endangered species locations and stream locations and all communications as stated above between your office and the WVDOH, US Fish and Wildlife Service, WV Department of Environmental Protection, WV Department of Natural Resources, The Environmental Protection Agency, the State Historic Preservation Office, The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, land managers, elected officials, planners and consultants or experts regarding Corridor H in this area."
2017-0316 CLOSE 6/27/2017 Clark DCCC I request access to and copies of all logs of congressional correspondence regarding correspondence to and from any officials at the Federal Highway Administration and Representative Darrell Issabetween January 1, 2000 to June 14, 2017.
2017-0317 CLOSE 6/27/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from June 21, 2017 to June 27, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0318 CLOSE 6/27/2017 Wyatt Quattlebaum, Grooms & Tull PLLC any right-of-way plans for the job, construction project, highway project, or Federal-aid highway project known as the Bryant Parkway Interchange (aka Raymar Road Interchange; aka Echo Lake Interchange), (Bryant)(S), Saline County, Arkansas, Job No. 061474, of the Arkansas State Highway Commission. Any estimates of right-of-way cost, estimates of right-of-way value, allotments, or compensation estimates for the job, construction project, highway project, or Federal-aid highway project known as the Bryant Parkway Interchange (aka Raymar Road Interchange; aka Echo Lake Interchange), (Bryant)(S), Saline County, Arkansas, Job No. 061474, of the Arkansas State Highway Commission. Any Assurances described in 49 CFR Section 24.1 et seq., including but not limited to 49 CFR Sec24.4, from the Arkansas State Highway Commission or the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department to the Federal Highway Administration that it will comply with the Uniform Relocation and Assistance and Rea Property Acquisition Act of 1970, as amended and codifiedat 42  USC Section 4601 et seq., which , upon information and belief, apply to the job, construction       project, highway project, or Federal-aid highway project known as the Bryant Parkway Interchange (aka Raymar Road Interchange; aka Echo Lake Interchange), (Bryant)(S), Saline County, Arkansas, Job No. 061474, of the Arkansas State Highway Commission.
2017-0319 CLOSE 6/27/2017 Dorman Knoxville News Sentine I request to inspect and obtain copies of documents related to the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) four- state in-service performance evaluation of nine guardrail terminals. A FHWA memorandum titled "ACTION: Information on Guardrail Terminals," which reads in part, FHWA and the four states (MO, CA, MA, and PA) are evaluating 9 energy absorbing guardrail terminals, including the X-LITE." Requesting a waiver of fees for this request.
2017-0320 CLOSE 6/28/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Records pertaining to the I-81 Viaduct Project that came into FHWA's possession on or after June 7 through June 28, 2017.
2017-0321 CLOSE 6/29/2017 Rauch Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP all FOIA requests to the FHWA since August 2014 that specifically reference "Nucor Corp.," "Nucor Steel Marion, Inc.," "Nucor," or Nucor products
2017-0322 CLOSE 6/29/2017 Burke Pot au Feu - Independenc e Trail Request the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Record of Decision entitled "Record of Decision, Improvements to Interstate Route 195, Providence, Rhode Island, FHWA-RI-EIS-93-01- F, January 14, 1997."
2017-0323 CLOSE 6/28/2017 Milani-nia Fox Rothschild LLP Project Contract No. DTFH71-C- 0009, PRA-NAMA 502(5). Requested 1. All government engineering estimates, 2. All design Documents, 3. All design concepts relating to the above contract. Also all letters, emails, meeting minutes, memoranda  and communications both internal and external relating to the design and construction of armor joints and the government's design of the above-ground containment system referenced in the contract DTFH71-C-0009, PRA-NAMA 502(5), Special Provisions Section 208, Pg. J-19. Also requested was geotechnical information concerning the Kutz Bridge, all site surveys and investigations and  any communications or documents regarding site conditions of and immediately surrounding the Kutz Bridge in Washington, DC.
2017-0324 CLOSE 6/30/2017 Karmazin   Request for the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) records and documents pertaining to the Wayne County Bridge - also known as the "Grosse Ile Bridge - between Trenton, Michigan and Grosse Ile, Michigan on Parkway over the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River.
2017-0325 CLOSE 7/3/2017 Hunter Southern Environment al Law Center Requests all FHWA records between March 10, 2014 to September 21, 2015 regarding the Mid-Currituck Bridge, STIP Number R-2576.
2017-0326 CLOSE 7/6/2017 Hall CNY Central Request the following: (1) Copies of all written, electronic, audible, and/or communications between New York State and Federal Highway Administration concerning construction, installation, and the operation of an aerial gondola over I-690 in the Town of Geddes, NY; (2) Copies and/or communications of plans from New York State and the Federal Highway Administration to construct currently non- existent ramps to I-690 in the Town of Geddes, NY; and (3) Please waive any applicable fees.
2017-0327 CLOSE 7/6/2017 Moran New York State Laborers' Organizing Fund All certified payroll records, including names and home addresses, of employees who worked for Woodstock Construction Corp. on Rehab Watch Hill Marina in Fire Island Nat Seashore, Project No. DTFH71-16-B-00031 at Fire Island, NY from June 23, 2016 through the present.
2017-0328 OPEN 7/3/2017 Timmons Southern Environment al Law Center Requests record in the possession or control of the FHWA related to the Interstate 73 (I-73) proposal that were generated prior to April 17, 2014 and after April 17, 2017. Specific items requested include E-mails, Letters, Meeting Minutes, Agendas/Handouts, Call Summaries, Public Involvement Documents, Newsletters, and Technical Studies that are not otherwise available on the I-73 website.
2017-0329 CLOSE 7/10/2017 Ravnitzky   Request a copy of each email since March 1, 2017 in FHWA Office of Legislative Affairs and Policy Communications (HPLS-1) that contains any of these words: Autocrat, Autocratic, Blowhard, Bombastic, Buffoon, Crazy, Dangerous, Egomaniac, Egotistical, Immature, Infantile, Insane, Irresponsible, Laughingstock, Lunatic, Misogynist, Narcissism, Narcissist, Narcissistic, Opportunist, Sociopath, Sociopathic, Unbefitting, Undignified, Unhinged, Vulgar, Vulgarian, and Whack.
2017-0330 CLOSE 7/10/2017 Lanham Southern California Labor/Manag ement Operating Engineers Contract Compliance Committee Copies of payroll records to date for the following contractors on the Gecko Road CA FTBL 67110(1) and Gray Wells Road CA FTBill 67113(1) project: 1. Pyramid Construction (Prime Contractor) 2. Development Design & Engineering (Field Survey Firm)
2017-0331 CLOSE 7/11/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from June 27, 2017 to July 11, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0332 CLOSE 7/12/2017 Lohmann Syracuse Post- Standard All application materials, including attachments and appendices, submitted by or on behalf of the New York Department of Transportation to the USDOT, the Federal Highway Administration or any other federal agency requesting federal approval for the construction of a new on- ramp onto Interstate 690 from the Orange Lot of the New York State Fairgrounds; and Any and all correspondence from the USDOT to the New York State  Department of Transportation, the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets or individuals representing the New York State Fair in response to the application materials submitted by agencies on behalf of the State of New York.
2017-0333 CLOSE 7/13/2017 Beale Law Office of Paul T. Benton Copy of all Construction Inspection Reports (FHWA Form 1446A), and any other inspection reports and notes, any any photographs, video, and satellite imagery for Project No. NH-0010- 01(132)/101204301 & 302 for the dates of October 28, 2009 through May 26, 2011.
2017-0334 CLOSE 7/14/2017 von Kaenel E&E News Request access to and copies of correspondence from Jan. 19, 2017 onwards relating to the national performance measure on carbon pollution produced from tailpipe emissions on the National Highway System, otherwise known as the "GHG measure," part of the National Performance Management Measure; Assessing Performance of the National Highway System, Freight Movement on the Interstate System; and Congestion Mitigation and air Quality Improvement Program in Docket No. FHWA-2013-0054.
2017-0335 CLOSE 7/17/2017 Funk Yeretsky & Maher, L.L.C. Requesting a certified copy of any and all records and/or documents in the possession of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regarding FHWA Project RRP- 000S(433).
2017-0336 CLOSE 7/17/2017 Funk Yeretsky & Maher, L.L.C. Requesting a certified copy of any and all records and/or documents in the possession of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regarding FHWA Project RRP- 000S(433).
2017-0337 CLOSE 7/17/2017 Funk Yeretsky & Maher, L.L.C. Requesting a certified copy of any and all records and/or documents in the possession of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regarding FHWA Project RRP- 000S(433).
2017-0338 CLOSE 7/17/2017 Karmazin   Request for the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) records and documents pertaining to the Wayne County Bridge - also known as the "Grosse Ile Bridge - between Trenton, Michigan and Grosse Ile, Michigan on Parkway over the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River.
2017-0339 CLOSE 7/14/2017 Hartnett Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC All correspondences, memos, and/or emails exchanged between FHWA pertaining to the Lindsay X-Lite system between the years 2009-2013 from the following State FHWA regional offices: California, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia
2017-0340 CLOSE 7/18/2017 Smith Reuters News Requesting electronic copies of records detailing itemized expenditures of all travel and event costs incurred by Federal Highway Administration or its individual employees and contract employees on behalf of the agency between Jan. 1, 2015 and the present date.
2017-0341 CLOSE 7/18/2017 Garrett CODA Consulting Group Any proposed federal road work in the area of 1865 E. Belvidere Road in Grayslake, IL that would affect the continued use of the property as a senior living facility.
2017-0342 CLOSE 7/18/2017 Garrett CODA Consulting Group Any proposed federal road work in the area of 219 East Parkway Dr., Wheaton, Iill the continued use of the property as a senior living facility.
2017-0343 CLOSE 7/18/2017 Lindblad CODA Consulting Group Any proposed roadwork that may affect the property located at 10300 Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park, KS.
2017-0344 CLOSE 7/18/2017 Lindblad CODA Consulting Group Any proposed roadwork that may affect the property located at 101 West 151st St., Olathe, KS.
2017-0345 CLOSE 7/14/2017 Liddell Provide Requesting Firm/Compa ny Name as Affiliation To obtain toll violators names and/or address information.
2017-0346 CLOSE 7/18/2017 Eimers   1. Any additional accident reports involving the Lindsay X-lite terminal end guardrail system that were not previously provided in what were labeled exhibit 1-26 under FOIA 2017-0226; 2. Every accident report for every terminal end that was submitted by MASSDOT/Massachusetts.  3. The responsive file from 2017-0280 and all accidents that have been reported since that FOIA request.
2017-0347 CLOSE 7/19/2017 Popper Lienguard, Inc. A copy of the Payment Bond for Labor and Material, supply the name of the Surety and the Bond number or a copy of the Payment Bond for this project. The project is Cove Point Road, Lusby, MD, Project # 15-AP-CA-010-16.
2017-0348 CLOSE 7/19/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna LLP I-81 Viaduct Project Information from June 28, 2017 through July 19, 2017.
2017-0349 CLOSE 7/20/2017 Hutson Taylor Wellons Politz Duhe APLC Official copies of 1. 12/18/2009 Construction Inspection Report (FHWA Form 1446A), Report Number 4, of the 12/15/2009 inspection of Project Number STP 16-1(29) Bolivar, Sunflower County; and 2. 03/19/2010 Construction Inspection Report (FHWA Form 1446A), Report Number 5, of the 02/23/2010 inspection of Project Number STP 16-1(29) Bolivar, Sunflower County
2017-0350 CLOSE 7/21/2017 Lopez The Queenan Law Firm, P.C Requesting certified copies of any and all documents of things created, received, or maintained regarding the following: (1) Any and all contracts and agreements related to the construction, maintenance, improvements, and lighting related to the three separate Texas State Highway 198 bridges that span over Cedar Creek Reservoir located in Kaufman and Henderson counties; (2) Any and all documents related to the plans, design, construction, maintenance, and/or improvements related to the three separate Texas State Highway   198 bridges that span over     Cedar Creek Reservoir          located in Kaufman and Henderson counties; (3) Any and all inspection reports for inspections conducted in the past 10 years related to the condition, integrity, and structural deficiencies of the three separate Texas State Highway 198 bridges that span over Cedar Creek Reservoir located in Kaufman and Henderson counties; (4) Any and all maintenance records related to the maintenance conducted in the past 10 years for the three separate Texas State Highway 198 bridges that span over Cedar Creek Reservoir located in Kaufman and Henderson counties; (5) Any and all maintenance records related to maintenance conducted in the past 10 years related to the condition, integrity, and structural deficiencies of the three separate Texas State Highway 198 bridges that span over Cedar Creek Reservoir located in Kaufman and Henderson counties; (6) Texas State Highway 198 bridges that span over Cedar Creek Reservoir located in Kaufman and Henderson counties -952677; and (7) Any and all safety guidelines applicable to Texas State Highway 198.
2017-0351 CLOSE 7/24/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from July 11, 2017 to July 24, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0352 CLOSE 7/25/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna Comments made by non-federal agencies, such as the Onondaga Nation, are not subject to any FOIA exemption (Exemption 5) and that the "consultant corollary" is not applicable. Documents withheld by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) include in response to FOIA Control No. 2017-0207 include comments by the Onondaga Nation. The documents in question pertaining to Preliminary Draft Environmenta Impact Statement (PDEIS) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) should be provided immediately.
2017-0353 CLOSE 7/20/2017 Ham Secure Lead Solutions LLC email contact list in excel spread sheet format (if possible) for all FHWA employees in the States of AR, KS, LA, MS, and MO
2017-0354 CLOSE 7/20/2017 Dumont, Esq., P.C. Law Office of James A. Dumont, Esq. P.C. Middlebury Main Street and Merchants Row Bridge Replacement WCRS 23 FOIA Request
2017-0355 CLOSE 7/26/2017 Li The Iowa Institute for Public Accountability We seek the release of- (a) For each FOIA appeal adjudicated on or between January 1, 2016, and March 31, 2016- (i) The letter, opinion, or order disposing of the appeal; and (ii) The underlying adverse determination which was appealed from; (b) For each appea described in (a) which relates to a request for expedited processing, fee waiver, and/or fee classification, in addition to the records requested in (a)- (i) The original FOIA request; (ii) The original request for expedited processing, fee waiver, and/or fee classification, if in a separate document than the original request; and (iii) The appeal filed pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(A)(i)(III)(aa); (c) For each request for expedited processing of a FOIA request adjudicated on or between April 1, 2016, and Apri 30, 2016- (i) All records or correspondence arising from or relating to the request.
2017-0356 CLOSE 7/25/2017 Huffman Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP All documents, or portions thereof provided by the Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA") to Work Area Protection Corp. in response to a FOIA request by Work Area Protection Corp. to FHWA, which FHWA logged on April 28, 2015 as Control No. 2015-0226.
2017-0357 CLOSE 7/25/2017 Harpootlian Harpootlian Attorneys at Law projects initiated and funded by the Department of Transportation for improvements to owned or operated roadways, highways, or railroads, that were awarded to McCarthy Improvement Company or parent company McCarthy- Bush Corporation (hereinafter referred to as ''McCarthy''), including any third-parties associated with McCarthy.
2017-0358 CLOSE 7/26/2017 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. the following documents identified to DTFH7112D00012: Contract SOW
2017-0359 CLOSE 7/28/2017 Lado Yale Law School Environment al Justice Clinic information pertaining to Annual Summaries of Title VI Complaints and Compliance Reviews received by DOCRs from 01/01/1907 - 07/1/2017, and information on individual complaints and compliance reviews from 01/01/1970 - 07/18/2017. (See Request)
2017-0360 CLOSE 7/28/2017 Puckett Law Offices of Richard J. Serpe, PC Requesting copies of the following records regarding bridge inspections of the bridge on I-74 westbound over US52 in Surry County, NC, identified as NBI Structure No. 000000001710372 from the date the bridge was built to the present, including but not limited to: (1) All inspection records, including completed Structure Inventory and Appraisal Sheets (or other inspection forms), photos, taken at the time of inspection, and notes, calculations and measurements made by the inspector(s); (2) All submissions by North Carolina Department of Transportation of data for the bridge for use in the National Bridge Inventory database; (3) All correspondence (including email) regarding inspections of the bridge; and (4) All documents related to reconstruction of the bridge.
2017-0361 CLOSE 7/28/2017 Karpilow Yale Law School Environment al Justice Clinic The status of records related to Title VI compliance and enforcement efforts by the Federa Highway Administration.
2017-0362 CLOSE 7/28/2017 Karpilow Yale Law School Environment al Justice Clinic Records related to Title VI compliance and enforcement by the Federal Highway Administration.
2017-0363 CLOSE 7/28/2017 Alto Cooper & Elliott Attorneys at Law Any and all correspondence between Dick Albin and Rick Mauer; Any and all correspondence between Dick Albin and Steve Conway; Any and all correspondence between Nick Artimovich and Rick Mauer; and Any and all correspondence between Nick Artimovich and Steve Conway. The applicable time period for this request is June 1, 2008 to August 1, 2009. Rick Mauer and Steve Conway were both affiliated with Nucor Steel Marion, Inc. during the applicable time period.
2017-0364 CLOSE 7/28/2017 Price WRC-TV Channel 4 Statistics for wrong way crashes data by all of the states from January 1, 2014 to the present, include the accident report numbers.
2017-0365 CLOSE 7/31/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from July 24, 2017 to July 31, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0366 CLOSE 7/31/2017 Wilenzik Powell Trachtman Logan Carrle & Lombardo, P.C. all documents related to the City of Philadelphia ECMS Highway Construction Contract No. 77464 (Federal Project No. T065-137- L220), Contract No. 77466 (Federa Project No. T065-138-L220), and Contract No. 17829 including but not limited to: audits, reports of any kind, including investigation reports, investigation results, payment information, interviews, memoranda, photos/videos, correspondence (including e- mails), diagrams, meeting minutes and any other information relating to any investigation.
2017-0367 CLOSE 8/1/2017 Shoaf Associated General Contractors of America the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Highway Worker Safety Rulemaking (RIN: 2125-AF51)
2017-0368 CLOSE 8/2/2017 Ham Secure Lead Solutions LLC I am requesting an employee e- mail contact list in excel spreadsheet format (if possible) for all FHWA employees in the States of AZ, CA, NM and TX by state if possible.
2017-0369 CLOSE 8/2/2017 Quereshi NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. communications and documents related to USDOT's investigation and closure of Complaint 2016- 0059 Bridge v. State of Maryland, filed on December 21, 2015. (See request)
2017-0370 CLOSE 7/28/2017 Urwiler   Any and all records, including emails and other communications regarding the distribution of Federal funds for road construction and maintenance to the State of Montana and specific requirements, i.e., portions of NEPA and other federal reports, for the State of Montana to utilize Federal funds for the State's road systems.
2017-0371 CLOSE 8/2/2017 Rizvi Lindsay Transportatio n Solutions Corporation NCHRP Project 22-30, Multi-State In-Service Performance Evaluations of Roadside Safety Hardware
2017-0372 OPEN 8/2/2017 Quereshi NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. All documents, related to the United States Department of Transportation's ("DOT")investigation and closure of Complaint #2016-0059, BRIDGE, et al. v. State of Maryland, et al., filed December 21, 2015, including but not limited to: a. All communications, including letters, emails, and attachments, between DOT and the State of Maryland, its agencies, and its officials and employees, related to the complaint; b. All communications within DOT and with other agencies and officials related to the complaint; c. All findings and conclusions of fact or law related to the complaint, including those related to the Maryland Department of Transportation's change to the "Quick 40" bus route; d. Any studies, including the results of these studies, or research memoranda, undertaken or created by DOT in response to the complaint; e. All evidence collected by or provided to DOT during its investigation of the complaint; and f. Any documents, including electronic mail, memoranda and other communications, reflecting, justifying or providing the basis  for DOT's decision to close the complaint on July 13, 2017.
2017-0373 CLOSE 8/3/2017 Huffman Akin Gump All documents, including records, electronic correspondence, and other information, whether in writing or electronic format, provided by the Federal Highway Administration to R.E. Cabrera & Associates in response to a FOIA request by R.E. Cabrera & Associates to FHWA, which FHWA logged on December 21, 2015 as Control No. 2016-0087.
2017-0374 CLOSE 8/3/2017 Huffman Akin Gump All documents, including records, electronic correspondence, and other information, whether in writing or electronic format, provided by the Federal Highway Administration to Work Area Protection Corp. in response to a FOIA request by Work Area Protection Corp. to FHWA, which FHWA logged on May 21, 2014 as Control No. 2014-0310.
2017-0375 CLOSE 8/3/2017 Huffman Akin Gump All documents, including records, electronic correspondence, and other information, whether in writing or electronic format, provided by the Federal Highway Administration to Work Area Protection Corp. in response to a FOIA request by Work Area Protection Corp. to FHWA, which FHWA logged on October 15, 2014 as Control No. 2015-0013.
2017-0376 CLOSE 8/3/2017 Huffman Akin Gump All documents, including records, electronic correspondence, and other information, whether in writing or electronic format, provided by the Federal Highway Administration to Lindsay Transportation Solutions in response to a FOIA request by Lindsay Transportation Solutions to FHWA, which FHWA logged on April 28, 2015 as Contro No. 2015-0225.
2017-0377 CLOSE 8/3/2017 Huffman Akin Gump All documents, including records, electronic correspondence, and other information, whether in writing or electronic format, provided by the Federal Highway Administration to requester, Jeffery Smith, in response to a FOIA request by Jeffery Smith to FHWA, which FHWA logged on August 25, 2015 as Control No. 2015-0339.
2017-0378 CLOSE 8/4/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna, LLP Records pertaining to I-81 Viaduct Project that came into FHWA's response on or after July 19 through August 4, 2017.
2017-0379 CLOSE 8/7/2017 Peterson Infrastructur e Canada NOTE: THIS REQUEST IS A CONSULTATION AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED AS AN INITIAL REQUEST. Subject of request: Request documents, including emails, notes, memorandum, letters, correspondence, reports, studies and drafts, relating to the following: (1) Plans or proposals to identify a location for a new crossing across the Detroit River between Michigan and Ontario, from Jan. 1, 1998 to present (Aug. 11, 2016); (2) The possible construction of a second span to the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario from Jan. 1, 1998 to present (Aug. 11, 201); and (3) The impact of the possible construction of a second span to the Ambassador Bridge on the efforts of the Canada-U.S.- Ontario-Michigan Border Transportation Partnership to identify a location for a new crossing of the Detroit River from Jan. 1, 1998 to present (Aug. 11, 2016).
2017-0380 CLOSE 8/7/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from July 31, 2017 to August7, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or has received federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0381 CLOSE 8/3/2017 Mahdavi A.M. Classic Construction, Inc. LA County DPW Project ID No. RDC0011166 9th Street On Ramp over Harbor Scenic Drive and Pico Ave Federal Aid Project No. BRLSZD-5953-553 Project Expenditure Authorization No. 07- 933000 Project Nos. X2420095 and X240000478 This firm hereby requests to inspect all public records your agency has pertaining to the funding of the above referenced project.
2017-0382 CLOSE 8/8/2017 Tell Unversity of Kansas A copy of all materials and correspondence related to a funded project titled the Black Bayou Park Interpretive Nature Trail in Glendora, MS. The grant was funded by the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). The grant was funded by the Federal Highway Administration and administered by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks. It was completed in 2011 and the application was filed sometime between 2007 - 2009.
2017-0383 CLOSE 8/9/2017 Spivey Kaufman & Canoles, P.C. The documents and records sought are as follows: (1) Payment and performance bonds provided by Cherry Hill Construction, Inc. ("Cherry Hill") to the Government for the I-564 Intermodal Connector Design/Build Norfolk, VA (the "Project"). (2) Pay applications and supporting documents submitted by Cherry Hill to the Government for payment for work on the Project since April 1, 2017. (3) Payments to Cherry Hill by the Government for work on the Project since April 1, 2017, including any explanations or remarks by the Government for each pay application. (4) Documents  related to any reduction or withholding of payments by the Government in response to Cherry Hill's pay applications for work on the Project since April 1, 2017. (5) Documents related to the 602 Bridge Erection, including but not limited to any notifications of delay, requests for approval of changes, communications, analyses or reports concerning same.
2017-0384 CLOSE 8/10/2017 Ham Secure Lead Solutions LLC Employee email contact list in excel spread sheet format (if possible) for all FHWA employees in the States of IA, KS, MN, MO and NE.
2017-0385 CLOSE 8/9/2017 Granneman Environment al Law & Policy Center The Environmental Law & Policy Center is requesting copies of all correspondences between FHWA and IDOT, including email attachments, concerning actions that have been or will be taken by IDOT, INDOT, or FHWA to revise, supplement, modify, or otherwise fix the Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision for the Illiana Tollway.
2017-0386 CLOSE 8/11/2017 Kostakis Boyle Brasher , LLC Copies of all public records relating to the use of federal funds via the Federal Rail-Highway Crossings Program concerning railroad grade crossing in Bono, Arkansas (DOT/AAR ID No. 668064J. Copies of FHWA's entire file on the applicable project, including, without limitation, all communications and contracts and payment records between the AHTD and FHWA. More specifically, copies of Federal Aid Project Approval and/or Authorization, the Federal Aid Project Agreement between the two agencies, the Certification Acceptance Final Inspection Report, The Final Inspection of Federal Aid Project, the Final Voucher for Payment under 23 USC section 117, and the Federal Aid Project Record indicating payment of funds.
2017-0387 CLOSE 8/11/2017 Kostakis Boyle Brasher, LLC Copies of all public records relating to the use of federal  funds on Railroad Grade Crossing in Clarkedale, Arkansas, DO/AAR ID No. 665968S via the Federal Railway-Highway Crossings Program. Copies of the FHWA's entire file on the applicable project, without limitation, all communications and contracts and payment records between the AHTD and FHWA. More specifically, copies of Federal Aid Project Approval and/or authorization, the Federal Aid Project Agreement between the two agencies, the Certification Acceptance Final Inspection Report, the Final Inspection of Federal Aid Project, the Final Voucher for Payment under 23 USC section 117, and the Federal Aid Project Record indicating payment of funds.
2017-0388 CLOSE 8/14/2017 West DCCC Copies of all logs of Congressional correspondence regarding correspondence to or from any officials at Federal Highway Administration and Rep. Martha McSally between January 6, 2015 and the present day.
2017-0389 CLOSE 8/15/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from August 7, 2017 to August 15, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0390 CLOSE 8/16/2017 West DCCC all logs of congressional correspondence regarding correspondence to or from any officials at the FHWA and Representative Ed Royce between January 1, 1993, and the date of the request's receipt
2017-0391 CLOSE 8/16/2017 Cullari   all federal aid authorized and expended in the State of New Jersey through the NJDOT and/or MPOs for all CAIT programs at Rutgers University, inclusive of the LTAP, TSRC, and Pavement Resource Center. I would request also all Federal aid granted to the NJDOT and/or MPOs for oversight of said Rutgers University programs. Lastly, please provide performance data (accomplishments vs expenditures). I would like information for FY 2004 thru the present fiscal year.
2017-0392 CLOSE 8/15/2017 Reifers Boyle Brasher, LLC All public records relating to the use of federal funds via the Federal Railway-Highway Crossings Program Concerning the crossings below. Copies of FHWA's entire file on these projects, including without limitation, all communications and contracts and payment records between the MDOT and FHWA.
2017-0393 CLOSE 8/21/2017 Gross Woods & Aitken LLP RE: Contract DTFH68-16-C-00025 - CO FLAP 301(1) Red Dirt Bridge, Eagle County, CO. Request copies of the following: 1. A geotechnical report prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. dated July 14, 2015. 2. Email, letters, notes, meeting minutes, and memoranda pertaining to the July 14, 2015 geotechnical report described in the previous request, including internal to FHWA, between FHWA and its contractor AECOM, between AECOM and its sub- consultant Shannon & Wilson, Inc. and between FHWA and Eagle County, Colorado. 3. Email, letters, notes, meeting minutes, and memoranda pertaining to a July 31, 2015 geotechnical report prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc., including internal to FHWA, between FHWA and its contractor AECOM, between AECOM and its sub-consultant Shannon & Wilson, Inc. and between FHWA and Eagle County, Colorado. 4. Reports, email, letters, notes, meeting minutes, and memoranda from the project design phase related to selecting the type of foundation for the Red Dirt Bridge Replacement. 5. Reports, email, letters, notes, meeting minutes, and memoranda from the project construction phase pertaining to construction methods for construction of the foundation for the Red Dirt Bridge Replacement. 6. Email, letters, notes, meeting minutes, and memoranda pertaining to geotechnical reviews of the Project site. 7. Email, letters, notes, meeting minutes, and memoranda internal to FHWA and between AECOM and FHWA regarding the survey error of the MSE wall located on the north side of the southwest abutment of the Project. 8. Documentation of the original design of the MSE wall located on the north side of the southwest abutment of the Project. 9. Documents of the backup for the engineer's estimate for the Project.
2017-0394 CLOSE 8/21/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review        and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from August 15, 2017 to August 21, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0395 CLOSE 8/23/2017 Quereshi NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. communications and documents related to USDOT's investigation and closure of Complaint 2016- 0059 Bridge v. State of Maryland, filed on December 21, 2015. (See request)
2017-0396 CLOSE 8/24/2017 Banka   Request a copy of all data associated with Wetland I, including soil characteristics, hydrology, boundary delineations, and survey data, as well as any associated maps, photographs, descriptions, or other information.
2017-0397 CLOSE 8/24/2017 Peterson Infrastructur e Canada NOTE: THIS REQUEST IS A CONSULTATION AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED AS AN INITIAL REQUEST. Request documents, including emails, notes, memorandum, letters, correspondence, reports, studies and drafts, relating to the following: (1) Plans or proposals to identify a location for a new crossing across the Detroit River between Michigan and Ontario, from Jan. 1, 1998 to present (Aug. 11, 2016); (2) The possible construction of a second span to the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario from Jan. 1, 1998 to present (Aug. 11, 2016); and (3) The impact of the possible construction of a second span to the Ambassador Bridge on the efforts of the Canada-U.S.- Ontario-Michigan Border Transportation Partnership to identify a location for a new crossing of the Detroit River from Jan. 1, 1998 to present (Aug. 11, 2016).
2017-0398 CLOSE 8/25/2017 Sprangles   A copy of correspondence from Congressman Ron DeSantis and the response to the correspondence. Please search for documents from January 2013 through present.
2017-0399 CLOSE 8/24/2017 Hill Hill Attorney, PLLC Any and all letters, reports, memoranda, notes, or any other documentation or records, in any form, including digital, audio, video, as well as written hard copy issued, received, created or produced by any member, now or former, of your staff or any employee or contractor working in or for your department, pertaining to the so-called "Champlain Parkway" or                       "Southern Connector" highway project in South Burlington and Burlington, to the extent such materials were issued, received, created or produced between the issuance of the 2010 NEPA Record of Decision and the present time.
2017-0400 CLOSE 8/25/2017 Falik   Applications submitted by or on behalf of the City of New York for federal highway funds that have been submitted in the past 5 years or are currently pending.
2017-0401 CLOSE 8/28/2017 Falik   Applications submitted by or on behalf of the Port Authority of New York a/k/a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for work in NY state, and the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority a/k/a MTA Bridges and Tunnels for federal highway funds that have been submitted in the past 5 years or are currently pending.
2017-0402 HOLD 8/29/2017 Huffman Akin Gump All documents, communications, and data related to the pilot in- service performance evaluation of energy absorbing guardrail end terminals ("ISPE") described more particularly in the FHWA ISPE handout available at road way_dept/countermeasures/reduce_crash_severity/ doc/ispe_hand out_2016.pdf.
2017-0403 CLOSE 8/28/2017 Nelson   Detail the current status of and balance remaining in the appropriation for SAFETY-LU for PITI, Guam to construct Cabras Island Intermodal Facility.
2017-0404 CLOSE 8/29/2017 Rauch Hahn Loeser & Parks, LLP We would like only copies of all FOIA requests submitted by  b(6)                to the FHWA from August 2016 through present.
2017-0405 CLOSE 8/29/2017 Mahdavi A.M. Classic Construction, Inc. LA County DPW Project ID No. RDC0012103, Queensway Southbound Ramps J and K Over Harbor Scenic Dr. Project # BRLSZD-5953(544) LA County DPW Project ID No. RDC0012105, Queens Way Northbound and Southbound Over Shoreline Dr. Project # BRLSZD-5953(370) LA County DPW Project ID No. RDC0011155, 7th St Ramp over MTA Parking Lot Project # BRLSZD-5953(425) LA County DPW Project ID No. RDC0011166, 9th St Ramp over Harbor Scenic Drive and Pico Ave. Project # BRLSZD-5953(553) LA County DPW Project ID No. RDC0011058, 10th St Ramp over Long Beach Freeway and Shoreline Dr. Project # BRLSZD-5953(581) LA County DPW Project ID No. RDC0011554, East Fork Rd over North Fork San Gabriel River Project. Project # BRLSZD-5953(564) Requesting to inspect all public records your agency has pertaining to the construction of the above referenced projects, the Los Angeles County's mgmt. of the above referenced projects, and to inspect any and all records associated with the FHWA/Caltrans investigation in response to various allegations of DPW's misconduct and lack of proper Contract Administration on Federally Funded Projects.
2017-0406 CLOSE 8/29/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP I-81 Viaduct Project. Requesting records from 8/4/17 through8/28/17.
2017-0407 CLOSE 8/29/2017 Ruggeri Allan Myers PennDOT Project Labor Agreements (PLA)
2017-0408 CLOSE 8/30/2017 West DCCC Access to and copies of all logs of congressional correspondence regarding correspondence to or from any officials at Federal Highway Administration and Rep. Ted Budd between January 1, 2017, and August 17, 2017.
2017-0409 CLOSE 8/28/2017 Hill Mississippi State Senate All correspondence between MDOT and the FHWA regarding the timber constructed county bridges for the years 2016-2017
2017-0410 CLOSE 8/31/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from August 21, 2017 to August 30, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0411 CLOSE 8/31/2017  b(6)                   b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
2017-0412 CLOSE 8/31/2017 Gonzalez Williams Civil Construction Copies of the MT Stillwater 207(1) West Rosebud Road Reconstruction Project records as follows Geo Technical Reconnaissance Memorandum dated July 9, 2014 Oltrogge Rip Rap Geo Tech Test report Adland Pit Geo Tech Test Report Karl Gaustad Pit Geo Tech Test Report West Rosebud Engineer Estimate with documentation to support calculations and/or pricing Preconstruction Meeting notes/recordings All notes and photos from Lila Ward pertaining to the West Rosebud Creek Road Reconstruction Project All notes and photos from Aaron Howe pertaining to the West Rosebud Creek Road Reconstruction Project A copy of all the Street Delivery Report - Spread Reports WFLHD 434 Williams Civil Interim Scorecard Funding Agreements with Stillwater County Contingencies provided in funding for West Rosebud Creek Road Reconstruction project All Robert Peccia and Associates, Inc.supporting documentation regarding engineer's estimate, project design, recommendations, and schedule
2017-0413 CLOSE 9/5/2017 Tarabokija Provident Design Engineering the final report entitled "CEVMS and Driver Visual Behavior Study - Peer Reviewed Report" (Report No. FHWA-HEP-11-014)
2017-0414 CLOSE 9/5/2017 Rauch Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP All documents produced in response to the FOIA request the Federal Highway Administration received from Sean Alto on November 8, 2016 (Control Number 2017-0046), and all documents produced in response to the FOIA request the Federal Highway Administration received from Sean Alto on December 16, 2016 (Control Number 2017-0066)
2017-0415 CLOSE 9/7/2017 Anderson Anderson Paint Store LLC Provide a hard copy of public record requesting the FHWA letter 2015 Title VI complaints relating to Anderson Paint Store LLC.
2017-0416 CLOSE 9/8/2017 Banka   Any reports or data from DLZ that contributed to the June 2013 Washtenaw Road Commission Report titled "State Road Improvement Project Ellsworth Road to Michigan Avenue (US- 12)."
2017-0417 OPEN 9/7/2017 Ekstrom Motorcycle Riders Foundation Seeking information pertaining to the formation of the Motorcycle Advisory Council within the Federal Highway Administration and review, determination and selection of nominees to serve on said Council. The relevant time period for the information requested is from December 1, 2014 to August 31, 2017.
2017-0418 CLOSE 9/7/2017 Malmberg David Evans and Associates, Inc. Copies of all proposals submitted and scoring notes for project, 2017 Bridge Inspection Services IDIQ. Solicitation Number: DTFH71-17-R-00002.
2017-0419 CLOSE 9/11/2017 Wilson   Requesting documentation of a reported pothole located on the southern state parkway (East bound side) in Nassau County within the past year, New York just before the large green sign for exits 13N and 13S.
2017-0420 CLOSE 9/11/2017 Garrett CODA Consulting Group, LLC Any proposed federal road work in the area of One Old Ranch Road in Carmel, CA that would affect the continued use of the property as a resort facility.
2017-0421 CLOSE 9/11/2017 Eimers   Any new x-lite accidents with reports that have been submitted to the ongoing FHWA ISPE since the date of my last foia request
2017-0422 OPEN 9/11/2017 Helbig   Requesting an electronic copy of the following information be provided for research purposes. Names of full time Federal Employees employed through the Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration: (1) Employee Job title; (2) Employee Date of Hire; and (3) Employee Work Address.
2017-0423 CLOSE 9/12/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and xternal communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from August 30, 2017 to September 12, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0424 CLOSE 9/15/2017 Bladele   Copy of correspondence from Congresswoman Diane Black or her staff and the response to the correspondence from January 2011 through present and copy of all correspondence from the majority staff of the House Budget Committee from January 1, 2017 through present.
2017-0425 OPEN 9/15/2017 Mack Carlock, Copeland & Stair, LLP FHWA's project file for Federal Project #0009542 (I-20/SR-402 collector-distributor lanes from 1- 285/SR-407 to Panola Rd) at your division's document inspection facility.
2017-0426 CLOSE 9/15/2017 Wietgrefe DCCC Copy of any correspondence received by the department between Congressman Michael Bishop, his office, or any agent of his office between January 1, 2015 and the present day.
2017-0427 CLOSE 9/14/2017 Goodman Hayes and Boone, LLP Requesting copies of the following 1. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the car crash that occurred southbound at or near the 5300 block of West Expressway 83 on 10/10/2016 at approximately 1300hrs in San Benito, Cameron County, Texas (TxDOT crash ID number 15377063.1/2016502169) 2. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the red 2008 Toyota Tundra, Texas License Plate Number    b(6)               , or its' driver (see original request attached for additional information on the driver). 3. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the yellow 1998 GMC C7500, Texas License Plate Number  b(6)               , or its' driver (see original request attached for additional information on driver). 4. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the silver 2016 Toyota Corolla, Texas License Plate Number  b(6)                request attached for additional information on driver). 5. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern Champion Infrastructure, LLC, 317 Salado Creek Place, Salado, Texas 76571. 6. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern  the highway products or component parts installed on or being used, transported, or installed by the yellow 1998 GMC 7500 (referenced above). To also include, but not limited to, all records relating to the pre-crash and post-crash manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, installation, inspection, maintenance, and or repair of the crash cushion attenuator which was attached to the frame of the 1998 GMC 7500. 7. All other FOIA requests to the FHWA (to include FHWA HQ and Texas Division) and your response to such requests to include cover letters and responsive documents that regard relate to, reference, or concern the above referenced crash, highway products, vehicles or drivers.
2017-0428 CLOSE 9/19/2017 Goodman Hayes and Boone, LLP Requesting copies of the following 1. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the car crash that occurred southbound at or near the 5300 block of West Expressway 83 on 10/10/2016 at approximately 1300hrs in San Benito, Cameron County, Texas (TxDOT crash ID number 15377063.1/2016502169) 2. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the red 2008 Toyota Tundra, Texas License Plate Number  b(6)               , or its' driver (see original request attached for additional information on the driver). 3. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the yellow 1998 GMC C7500, Texas License Plate Number  b(6)               , or its' driver (see original request attached for additional information on driver). 4. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the silver 2016 Toyota Corolla, Texas License Plate Number  b(6)               , or its' driver (see origina request attached for additional information on driver). 5. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern Champion Infrastructure, LLC, 317 Salado Creek Place, Salado, Texas 76571. 6. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern  the highway products or component parts installed on or being used, transported, or installed by the yellow 1998 GMC 7500 (referenced above). To also include, but not limited to, all records relating to the pre-crash and post-crash manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, installation, inspection, maintenance, and or repair of the crash cushion attenuator which was attached to the frame of the 1998 GMC 7500. 7. All other FOIA requests to the FHWA (to include FHWA HQ and Texas Division) and your response to such requests to include cover letters and responsive documents that regard relate to, reference, or concern the above referenced crash, highway products, vehicles or drivers.
2017-0429 OPEN 9/19/2017 Goodman Hayes and Boone, LLP

Requesting copies of the following

1. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the car crash that occurred southbound at or near the 5300 block of West Expressway 83 on 10/10/2016 at approximately 1300hrs in San Benito, Cameron County, Texas (TxDOT crash ID number 15377063.1/2016502169)

2. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the red 2008 Toyota Tundra, Texas License Plate Number  b(6)               , or its' driver (see original request attached for additional information on the driver).

3. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the yellow 1998 GMC C7500, Texas License Plate Number  b(6)               , or its' driver (see original request attached for additional information on driver).

4. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the silver 2016 Toyota Corolla, Texas License Plate Number  b(6)               , or its' driver (see origina request attached for additional information on driver).

5. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern Champion Infrastructure, LLC, 317 Salado Creek Place, Salado, Texas 76571.

6. All documents that regard, relate to, reference or concern the highway products or component parts installed on or being used, transported, or installed by the yellow 1998 GMC 7500 (referenced above). To also include, but not limited to, all records relating to the pre-crash and post-crash manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, installation, inspection, maintenance, and or repair of the crash cushion attenuator which was attached to the frame of the 1998 GMC 7500.

7. All other FOIA requests to the FHWA (to include FHWA HQ and Texas Division) and your response to such requests to include cover letters and responsive documents that regard, relate to, reference, or concern the above referenced crash, highway products, vehicles or drivers.

2017-0430 CLOSE 9/15/2017 Lynch Ryan Report of outstanding, uncashed, stale-dated checks (warrants) and/or unreconciled payments issued by FHWA, with regards to payments including, but not limited to, accounts payable, property tax and vendor overpayments, refunds or credits.
2017-0431 OPEN 9/19/2017 Bahnsen   records released regarding highway signs installed by the Indiana Department of Transportation's LaPorte District
2017-0432 OPEN 9/19/2017 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Copies of records pertaining to I- 81 Viaduct Project. Request is limited to documents that FHWA came in to possession of on or after August 28 through September 19, 2017.
2017-0433 OPEN 9/20/2017 Gomes Newport Daily News (1) Requesting all emails and written correspondence between the Federal Highway Administration Headquarters and the Rhode Island Department of Transportation regarding the RhodeWorks signs between January 1, 2016 and September 20 2017. (2) Requesting all emails and written correspondence between the Federal Highway Administration Headquarters and the Office of Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo regarding the RhodeWorks signs between January, 1, 2016 and September 20, 2017.
2017-0434 OPEN 9/19/2017 McQuilkin Duane Morris Everett & Boston - Route 99 (Alford Street) Bridge
2017-0435 CLOSE 9/22/2017 Atz Delaware Riverkeeper Network (1) Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports, and studies regarding the Federal Highway Authority section 4f review and determination of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from September 12, 2017 to September 22, 2017. This request includes all attachments mentioned in any documents. This bridge project is scheduled and/or receiving federal funding. (2) Request for a full waiver of all search and duplication fees.
2017-0436 OPEN 9/25/2017 Tang Civille & Tang PLLC 1. All written communication, including but not limited to electronic mails, reports, letters, and handwritten notes which discuss, mention or make reference to compliance with federal laws and regulations, contract requirements, to default or terminate Core Tech International (CTI) on the Guam Department of Public Works Route 1/Route 8 Intersection Improvements & Agana Bridge Replacement Design-Build Project No. GU-DAR0T101(001) Project. 2. All documents which discuss, mention or make reference to defaulting CTI on the Project. 3. All documents which discuss, mention or make reference to terminating CTI's contract on the Project. 4. All documents which discuss, mention or make reference to the August 23, 2017 Notice of Termination/Default, including all drafts. 5. All documents which discuss, mention or make reference to any of the following: (i) the Guam for Design, Renovation, Rehabilitation, Construction and Maintenance of Simon Sanchez High School Project; (ii) SSHS project No. 730-5- 1057-L-YIG; (iii) SSHS; or (iv) Simon Sanchez.
2017-0437 OPEN 9/25/2017 Ragosta Rhode Island General Assembly Any and all documents, notes, memoranda, correspondence, and records together with attachments, forwarded to or received from the state of Rhode Island, its agents, servants, departments or other agencies relating to the National Environmental Policy Act or any other environmental matters regarding the RhodeWorks program contained and described in the General Laws of Rhode Island (RIGill documents or studies prepared pursuant to the National Envionmental Policy Act in connection with the RhodeWorks program or project described in RIGL 42-13.1 related to the Comprehensive Environmental Study or Environmental Impact Study required by FHWA.
2017-0438 OPEN 9/27/2017 Chopra DCCC Access to and copies of all logs of congressional correspondence regarding correspondence to or from any officials at the FHWA and Rep. Ryan Costello between January 1, 2015, and September 25, 2017.
2017-0439 OPEN 9/26/2017 Wilenzik Powell Trachtman All documents related to Maryland State Highway Administration (MDSHA) Contract No. FR-4265172, I-70/Baltimore National Pike Project from 2005 to the present and MDSHA Contract No. PG-5075173, the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project, from 2000 to the present, including but not limited to: 1) Audits; 2) Reports of any kind, including investigation reports; 3) Investigation results; 4) Payment information; 5) Interviews; 6) Memoranda; 7) Photos/videos; 8) Correspondence (including emails); 9) Meeting minutes; and 10) Any other information relating to any investigation.
2017-0440 CLOSE 9/26/2017 Cruver Shiver Hamilton

Copy of all contracts pertaining to roadwork and traffic management being conducted on Interstate 20 westbound at and around mile marker 14, Carroll County, Georgia on September 16, 2017, includes, any document identifying what entity/entities were responsible for traffic management and safety in the construction zone.

2017-0441 OPEN 9/26/2017 Granneman Environment al Law & Policy Center FHWA is withholding all responsive records, alleging that the information is exempt under FOIA exemption 5. This is an appeal of the agency's decision to withhold this information.
2017-0442 OPEN 9/22/2017 Lanham Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance Committee Certified payroll records from June 19, 2017 to September 18, 2017 for prime contractor: Pyramid Construction
2017-0443 CLOSE 9/26/2017 Shapiro   Records maintained by the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia which constitute the current "Lewis list" and any records referring or relating to any Lewis list.
2017-0444 OPEN 9/28/2017 Strahm   Records of Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority refund of any balances of unobligated cash that the Federal Highway Administration paid in advance or paid and that is not authorized to be retained by the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority, for the years 2013 to 2016.
2017-0445 OPEN 9/27/2017 Mattfolk   the raw hourly data used to compile the monthly Traffic Volume Trends report for calendar year 2016
2017-0446 OPEN 9/29/2017 Strobo Strobo Barkley Copies of the following records: (1) Any Memorandum of Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, or any agreement between FHWA and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KTC) relating to the Minority Historic Rehabilitation Craftsman Training Program (MCTP). (2) Any FHWA official interpretation of the Revised Record of Decision for the Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project (ROD) regarding the management or funding of the MCTP.

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