2016 FOIA Request Log
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2016-0001 | CLOSE | 10/1/2015 | Anderson | WRDW News 12 |
Fee benefit requested Fee waiver requested Expedited processing requested Dear FOIA Officer I request access to and copies of documents pertaining to weight violations for commercial vehicles in Georgia and South Carolina from 2010 to October of 2015. I would like to receive the information in electronic format. As a representative of the news media I am only required to pay for the direct cost of duplication after the first 100 pages. Through this request, I am gathering information on the number of cited and or documented overweight vehicles on Georgia and South Carolina roads that is of current interest to the public because overweight vehicles aren't just a safety concern; they also cost taxpayers a lot of money in the form of road repairs. This information is being sought on behalf of WRDW News 12 for dissemination to the general public. Please waive any applicable fees. Release of the information is in the public interest because it will contribute significantly to public understanding of government operations and activities. If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act. I will also expect you to release all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material. I, of course, reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or to deny a waiver of fees. As I am making this request as a journalist and this information is of timely value, I would appreciate your communicating with me by telephone, rather than by mail, if you have questions regarding this request. Please provide expedited processing of this request which concerns a matter of urgency. As a journalist, I am primarily engaged in disseminating information. After a number of deadly accidents involving tractor trailers this year, I want to see if there has been a documented increase in overweight vehicles. I certify that my statements concerning the need for expedited processing are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I look forward to your reply within 20 business days, as the statute requires. |
2016-0002 | CLOSE | 10/1/2015 | Tate | McClatchy Newspapers |
I am writing on behalf of McClatchy Newspapers to request a copy of the cooperative agreement between FHWA and the Southeast Kentucky Economic Development Corp. for the establishment of a regional intermodal park in Somerset, Ky., signed between 2002 and 2006. I request that the records be provided electronically and as they become available. I also request expedited processing. In the event that this request results in research or copying, McClatchy requests a public interest fee waiver because the material being sought is likely to be used in a newspaper story. We would argue strongly that there is a significant public interest in our reviewing the material being sought because disclosure of the information is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of government and is not primarily in McClatchys commercial interest. McClatchy is one of the nations largest newspaper groups with 29 publications in 14 states, reaching millions of print and online readers, and qualifies as an entity that acts primarily in the publics interest. Your office may require FOIA requesters to commit to paying fees. However, we feel strongly that a public interest fee waiver should prevail in this instance. Should this letter prompt questions, please feel free to call me at the numbers below. |
2016-0003 | CLOSE | 10/2/2015 | Wuest | Coats Rose | Copies of correspondence and any other written information permissible for dissemination to the public regarding the history of S. Pete Diaz Ave. and the public highway excepted to in the 1944 Deed. |
2016-0004 | CLOSE | 10/8/2015 | Walters | Traffic Research & Analysis, Inc. |
a copy of Contract DTFH71-13-D- 00003 issued to Kimley-Horn and Associations, Inc. (KHA) and a copy of KHAs submittal for solicitation DTFH71-13-R-00005. |
2016-0005 | CLOSE | 10/8/2015 | Hawkins | Vinson & Elkins |
I request copies of the most recent versions of the following documents regarding the US 1 Reconstruction Phase 1, Maryland State Project Number PG624_21 College Avenue to University Blvd (MD 193) that have been received or reviewed by agents of the Federal Highway Administration: 1. Key plan sheets; 2. Right-of-way plats; and 3. Right-of-way data sheets. |
2016-0006 | CLOSE | 10/8/2015 | Senikidze | A copy of Wyoming proposal , the grant, and any additional details regarding how Wyoming will be using their portion of the 42 million for next generation vehicles and infrastructure technologies. | |
2016-0007 | CLOSE | 10/8/2015 | McClure | Geck Duea & Olson, PLLC |
request information regarding US Highway 10 in Minnesota; specifically for documentation showing the building of the freeway through the Northwest suburbs of Minneapolis and St. Paul, from I-35W through Anoka, between University Avenue and Anoka completed in the 1970s. Our office requests documentation regarding the identity of contractors and or subcontractors who completed such work, as well as what property owner the property was purchased from or taken from via eminent domain. |
2016-0008 | CLOSE | 10/8/2015 | Kane | Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. |
Appealing the adequacy of the search and improper withholding or documents under 7(a) |
2016-0009 | CLOSE | 10/9/2015 | Dickey IV | All documents used in the analysis and decision to deny the request to add the Parking/Transit Alternative to the Environmental Assessment for the CO FLAP 34 & 36 Moraine Avenue and Riverside Drive Project as an option. 2) All communications to include emails and letters from Tony Galardi, Project Manager, CFLHD, 12300 W Dakota Ave., Lakewood, CO 80228 concerning the analysis and decision to deny the request &om Mayor Pinkham of Estes Park, Colorado to add the Parking/Transit Alternative to the Environmental Assessment for the CO FLAP 34 & 36 Moraine Avenue and Riverside Drive Project as an option |
2016-0010 | CLOSE | 10/6/2015 | Johnson | Marston Legal, PLLC |
WA PFH 29-1(1) Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Road Mt. baker-Snoqualmie national Forest, King County WA Contract DTFH7014C00009 1. Documentation identifying the governments officers and employees assigned to the above project including each persons position, role and authority to direc the work and including without limitation identification of the Contracting Officer(CO) and Administrative Contracting Officer(ACO). 2. Documentation identifing all funds currently apropriated for the construction of the above project including but not limited to the initial contract award amount, all contract modifications amounts and all other currently apropriated funds that may be used to pay for additional work performed on this project. 3. All documentation FHWA prepared, utilized and relied upon to arrive at the estimated quantities identirifed in the bios |
2016-0011 | CLOSE | 10/14/2015 | Willaredt | , I am requesting all documents and video submitted to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for acceptance in 2005 for the Safe Stop Trailer TMA (trailer mounted attenuator) by Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. Reference number HSA-10/CC- 78C was used in a letter from John R. Baxter, Director, Office of Safety Design, dated June 15, 2005 to Barry D. Stephens, Sr. Vice President Engineering, Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. I spoke with Nicholas Artimovich, Office of Safety, FHWA, on 10/9/15 regarding the files; he located the documents and video using CC- 78C. Per his request, I have included him in this correspondence | |
2016-0012 | CLOSE | 10/14/2015 | Goering | Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. |
request copies of the following records from January 1, 2012, to the present: 1.All records or information regarding the membership requirements applicable to Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) under 23 U.S.C. 134(d) and or the application of those requirements to the Metropolitan Council. 2.All records or information regarding statutory changes to 23 U.S.C. 134(d) and or how those changes impact or might impact the Metropolitan Council and or its membership. 3. All records or information regarding the need to have, or presence of, local elected officials on the Metropolitan Council. 4. All records or information regarding the need to have, or presence of,appropriate State officials on the Metropolitan Council. 5.All records or information regarding the need to have, or presence of, officials of public agencies that administer major modes of transportation in the metropolitan area, including representation by providers of public transportation on the Metropolitan Council. 6. All records or information regarding the relation of the Metropolitan Councils Technical Advisory Board (TAB) to the MPO membership requirements in 23 U.S.C. 134 (or its implementing regulations) or the TABs role in satisfying those requirements. 7. All records or information regarding any proposed (State or federal) legislative or regulatory changes, lobbying proposals, platforms, or strategies, and legal or administrative challenges to or regarding the MPO membership requirements in 23 U.S.C. 134 (or its implementing regulations) or the application of those membership requirements to the Metropolitan Council. 8. All communications and records of communications (including, but not limited do, letters, e-mail correspondence, text messages, voice mails, phone notes, and documents summarizing, describing, or referencing personal or telephone conversations) regarding or relating to any and all of the topics identified in Request 1-7 between any member, official, officer, director, employee, consultant, lobbyist, agent, or representative of the Federal Highway Administration or any of its divisions, offices, or departments, and any of the following individuals and entities: a. The Minnesota Department of Transportation, including all officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants, lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof b. The Federal Transit Administration, including all officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants, lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof c. Any other division, branch, or office of the United States Department of Transportation, including all Secretaries, Administrators, officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants,lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof; d. The Metropolitan Council, including all members, officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants, lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof; e. The Governor of Minnesota or the Governors office, including all officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants, lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof; f.Any lobbyist or organization or entity that engages in lobbying activities on behalf of any of the individuals or entities identified in Request 7(a) - (e); and g. Any other individual, organization, governmental entity, or other entity, including all political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota. |
2016-0013 | CLOSE | 10/15/2015 | Youngman | Washington and Lee University Huntly Hall |
request access to all documents within the custody and control of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the following categories: I . Any settlement agreements, consent judgments, and or other such documents that evidence the terms of any settlement or resolution of any lawsuits or causes of action involving claims under section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (codified at 23 U.S.C. 138 and 49 U.S.C. 303) and that were entered into between January I , 2005 and the present (up to and including the date of production). 2. Any internal FHWA or Department of Justice memoranda or guidance regarding the negotiation, settlement, andor resolution of claims under section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966. |
2016-0014 | CLOSE | 10/6/2015 | Tang | Civille & Tang PLLC |
Guam Department of Public Works Bile & Pigua Bridge Reconstruction Project, Project No GU-NH-NBIS(007) |
2016-0015 | CLOSE | 10/15/2015 | Retton | Stantec | Copies of the winning proposal for Bridges Inspection Services, DTFH- 14-R-00011 and DTFH71-12-D- 00012. |
2016-0016 | CLOSE | 10/13/2015 | Wyman | Requesting copies of all notes, electronic mails, letters and whatever documents are being held pertaining to reconstruction work on US Highway 377 in Pilot Point, Texas. | |
2016-0017 | CLOSE | 10/7/2015 | Elmendorf | AGC | PLA Agreement for contract D900025 |
2016-0018 | CLOSE | 10/7/2015 | Elmendorf | AGC | PLA Agreement for contract # D900031 |
2016-0019 | CLOSE | 10/7/2015 | Elmendorf | AGC | PLA Agreement for contract D900030 |
2016-0020 | CLOSE | 10/21/2015 | Malloe | Office of the County Clerk |
request for all FHWA communications, correspondences, and other documents generated or produced in response to the following Environmental Justice Complaint presented by Bonnie Goodell for the Sustainability Committee, on May 11, 1998: 1998 Hawaii Long Range Land Transportation Plan. The information requested includes, but is not limited to letters, emails, memos, investigative report(s), findings, recommendations, and/or directives. |
2016-0021 | CLOSE | 10/22/2015 | Montano | Holland & Hart LLP |
Freedom of Information Act Request for Documents |
2016-0022 | CLOSE | 10/7/2015 | Foulon | Any and all correspondence between FHWA and WSDOT, NPS, US. Army Corps of Engineers, City of Bellevue, and any other Federal Agency or state of Washington Agency, or Tribe, or Local Government regarding WSDOT 112th Ave. SE to 8th St. Widening Including any reference to 112th Ave. to SE 8th St. segment (or original Bellevue Project) or the 1- 90 to SE 8th St. segment (original Bellevue Nickel) | |
2016-0023 | CLOSE | 10/23/2015 | Hoover | Eyak Preservation Council |
This request is limited to documents dated after February 1, 2014. Requested are all information regarding the Shepard Point Road and Deep Water Port, the Cordove Oil Spill Response facility and/or Port and/or POA-1994-1014, Orca Inlet. 1. Official Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, or Memorandums of Agreement between the Native Village of Eyak, the Alaska Department of Transportation, and public facilities, and Federal Highway Administration that you have regarding Shepard Point Road and Deep Water Port, the Cordova Oil Spill Reponse facility and/or Port/Orca Inlet. 2.All emails and documents between the Army Corps of Engineers, The Western Federal Lands Highway Division, State of Alaska Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and the Native Village of Eyak, regarding the Shepard Point and Road project, POA-1994-1014 Orca Inlet or the Cordova Oil Spill Response facility. Fee Waiver is Requested |
2016-0024 | CLOSE | 10/21/2015 | Anderson | Anderson Paint Store LLC |
Description of public record requested: 07-1W2404 1.Copy of Construction Estimator and blue sheet 2.DBEs list for each 3.Each Modification |
2016-0025 | CLOSE | 10/26/2015 | Kim | Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee |
All communications between the FHWA and Rep. John L Mica, US House of Reps., and his staff from January 1993 to present that are related to All Aboard Florida project and FHWAs allocation of private activity bonds to the project. Also, any documents related to FHWAs decision to approve the allocation of private activity bonds to All Aboard Florida. |
2016-0026 | CLOSE | 10/26/2015 | Anderson | WRDW News 12 |
I request copies of the number of tractor trailer crashes in both Georgia and South Carolina each year from 2010 -2014. Please also include (general) statistics for the causes of those accidents (for example: speed, following too closely, etc) and the number of fatalities and/or injuries associated with the accidents. I am also looking for a breakdown of overweight violations in both South Carolina and Georgia. I received the number of overweight violations for 2010 - 2014 in a previous Freedom of Information Act Request (FHWA Control Number 2016-0001). However, I would like to see where those violations occurred. In this request, I am asking for a list of where these violations were cited. (For example - 2,000 violations reported at weigh station A and 1500 at weigh station B. It doesn't need to be the specific information for each individual crash.) I understand there are thousands of violations each year, so I'd like to keep this request as simple as possible. If there is an electronic document already complied for any of those years that lists all violations, please forward it to me in lieu of my specific request, and I will go through the info to find it myself |
2016-0027 | CLOSE | 10/26/2015 | Hubbard | USC Sol Price School of Public Policy |
Im a Doctoral student at USCs Sol Price School of Public Policy and am doing my Thesis on a new way to fund infrastructure. Id like to get the following information if possible: 1) For TIFIA loans, the: a) FY closed, b) Primary source of revenue, c) Interest rate(s) for issued loan, and, d) Cost if issuance for that loan. Ive collected all the data I can find from the TIFIA website and Ive attached it in a spreadsheet (1st tab - Financed). On-line, I found 116 projects, but only partial found data for 44. For the cost if issuance, Im looking for the total cost of issuing a loan. If thats not readily available, I can the projects annual budget and the amount of loans approved for that year. If I can this for 5 or more years then I can find a weighted average. |
2016-0028 | CLOSE | 10/27/2015 | Esposito | Information subject of the laws, rules, and regulations that conforms to the current standards prescribed by the MUTCD for Streets and Highways adopted by the commissioner. (More details on the original request) | |
2016-0029 | CLOSE | 10/27/2015 | Rodgers | Delaware Riverkeeper Network |
copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania DOT's HQ Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, PA. from September 22 to October 26, 2015. This request also includes all attachment mentioned in these documents. |
2016-0030 | CLOSE | 10/28/2015 | Rodgers | Delaware Riverkeeper Network |
a copy of Attachment 7 PennDOT Crash History Summary. |
2016-0031 | CLOSE | 11/2/2015 | Finch, Jr. | Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP |
we request the below described documents: DEFINITIONS (A) Owner: City of Los Angeles, and any of its agents, employees, officials or representatives. (B) Person: natural persons, firms, associations, organizations, partnerships, businesses, trusts, corporations, and public entities. (C) Project: the construction project known as the Riverside Drive Viaduct Replacement Over Los Angeles River Bridge No. 53C- 0160, W.O. Nos. E700002F and E700301F; Federal Project No. BHLO 5006(221). (D) Related To: those items that constitute, evidence, record, reflect, analyze, summarize, support, refute or comment upon. (E) Writings: as defined in Federal Rule of Evidence 1001(1) as letters, words, numbers or their equivalent set down in any form. REQUESTS (1) All construction updates Related To the Project prepared by the Owner or any other Person dated on or after January 1, 2011; (2) All Writings Related To risk analyses andor risk management for the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011; (3) All Writings Related To requests for funding by the Owner or any other Person for the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011; (4) All Writings Related To delays to construction of the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011; (5) All Writings Related To revisions to the design of the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011; and (6) All Writings related to claims andor potential claims on the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011, including without limit claims for differing site conditions |
2016-0032 | CLOSE | 11/3/2015 | Johnson | Thompson Research Group |
Total FHWA reimbursement by month, year, and state for all U.S. states, except for Texas, for the last 10 years. MS Excel format is preferred. |
2016-0033 | CLOSE | 11/3/2015 | Martinetti | Bazan Huerta & Associates |
All writings relating to the operation and accident history of AIM Relocators, Inc. d/b/a Advantage Industrial Machinery Relocators, Inc., DOT #1358592, inlcuding: accident reports,certificates of insurance, certificates of authority, notices of revocation, warnings, notices of suspensions, citations, letters, forms, e-mails, text messages, and charters. |
2016-0035 | CLOSE | 10/30/2015 | Williams | Grant application/contract for Utah State Project No. 6690 R3 FZ52647 ZF-0092(12)1, FMIS Project No. F005(290); and All Buy America Act waiver documentation regarding the aforementioned project. | |
2016-0036 | CLOSE | 11/4/2015 | Quereshi | NAACP Legal Defense Fund |
1. All versions of the Maryland Department of Transportation's most recent Title VI Program filed with FHWA; 2. FHWA's approval letter of the Maryland Department of Transportation's most recent Title VI Program; 3. All letters and/or communications to the Maryland Department of Transportation from the FHWA (and vice versa) regarding any Title VI deficiencies from January 1, 2010 to present; 4. All versions of the Maryland State Highway Administration's most recent Title VI Program filed with FHWA; 5. FHWA's approval letter of the Maryland State Highway Administration's most recent Title VI Program; 6. All letters and/or communications to the Maryland State Highway Administration from the FHWA (and vice versa) regarding any Title VI deficiencies from January 1, 2010 to present; LDF requests that any records that exist in electronic form be provided in their native electronic format on a compact disc, digital video disk, internet transfer, or equivalent electronic medium. LDF requests that any documents stored in Portable Document Format (PDFs) be provided as individual files in a searchable PDF format. |
2016-0037 | CLOSE | 11/9/2015 | Bell | Kelly & Walker LLC |
Documents and communications related to ID PFH24(13) as follows: 1. bidding, source selection, contract negotiations, and contract award by WFL to TK Construction on the project. 2. Copy of Contract with TK Construction. 3. All applications, draw request and/or demands for payment submitted by TK in connection with the project. 4. Schedule and detail of payments made to TK construction including but not limited to what amount was paid, when payments were made, to whom payments were addressed and any information related to the financial institution which TK construction used. 5.Proposed or actual agreements or arrangements with or communications regarding proposed schedule for completion for the project and changes to the schedule for the project. 6.Proposed or actual amount retained by WFL in connection with the completion of the project 7. Change orders issued by TK whether approved or not. |
2016-0038 | CLOSE | 11/9/2015 | Walkinson | The Children's Home Society of Florida |
an address for Jesse Perez of West Holden in Orlando. |
2016-0039 | CLOSE | 11/6/2015 | Zagrean | I am writing to appeal the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) decision to deny my FOIA request dated August 17, 2015, in which I requested the FHWA analysis of 2005 crash tests validating that the ET Plus with 4-inch guide channel was crash tested in May 2005. The decision relies on 1) Exemption 7(a) authorizing the withholding of records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes and on 2)Exemption 5 protecting the deliberative process that covers agency personnel. I argue that both grounds of denial are unfounded as follows 1)Exemption 7(a) First, the FHWA does not have law enforcement powers, and therefore cannot invoke Exemption 7. Second, the documents I have requested were created in the course of FHWAs ordinary business and not for the purpose of any investigation. Third, the FHWA has not specifically identified the subject or target of an investigation - on the contrary, I understand that the official position is that the product has enjoyed an unbroken chain of eligibility. For each of these reasons, Exemption 7(a) does not apply. 2)Exemption 5: For Exemption 5 to apply, the FHWA has the burden of proving that the requested documents are both predecisional and deliberative. The FHWA has done neither. Further, even if privilege might arguably apply, the government has waived its right to invoke Exemption 5. Lastly, the FHWA cannot assume the authority of deciding what may or may not confuse the public, as this exemption describes as part of its general purpose. Rather, the FHWA must face public scrutiny of its exercise of public service - including its deliberation and decision making processes which it seeks to protect here through this Exemption. For each of these reasons, Exemption 5 cannot be invoked. Based on the above I request that the decision to deny my request be reversed and that the documents requested be provided immediately under the rights guaranteed by FOIA. |
2016-0040 | CLOSE | 11/9/2015 | Parra- Guedez |
Sperry Capital, Inc. |
I would like to request BOTH the TIFIA Letter of Interest and TIFIA Application for the following Projects financed by TIFIA: I-77 HOT Lanes Project North Tarrant Express (Segments 3A and 3B) I-4 Ultimate Project I-95 HOV HOT Lanes SR 91 Corridor Improvement U.S. 36 Managed Lane Bus Rapid Transit Projects: Phase 2 U.S. 36 Managed Lane Bus Rapid Transit Project: Phase 1 North Tarrant Express Segments 1 and 2A Capital Beltway High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes I-595 Corridor Roadway Improvements IH 635 Managed Lanes |
2016-0041 | CLOSE | 11/9/2015 | Parra- Guedez |
Sperry Capital Inc. |
I would like to request TIFIA Letter of Interest for the following projects that have requested TIFIA financing: Midtown Express (Texas Department of Transportation) C470 Express Lanes (Colorado High Performance Transportation Enterprise) 183 S (Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority) IH 35 E (Texas Department of Transportation) SH 288 (Texas Department of Transportation) I would also like to request the TIFIA Application for the following projects that have requested TIFIA financing: IH 35 E (Texas Department of Transportation) SH 288 (Texas Department of Transportation) |
2016-0042 | CLOSE | 11/5/2015 | Brachanow | Atlantic Engineering Associates, Inc. |
Any and all public records of FHWA pertaining to Atlantic Engineering Associates, Inc. and Mass DOT and RFR # 201406S1EFS Statewide Bid- Engineering Field Survey and Mass DOT Contract #71348. Please disclose all Documents, Correspondence and Communication which would include, but not be limited to: 1. Investigation notes, communication and documents regarding any and all complaints by Mass DOT and by Atlantic Engineering Associates, Inc. 2. Conflicts of Interest Mass DOT. 3. State and Federal Law violations. 4. Approval of Mass DOT SOP's and Policies and Procedures. 5. Information regarding Mass DOT issuing ineligible contracts, defamation of Atlantic, unfair procurement and contract practices, arbitrary and capricious actions, withholding of work from Atlantic. 6. Architects and Engineers Review Board and RFR Selection Committee Members. 7. Stephanie Pollack, Patricia Leavenworth, John Anthony, Clark Donkin, Frank DePaola, Tom DiPaulo. 8. Any and all information regarding the estimating of the value of work expected and/or Engineers Estimate for the work proposed, by Mass DOT for above contract and RFR. Federal monies paid on Mass DOT engineering and field survey during 2014 and 2015. 9. Mass DOT DBE goals met during 2014 and 2015. 10. Conflict of Interest. 11. Stewardship and Oversight agreement with Mass DOT. 12. Any other information that would be relevant to our complaint. |
2016-0043 | CLOSE | 11/16/2015 | Willaredt | I am requesting all documents and video submitted by Energy Absorption Systems in 2002 for FHWA acceptance for their Safe Stop 180 TMA (trailer mounted attenuator). In particular, I would like to receive a copy of the report that was submitted titled, NCHRP Report 350 Crash Test Results for the Safe-Stop 180 TMA and all video of all tests that were conducted. The above report and tests were referred to in a letter from Carol H. Jacoby, Director, Office of Safety Design dated July 11, 2002 to Barry D. Stephens, Sr. Vice President Engineering,Energy Absorption Systems, Inc., reference number HSA-10-CC-78C. Mr. Nicholas Artimovich handles Impact Attenuators at FHWA, Office of Safety. He was quite helpful with another impact attentuator FOIA request. I have included him in this email. | |
2016-0044 | CLOSE | 11/17/2015 | Elliott | Law Offices of Elliott & Elliott |
I080 Reconstruction/Road Improvement Project US Route 209 and Shafers Schoolhouse Road intersection. |
2016-0045 | CLOSE | 11/17/2015 | Hornsby | Hornsby Law | copies of documents regarding an accident caused by carrier Joel Transport, Inc. |
2016-0046 | CLOSE | 11/17/2015 | Hornsby | Hornsby Law | copies of documents regarding an accident caused by carrier CG Auto Transport. |
2016-0047 | CLOSE | 11/17/2015 | Creekbaum | Hayes Harkey Smith Cascio LLP |
All records, communications of investigations or inquiries, complaints or statements made by or regarding Jeff Mercer, LLC, Jeff Mercer to USDOT |
2016-0048 | CLOSE | 11/18/2015 | Creekbaum | Hayes, Harkey, Smith & Cascio |
various documents regarding and/or concerning Jeff Mercer, LLC under the laws of the State of LA and DBE, and Jeff Mercer. |
2016-0049 | CLOSE | 11/6/2015 | Stout | Whiteman Osterman & Hanna |
Records related to the I-81 Viaduct Project, between September 11, 2015 and November 6, 2015. |
2016-0050 | CLOSE | 11/20/2015 | Guderian | Motorcycle Safety Consulting |
Request for the Motorcycle VMT for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia for the calendar years of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. |
2016-0051 | CLOSE | 11/20/2015 | Kane | Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. |
records of a meeting with FHWA officials and Mr. Hatton. |
2016-0052 | CLOSE | 11/20/2015 | Wanner | Harris Beach Attorneys At Law |
Federally Funded Project on Queensboro Bridge (New York City) |
2016-0053 | CLOSE | 11/20/2015 | Brunelle | Mesa Verde Enterprises, Inc. |
Under the Freedom of Information act, Mesa Verde Enterprises, Inc. requests a copy of the bid documents for the potential low bidder on the Dripping Springs and Baylor Canyon Roads bid. Mesa Verde is willing to pay any potential costs accrued for providing this information. |
2016-0054 | CLOSE | 11/23/2015 | Miller | Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance |
Certified payroll records from the above noted contractor (LB Civil Construction, Inc.) for project (Convict Lake Road - DTFH68-15- B-00005) from the beginning of the project to today's date (11/16/2015). |
2016-0055 | CLOSE | 11/23/2015 | Miller | Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance |
We formally request the following information on the above referenced project (Convict Lake Road - DTFH6815B00005 - Prime Contractor: LB Civil Construction, Inc.): 1) Contract Number; 2) Bid Advertising Date; 3) Bid Opening Date; 4) Wage Decision and Modifications; 5) Estimated start- up date (Notice to Proceed); 6) Length of project for each contractor (Calendar or Working Days); 7) Amount of general contract; 8) Name, address and contractors license number of each awarded contractor and/or subcontractor; 9) Copy of Signed Agreement |
2016-0056 | CLOSE | 12/1/2015 | Taylor | Herback General Engineering |
Copies of bid packages for the following companies that also bid on the Whitney Portal Road Project (DTFH68-15-B-00017) on November 17, 2015: 1. Leaders Contracting 2. Hat Creek Construction 3. Road and Highway Builders |
2016-0057 | CLOSE | 12/1/2015 | Bandy | I am requesting copies of all communications (written and electronic) and notes of verbal communication(meetings, phone conversations, etc. ) to do with the signs for the HOV lane on Highway 36 in Colorado. More specifically for US Highway 36 in Colorado from the Broadway exit to Boulder. And all communication to do with the proposed wording on, and number and placement of signs for the HOV lane. | |
2016-0058 | CLOSE | 11/23/2015 | Hernandez | Internation Union of Operating Engineers |
WA NPS MORA 14(8) Nisqually to Paradise Phase II 1. Inspectors Daily Reports 2. Field notes 3. Pictures 4. Certified Payroll |
2016-0059 | CLOSE | 11/23/2015 | Pres | HK Construction |
Design files, TIN. DGN PLM CON and survey files |
2016-0060 | CLOSE | 12/3/2015 | Preiser | McDonald Toole Wiggins, PA |
any and all records, reports, documents, measurements, statements, photos, videos concerning an incident in FY Myers, FL. |
2016-0061 | CLOSE | 12/4/2015 | Grubb | copies of all EIS, DEIS, SEIS, and FEIS for the WV highway project US340-Charles Town Bypass to Virginia Line as listed in the active EISs table on the FHWA webpage www.environment.fhwa.dot.gov/ projdev/active_eis.asp | |
2016-0062 | CLOSE | 12/4/2015 | Toolan | Oldcastle Law group |
Documents regarding SCDOT Project No. BR26(012); SC File No. 26.036774A Interchange at US 17 Bypass & SC 707 Farrow Parkway - Horry County, SC. |
2016-0063 | CLOSE | 12/3/2015 | Plotch, PhD, AICP |
Saint Peters University |
I am seeking an electronic copy of the following information relating to the Tappan Zee Bridge. - FHWA's 2015 progress reports - 2015 inspection reports - Steering Committee minutes and materials. |
2016-0064 | CLOSE | 12/4/2015 | menditch | Stein Mitchell Cipollone Beato & Missner LLP |
The light sequence and pedestrian traffic light pattern at the intersection of 14th and I Street, NW on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 between the hours of 4pm and 5pm EST. |
2016-0065 | CLOSE | 12/4/2015 | Papavizas | Winston & Strawn LLp |
A copy of the FHWA communication dated October 27, 2015 that is referenced in two recent CRS reports appearing to indicate that cargo preference applies to the highway program. |
2016-0066 | CLOSE | 12/7/2015 | Siegwart | Siegwart German American Law, Inc. |
This is request is for all documents for the past 15 years, for big oak Flat Tunnels, located on Big Oak Flat Road/Highway 120 in Yosemite National Park, regarding the condition, design, renovation, maintenance, construction and or repair of the rock face over the tunnel entrance and exit. |
2016-0067 | CLOSE | 12/8/2015 | Pickens | Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 |
Contractor: Dig It Construction, Inc. Project: CA FLAP 111 Beckwourth Genesee Road (DTFH68-14-B- 00011) Copies of the following: 1. Start Date 2. Estimated Completion Date 3. Funding Source(s) 4. Dollar amount of Contract 5. Project Location(s) 6. Contractor License Number and Name Style 7. Copy of Payment Bond and Performance Bond 8. Copy of Contract between the Contractor and FHWA 9. Copies of Bid/Solicitation documents submitted by the contractor |
2016-0068 | CLOSE | 12/9/2015 | Vazquez | Vazquez & Vazquez |
The instant request for the disclosure and production of documentation and information is made pursuant to the Freedon of Information Act on behalf of Betteroads Asphalt LLC and Betterecycling Corp. The documents and information at issue concern all documents, communications, memoranda, emails, correspondence and the like received, generated or issued in regards to Walter C. Waidelich, Jr.s November 18, 2015 Final Decision Regarding Exception Request of Super Asphalt and the Puerto Rico Highway and Transit Authority |
2016-0070 | CLOSE | 12/9/2015 | Redding | Answers to questions regarding Above Ground utility Structure Placement. | |
2016-0071 | CLOSE | 12/10/2015 | Walker | Law & Moran | All documents related to DOT Crossing Number 723002L in Cordele, GA, including but not limited, to all crossing inventories, photographs of the crossing, signalization authorizations, annual reports and documents reflecting federal aid of funding. |
2016-0072 | CLOSE | 12/10/2015 | Guttman | Brown, Dean, Wiseman, Proctor, Hart & Howell, LLP |
a certified copy of ALL documents in the Federal Highway Administration, Texas Divisions possession for Highway-Rail Grade Crossing DOT No. 755624C located in Houston, Harris County, Texas; the intersecting street is Fondren Road. My request includes a request for copies of ANY and ALL correspondence, agreements, invoices, approvals for expenditures, or any other documents related to selection, installation, andor maintenance of the signal system at the crossing, exchanged or received by the Federal Highway Administration, Texas Division, concerning this crossing. I agree to pay reasonable postage, duplication fees and other reasonable applicable fees for the processing of this request in an amount not to exceed $500.00. However, please notify me prior to your incurring any expenses in excess of that amount. I would also request that all records forwarded be certified and will pay any additional fees concerning same. |
2016-0073 | CLOSE | 12/10/2015 | Kepple | Todd & Weld LLP |
I am writing to request a certified, unredacted copy of your inspections of Harold Levinson Associates LLC, in the past 24 months any other documents you have regarding Company: Harold Levinson Associates LLC at 21 Banfi Plaza Farmingdale, NY 11735 US DOT Number: 798144 |
2016-0074 | CLOSE | 12/11/2015 | Goering | Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. |
Appealing the denial of access to two emails. |
2016-0075 | CLOSE | 12/10/2015 | Powers | POLITICO | I am requesting a copy of any correspondences between the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation/the N.C. governors office, the Virginia Department of Transportation/the Virginia governors office, or the Missouri Department of Transportation/the Missouri governors office, related to tolling or a highway tolling pilot program from January 2010 until December 2015. |
2016-0076 | CLOSE | 12/10/2015 | Powers | POLITICO | I am requesting a copy of any correspondences between the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation the N.C. governors office, the Virginia Department of Transportation the Virginia governors office, or the Missouri Department of Transportation the Missouri governors office, related to tolling or a highway tolling pilot program from January 2010 until December 2015. |
2016-0077 | CLOSE | 12/10/2015 | Powers | POLITICO | I am requesting a copy of any correspondences between the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation the N.C. governor s office, the Virginia Department of Transportation the Virginia governors office, or the Missouri Department of Transportation the Missouri governors office, related to tolling or a highway tolling pilot program from January 2010 until December 2015. |
2016-0079 | CLOSE | 12/1/2015 | Mountcastle Esq. | GallagherSha rp, LLP |
Dear Ms. Patterson: Please accept this Freedom of Information Act request regarding Federal Aid Project No. RRPG-OOOS(326) concerning the payment of federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration to the State of Ohio for the Ohio Buckeye Crossbuck program. I am enclosing a certificate for your signature regarding any documents that you retrieve from your system relating to this federa project. The purpose of the enclosed certificate is to authenticate the accuracy of the documents retrieved from the Federal Highway Administration's system. As such, the appropriate legal custodian of these documents should sign the certificate. Please review the certificate, and if it meets with your approval please have it signed and send the original executed certificate to me in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. I will need the certificate with your original signature (or the original signature of the custodian of records) because this certificate along with the documents you provide will be filed in the above referenced court case. For your reference I am enclosing a copy of documents relating to this project that we previously received from your office, along with a certificate dated May 9, 2005 signed by Steven Baumann of your office. Please provide an invoice for any copying costs incurred by your office pursuant to this request. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. |
2016-0080 | CLOSE | 12/15/2015 | Pearlman | Siegwart German American Law, Inc. |
All documents for the past 15 years, for big oak Flat Tunnels, located on Big Oak Flat Road/Highway 120 in Yosemite National Park, regarding the condition, design, renovation, maintenance, construction and or repair of the rock face over the tunnel entrance and exit. |
2016-0081 | CLOSE | 12/16/2015 | Rodgers | Delaware Riverkeeper Network |
copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania DOT HQ Road bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, PA from October 27 to December 14, 2015. |
2016-0082 | CLOSE | 12/15/2015 | Plews | Safety Research & Technologies, Inc. |
Please provide any and all documents, including but not limited to drafts, of the following from 1970 to the present: 1. Any and all documents related to Texas Twist guardrail systems. 2. Any and all documents between YOU and the New York Department of Transportation, New York City Department of Transportation, and/or any governmental or roadside safety agency in New York related to Texas Twist guardrail systems. 3. Any and all documents received from the New York City Department of Transportation and/or any New York roadside safety agency related to Texas Twist guardrail systems. 4. Any and all documents received from the American Association of State Highway Officials related to Texas Twist guardrail systems. 5. Any and all documents received from ATSSA related to Texas Twist guardrail systems. 6. Any and all documents including agreements, bids, proposals, contracts related to the implementation, repair, and/or replacement of Texas Twist guardrail systems. 7. Any and all state, city, and/or federal roadside design guidelines, plans, and/or policies referencing Texas Twist guardrail systems. 8. Any and all documents referencing the replacement and/or ban of the Texas Twist guardrail systems. 9. Any and all documents referencing vehicular impact hazards associated with Texas Twist guardrail systems including but not limited to rollover hazards. 10. Any and all research studies, in-service performance evaluations, reports and/or the like referencing the field performance of Texas Twist guardrail systems including but not limited studies, evaluations, and/or reports from universities nationwide. 11. Any and all research studies, evaluations, reports or the like published by the Transportation Research Board related to and/or referencing Texas Twist guardrail systems. 12. Any and all roadside design engineering drawings and/or site plans referencing the removal and/or replacement of Texas Twist guardrail systems. 13. Any and all meeting minutes, logs, and/or notes related to the design, installation, removal, testing, and/or use of Texas Twist guardrail systems. 14. Any and all lawsuits and/or property damage claims alleging a hazard or defect related to Texas Twist guardrail systems. 15. Any and all documents related to the purpose or reason for the removal of Texas Twist guardrail systems. 16. Any and all documents that mention, discuss, or otherwise reference the installation of guardrail systems, guardrail componentry, traffic signals, traffic signs, and or the like at or near the location of underground and/or above ground electrical cable and/or sources.17. Any and all training documents related to the installation, replacement, repair of Texas Twist guardrail systems. 18. Any and all roadside design guidelines and/or policies referencing Texas Twist guardrail systems. 19. Any and all documents between YOU and any and all state departments of transportation that mentions, discusses, or otherwise references Texas Twist guardrail systems. 20. Any and all documents including but not limited to agendas related to conference proceedings and/or seminars that mention, discuss or otherwise reference Texas Twist guardrail systems. 21. Any and all invoices, contracts, bids, and/or procurement documents related to the replacement and/or repair of Texas Twist guardrail systems. 22. Any and all documents to and/or from Dick Powers related to Texas Twist turn down guardrail systems |
2016-0083 | CLOSE | 12/16/2015 | Black | I am requesting all documentation relating to Federal Highway Administration-Office of Civil Rights investigation on Select Development and Construction Inc and Pima County. This relates to a complaint filed on August 8, 2014 by Jason Orosco of Blue Diamond. Lisa Neie, Division Civil Right Specialist, is the lead investigator on this case. I am requesting all information pertaining to this investigation including audits, investigation reports, investigation results, payment information, interviews and any other pertinent information relating to this investigation. This includes: -All information and communication between Pima County and USDOT regarding Select Development since August 8, 2014. -All information and communication regarding Select Development, its suppliers, contractors, any other related parties | |
2016-0084 | CLOSE | 12/16/2015 | Lykins | Democratic National Committee |
Any and all records of communication and FOIA requests between FHWA and John Kasich. |
2016-0085 | CLOSE | 12/16/2015 | Gambill | Hasty Pope | Records concerning carrier Candler Concrete Products, Inc. |
2016-0086 | CLOSE | 12/18/2015 | Retton | Stantec | Appealing the use of exemption 4. |
2016-0087 | CLOSE | 12/21/2015 | Cabrera | R.E. Cabrera & Associates |
As a follow up to my earlier request and based on additional information received from Mr. Artimovich, I wold like to amend my previously submitted FOIA request as follows: All crash test reports and video of the QuadGuard system associated with the following FHWA letters: CC-35 through CC-35I CC-41 CC-42 through CC-42B CC-43 CC-52 through CC-52B |
2016-0088 | CLOSE | 12/21/2015 | Argenti | List of Projects in that used SAFETEA federal funding for a greenway, and what type of surfaces were put down (stone- dust, compacted soil, hard surface like asphalt or concrete, either pervious or impervious). Kindly list City, State, Date funded, dated completed, and funding amount, if possible. | |
2016-0089 | CLOSE | 12/21/2015 | Rudolf | Under the FOIA, I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of public records for three categories of information: 1) Property Inventory: a complete inventory of the agency's real property 2) Lease Abstracts: an inventory of leases with salient terms, including location, term, annual rent, lease expiration date, date of first cancellation, lessor, etc 3) Requirements for Real Property: the needs for real property that the DOT is seeking. This information includes requirements (geography, size, timing, attributes, and other terms) to lease and purchase any and all types of real property. |
2016-0090 | CLOSE | 12/17/2015 | Stout | Whiteman Osterman & Hanna |
Records pertaining to the I-81 Challenge project between November 6, 2015 and December 17, 2015. |
2016-0091 | CLOSE | 12/23/2015 | Inouye | FI Consulting | All data records from the data fields and data tables used to store deal information including borrower characteristics, deal terms, and loan performance for all TIFIA direct and guaranteed loans from FY 1999 to the present. |
2016-0092 | CLOSE | 12/23/2015 | Taft | Ahlers & Cressmann PPLC |
Project known as Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Road, Contract No. DTFH7014C00009 at Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest, King County, Washington; I am writing to request copies of all documents described below for the time period between April 2014 and the end of February 2015. 1. All Documents which relate to, pertain to, or reference in any way Project costs, including but not limited to change orders, payment applications submitted for the Project, and any payments made; 2. All Documents which relate to, pertain to, or reference in any way invoices or support for payment applications and change orders; 3. All Documents which relate to, pertain to, or reference in any way claims, disputes, or settlements submitted on the Project and/or negotiations between Active Construction, Inc. and the WFL with respect to claims disputes, or settlements on the Project. |
2016-0093 | CLOSE | 12/28/2015 | Steiner | After making several FHWA FOIA requests FOIA Control Nos. 2015.0288, 2015.0367 there were items not provided as being under the control of HDOT, in particular see as attached exhibit copy of correspondence from Elizabeth Fischer to John Turner dated 9.25.2015 A list of parties who provided land use data from the County of Hawaii for the Federal Highways 2035 Transportation Plan regarding Public Meeting workshops held in 2012 and 2014. A list of all Public Meetings regarding preparation of 2035 Plan and copies of attendee sign in sheets collected at each meeting including a list of persons who represented the County of Hawaii at the above Public Meetings. I also am inquiring in particular about the content of the final 2035 Plan, Island of Hawaii specifically On page 21, there is a map of the lower part of Hawaii Island, and entire communities are missing from lower Puna below Pahoa, e.g Leilani Estates and the entire highway from Keaau to Volcano is missing all subdivisions or indications of human life. This same 2035 plan states approximately 40 to 50,000 cars a day travel to Hilo on Rt 11, and about 40,000 a day from Puna currently. If this is a correct map, it should show urban clusters for entire island, not just Hilo and Kona, and the roads must have their proper designation according to the true population centers. What designates an urban cluster and where did the information for the maps on page 20 and 21 come from. On page 39 of the 2035 plan there is the following statement By 2035, the overall population on the Island of Hawaii is expected to grow by over 60 percent. The most significant growth is expected in Kohala in the communities of Waikoloa and Waimea, as well as in north Kohala. Where exactly did this significant growth information come from and how did you reach these conclusions. Why is there no mention of the Puna Regional Circulation Plan, a very thorough and comprehensive document including several town centers and multi modal transportation solutions, prepared by Townscape, Inc. in November 2005 for the County of Hawaii Planning Department | |
2016-0094 | CLOSE | 12/30/2015 | McGillivray | Department of Private Law University of Oslo |
copies of 77 commercial cloud contracts used to create the report entitled The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency's Cloud Computer Initiative. |
2016-0095 | CLOSE | 1/5/2016 | Chrietzberg | Stokes Carmicheal & Ernst LLC |
FOIA request Carey Station Rd I-20 Interchange Greene County, Georgia PI 007528. |
2016-0096 | CLOSE | 1/4/2016 | LoScalzo | Records related to the proposed roadway project X770.44, Van Wyck Expressway ramps and the Willets Point development, between 6/21/15 and 12/30/15. | |
2016-0097 | CLOSE | 1/6/2016 | Chavez | Goldberg Weisman Cairo |
a copy of the executed contract number 20145 and specifications numbers 63298 for the bridge replacement at the Lawrence Avenue over (I-90) Kennedy Expressway between the City of Chicago and Lorig Construction Company in April 21, 2010. |
2016-0098 | CLOSE | 12/30/2015 | McGillivray | Dept. of Private Law - University of Olso |
copies of 77 commercial contracts - referral |
2016-0099 | CLOSE | 1/11/2016 | Larson | Sierra Club | Please provide documents on:Formal or informal guidance for public consumption or internal management that provides direction to district offices for what must be addressed in complying with 23 U.S.C. 109(h). Any decisions where 23 U.S.C. 109(h) has been specifically addressed to determine what factors the Administration has relied upon to determine compliance in other cases. |
2016-0100 | CLOSE | 1/8/2016 | Allen | Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP |
copies of any correspondence regarding the allegations contained in the June 29, 2015 letter from Ameritech, Golder, HI- TECH. and KANE to the Office of Chief Counsel relating to contracts for slope stabilization and remediation services. |
2016-0101 | CLOSE | 1/11/2016 | Minkiewicz | Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP |
All interagency communications, including emails, related to the interpretation of any persons leading to and arising from this action; and communications between agency personnel and outside parties related to this interpretation: regarding the application of Cargo Preference Act provisions to federally supported highway projects |
2016-0102 | CLOSE | 1/11/2016 | Rivas | Center for Contract Compliance |
Request documents showing the three lowest bidders on project FTNP MOJA 10(1) Roadway Safety Improvements Contract # DTFH- 68-15-B-00023. |
2016-0103 | CLOSE | 1/13/2016 | Talley | Dunlap Codding, P.C. |
Copies of all records relating to Iofina, Inc., Iofina Natural Gas, Inc. Iofina Resources, Inc., or Iofina Chemical, Inc., including, but not limited to, permits, licenses, applications and attachments thereto, correspondence, communications, e-mails and attachments thereto, instant messages, internal and external memoranda, voicemail files, and any other documents or tangible items. |
2016-0104 | CLOSE | 1/13/2016 | Sicat | Lindsay Transportation Solutions, Inc. |
The submittal documentation provided for the assessment of eligibility for roadside safety devices for the following products:sequential Kinking Terminal Letters CC-40, CC-40A and CC-40B; Slotted Rail Terminal (MASH) Letter CC-100B; Slotted Rail Terminal (NCHRP 350) Letter CC- 100; and Soft-Stop Terminal (MASH) Letter CC-115. Include all crash test reports, videos, data, and photographs. |
2016-0105 | CLOSE | 1/12/2016 | Talley | Dunlap Codding |
copies of all records relating to Iofina, Inc., Iofina Natural Gas, Inc. Iofina Resources, Inc., or Iofina Chemical, Inc., including, but not limited to, permits, licenses, applications and attachments thereto, correspondence, communications, e-mails and attachments thereto, instant messages, internal and external memoranda, voicemail files, and any other documents or tangible items. |
2016-0106 | CLOSE | 1/13/2016 | Tate | McClatchy Newspaper |
I am writing on behalf of McClatchy Newspapers to request copies of any inspection reports for the MacArthur Bridge between St. Louis, Mo., and East St. Louis, Ill., dating back to 1981. This request includes any relevant documents in agencys possession from the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis, the Missouri Department of Transportation and the Illinois Department of Transportation. I request that the records be provided electronically and as they become available. I also request expedited processing.In the event that this request results in research or copying, McClatchy requests a public interest fee waiver because the material being sought is likely to be used in a newspaper story. We would argue strongly that there is a significant public interest in our reviewing the material being sought because disclosure of the information is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of government and is not primarily in McClatchys commercial interest. McClatchy is one of the nations largest newspaper groups with 29 publications in 14 states, reaching millions of print and online readers, and qualifies as an entity that acts primarily in the publics interest. Your office may require FOIA requesters to commit to paying fees. However, we at McClatchy feel strongly that a public interest fee waiver should prevail in this instance. If your office disagrees, Id be happy to discuss it with you. |
2016-0107 | CLOSE | 1/14/2016 | Auslander | Super Asphalt Pavement Corporation Beveridge and Diamond PC |
A copy of the FOIA request 2016-0068. |
2016-0108 | CLOSE | 1/13/2016 | DIAS | LATINO ALLIANCE MBTA |
EEO Plan (Corrective Action Plan) |
2016-0110 | CLOSE | 1/19/2016 | Khan | Mercatus Center at George Mason University |
The Final Regulatory Evaluation that is mentioned in the rule from December 21, 1993: Radar Detectors in Commercial Motor vehicles. |
2016-0111 | CLOSE | 1/19/2016 | Treacy | Sierra Club Illinois Chapter |
records pertaining to comments received in response to the Federal Highway Dept. Notice of Intent in the November 25, 2015 FR for the Shawnee Parkway. |
2016-0112 | CLOSE | 1/21/2016 | Meyer | all information concerning the resolution of misappropriation of federal funds by the Public Works officials of the City of Columbia, MO. | |
2016-0113 | CLOSE | 1/20/2016 | Kane | Safety Research & Strategies, INC |
All raw test vehicle acceleration data recorded using an accelerometer package (EDR-4) at the Center of Gravity of the test vehicles. |
2016-0114 | CLOSE | 1/21/2016 | Crow | Corpus Christi Caller-Times |
Materials requested are the entirety of the contents of the investigative report, to include but not limited to relevant evidence, facts and documents used in the investigation, the investigations findings and recommendations. The investigative report responsive to Civil Rights VI complaint b(6) filed on or about b(6) , by Texas b(6) , related to the Texas Department of Transportation and a proposed bridge in Corpus Christi, TX. The named complainants were b(6) . A letter of acknowledgement states the FHWA received the complaint b(6) |
2016-0115 | CLOSE | 1/21/2016 | Johnson | Thompson Research Group |
total FHWA reimbursement by month, year and state for all US States for the last three months (10-15 thru 12-15) |
2016-0116 | CLOSE | 1/26/2016 | Dillon | Any and all records (including but not limited to: incoming or outgoing communications such as letters, written requests, memos, telephone records, and electronic correspondence; reports; complaints, investigations, or violations; applications or forms; records of meetings or appearances on schedules or calendars) held by your department (and all divisions and agencies under your jurisdiction) in which any of the following individuals or entities are named as a recipient, sender or otherwise referenced in the body, title or subject line of the document: 1) Donald J. Trump FOIA requests as well. There are more entities on the original request. Exceeds character limit. | |
2016-0117 | CLOSE | 1/23/2016 | Jacobsen | Regarding Kane County Division of Transportation Longmeadow Parkway Bridge Corridor, LRC- 2013-839, I request the following information under FOIA: All documents and correspondence, emails, memos, etc. pertaining to the Kane County request for deminimis status for forest preserve land in the corridor from October 1, 2015 to present day from FHWA to the county and county to FHWA. The request is for educational purposes and will be shared with the general public. |
2016-0118 | CLOSE | 1/28/2016 | Adler | The Bond Exchange and Insurance Agency |
Copies of the bid bonds/bid security, including bid results for all contractors that bid on project CA FLAP CRS 4018(1) - Whitney Portal Road (DTFH-68-15-B- 00017) on November 18, 2015. |
2016-0119 | CLOSE | 1/28/2016 | Harper | Penton / EquipmentW atch |
Please email in an Excel file the following records if possible; the costs for periodic rebuilding of engines, transmissions, undercarriages, hydraulic pumps, cylinders, and other major components for every individual piece of construction equipment that the DOT owns, field repair costs, supply parts costs (hoses, cables, steel, etc.), tire costs, ground engaging components costs (pads, drums, teeth, etc.), and lube costs for each individual piece of construction equipment that the DOT owns dating as far back as possible. |
2016-0120 | CLOSE | 2/1/2016 | Shair Nada | American Road & Transportation Builders Association |
Full data dump of the FMIS database through the end of 2015. |
2016-0121 | CLOSE | 2/3/2016 | Paterson | Biesdorf & Associates |
5005 PLH Southern Unit Loop Road - Copies of Project Map, plat, layout or desisgn regarding Preliminary Engineering, Construction Enginerring or Construction that shows planne improvements or planned right- of-way acquisition for this project. If such plans do not exist, I request a copy of the preferred alternative or a map clearly showing the before and after right-of-way lines for this project. I also request a project timeline, more specifically, date for when right-of-way acquisition and construction will begin for this project. |
2016-0122 | CLOSE | 2/3/2016 | Rodgers | Delaware Riverkeeper Network |
records of the Headquarters Road bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County PA from December 15, 2015 to February 2, 2016. |
2016-0123 | CLOSE | 2/4/2016 | Galka | I request an electronic copy (Excel or CSV) of the raw hourly traffic counts for each station used for the November 2016 report. At a minimum, the information fields should include: - station name / identifier - station location / coordinates - name / ID of the road that the station is measuring - road system (Interstate, Arterial, etc) - date - hour - traffic count |
2016-0124 | CLOSE | 2/3/2016 | DesJarlais | Documents related to O'Malley Road Project Phase One. | |
2016-0125 | CLOSE | 2/8/2016 | Goodman | Haynes and Boone, LLP |
all documents that regard, relate to, reference, or concern the autobus accident in North Hudson, Essex County, New York |
2016-0126 | CLOSE | 2/5/2016 | King | Clear Channel Outdoor |
Please allow this communication to serve as the formal written request under the FOIA for a copy of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, (PennDOT), plan presented to the Federal Highway Administration, (FHWA), on March 27, 2015, concerning the transition of signs in Philadelphia to direct PennDOT control as referenced in the attached letter dated December 3, 2015. In addition to the plan, please include any presentation materials and/or supporting information. Please send these materials to the attention of Joseph King, Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc., 9590 Lynn Buff Court, Suite 5, Laurel, Maryland, 20723. I may be reached via email at josephking@clearchannel.com or via phone at b(6) to discuss this request. Thank you in advance for your time and attention to this matter. |
2016-0127 | CLOSE | 2/8/2016 | Johnston, Esq. |
Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC |
The FHWA has stated that if a manufacturer modifies any hardware device that has an existing FHWA eligibility letter, then the manufacturer must notify FHWA of the modification with a request for continued eligibility for reimbursement. Categories of Requested Documents 1. All Forms to Request Eligibility for Federal Aid Reimbursement (e-form), and supporting documentation, submitted by highway product manufacturers or designers for modifications to hardware devices with an existing FHWA eligibility letter, where the manufacturer or designer is seeking continued eligibility for reimbursement from the FHWA, as received by the FHWA between May 18, 2015 and December 31, 2015. 2. All FHWA acknowledgement receipts of the modification request e-forms described above in (1). 3. All documents and communications regarding the FHWAs review of the modification request e-forms described above in (1). 4. All FHWA eligibility letters, and cover correspondence, issued by the FHWA in response to the modification request e-forms described above in (1). 5. All documents and communications regarding the FHWAs rejection of a modification request e-forms descried above in (1). 6. All documents and communications regarding appeals to the FHWA regarding any denials of modifications requests where the manufacturer or designer is seeking continued eligibility for reimbursement from the FHWA (where such requests were received by the FHWA between May 18, 2015 and December 31, 2015). |
2016-0128 | CLOSE | 2/8/2016 | Bowling | a copy of the detailed application submitted by Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government or an affiliate on behalf of Louisville- Jefferson County Metro Government related to the US DOTs Smart Cities Challenge. | |
2016-0129 | CLOSE | 2/10/2016 | Dills | Davidson, Meaux, Sonnier, McElligott, Fontenot, Gideon & Edwards | Please allow the following to serve as a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act for any documents, materials, or information that you have on the following Federal Aid project, which concerned the installation of flashing lights and gates at a railroad crossing identified as DOT No. 441-531N in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana: F.A.P. No. STP- 48-01(006) Louisiana State Project No. 037-01-0020 Work ordered: 6/17/96 Installation date: 7/9/98 This requests includes but is not limited to documentation/information on the use of federal funds on the projection. |
2016-0130 | CLOSE | 2/10/2016 | Larson | Sierra Club Rocky Mountain Chapter Law Committee | Please provide documents in any way related to the proposed Preferred Alternative for the expansion of I-70 through north Denver that discuss, analyze, consider, refer to, or contain inputs to or outputs from models related to the following subjects: 1.Any alternative to the proposed Preferred Alternative that would reroute I-70 onto the existing I- 270/I-76 alignment for all traffic. 2.Any alternative that would ban or limit truck traffic from any segments of the expanded I-70 Project. 3.Any investigation of the expected concentrations of PM2.5 at receptors where modeled concentrations of PM-10 are expected to be the highest after the Project is open for traffic. 4.Any original scientific investigation, evaluation or assessment of the air quality or public health benefits that could be achieved for the residents of north Denver neighborhoods affected by emissions from the proposed Preferred Alternative by implementing any alternative that would reduce, rather than increase, traffic through these neighborhoods, and reduce public exposure to air pollution emitted from motor vehicles. 5.Any investigation, evaluation or review of the scientific literature to assess the likely causal relationship between exposure by the residents of north Denver neighborhoods affected by the proposed Preferred Alternative to air pollution emitted from motor vehicles on I-70 and the observed adverse health outcomes among such residents for diseases linked to PM2.5. 6.Any published research relevant to the relationship between exposure to air pollutants emitted from motor vehicles and adverse health effects in addition to the studies and reports identified in the Final EIS. |
2016-0131 | CLOSE | 2/11/2016 | Knights | Nixon Peabody |
Any and all documents in connection with Road Systems request for acceptance of Box- Beam Burster Energy Absorbing Bridge Pier Protection System. |
2016-0132 | CLOSE | 2/11/2016 | Johnston | Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC |
For the time period of January 1, 2015 through todays date, all requests for Federal-aid reimbursement eligibility letters from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) pursuant to AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) criteria for the SKT a/k/a MSKT (Sequentia Kinking Terminal) or FLEAT (Flared Energy Absorbing Terminal) roadside safety hardware devices manufactured by Road Systems, Inc. and Interstate Steel. With your response, please include: the Form to Request Eligibility for Federal Aid Reimbursement (e- form) and all supporting documentation such as crash test reports (including a description of the test article and test installation with engineering drawings and material specifications; soil conditions; test conditions, including impact speeds, angles of impact and post- impact vehicle trajectory; backfill dimensions; and any special installation details), photos, videos, and other related documentation; the disclosure of financial interests (if any); correspondence to and from the manufacturer or designer submitting the requests; a copy of any FHWA eligibility letters, and cover correspondence, issued by the FHWA in response to the requests; all documents and communications regarding the FHWAs rejection of the requests (if any); and all documents and communications regarding appeals to the FHWA regarding any denials of the requests (if any) |
2016-0133 | CLOSE | 2/11/2016 | Beltrami | Public comments that have been submitted regarding the Sterling Highway Milepost 45-60 Project. | |
2016-0134 | CLOSE | 2/10/2016 | Goodman | Haynes and Boone, LLP |
All documents related to the autobus accident that occurred on I-87 the morning of 7/18/14 in North Hudson, Essex County. All documents related to the cable barriers or guide wires along I-87 in the area of the accident. |
2016-0135 | CLOSE | 2/10/2016 | Dills | Davidson, meaux, Sonnier, McElligott, Fontenot, gideon & edwards |
Please allow the following to serve as a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act for any documents, materials, or information that you have on the following Federal Aid project, which concerned the installation of flashing lights and gates at a railroad crossing identified as DOT No. 441-531N in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana: F.A.P. No. STP-48-01(006) Louisiana State Project No. 037- 01-0020 Work ordered: 6/17/96 Installation date: 7/9/98 This requests includes but is not limited to documentation/information on the use of federal funds on the projection. |
2016-0136 | CLOSE | 2/16/2016 | Glassman | Panish Shea & Boyle, LLP |
Request for deposition testimony and records of Bruce Friedman. Written correspondence, including e-mails, between Mr. Friedman and the City of Long Beach concerning RTE 9-113E from January 1, 2009 to the present and documents relating to the FHWAs decision to discontinue the use of green painted bike lane experiments in California. |
2016-0137 | CLOSE | 2/16/2016 | Langschultz | Duane Morris |
All documents, e-mails, and correspondence which relate to or involve the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's decision to decertify the City of Philadelphias authority to regulate its own outdoor advertising during the period between January 1, 2013 to the present (the applicable period); including, but not limited to : Documents, e-mails, and correspondence during the applicable period related to the April 13, 2015 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation decision to terminate the City of Philadelphias Outdoor Advertising Certification (Philadelphias certification to establish and enforce regulations with respect to size, lighting, and spacing of outdoor advertising devices in zoned commercial and industrial areas), (Certification). contd on original request. |
2016-0138 | CLOSE | 2/16/2016 | Zerzan | Bureau of Labor and Industries |
BOLI is seeking a copy of the current contract between Portland Habilitation Center and Federal Highway Administration. |
2016-0139 | CLOSE | 2/12/2016 | Walsh | Records that memorialize the decision that the I-70 East Project and Denver Two Basin Drainage Project are separate, not connected actions. Records containing the dates and locations of public hearings that FHWA has held on this matter. We interpret this matter to mean the decision referenced in first item. | |
2016-0140 | CLOSE | 2/18/2016 | Holman | A copy of the Purchase Card holders list and emails for your agency. | |
2016-0141 | CLOSE | 2/22/2016 | Williams | Correct the Record |
Transportation FOIA Logs detailing FOIA requests made between January 1, 2015 and February 12, 2016. |
2016-0142 | CLOSE | 2/22/2016 | Shaw | Prime Law Group, LLC |
a copy of all grant applications filed or submitted since 2009 by Lake County, Illinois, Lake County Department of Transportation, or the Illinois Department of Transportation under any Federal program for roadway improvements in relation to the intersection of State Routes 120 and 12, in Lakemoor, Lake County, Illinois. These programs include the TSIP program as well as the TCSP program |
2016-0143 | CLOSE | 2/23/2016 | Litvak | RBA, Inc. | all records pertaining to the installation and removal of road work/detour signs from November 16, 2002 through August 5, 2014 in from of 300 West Seventh Street, Plainfield, New Jersey and/or on West Seventh Street, Plainfield, New Jersey between Madison Avenue and Central Avenue. Specifically, the detour sign in question was orange in color and on it was written Central Avenue at Railroad closed. Follow Detour |
2016-0144 | CLOSE | 2/23/2016 | Hughes | Perkins Coie, LLP |
all documents related to the Cowlitz Indian Tribes highway project in Washington state. Specifically, all documents related to the Environmental impacts of the Highway project an the Tribes compliance with the NEPA from January 1, 2014 to the date of this letter. This request includes, but not limited to, all documents exchanged between FHWA and the US of La Center, Washington. |
2016-0145 | CLOSE | 2/17/2016 | Frampton | Frampton Construction |
Elmira College, Murray Athletic Center Access & Maintenance |
2016-0147 | CLOSE | 2/29/2016 | Young | Kuhs & Parker |
CA FLAP 51009(1) Paradise, Gibraltar, & Santa Ynez Roads - Contract DTFH68-15-C-00011 1. All reports, including daily reports, summarizing activities on the job site regarding the project; 2. All paving material testing results for the project. 3. Communications between Eagle Park Rock & Paving Inc., and the FHWA regarding asphalt quality and testing for the project. 4. Communications between the FHWA and Twining, Inc., regarding asphalt compaction test results and specifications for the project. |
2016-0148 | CLOSE | 3/2/2016 | Zizelman- Martinez |
AMG PSC | Cooperative Agreement of December 1997 entered by the Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority with the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration and the PR Department of Transportation and Public Works providing for the establishment of a State Infrastructure Bank under Section 350 of the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995. Puerto Rico Infrastructure Bank Agreement of June 12, 1998, among PR Department of Transportation and Public Works, the PR Highway and Transportation Authority, and the Government Bank Development Bank of PR. PR SIB Annual Reports under 23 USCA sec. 610 Other PR SIB Annual Report to FHWA, its Secretary, Administrator or FHWA Divisional Office under Copy of any documents related to PR SIBs noncompliance with federal regulations or laws. |
2016-0149 | CLOSE | 3/3/2016 | Brachanow | Atlantic Engineering Associates, Inc. |
FOIA from Atlantic Engineering Associates, Inc. |
2016-0150 | CLOSE | 3/4/2016 | Payton | American Bridge 21st Century |
Part A -- FOIA Requests That Mention Trump. I am requesting copies of all record requests submitted under the Freedom of Information Act to your agency between June 1, 2015, and March 2, 2016, that contained the phrase Trump in it. Part B -- Responsive Records Provided For All FOIAs That Mention Trump. In addition, I am also requesting copies of all responsive records provided for the requests identified in Part A as available |
2016-0151 | CLOSE | 3/7/2016 | Gideon | Davidson, meaux, Sonnier, McElligott, Fontenot, Gideon & Edwards, LLP |
1. All records, reports, correspondence, emails, contracts, notices, inspection records, approvals, letter of acceptance, vouchers, remittals, final inspection of federal aid project forms, payment or reimbursement records, federal aid program data reports, plans, plats, and writings which in any manner related to Federal Aid Project Number STP-2302(502) for the installation of flashing lights and bells at the Louisiana highway 88 grade crossing, DOT Number 767-687R in Iberia Parish, Louisiana and 2. All documents, records and accounting data which reflect payment of federal funds for the completion of Federal Aid project Number STP- 3203, and specifically any records to show payment or reimbursement to the State of Louisiana , DOT and Development or BNSF Railway Company for labor and materials utilized in the construction/installation of railroad signals under the Federal Safety project. |
2016-0152 | CLOSE | 3/7/2016 | Blunt | San Antonio Express- News |
I request that copies of the following documents be provided to me: any and all documents submitted by the SH 130 Concession Company as part of its TIFIA loan application, including, but not limited to, those related to highway design, traffic projections, and funding sources. |
2016-0153 | CLOSE | 3/8/2016 | Ash | Flynn Wirkus Young, PC |
It is my understanding that someone in the special collections division spoke with our office about a railroad centric research question. More specifically, I am inquiring about whether your archives have any records of the Federal Highway Grade Crossing Program that upgraded passive crossing signs with federal funds circa the early 1970s. Mr. Ron Tofani was Vermonts Rail Highway Crossing Program Coordinator at this time. Specifically, I am looking for any sign traffic control device upgrades completed at the Slaughterhouse Road Crossing in Northfield Falls, Vermont MP 69.11. Most likely, the Federal Highway Administration would have administered funds to the state for these railroad grade crossing upgrades . Any evidence or documentation that federal funds were used would be helpful, including: Contracts Invoices Accounting Records Engineering Plans Bids Federal Registrar Listings Communications between the State of Vermont at the FHWA It is our understanding that diagnostic reviews team made up of state, federal, town city and railroad representatives evaluated crossings throughout Vermont and made the appropriate recommendations. Also, we believe that Lafayette Sheldon was awarded the contract for the sign work in and around the early 1970s, perhaps 1973. |
2016-0154 | CLOSE | 3/10/2016 | Siudara | This introduction will allow you to put my FOIA into perspective. Interstate Hwy 75 (I-75) connects Michigan to Florida. Construction began in the 60's. My home in Troy, Oakland County was constructed in 1970 and is located approximately 200 yds. from the 3 lanes of southbound I-75. Due to the significant increase in volume, truck and car noise over the past 20 years has progressively worsened to unbearable levels. Traffic noise at all hours can be heard even with all doors and windows closed. The value of our home and others so situated has significantly diminished. A week ago, construction began to widen I-75 to four lanes north and south. Citizens had no advance warning. The new lanes will make more intolerable what is alteady intolerable. Tall barrier walls have been erected in past years at various locations along I-75 and other Interstates to block traffic noise from nearby residences. I want to approach Mich DOT (which is managing the I-75 project with presumed federal money) advancing a request that a tall barrier wall be erected along the length of the new construction. The unbearable noise from I-75 effects miles of homes and not just mine. Requested Documents: (1) Copies of DOT criteria and regulations relating to or requiring the construction of barrier walls to block Interstate Hwy traffic noise pollution for the benefit of residential homes located in close proximity. (2) Copies of all USDOT studies relating in any way to the erection or necessity of barrier walls to prevent/reduce traffic noise pollution (3) Copies of USDOT standards for Interstate noise level pollution as may effect residences in close proximity. (4) Any other document that in your discretion you believe may be relevant to the purpose of this FOIA request. I want as much information as possible so I can speak intelligently when making my demand for noise relief to the |
2016-0155 | CLOSE | 3/15/2016 | Parra- Guedez |
Sperry Capital Inc. |
I would like to request the final executed TIFIA Loan Agreements with appendices for the following Projects financed by TIFI I-77 HOT Lanes Project North Tarrant Express Segments 3A and 3B I-4 Ultimate Project I-95 HOV/HOT Lanes SR 91 Corridor Improvement U.S. 36 Managed Lane/Bus Rapid Transit Projects Phase 2 U.S. 36 Managed Lane/Bus Rapid Transit Project Phase 1 North Tarrant Express Segments 1 and 2A Capital Beltway High Occupancy Toll HOT Lanes I-595 Corridor Roadway Improvements IH 635 Managed Lanes |
2016-0156 | CLOSE | 3/15/2016 | Montano | Cannon Builders Inc |
following information related to the WY PRA YELL 10(17) Grand Loop Road Norris to Golden Gate, Phase I Project: Inspector Daily Journals Inspector/Project Manager pictures |
2016-0157 | CLOSE | 3/7/2016 | Stout | Whiteman Osterman & Hanna |
Records pertaining to the I-81 Viaduct Project, between 12/17/15 and 3/7/16. |
2016-0158 | CLOSE | 3/15/2016 | Conrad | Hart Cowser, Inc. |
This FOIA request is for documents relating to the Avery Landing site in Avery, ID the Site. We are specifically interested in documents, communications, reports, etc., that do not overlap with documents already produced by EPA, included in the response cost package recently produced by the Department of Justice, or provided to Potlach pursuant to a 2008 information request. We would like to receive copies of all documents in the following categories that were not previously submitted to us Documents relating to the Federal Highway Administrations negotiation of a 1994 Special Use Permit to allow Potlach Corporation to install, operate and maintain a heavy petroleum recovery system on lands owned by the United States and administered by the Federal Highway Administration Documents relating to activities conducted pursuant to the 1994 Special Use Permit Documents relating to FHAs review or comment on the petroleum recovery system Any 104e response by FHA relating to the Site and all supplemental responses Communications with Potlach, EPA or the State of Idaho regarding the Site and FHAs potential liability Documents prepared by any FHA consultants or contractors relating to the Site, including all field notes, data reports, draft and final reports, boring logs, supporting documents and exhibits Documents relating to the condition or demolition of the 500,000 gallon fuel tank, and any related environmental analysis or sampling Documents relating to the discovery of contamination in the re-injection trench area Documents relating to the environmental condition of the re- injection trench area prior to construction of the re-injection trench Documentation relating to any change in the scope of work and or budget for cleanup costs based on the discovery of contamination in the re-injection trench area Documentation supporting allegations of free product being pumped into the re-injection trench Documentation relating to groundwater fluctuation Documentation relating to the levels of COCs in groundwater at the Site Any other reports or documents relating to the environmental conditions at the Site or cleanup actions at the Site not covered by the above If there is an index available for FHA documents relating to the Site, please provide. |
2016-0159 | CLOSE | 3/21/2016 | Stasiewski | Waukesha County Environment al Action League |
All correspondence related to the 2015 decision to delay the construction of the West Waukesha Bypass and to the establishment and withdrawal of the related US Army Corp of Engineers Wetland Permit - MVP- 2010-00746-MHK |
2016-0160 | CLOSE | 3/21/2016 | Somerville | Sensity Systems |
copies of responses submitted by the 7 finalist cities for the Notice of Funding opportunity Number DTFH6116RA00002 Beyond traffic The Smart City Challenge. |
2016-0161 | CLOSE | 3/21/2016 | LoScalzo | appealing the adequacy of the search and withholding of documents. |
2016-0162 | CLOSE | 3/22/2016 | DiStefano | Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, LLP |
A copy of a contract between the FHWA and Smart Growth America, awarded on May 15, 2015 in the amount of 105,000 Award ID DTFH6115C00031. |
2016-0163 | CLOSE | 3/23/2016 | Havlina | Law Office of Natalie Havlina |
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, as amended, made on behalf of the Paradise Ridge Defense Coalition (PRDC). Pursuant to the FOIA, please send PRDC copies of the on-site measurements collected at the Idaho Transportation Departments (ITD) three weather stations between January 1, 2005 and July 21, 2006 using NTCIP compliant Road Weather Information System-Environmenta Sensing Stations (RWIS-ESS) and relied upon by the Federal Highway Administration and ITD in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the US-95 Thorncreek Road to Moscow Project No. DHP-NH-4110(156). |
2016-0164 | CLOSE | 3/11/2016 | Barker | BANC3, Inc | additional documentation pertaining to WFLHDs determination that BANC3 is not within the competitive range - established for Request for Qualifications No. DTFH70-15-R- 00013 and has been eliminated from the competition and that a proposal revision will not be considered, including any and all documents and information relating to the Agency's Contracting Officers written competitive range determination based on all evaluation factors, including a complete rationale for decisions to include or exclude specific proposals from the competitive range. |
2016-0165 | CLOSE | 3/23/2016 | Cressler | Pennsylvania Department of Transportation |
Decision made in relation to Weber Steel Service & Associates, LLC, and all supporting documentation that led to the decision, if any. |
2016-0166 | CLOSE | 2/24/2016 | Dean | James Dean Construction |
requesting information with limitations to information prior to solicitation and as follows WA NPS NOCA 101(4) -Provide all environmental documentation for the Boston Creek project. -Provide all geotechnical reports for the project. -Provide all correspondence regarding the site conditions at Boston Creek. -Provide all information provided to Federal Highways from NPS. -Provide copies of all pictures of the site and dates they were taken if possible. -Provide correspondence from or to Craig Sanders regarding the Boston Creek site conditions after the solicitation date for the project. |
2016-0167 | CLOSE | 3/18/2016 | Feleen | Law Offices of James G. Feleen |
Claremont NH Rail Trail. Claremont NH Rail Trail records request. Regarding use of motorized vehicles on TE funded trail. |
2016-0168 | CLOSE | 3/24/2016 | Nada | American Road & Transportation Builders Association |
A full data dump of all the data in Current Bill in FMIS5. |
2016-0169 | CLOSE | 3/24/2016 | Samples | Truckers Justice Center |
Documents in connection with the proceeding for Daniel Ray v. Complete Energy Services, Inc., b(6) OSHA Case No. b(6) . |
2016-0170 | CLOSE | 3/28/2016 | Galka | A copy of the FOIA request logs of all agencies within DOT for FY 2014 and FY 2015. |
2016-0171 | CLOSE | 3/28/2016 | Moore | StarTribune | The Title VI complaint log for the years 2011 through March 2016 for the state of Minnesota. For each complaint, please include the initial charge, brief description of the complaint, status, investigating agency, date received from complainant, date filed with the agency and outcome. Please also include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) log for the same period in the state of Minnesota, if filed and reported separately from the Title VI complaint log. Also, the Title VI implementation plan from 2011 through March 2016 for the state of Minnesota. And, finally, please include any Limited English Proficiency Plans (LEP) for the state of Minnesota since 2000 |
2016-0172 | CLOSE | 3/28/2016 | Metcalf | Kiewit Infrastructur e West Co. |
we would like to request the following with regard to ID PFH 98(1) Goose Lake Road Reconstruction, Solicitation No. DTFH70-15-R-00005 All submitted Statements of Qualifications All FHWA evaluation notes and scores for each of the submitted Statements of Qualifications All submitted proposals All FHWA evaluation notes and scores for each of the submitted Proposals |
2016-0173 | CLOSE | 3/28/2016 | Selling | SPRI Investigation s |
We would like to request under the Freedom of Information Act copies of records listing uncashed/unpaid checks and EFT payments issued by the Federal Highway Administration in amounts of 3,000 and over, which may also be known as Limited Payability Cancellation reports, of checks and electronic (EFT) payments which remain unpaid as of the date of your response to this request. We are interested in payments issued during or after calendar year 2010 through 2015 up to the most recent limited payability cancellations. If the above records do not exist or cannot be located, please provide the most current information listing unclaimed, uncashed checks/warrants/EFT payments issued by this department. For all responsive records, we are seeking payee name and mailing address, check number, date, dollar amount, and agency code or name. If the cost to fulfill the request will exceed 25.00, please advise us prior to gathering and compiling responsive records. Our preferred method of communication is email (tsellingaol.com) and responsive records can be delivered by this method. Secondary method is via US Postal Service at the address below. Thank you in advance for your assistance |
2016-0174 | CLOSE | 3/28/2016 | Wallen | Acyclica Inc. | a copy of the proposals that the DOT received for their Smart City Challenge. |
2016-0175 | CLOSE | 3/28/2016 | O'Dea | The Bradenton Herald |
I request that a copy of the following database be provided to me: the National Bridge and Tunnel Inventory and Inspection Standards database. If possible, please provide the entire database in .csv format. If the entire database is too burdensome, please provide all records from Jan. 1, 2011, to current. In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am a business reporter with the Bradenton Herald and I request these records for news gathering purposes in the public interest and not for commercial use. I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government's bridge and tunnel inspection and safety program |
2016-0176 | CLOSE | 3/28/2016 | Harris | EarthJustice | All copies of memoranda, studies, reports, data, correspondence, comments, conversation records, files, electronic mail records, or other documents which have been generated, received, kept and/or considered by the FHWA since September 2014 in furnishing guidance and independently evaluating the Draft SEIS and ultimately the Final SEIS. |
2016-0177 | CLOSE | 3/29/2016 | Blau | N.Y. Daily News |
requests access to and copies of documents, emails, memos and correspondence related to the following: 1.) The total of lawsuits filed against the Federal Highway Administration in each of the last five years. 2.) The total number of those suits settled and for how much money in each of the last five years. 3.) If possible, the settlements should also include the name of the defendant / complainant and the name of their lawyer. 4.) The total number of cases that went to trial and their conclusions. 5.) If possible, those cases should also include the name of the person who sued and the name of their lawyer |
2016-0178 | CLOSE | 3/29/2016 | Prasifka | AHB Law | Any information about any incidents, accidents, injuries, or claims reported to the DOT caused by reflective highway markers and/or snowplowable markers going back to 2005 from any and all states and if possible the marker model numbers involved |
2016-0179 | CLOSE | 4/1/2016 | Mash | Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade and Douglass contractor from 1979- 1998 |
2016-0180 | CLOSE | 4/1/2016 | Blunt | San Antonio Express News |
Requesting all documents submitted by or on behalf of the SH 130 Concession Company as part of its TIFIA loan application, including those related to traffic projections and funding sources |
2016-0181 | CLOSE | 4/4/2016 | Monroe | Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP |
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, we are requesting copies of the following documents from the time period of October 1, 2014 to the present ( 1) Copies of all FOIA requests submitted to the FHWA concerning Trinity Industries Inc. or Trinity Highway Products LLC, (together Trinity) or the ET-Plus end rail terminal or the ET-Plus end rail terminal system (together ET-Plus).. (2) Copies of all documents produced in response to No. (1). (3) Copies of all documents, including but not limited to electronic documents, emails, calendar entries and other documents related to the ET-Plus. (4) Copies of all documents, including but not limited to electronic documents, emails, calendar entries and other documents related to communications with Trinity or Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) or entities or individuals working on behalf of either Trinity or TTI, concerning any of the following (a) the ET- Plus, (b) litigation related to the ET-Plus, (c) crash testing of the ET- Plus, (d) Dr. Dean Sicking, (e) Joshua Harman, (f) the DOJ investigation into Trinity, (g) any debarment proceedings related to Trinity Industries, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries including Trinity Highway Products LLC. |
2016-0182 | CLOSE | 3/30/2016 | James | Retirement Benefits |
Copies of Texas Division employee's email addresses in a Excel spreadsheet. |
2016-0183 | CLOSE | 4/5/2016 | Sturhahn | Sherman & Howard |
1. Documents related to the planning, construction and maintenance of concrete box culverts at a location identified as Site 6, located along Cochiti Highway (a SP 90), south of the Cochiti Golf Course and north of the Village of Cochiti Pueblo, situated within the Bland Canyon Arroyo, as well as all affiliated flood and water control structures Site 6 is identified on the map attached as Exhibit 1. 2. Documents related to the planning, construction and maintenance of culverts at a location identified as Site 5, located along Cochin Highway (a1ka SP 90), south of the Cochin Golf Course and north of Site 6, situated within the Bland Canyon Arroyo, as well as all affiliated flood and water control structures Site 5 is mistakenly marked as Site 7 on the map attached as Exhibit 1 3. All photographs and videos taken of Site 6, Site 5 andor all associated flood control structures. |
2016-0184 | CLOSE | 4/4/2016 | Ritzman | Data Concerning the Pennsylvania unified Certification Program. |
2016-0185 | CLOSE | 4/6/2016 | Johnson | Thompson Research Group, Inc. |
Total FHWA reimbursement by month for January, February and March (2016) for the following 13 states Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, north Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Previous request was 2016-0115. |
2016-0186 | CLOSE | 4/6/2016 | Long | Lowenstein Sandler LLP |
The Requesting Parties request copies of all FHWA records relating to the ET-Plus guardrail end tenninal (ET-Plus) manufactured by Trinity Industries Inc. and any and all subsidiaries and affiliates of Trinity, including but not limited to, Trinity Highway Products, LLC (collectively, Trinity). The categories of requested records are I. The FHWAs investigation of the ET-Plus; 2. Research relating to the ET-Plus; 3. Testing conducted by the FI-IWA or on behalf of the FHWA relating to the ET-Plus; 4. Testing conducted by Trinity or on behalf of Trinity relating to the ET-Plus; 5. Testing conducted by any other person or entity relating to the ET-Plus; 6. All internal FHWA communications relating to the ET-Plus; 7. All communications between the FHWA and Trinity relating to the ET-Pl us; 8. All communications between the FHWA and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute relating to the ET-Plus; 9. All communications between the FI IWA and any other person or entity relating to the ET- Plus; 10. All information related to the Report from Joint AASHTO- FHW A Task Force on Guardrail Terminal Crash Analysis; 11. . Unredacted data that was compiled for Task Force 2; and 12. All communications between the FHWA and any other person or entity relating to relationships between personnel at Trinity and personnel at FHWA. This FOIA request is limited in time to all responsive records dated, or in the possession of the FHWA, from January I , 2000 to the present. The scope of this request covers al FHWA records, including, but not limited to, memoranda, letters, notes, books, reports, charts, logs, internal and external communications, transcribed materials, technical analyses, and telephone messages. The requested FHWA records include electronically stored information and hard copy documents that are in the FHWAs actual or constructive possession, custody, or control. |
2016-0187 | CLOSE | 4/6/2016 | Huffman | Akin Gump Strauss hauer & Feld LLP |
All documents or portions thereof, provided by the FHWA to Advocates for Highway & Auto Safety on or about February 25, 2016, in response to ta FOIA request by Advocates to FHWA as referenced in Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety v. FHWA, No. 15-cv-920 (EGS) (D.D.C. 2016) |
2016-0188 | CLOSE | 4/7/2016 | Mills | Bonilla Law Firm |
Information regarding motor carrier b(6) |
2016-0189 | CLOSE | 4/7/2016 | Mills | Bonilla Law Firm |
information regarding motor carrier b(6) |
2016-0190 | CLOSE | 4/7/2016 | Carollo | access to and copies of all records since January 1, 1975, related in any way to Donald Trump and or The Trump Organization LLC. |
2016-0191 | CLOSE | 4/7/2016 | Rice | Grant & Longworth, LLP |
Please provide any of the following documentation that your agency may have with regard to a road construction/milling project that was ongoing in the State of Connecticut with a traffic pattern extending into the State of New York in September 2010. I am requesting the following records regarding this project Please note the approximate dates of work on this project were September 8, 2010 through the end end of the month. 1. All communications by Connecticut DOT or any contractor including Costello Industries, Inc. to your agency including any communications to the regional transportation management center, including the Hudson Valley Transportation Management Center. 2. All documents provided to your agency by Connecticut DOT or any contractor including Costello Industries, Inc.. 3. All notifications of your agency to any other agency in the State of New York about any roadwork ongoing in the State of Connecticut with traffic pattern extending into New York. 4. Any documents indicating who was/were the permittee/permittees for this project. 5. All plans, permits, traffic patterns or other documents identifying who was performing the work on this project. |
2016-0192 | CLOSE | 4/7/2016 | Jacobson | I would like you to send me via email information regarding the I- 10 bridge collapse in California that occurred in July of 2015 as per the Freedom of Information Act. If you could, please include any official reports pertaining to the following information 1)Factors on why the bridge collapsed and any reports and investigations done post collapse. If available, please include reports on the role materials played in the failure of the bridge. 2)Inspection reports and reviews made previously on the bridge by inspectors up to 5 years before the date of collapse. 3)Any reports or documents discussing the rebuilding of the bridge, including material sourcing and time schedule. |
2016-0193 | CLOSE | 4/8/2016 | Doan | Area Equipment, Inc. |
I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act for copies of all IDOT SBE 2025 DBE Participation Statements for Item #59 - Contract #61C15 -Cal- Sag Greenway Trail Chatam Street Bridge over the Calumet Sag Channel Bridge Rehabilitation that was part of the January 15, 2016 IDOT Letting. Electronic copies via email are acceptable. Please process this request at your earliest convenience. |
2016-0194 | CLOSE | 4/8/2016 | McCleary | Delaware Department of Transportation |
Please provide all records of correspondence and communications such as email, text messages, voice mail, notes, minutes, etc. between Mr. Benjamin Beerman, P.E., Senior Structural Engineer, Federal Highway Administration, 61 Forsyth Street, Suite 17T26, Atlanta, GA 30303 and any and all employees of the company known as Mumford and Miller Concrete located at 1005 Industrial Road, Middletown, DE 19709. In particular, I am requesting all records of communication related to Delaware State Contract No. T201507407.01, BR 1-717 on I-95 NB Over SR1. |
2016-0195 | CLOSE | 4/8/2016 | Macauley | Law Offices of Robert Hamparyan |
In 2012 the City of Huntington Beach applied for funding under the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program as it relates to the intersections of Magnolia Street and Yorktown Avenue and Bushard Street and Adams Avenue. Please provide copies of this request in its entirety, including the application and all supporting documents used to request this type of funding, ie. crash analysis, and any other supporting documents used to request this funding. |
2016-0196 | CLOSE | 4/11/2016 | Merrill | I am requesting information and history about any money your agency or office has given to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and/or any public radio station, in any form (grants, etc.), as part of an effort to promote your work, support public radio or for any other purpose. I believe Federal Highway Administration may have the records I am seeking. I request them to be in electronic form. I would like your search to cover the period between 2010 and 2016. |
2016-0197 | CLOSE | 4/12/2016 | Sullivan | Construction Claims Consultants |
WA PFH29-1(1) |
2016-0198 | CLOSE | 4/11/2016 | Adams | The Warren Group |
A copy of any correspondence to the Massachusetts DOT regarding its application for the CMAQ grant for the Lynn, Massachusetts Commuter Ferry. |
2016-0199 | CLOSE | 4/13/2016 | Callaway | Madison & Mroz, P.A. |
This firm represents Professional Well Services, Inc. b(6) in civil litigation arising out of an accident on b(6) which occurred on b(6) The vehicle involved in the accident at issue was driven by b(6) The vehicle identification number (VIN) is b(6) with b(6) license plate number b(6) . Please produce any and all documentation related to Professional Well Services, Inc. and/or b(6) as well as any and all documentation related to b(6) Please also produce documentation related to any investigation conducted regarding the accident at issue, any investigation regarding the vehicle involved in the accident at issue, and any investigation regarding the business of Professional Well Services, Inc. |
2016-0200 | CLOSE | 4/14/2016 | Rodgers | Delaware Riverkeeper Network |
Records of the HQ Road bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from February 3, 2016 to April 12, 2016. |
2016-0201 | CLOSE | 4/14/2016 | Falcone | Steptoe & Johnson LLP |
I hereby request, pursuant to FOIA a copy of all contracts and agreements to which vRide Inc. or the Northern Virginia Regional Commission is a party that are in the possession of the Federal Highway Administration, whether or not the Federal Highway Administration is a party to such contracts or agreements. |
2016-0202 | CLOSE | 4/19/2016 | Long | Lowenstein Sandler LLP |
Copies of all FHWA records relating to violation(s) of the Buy America Act by Trinity Industries, Inc. and any and all subsidiaries and affiliates of Trinity. |
2016-0203 | CLOSE | 4/19/2016 | Durishan | Melville Johnson, P.C. |
copies of all files, records, and other documents in the possession of FHWA that refer, reflect or relate to b(6) |
2016-0204 | CLOSE | 4/19/2016 | Casion | Grants Office LLC |
A list of applicants that were not selected to move on to the next phase of the Smart City Challenge Grant. |
2016-0205 | CLOSE | 4/21/2016 | Lavoie | Lavoia & Jarman |
Documents relating to Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Contract DTFH61-12-D-00042. A. the Consultant's proposal for the project; B. A copy of the contract with the Consultant; and C. A copy of any task orders, work orders or work assignments issued to the Consultant for the prior six months, including scopes of work/services. |
2016-0206 | CLOSE | 4/25/2016 | Prout | Williams County State's Attorney Office |
Any applications, permits, licenses, or other papers or correspondence related to USDOT Number 2633410. |
2016-0207 | CLOSE | 4/22/2016 | Bennett | Moye, O'Brien, Pickert & Dillon, LLP |
access to and copies of all materials referred to in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 regarding Kiewit Infrastructure west Co. f/k/a Kiewit Pacific Company v. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. |
2016-0208 | CLOSE | 4/25/2016 | Walsh | Prison Policy Initiative |
request an updated list for FY2015 of the states that have opted out of enforcing 23 USC Sec. 159 |
2016-0209 | CLOSE | 4/25/2016 | Wilson | copies of the vendor proposals and information regarding the awarded vendor for solicitation DTFH70-08-Q-00008 (Installation of Maximo Enterprise software) |
2016-0211 | CLOSE | 4/27/2016 | Stasny | Witten, Woolmington, Campbell & Bernal, P.C. |
records of all reviews conducted by the FHWA of Civil Rights, EEO and Affirmative Action at the Vermont Agency of Transportation. Further details are on attached on the original FOIA request. |
2016-0214 | CLOSE | 4/28/2016 | Goraya | The Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs |
Any and all records relating to partnerships and agreements between the FHWA and vRide, Inc or VPSI, Inc. 1. Contain any information regarding any grants, subsidies, or other aid provided by the FHA to vRide or VPSI. 2. Contain any information regarding the partnership between FHA and vRide or VPSI to assist in the provision of commuter vanpooling services. 3. Contain any information regarding vRide or VPSIs reporting requirements to the FHA as a recipient of grants, subsidies, or other aid. 4. Contain any information regarding certifications and assurances to the FHA by vRide, or VPSI, as recipients of Department of Defense grants, subsidies, or other aid. 5. Contain any guidelines for the compliance of FHA grant recipients with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or any other disability rights requirements. 6. Contain any information relating to any complaints that have been filed with the FHA regarding the accessibility or inaccessibility of vRides or VPSIs services to disabled persons. |
2016-0215 | CLOSE | 4/29/2016 | Gilson | Law Office of Gay E. Gilson |
The purpose of this communication is to request documents under the Freedom of Information Act. Specifically, I am requesting a copy of all environmental studies, tests, documents and electronic data for Federal Aid Project NH 2000(387); Control # 3596-01-002 which is SPUR 3 (Ennis Joslin) located in Corpus Christi, Texas 78412. Environmental study encompasses such issues as soil types, wetland issues, environmental impact on wildlife, flooding issues, elevations and mitigation, if needed. As this is a federally aided project, I believe that the Federal Highway Administration maintains the requested information. |
2016-0216 | CLOSE | 5/2/2016 | Sutherland | Akerman LLP | Request is asking for a list of agencies our office corresponded with on approving the work plan for the Miami Circle Parking Lot and they are seeking any correspondence between those agencies and FHWA regarding this work plan. |
2016-0217 | CLOSE | 4/29/2016 | TREAT | ATTORNEY AT LAW |
Copies of documents verifying that construction work was performed by V Pavkov Contracting Co., Inc for project number DTFH71-15-C-00011 and was paid by the FHWA. Also copies of any and al releases of lien that were issued. |
2016-0218 | CLOSE | 5/3/2016 | Ham | Secure Lead Colutions LLC |
A copy of an employee e-mail contact list for FHWA employees in the state of Arizona. Willing to pay fees up to 25.00. |
2016-0220 | CLOSE | 5/3/2016 | Ham | Secure Lead Solutions LLC |
Employee e-mail contact list for all FHWA employees in the state of New Mexico. Willing to pay fees up to 25.00. |
2016-0221 | CLOSE | 5/3/2016 | Ham | Secure Lead Solutions LLC |
Employee e-mail contact list for FHWA employees in the state of Texas. Willing to pay up to 25.00. |
2016-0228 | CLOSE | 5/2/2016 | Barnes | Southern Environment al Law Center SELC |
Southern Environmental Law Center request FOIA Information on Widening of U.S. 441 from Watkinsville to Madison in Oconee and Morgan Counties, Georgia, please see attached specifics of the request, since the system will not allow any deviations. |
2016-0229 | CLOSE | 5/9/2016 | Blunt | San Antonio Express- News |
Challenging the use of exemption 4. |
2016-0230 | CLOSE | 5/6/2016 | Lee | Roetzel & Andress, LPA |
Request to review certain documents to the Nu-Cor Cable Rail End Treatment Failure. |
2016-0231 | CLOSE | 5/5/2016 | Claiborne | Duane Morris |
all documents and correspondence which relate to or involve the Pennsylvania DOT's certification of the Coty of Pittsburgh to establish and enforce regulations of outdoor advertising devices pursuant to Penn Outdoor Advertising Control Act of 1971. |
2016-0232 | CLOSE | 5/9/2016 | Wendt | Wendt Pro | SGL Contractors / I-4 Ultimate for Jireh International |
2016-0234 | CLOSE | 5/4/2016 | Walters | ATV Watch | 1. The City of Claremont and NHDOT argument to FHWA that 23 USC 217 (h)(5) is only applicable to TE funded rail trails purchased under TE Activity Type 1 Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities and not applicable to rail trails purchased with TE funds under TE Activity Type 8 Preservation of Abandoned Railway Corridors. 2. The City of Claremont and NHDOT letter to FHWA asking for a waiver of the restriction to ATV use on rai trails in accordance with 23 USC 217 (h)(5). |
2016-0235 | CLOSE | 5/10/2016 | Jacobsen | Foxpath Org. | I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: The deminimis finding to Kane County regarding the Longmeadow Parkway toll bridge project. The project file from FHWA regarding Longmeadow. |
2016-0236 | CLOSE | 5/16/2016 | Yatchmenof f | President, Hawaiian Railway Society |
Under the Freedom of Information Act, this is a formal public records request for all written correspondences, e-mails, phone logs/recordings and minutes of meetings, including handwritten notes involving Kapolei Properties (KPD), Aina Nui Corporation, James Campbell Corporation regarding the Oahu Rail and Land Right of way, Hawaiian Railway Society (Hawaiian Railway) and/or the culvert project proposed for the site No. 50-80-12-9714, TMK 9-1-015-002 between January 1, 2010, and May 16, 2016. We would like this request in an electronic format. If you have any questions about this request, please contact b(6) at b(6) or b(6) |
2016-0237 | CLOSE | 5/17/2016 | Merrill | Specifically, I seek a list of all grant numbers awarded by your agency from 2012 to 2016 to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and a list of all grant numbers awarded by your agency from 2012 to 2016 to the following list of public broadcasting entities-station: KBSX KCHO KCLU KCRW KEDM KERA KEYA KFAE KGLT KHPR KMST KMUN KNPR KQED KRCU KRTU KSKA KSUR KTTZ KTXK KUAR KUER KUFM KUOW KUSP KUTE KUVO KVHF KWGS WABE WAMC WBEZ WBHM WCBE WEAA WETA WFDD WFIT WFSU WGBH WIFT WJCT WKU WMHT WMSE WNKO WNIN WNYC WPR WQLN WRST WSCL WSDL WSGE WSKG WSNC WSVH WTSU WVIA WXXI WYSU |
2016-0238 | CLOSE | 5/16/2016 | Funk | Yeretsky & Maher, L.L.C. |
FHWA Project RRP-000S (433) that show that the FHWA provided federal funding to the State of Missouri as part of FHWA project. |
2016-0239 | CLOSE | 5/20/2016 | Brock- Hamilton |
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP |
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act request the opportunity to review and copy all documents in the files including but not limited to electronic mail and computer files, of the Federal Highway Administration FHWA regarding the US 411 Connector Project EDS00050000000 PI 661950 PI 0013238 a project identified by the number 335646 and or the project now known as the Rome Cartersville Development Corridor Bartow County Georgia the Project. This request seeks all files and documents created modified or collected since the date of my last request on September 15 2015. |
2016-0240 | CLOSE | 5/23/2016 | Johnston | Tampa Bay Times |
Any and all Title VI complaint acceptance letters and letters of finding for the last eight years. |
2016-0241 | CLOSE | 5/20/2016 | Langschultz | Duane Morris |
All documents, e-mails, and correspondence which relate to or involve the PENNDOT decision to declarify Philadelphia's authority to regulate its own outdoor advertising. |
2016-0242 | CLOSE | 5/2/2016 | Elmendorf | Associated General Contractors of New York State |
Correspondence between FHWA and NYSDOT regarding the PLA due diligence/feasibility study related to D900035, Teall Avenue and Beech Street bridges |
2016-0244 | CLOSE | 5/24/2016 | Rodriguez Aponte |
a copy of the letter sent by FHWA to the Dept. of transportation and Public Works of Puerto Rico which indicates that the FHWA will not have participation in the project Construction of PR-158 between PR-743 and PR-1 (phase 1 and 2) |
2016-0245 | CLOSE | 5/25/2016 | Johnson | MuckRock | Any records of FOIA requests submitted to FHWA from Electronic Frontier Foundation. This includes emails ending with @eff.org as well as written correspondence. |
2016-0246 | CLOSE | 5/18/2016 | DeScherer | Southern Environment al Law Center |
Requests all records in the possession of FHWA developed post May 19, 2015 regarding the Mark Clark Expressway Environmental Impact Statement. |
2016-0247 | CLOSE | 5/13/2016 | Crow | Burns Anderson Jury & Brenner, LLP |
Copies of all documents maintained by FHWA for Highway- Rail Grade Crossing DOT Number 023076V, located north of Crawford, Texas in McLennan County Texas at mile post 252.12. The intersecting street is Simpson Road and the Statewide Crossbuck Replacement Project STP 2006 (289) RXH/CSJ5800-00-040. This request is made on behalf of BNSF Railway Company of Fort Worth, Texas, who we are representing in this matter. This is an expedited request. |
2016-0248 | CLOSE | 5/25/2016 | Zimmerman | HK Contractors, Inc. |
all information in regards to the Roadway Excavation Contract Item 20401-0000 or the subsidiary item of rock excavation for the above mentioned contract. We would like all daily reports completed by the FHWA COR(s) (i.e. Jason Hahn and Kyle Stone), as well as any daily forms from the project inspectors in regards to the above subject matter. HK Contractors, Inc. would also like any information from the geotechnical engineer, or design team in regards to rock excavation |
2016-0249 | CLOSE | 5/25/2016 | Klein | Outdoor Advertising Association of America |
All records in the possession of the FHWA, and its Texas Division office associated with Texas DOT Request to Experiment 2(09)- 83(E) Sponsorship Acknowledgment on CMS-TX All records in the possession of the FHWA, and its California Division office associated with California state legislation Senate bill 1397 introduced by Senator Huff. A separate document itemizing all records not provided as part of this FOIA along with the reason fro excluding such record. |
2016-0250 | CLOSE | 5/27/2016 | Evans | Fidelity and Depoist Company of Maryland |
All documents of the FHWA related to the M/V Tustumena Refurbishment Project, Project No. 73068/SHAK-9500(129), Construction Contract between the State of Alaska, DOT and Public Facilities (AMHS) and Seward Ship's Drydock, INC awarded on October 16, 2012. |
2016-0251 | CLOSE | 5/27/2016 | Evans | Evans & Rhodes, LLC Attorneys at Law |
Requesting various documents pertaining to DTP00-0079-01(042). |
2016-0252 | CLOSE | 5/25/2016 | Capaul | American Geotechnics |
Foundation information for a bridge built in the early to mid- 1970's near East Hope, Idaho. The site is along the north shore of Lake Pend Oreille, along State Highway 200 at Lat 48.241490, Long -116.299795-Forest Highway Project 5-1(10) Unit 2. |
2016-0253 | CLOSE | 6/1/2016 | Horst | Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP |
An Inter-agency agreement between the FHWA Federal Lands Highway Office ad the BIA, Division of Transportation, specifically relating to the tribal Transportation Program (TTP) |
2016-0254 | CLOSE | 6/1/2016 | Rodgers | Delaware Riverkeeper Network |
Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania DOT's HQ Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, PA from April 13, 2016 to May 31, 2016. |
2016-0255 | CLOSE | 6/6/2016 | Peterson | Goodfellows Bros., Inc. |
Completed RFP proposal documents for the successful bidder on phase 2 of project (HI STP SR 30(1) Lahaina Bypass 1B-2) - Contract No: DTFH68-15-R- 00009 |
2016-0256 | CLOSE | 6/7/2016 | Campbell | Copies of the Basic Blasting Plan and the Site Specific Blasting Plan for project SD FLAP CR223801, Contract No: DTFH68-16-C-00017 |
2016-0257 | CLOSE | 6/2/2016 | Evans, Jr. | Evans and Rhodes LLC |
This is a Freedom of Information Act Request for project Georgia Department of Transportation, DTP0000790142, PI Number 431830 Coffee Georgia. Request: All documents in FHWA's possession related to funding for the project whether created by the FHWA or GDOT or any other entity between July 1, 2015 and present. All documents created by between July 1, 2015 and the present that are related to funding conditions imposed by the FHWA on this project. All documents related to the certifications made to FHWA from July 1, 2015, and the present to advance the project or funding for the Project by FHWA. All documented communications between GDOT and FHWA from July 1, 2015, and the present regarding funding or right-of-way acquisition or clearing for the Project. If possible, please provide via email. |
2016-0258 | CLOSE | 6/9/2016 | Lunsford | Hartley & O'Brien, PLLC |
obtain copies of public records that relate, in any way, to the State of WV DOT of Highway paving of WV Route 17 in Boone County, WV during the 1990's. |
2016-0259 | CLOSE | 6/6/2016 | Huff | TIGER II for MRC Railroad Reconstruction Project |
2016-0260 | CLOSE | 6/13/2016 | Maas | Davis Wright Tremaine LLP |
Access to any and all records and files in the possession of the FHWA that relate to grants or projects involving Haifang Harry Wen including any peer review materials associated with such grants or projects. |
2016-0261 | CLOSE | 6/13/2016 | Ruaro | Please provide a copy of the most recent consolidated report of the information by the States and territories each quarter to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations required to be filed quarterly by the Secretary under Section 125 of the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. Law No. 114-113, Division L, Title I) This should be a list of former earmark funds that section 125 allowed states to reallocate to new projects. I will pay up to $40 for a copy of the report. This is a FOIA request but if you can simply email me the report, I can withdraw the FOIA and eliminate some of the formalities involved in getting the information |
2016-0262 | CLOSE | 6/13/2016 | Ham | Secure Lead Solutions, LLC |
An employee email contact list in Excel format for all FHWA employees in the state of Kentucky. |
2016-0263 | CLOSE | 6/13/2016 | Ham | Secure Lead Solutions LLC |
An employee email contact list in Excel format for all FHWA employees in the state of Ohio. |
2016-0264 | CLOSE | 6/9/2016 | Silva | Rebound | Project: ID PFH 60-1(2) Manning Crevice Bridge Replacement Project 1. Copies Wage Determinations WD applied on the project stated above 2. Copies of any work classification that have been Conformed 3. Copies of Certified Payroll Records CPR from onset of project through the completion for Records Steel & Construction Inc dba RSCI |
2016-0265 | CLOSE | 6/6/2016 | Bergano | Family Dentistry |
FOIA Request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C., 552 for all documents referencing or relating to any relocation assistance or benefits provided by the City of Virginia Beach to Young Dentistry, James Meares, DDS, LTD, and Cherin Family, LLC and/or Jack I Cherin, DMD, FAGD pursuant to FHWA Project # STP 5403(593). |
2016-0266 | CLOSE | 6/13/2016 | Kennedy | I request information about the road project on I-40 near Essex, CA and the road project in Mohave National Reserve. I request the names of the contractors and subcontractors involved, a budget for each phase of the project, which contractors conducted the work for each phase, and the funds contractors have been awarded to date. I request the funding information in an electronic spreadsheet (Excel), and a list of contractors in a Word document. Two projects; I-40 at Essex Road and safety and resurfacing project thoughout the Mohave Preserve. |
2016-0267 | CLOSE | 6/15/2016 | Walsh | Prison Policy Initiative |
An updated list for FY2016 of the states that have opted out of enforcing 23 USC 159 For the states of Connecticut, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, and Utah, the written certification that was filed with the Secretary, stating that the Governor is opposed to the enactment or enforcement or a law that conforms with 23 USC 159, relating to the revocation, suspension, issuance, or reinstatement of drivers license to convicted drug offenders. |
2016-0268 | CLOSE | 6/16/2016 | Evans | Law Offices of Charles G. Evans |
We request that for the dates of 1985 to the present, you provide a list of projects, by project name and number, and then also provide all the documents and information associated with those named projects that you had with the Alaska Marine Highway System, in which assertions of violations of the Buy America Compliance occurred. |
2016-0269 | CLOSE | 6/21/2016 | Feathers | MuckRock | Copies of all 2015 audits of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority for the FHWA Section 130 Federal awards program. For clarification purposes, the Requester pointed out that he is requesting the full audit reports, rather than the summaries that are publicly available on the Federal Audit Clearinghouse's Image Management System. |
2016-0270 | CLOSE | 6/21/2016 | Skelton | Hare, Wynn, Newell & Newton, LLP |
A copy of the public records, including email and electronic documents, that pertain to the construction of the Bayou Des Arc Bridge (JOB F-73-3, FED AID PROJECT RS-2519(I), F.A.S. ROUTE 2519), the maintenance of the bridge, the documents pertaining to White County, Arkansas, any investigation materials/documents, and any and all other documents that pertain to the bridge from 1976 to 2016. |
2016-0271 | CLOSE | 5/27/2016 | Stout | Whiteman Osterman & Hanna |
All records regarding the I-81 project between March 7, 2016 and May 27, 2016. |
2016-0272 | CLOSE | 6/21/2016 | Capozzi | Seigel Capozz Law Firm LLC |
The following information pertaining to United Motor Freight Inc. USDOT Number 236685 3800 West Marginal Way SW Seattle WA 98106 1. Copies of all MCS 150 registration reports 2. Copies of al MCS 90 registration reports 3. Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) data 4. A copy of any New Entrant Reports, Audits, and Compliance Reviews (defined in 49 C.F.R. 385.3), including any attached documents as well as any additional information that exists in the database 5. A copy of any enforcement investigations and or enforcement actions as well as supporting documents pertaining to enforcement investigations or actions 6. Copies of all Driver or Vehicle Roadside Inspection Reports 7. Copies of all reported crash reports, including but not limited to the incident occurring on July 13, 2015 on Route 24 near Netcong, New Jersey 8. The USDOT number(s) of any other entities operating from the same Principal Place of Business as the above entity, if any exist in the database 9. Copies of any Safety Management System (SMS) Compliance, Safety & Accountability program (CSA 2010) records to include any notices of Intervention Level safety categories 10. Copies of Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICS), assessment of the motor carrier's on road performance and investigation results. |
2016-0273 | CLOSE | 6/21/2016 | Johnson | Thompson Research Group, Inc. |
1. The total FHWA reimbursement by month for April May, and June (2016) for the following 13 states: Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Lousiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. 2. The total FHWA reimbursement by month for January through June (2016) for Colorado. |
2016-0274 | CLOSE | 6/23/2016 | Treat | Attorney At Law |
Would like copies of individual pay items and the quantities corresponding with the progress payment reports. Also, would like information regarding subcontractors and suppliers verifying tht they were pain in full. This is for contract DTFH71-15-C-00011. |
2016-0275 | CLOSE | 6/24/2016 | Hagan | to obtain records of repair on State Road 62 (Lloyd Expressway) Bridge in Evansville, IN. The construction on Lloyd Expressway spans from N. 9th Ave to S. Fulton St. |
2016-0276 | CLOSE | 6/27/2016 | Luhr | Southern Environment al Law Center |
All records regarding NC DOT's proposed Havelock Bypass project (STIP Number R-1015), excluding all records produced in response to our previous request submitted on July 12, 2012 and June 29, 2015; and all records from January 1, 2015 to the present regarding the potential designation of U.S. 70 as an Interstate. |
2016-0279 | CLOSE | 6/30/2016 | Huffman | Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP |
All documents or portions thereof, provided by the FHWA to Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety subsequent to February 25, 2016, including the tenth production, in response to a FOIA request by Advocates and all documents, or portions thereof, provided by the FHWA on or about May 17, 2016 to the law firm of Lowenstein Sandler LLP in response to a FOIA request. |
2016-0280 | CLOSE | 6/29/2016 | Adray | Adray & GRNA |
An opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that pertain to all repairs and reports of any road problems such as holes, cracks and so on, that were conducted or reported within two thousand feet North and two thousand feet South of IR 280 and East Manhattan Street, in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, OH from May 1, 2016 through June 15, 2016. |
2016-0281 | CLOSE | 6/30/2016 | Ragland | All records of KY 3005 Ring Road Extension from Western KY Parkway to I-65 and 31 W Including a new interchange with I-65, item no 4-0198.00 Hardin County, KY. |
2016-0282 | CLOSE | 6/30/2016 | Allen | Oregon Metro, Office of Metro Attorney |
Records of FHWA's allocation of CMAQ funds in Oregon. Specifically, Requester is seeking the initial allocation of those funds amongst the eligible areas in Oregon, including records related to how the allocation was determined or calculated, including the weighing factors used. |
2016-0283 | CLOSE | 6/30/2016 | Kroeker | Lindsay Transportation Solutions |
FHWA letter of eligibility HSST- 1/CC-126 (approval for MASH Sequentially Kinking Terminal (MSKT)). Specifically, the requester seeks all written documentation, engineering analysis, pictures, and forms pertaining to the approval letter, and the full and complete electronic video files for the following vehicle crash tests referenced in the approval letter: 1. MASH Test 3-30 2. MASH Test 3-31 3. MASH Test 3-32 4. MASH Test 3-33 5. MASH Test 3-34 6. MASH Test 3-35 7. MASH Test 3- 37 |
2016-0284 | CLOSE | 6/29/2016 | Mantas | Children's Home Society, Dependency Program |
The group is looking for b(6) A b(6) |
2016-0285 | CLOSE | 6/29/2016 | Rodriguez | Children's Home Society |
the organization is searching for b(6) |
2016-0286 | CLOSE | 6/29/2016 | Cotten | Children's Home Society, Dependency Program |
the organization is searching for b(6) |
2016-0287 | CLOSE | 6/29/2016 | O'Neall | Children's Home Society, Dependency Program |
organization is looking for b(6) |
2016-0288 | CLOSE | 6/29/2016 | O'Neall | Children's Home Society, Dependency Program |
organization is looking for b(6) |
2016-0289 | CLOSE | 6/29/2016 | Gittens | Children's Home Society, Dependency Program |
organization is looking for b(6) |
2016-0290 | CLOSE | 6/29/2016 | Castro | Children's Home Society, Dependency Program |
Organization is looking for b(6) |
2016-0291 | CLOSE | 7/7/2016 | Klein | Outdoor Advertising Association of America |
appealing the determination that no additional records available regarding FOIA request # 2016- 0249. |
2016-0292 | CLOSE | 7/7/2016 | Birdsall | Wise Carter Child & Caraway, P.A. |
Any/all documents, Final Acceptance Reports, PR-1240 Forms, FHWA 1446B Forms, letters, correspondence, forms, and/or records which demonstrate, concern, reference, or evidence the expenditure of federal funds for the installation of warning signals, flashing lights, reflectors, reflective markers, warning signs, markings, traffic control devices and/or warning devices of any kind whatsoever at the railroad Crossing No. 300881S (a/k/a the Kearney Park Road crossing) which is located in Flora, Mississippi, Madison County. |
2016-0293 | CLOSE | 7/7/2016 | Cabrera | R. E. Cabrera & Associates |
I'm interested in materials submitted by TTI / Trinity Highway Products in support of their Split Rail Terminal (SRT). The SRT evaluations begin with approval letters CC-31, CC-31A, CC-51, CC- 51A and most recently CC-101. In addition to digital copies of all associated materials for the noted approvals, I am also requesting copies of the testing videos. |
2016-0294 | CLOSE | 7/7/2016 | Sumner Majer |
The Law Office of Sara E. Sumner |
This office represents the owner of land in the City of Des Plaines, Illinois. Part of the land is adjacent to U.S. Route 45, and easements ran across the land that exited onto U.S. Route 45. The specific address is 175-179 South River Road, Des Plaines, Illinois. The easements have been disused for some time. The owner is now trying to accurately reconstruct them. Unfortunately, flooding destroyed the documents that were of record with the County Recorder that established these easements. Therefore, I am filing this FoIA request with the Federal Highway Administration to see what records, if any, FHWA has of record concerning entrances and exits onto U.S. Route 45 at that point, which should provide the information that he needs in order to restate these documents. |
2016-0295 | CLOSE | 7/12/2016 | Leffingwell | Pizza Pete, Inc. |
All records that reference or relate to the currently proposed plans to repave US 52 in downtown Brookville, Indiana and to install, repair, reconstruct, or upgrade sidewalks, curb ramps, conduits, and lighting foundations along US 52 in Brookville, hereafter referred to as the Project, including all records that reference or relate to what the Indiana DOT has referred to as the US 52 Project, and or that reference or relate to the Town of Brookville sidewalk project. |
2016-0296 | CLOSE | 7/12/2016 | Sanchez | Stelzner, Winter, Warburton, Flores, Sanchez & Dawes, P.A. |
Federal Land Transfer pertaining to the US-285 reconstruction project - Roybal Borrow Pit located near Pojoaque, NM. (NMDOT Project #CN G1975, NM Project No. AC-GRIP-285-1(230) 182). Any and all documents, including emails, pertaining to a Federal Land Transfer between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) concerning the Roybal Borrow Pit located near Pojoaque, NM to be used in the reconstruction of US Highway 285 on the above referenced highway project. Please leimit the search to January 15, 2013 through April 30, 2013. |
2016-0297 | CLOSE | 7/11/2016 | Mcmorrow | Arlington Connection |
Annual inspection reports for the Arlington Memorial Bridge. |
2016-0298 | CLOSE | 7/12/2016 | Griffin, III | Martineau King |
Any and all documents, data, or correspondence submitted to the FHWA by or on behalf of South Carolina DOT regarding the Trinity Highway Products ET-Plus 4 guardrail end terminals, as referenced in the 11 March 2015 Task Force on ET-Plus 4 Dimensions report. |
2016-0299 | CLOSE | 7/5/2016 | Sahler, Esq. | Wildenhain Crino, PC |
1. Copies, including but not limited to electronic mail and computer files of the Federal Highway Administration FHWA, regarding the project in New Jersey referred to as the Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17, including any documentation with reference to 2. Structural Elements Bridge Width Vertical Clearance Structural Capacity Concurrence, for Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17 3. Any and all Design Exception Reports for Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17, with any plan sheets or sketches 4. Any and all Bridge Re Evaluation Survey Reports for Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17, Contract No. 004970173 5. Any and all Construction Plans Part 1 to Part 9 the project known as Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17 6. Any and all Preliminary Engineering Reports the project known as Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17. 7. Any and all Preliminary Engineering Reports the project known as Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17. 8. Any and all Final Exception Reports for Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17, with any plan sheets or sketches. 9. Any and all sign details sheets part of any plan sheets or sketches for Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17. 10. Any and all documents maintained by the Project Delivery Team Route 3 at The Passaic River Crossing from Main Avenue to Route 17. 11. Any documents or outside consultant documents related to the post- accident investigation of the collision of a truck into the Ridge Road overpass on or about March 12, 2014. |
2016-0300 | CLOSE | 7/15/2016 | Dumont | Law Office of James A. Dumont, Esq. P.C. |
The following pertaining to the proposed Middlebury Main Street and Merchants Row Bridge Replacement, WCRS 23. 1. All documentation, supporting documentation, approvals, and preliminary approvals referred to in 23 C.F.R. 7741(a)-(d) and 23 C.F.R. 774.7(a)-(e) pertaining to this project, including but not limited to all applications for determinations under Section 4(f) and or SAFETEA-LU and all rulings on such applications. 2. All environmental documents and environmental review documents as those terms are used in 23 C.F.R. Part 771, including but not limited to all applications or requests for a determination that a Categorical Exclusion applies, and all preliminary or final rulings on such applications or requests, all review or analysis under 40 C.F.R. 1502.16 and 1502.22, all Findings of No Significant Impact, all Environment Assessments and Environment Impact Statements, and also all communications from or to the EPA, Department of the Interior, the State of Vermont and/or the Town of Middlebury (or their consultants) about environment review of the project under NEPA. 3. All communications from or to the EPA, the Department of the Interior, the State of Vermont and/or the Town of Middlebury (or their consultants) about discharges into Otter Creek, inlcluding but not limited to communications about Section 401 Water Quality Certification and state stormwater permitting. |
2016-0301 | CLOSE | 7/15/2016 | Mangano | Mangano Law Offices Co., LPA |
Ohio Turnpike's toll booth advertising program. |
2016-0302 | CLOSE | 7/8/2016 | Byrd | The following records, in electronic format: 1. The Maryland Transportation Authority's $76 million FASTLANE grant request/application for new highway ramps off of Interstate 95 to benefit the sprawling Port Covington redevelopment. 2. The Maryland proposal for $155 million in FASTLANE aid to help fund the enlargement of the Howard Street railroad tunnel to allow double-stack container trains to move through Baltimore to port terminals. |
2016-0303 | CLOSE | 7/20/2016 | Killeen | Request for all vehicle miles traveled data collected by the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS), specifically, any data collected on metropolitan areas. |
2016-0304 | CLOSE | 7/25/2016 | Gibson | Idaho Walk Bike Alliance |
We request full accounting of the TAP program from its inception under MAP-21 in FY13 through FY16, broken out by year. We would like to see the total available funds, obligation authority, expenditures, transfers in or out of the TAP fund, programmed amount, and unobligated amount. |
2016-0305 | CLOSE | 7/25/2016 | Warren | Copies of the successful applicant's resume, as well as copies of the qualifications and anything in writing or electronic format that shows these qualifications for the following job announcements: Environmental Protection Specialist, GS-0028- 11/12 FHWA.CF Program Management Analyst (Finance), GS-0343-12 FHWA.AT 2016-0125 |
2016-0307 | CLOSE | 7/26/2016 | Allen | Oregon Metro, Office of Metro Attorney |
Records of FHWA's allocation of CMAQ Funds to Oregon. Requester clarified that she is NOT looking for the allocation within Oregon, but rather the allocation to Oregon and how the money is allocated, such as calculations, weighing factors, etc. Requester further clarified that she is seeking more information about the 2009 apportionment to Oregon, especially which areas of Oregon were used in the calculation. |
2016-0308 | CLOSE | 7/27/2016 | Kane | American Media Institute |
A list, database, Excel file, or delimited text file of all passenger vehicles purchased by FHWA from January 1, 2011 to the present, including the make, model, year, purchase price, options, and purpose of the vehicle. |
2016-0309 | CLOSE | 7/25/2016 | Fleischer | 1. Would you be so kind as to make final FLAP Grant (and approval) documents available for public review as goes to thirteen million dollar award: Town of Estes Park, Colorado - Loop Project. 2. Citizen review of all documents (not limited to but including final language) and your agency's contractual agreement with DOT if applicable (as background not available per website) is imperative at this time. |
2016-0310 | CLOSE | 7/29/2016 | Lyden | EMD Strategies |
Records for Human Resources Contract at DOT Fedearl Highway Administration (DTFH6114A00002)held by FPMI Solutions, Inc. I would like all soliciation documents that were released on this opportunity. This would include an PWS, RFP, Q&A, and pricing doucments. |
2016-0311 | CLOSE | 7/25/2016 | Mueller | Kenai Peninsula Borough |
Obtain copy of written comments received for the draft EIS Sterling Highway 45-60 project. |
2016-0312 | CLOSE | 7/25/2016 | Lavin | Defenders of Wildlife |
Request all public and agency comments submitted on Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (published March 2015), prepared for the Sterling Highway MP 45-60 project. Also requested is any scoping report or similar summary of scoping comments prepared following the scoping stage of the project. |
2016-0313 | CLOSE | 8/2/2016 | Kane | American Media Institute |
A list, database, Excel file, or delimited text file of the following information: All passenger vehicles, cars, SUVs, and motorcyles currently owned by the FHWA, including the make, year, model, purchase price, and purchase amount. |
2016-0314 | CLOSE | 8/2/2016 | Baker | The Law Firm of Waldo and Lyle |
All audits conducted by the FHWA of all transportation projects carried out in the state of Virginia and administered by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) between 2010 and August 2, 2016. If records exist of any such audits, a list of those projects carried out in the state of Virginia and administered by VDOT between 2010 and August 2, 2016 for which the FHWA withdrew its financial support. |
2016-0315 | CLOSE | 8/3/2016 | Soule | Soule, Bradtke & Lambert |
1. Provide policies, program descriptions and procedures, rules and directives regarding utilization of women-owned business (WBE), minority-owned business (MBE) and/or Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) by public entities administering or receiving Federal Highway Administration funds. 2. Provide documents consisting of or pertaining to Disparity and Availability Studies conducted concerning Rockford, Illinois or related areas, District or regions, and use of FHWA funds. 3 Provide any reports, data summaries or certifications from 2006 to present concerning or relating to usage or utilization by the City of Rockford, Illinois of WBE, MBE or DBE on projects involving federal funds and road- related construction projects. |
2016-0316 | CLOSE | 8/4/2016 | Anderson | Anderson Paint Store LLC |
Copies of the following forms pertaining to Georgia DOT contract numbers M005228, M005227, M005337, M005239, M005109: 1. Form 0178 DBE Participation 2. Form 0196 DBE Removal/Substitution 3. Form 0193 DBE Supplier Participation Affidavit 4. Each Modification |
2016-0317 | CLOSE | 7/28/2016 | Stout | Whiteman Osterman & Hanna |
All records related to the I-81 project between May 27, 2016 and July 28, 2016. |
2016-0318 | CLOSE | 8/5/2016 | Mednick | Western Connecticut Council of Governments and Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments |
Request on behalf of the Western Connecticut Council of Governments and the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments pertaining to records associated with the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform, Docket No. FHWA-2016-0016, FHWA-RIN 2125-AF68, FTA RIN 2132-AB28. |
2016-0319 | CLOSE | 8/5/2016 | Hester | Coats Rose, P C. |
Documents regarding the project concerning the demolition of the existing low water crossing and design and construction of a new two-lane bridge and approach roads at West Range Road at House Creek on Fort Hood, Texas, Contract No. W912HY-10-D-0020, Task Order 0002. |
2016-0320 | CLOSE | 8/8/2016 | Auspitz | Records f the proceedings held on December 10 and 11, 2014 regarding the on-site portion of the review of the Boston MPO as part of the Federal re-certification process. Additionally, the requesters is seeking the record of the oral testimony when he was invited to provide on the efficacy of Boston MPO public outreach and participation processes. |
2016-0321 | CLOSE | 8/8/2016 | Marmaduke | Coloradoan Newspaper |
Request is in regards to a fish kill that occurred on the Big Thompson River on March 7, 2016 The fish kill was related to construction on Larimer County Road 43 and replacement of the nearby Storm Mountain Road Bridge on the lower north fork of the river, about 0.4 miles upstream of the confluence of the north fork and main stem. This work, to my knowledge , was carried out by American Civil Contractors and supervised by Larimer County and Central Federal Lands Highway Division. I'm told the fish kill happened because containment was lost during concrete pouring of the bridge, so I'm writing to request: 1 Documents that describe how containment was lost, the quantity of concrete that reached the water and the duration of the spill. 2. Copy of the Stormwater Mitigation Plan |
2016-0322 | CLOSE | 8/11/2016 | Doherty | Travelers | Per the bid tabulations available on the above captioned project (Solicitation Number DTFH6816B00014), McCullough Construction, Inc. submitted a bid for $21,512,160.20. Are you able to provide the name of the surety that executed the bid bond with their bid. |
2016-0323 | CLOSE | 8/12/2016 | Hammond | Contract with b(6) 1. How construction inspector overtime is paid. 2. How per diem is to be paid and documentation required to receive per diem, are receipts required | |
2016-0324 | CLOSE | 8/16/2016 | Jones | Cannon Research Group |
A copy of correspondence from Congressman Michael McCaul (TX- 10) or his staff and the response to the correspondence from January 2005 through August 15, 2016. A copy of all correspondence, including paper and electronic correspondence, from the Republican/Majority staff of the House Committee on Homeland Security since January 1, 2013 or from Congressman Michael McCaul in his role as Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. |
2016-0325 | CLOSE | 8/16/2016 | Gannon | LaneLight | 1. The letter stating the permission to experiment granted by the FHWA dated February 28, 2006, regarding the experimental permit PTE No. 4-305 (E), written by Scott Wainwright. 2. The application documents and submission dated October 5, 2005, regarding experimental permit No. 4-299, from Mark Wilson, Deputy State Traffic Engineer, Florida Department of Transportation. |
2016-0326 | CLOSE | 8/16/2016 | Hammond | 1. All contracts for consultant services providing Construction Inspectors for Project # AK PFH 59(1), Snug Harbor Road Paving and Bike Trail Project, located 102 miles south of Anchorage along Alaska Route 1 South on the Kenai Peninsula by Cooper Landing, Alaska; an 2. A copy of the current per diem rate for the Construction Inspector on the Snug Harbor Road Paving and Bike Trail Project located at 102 miles south of Anchorage along Alaska Route 1 South on the Kenai Peninsula by Cooper Landing, AK. |
2016-0327 | CLOSE | 8/22/2016 | McReynolds | Nell McCallum & Associates, Inc. |
ALL certified records of Caneal Transport, LLC and/or Caneal Transportation, 1737 Bearwood Lane, Tyler Texas 75703, #2059714 from 1/1/10 to 12/30/14 consisting of but not limited to:ALL Traffic violations, penalties, inspections, inspection violations, accident reports, weigh station records, registered driver(s)/owner(s) information, ALL DOT inspections, ALL DOT Physical reports, drawings, maps, sketches, blueprints, surveys, photos or videos of the scene of any accident(s) or trucks involved in any accidents, any testing of trucks and all other documents, records or reports. |
2016-0328 | CLOSE | 8/12/2016 | Bell | Balch & Bing LLP |
Requester asked for all documents that relate to the April 8, 2014 I-85 accident that resulted in the death of Gerald Kess near the intersection of Alabama 229. |
2016-0329 | CLOSE | 8/22/2016 | Bahnsen | Copies of any correspondence and notes, including electronic correspondence and telephone conversation notes, between Dean Mentjes and anyone else at the FHWA's Illinois Division offices in either Springfield or Chicago and anyone at the Chicago Dept of Transportation that would identify the street intersections where the new mixed case lettered signs have been installed and are now in use. |
2016-0330 | CLOSE | 8/22/2016 | Hester | Coats Rose A Professional Corporation |
All records related to the Project concerning the replacement of Perimeter lighting for the Kitsap- Bangor United States Naval Base in Washington State. Project proposals, bids, requestes for proposals, contract awards, notices to proceed, schedules of work, requests for information, architects supplemental information, noticess of default and any responses to such notices of default, reports of any type, notices of any type, findings and or conclusions of any typle, studies. Surveys, all claims involving the project, all lawsuits that have been filed related to the project, all documents that identify any other construction work related to the Project, whether under construction or in development,correspondence, including but not limited to e- mails, letter, faxes, memoranda, or ther trnasmittals, related to the Project, findings, meeting minutes and notes related hereto, all payment and perfomance bonds issued for the projcet, all drawings plans, and specifications - whether final, as-built, or otherwise-prepared forthe Project including drafts, comments and edits to such doucments, all doucments related to the scope of work- including any increase or decrease in scope- for the Project prior to and during the Project, including the expected bride height, approaches to the bridge, and the amount and type of fill required for such approaches, all change orders, change directives, or other requests for changes in the scope ofthe work, whether viewed as minor of major changs, whether executed or unexecuted, including any drafts thereof, any letters of concern regarding Project work, notices to cure alleged default, show cause ntoices, and responses to such letters of concern - notices to cure - show cause notices. |
2016-0331 | CLOSE | 8/22/2016 | O'Connell | Texas Department of Transportation |
Written communications (including e-mails) between FHWA and Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid, The University of Texas Environmental Law Clinic, and/or Citizens Alliance for Fairness and Progress, between November 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. This was at the time TRGLA, UT Law Clinic, and CAFP were submitting comments to FHWA on the then-pending Title VI settlement negotiations between FHWA and TxDOT. |
2016-0332 | CLOSE | 8/23/2016 | Spraker | Office of Dan Sullivan |
Comments submitted to FHWA regarding the Sterling Highway Project MP 45-60 from the National Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the US Army Corps of Engineers. |
2016-0333 | CLOSE | 8/24/2016 | Hammond | Snug Harbor Road Paving and Bike Trail Project |
2016-0334 | CLOSE | 8/24/2016 | Taylor | Hampton University, School of Business |
List of selected NSTI Project for the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. The selected projects listing includes all of the following (state abbreviation, project/description, ratining, basis for rating, requested amount, proposed funding amount, and proposed funding amount rationale). |
2016-0335 | CLOSE | 8/24/2016 | Blair | Weisbart Springer Hayes |
Certified copy of records relating to any accident or reasons for adjustments in the speed limit at the Interstate 10 Exit Ramp # 27 East in Westlake, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana (the Location ) for the last five years. This request includes, but is not limited to (1) accident or incident reports for the Location, (2) testing or analysis performed relatd to speed limits or advisory speeds at the Location, (3) the methodologies and practices used to determine the speed limit or advisory speed at the location, (4) case studies or other docouments identifying safe truck speed limits at the Location including any studies that address the magnitude and length of roadway grades, horizontal curvature, and distance from the cuve to the traffic signal, (5) crash statistics at the Location, and (6) communications (including emails) related to accidents or speed analysis at the location. |
2016-0336 | CLOSE | 9/1/2016 | Hale | New York State DOT |
Crash test videos of either weak or heavy-post W-beam and accompanying still photos showing close-ups of the damaged rail after crashes. |
2016-0337 | CLOSE | 9/7/2016 | Trout | Wiginton Rumly Dunn & Blair, L.L.P |
RE: DOA: 08/08/2016 County, Texas; State Project/Contract Number: 0102- 06-030 State Project/Contract Number: 0102-06-031 Description: Milling and repavement of the eastbound and westbound lanes of state highway 285 from U.S. 77 to the Brooks County certified complete copy of all of the below regarding the above- referenced State Project/Contract Numbers 0102-06-030 and 0102- 06-031: a. the Contract and any and all documents related to the Contract ; b. the Traffic Control Plan (actual size sheets or 11 x 17); c. the Traffic Control Device Inspection Checklists performed by and kept by the TX DOT engineers and inspectors; d. the index of sheets e. any and all change orders; f. the Storm Water Pollution and Prevention Plan (SW3P); g. the dairy for the construction project, specifically the Daily Work Record kept by the TX DOT engineers and inspectors; h. any and all minutes and memorandums concerning the meetings that were conducted prior to the commencing of the above-reference project; I. any and all complaints made by the public to TX DOT concerning that portion of the highway maintained by TX DOT; j. any and all records maintained by TX DOT pertaining to all accidents that have occurred on that portion of the highway; k. any and all construction diaries of all engineers, supervisors and assistants out on the above-referenced project; l. daily logs regarding signage, safety barrels, cones, striping, and any other activities associated with the above-referenced project; m. photographs and/or videotapes of the project; and n. all accidents and accident investigations, photographs and video of accidents in your possession including be not limited to ones conducted by your staff or anyone on behalf of the State of Texas. |
2016-0338 | CLOSE | 8/29/2016 | Addison, III | Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, PC |
Any and all documents reflecting the timeline for right-of-way acquisition, design development and construction of SH190 East Branch at its proposed northern terminus and any impacts associated with such activity on the tract outlined in black on Exhibit A. Any and all documents released to environmental impacts study or environmental assessment associated with the proposed SH190 Project as reflected in Exhibit B. Any and all documents reflecting any beneficial or adverse impacts from the SH190 East Branch Project to the property outlined in black on Exhibit A. |
2016-0339 | CLOSE | 9/2/2016 | Laughlin | Ottawa Group |
FOIA REQUEST. I would like to request a list of all currently active street sweeping contracts by your department. The information i am looking for is the contract ID and/or Solicitation # of the contract, as well as the expected expiry date (assuming all option years are exercised). An excel format would be preferred. |
2016-0340 | CLOSE | 9/12/2016 | Cocke | Honolulu Star- Advertiser |
A digital copy of the application from Hawaii's Department of Transportation submitted to the FHWA for funding under the Surface Transportation Systems Funding Alternative program. The program announced in August that it had awarded the Hawaii DOT $3.988 million in funding based on its application. |
2016-0346 | CLOSE | 9/9/2016 | Rodgers | Delaware Riverkeeper Network |
Copies of all records filed with or generated by FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania from April 13, 2016 to September 9, 2016. |
2016-0347 | CLOSE | 9/12/2016 | Walden | Hawaii Free Press, Inc. |
A copy of late U.S. Rep. Mark Takai's (D-HI) August 2015 letter to FHWA Administrator Gregory Nadeau requesting the use of Hawaii's federal Highway Trust Fund dollars to pay for highway repairs related to the Honolulu rail project, including any response from Administrator Nadeau and/or other FHWA officials to Rep. Takai. |
2016-0348 | CLOSE | 9/14/2016 | Felton | All records produced as a result of the Freedom of Information Act request, dated Aug. 25, 2015, by a requester with the last name of b(6) All records of communication between the Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority and the Federal Highway Administration, from January 1, 2015 to the present, including but not limited to the following: Mentions of Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, including but not limited to the search terms: Detroit mayor, Mike Duggan, and Duggan Mentions of transfers of roads and easements between the City of Detroit and the Windsor- Detroit Bridge Authority | |
2016-0349 | CLOSE | 9/16/2016 | Laughlin | Ottawa Group |
A list of all currently active street sweeping contracts, specifically, the contract ID and/or solicitation number of the contract as well as the expected expiry date (assuming all option years are exercised). Excel format is preferred. |
2016-0350 | CLOSE | 9/16/2016 | Marion | Lindsay Transportation Solutions |
FHWA letter of eligibility reference HSST-CC-128 (approval for SCI SmartCushion) I would like to receive all written documentation, engineering analysis, pictures and forms pertaining to this approval letter HSST-CC-128 and the full and complete electronic video files for the vehicle crash tests in the approval letter as below: 1. MASH test 3-30 2. MASH test 3-31 3. MASH test 3-32 4. MASH test 3-33 5. MASH test 3-34 6. MASH test 3-35 7. MASH test 3-36 8. MASH test 3-37 |
2016-0351 | CLOSE | 9/16/2016 | Marion | Lindsay Transportation Solutions |
FHWA letter of eligibility reference HSST/CC-100B (approval for Slotted Rail Terminal (SRT) MASH) I would like to receive all written documentation, engineering analysis, pictures and forms pertaining to this approval letter HSST/CC-100B and the full and complete electronic video files for the vehicle crash tests in the approval letter as below: 1. MASH test 3-30 2. MASH test 3-31 3. MASH test 3-32 4. MASH test 3-34 5. MASH test 3-35 |
2016-0352 | CLOSE | 9/20/2016 | Bunch | Save Our Springs Alliance |
All correspondence to letters, notes, emails minutes or summaries of meetings, telephone calls or conference calls and other recorded communications between any representative of FHWA Texas Division Office and any representative of TxDOT or CTRMA (including but not limited to employees, consultants with the firm of Rodriguez Transportation, Brown & Gay, or other consultants) that reference logical termini or other aspects of the proposed State Highway 45 Southwest toll road, where such correspondence was sent, received or authored between January 1, 2010 and January 1, 2015. Also include a copy of any record documenting FHWA approval of any FONSI, federal finding, or any other aspect of expanding Farm to Market Road 1626 where such approval was granted between January 1, 2011 and July 1, 2016. |
2016-0353 | CLOSE | 9/13/2016 | Cotton | Southwest Williamson County Community Association |
I would like to have copies of any and all documents related to the conversion of SR-840 into Interstate-840.This would include, but not limited to, all documents, emails, correspondence with the Tennessee Department of Transportation and/or AASHTO, applications, submissions, approval, maps, and any and all data related to making of this decision/conversion. |
2016-0354 | CLOSE | 9/20/2016 | Stout | Whiteman Osterman & Hanna |
All records related to the I-81 project between July 28, 2016 and September 20, 2016. |
2016-0355 | CLOSE | 9/20/2016 | Davis | Save Our Springs Alliance |
Please provide copies of the following information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. Where documents exist in electronic form, please provide them in electronic form. Save Our Springs Alliance makes this request for public interest, charitable purposes, and thus requests a fee waiver. However, Save Our Springs Alliance is prepared to pay the required fees and desires to receive the requested public information as soon as possible. We are prepared to pick up the documents at your Austin office if you will let us know they are available for pick up by email b(6) or by telephone, b(6) If there are any questions about these requests, please contact me at the above contact information. Please promptly provide copies of the following information. For purposes of these requests, correspondence means all exchanges of information of any kind, including but not limited to email (by direct address, cc, or bcc and including any attachments); letters; notes, minutes or summaries of meetings, telephone calls, or conference calls; and other recorded communications. The MoPac South Project encompasses the project proposing express lanes along MoPac Boulevard between Cesar Chavez Street and SH 45 SW, and the project proposing express lanes along MoPac Boulevard between Cesar Chavez and Slaughter Lane. Because MoPac Boulevard may be referred to by multiple names and acronyms, any reference to Loop 1, Loop 1 South, South Loop 1, and SL 1, should be construed as references to MoPac for purposes of this request. 1. All correspondence between any representative of FHWA Texas Division Office and any representative of TxDOT or CTRMA (including but not limited to employees and consultants) that reference logical termini or other aspects of the proposed MoPac South Project, where such correspondence was sent, received or authored between January 1, 2011 and January 1, 2015. 2. All correspondence between any representative of FHWA Texas Division Office and any representative of TxDOT or CTRMA (including but not limited to employees and consultants) that reference the proposed intersection improvements at MoPac and Slaughter Lane and intersection improvements at MoPac and La Crosse Avenue, where such correspondence was sent, received or authored between January 1, 2011 and January 1, 2015. |
2016-0356 | CLOSE | 9/20/2016 | Nada | American Road & Transportation Builders Assosciation |
I would like to request the M38a reports and the L18a reports from FMIS, in the same format as the attached reports (which are as of September 30, 2015), for the following months: Reports as of October 31, 2015 Reports as of November 30, 2015 Reports as of December 31, 2015 Reports as of January 31, 2016 Reports as of February 29, 2016 Reports as of March 31, 2016 Reports as of April 30, 2016 Reports as of May 31, 2016 Reports as of June 30, 2016 Reports as of July 31, 2016 Reports as of August 31, 2016 |
2016-0357 | CLOSE | 9/22/2016 | Felton | THe Guardian |
1. All records produced as a result of the Freedom of Information Act request, dated Aug. 25, 2015, by a requester with the last name of Finnerty. 2. All records of communication between the Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority and the Federal Highway Administration, from January 1, 2015 to the present, including but not limited to the following: a. Mentions of Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, including but not limited to the search terms: Detroit mayor, Mike Duggan, and Duggan b. Mentions of transfers of roads and easements between the City of Detroit and the Windsor- Detroit Bridge Authority. |
2016-0358 | CLOSE | 9/26/2016 | Allen | eCivis, Inc. | We are seeking a copy of an application that was awarded through the Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) Initiative program. Specifically, we are seeking an application from a local government (preferred), a metropolitan planning organization, a transit agency/authority, or other subdivision of local government. I am affiliated with a private business and am seeking information for use in the company's business. I am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $100. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please inform me before completing this request. Please send the requested copy of the winning grant application and any invoice or other communication, as soon as possible by email (preferred) or by mail if necessary. |
2016-0359 | CLOSE | 9/26/2016 | Allen | eCivis, Inc. | We are seeking a copy of an application that was awarded through the program, Beyond Traffic: The Smart City Challenge. Specifically, we are seeking an application from a local government (preferred), a metropolitan planning organization, a transit agency/authority, or other subdivision of local government. I am affiliated with a private business and am seeking information for use in the company's business. I am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $100. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please inform me before completing this request. Please send the requested copy of the winning grant application and any invoice or other communication, as soon as possible by email (preferred) or by mail if necessary. |
2016-0360 | CLOSE | 9/21/2016 | Dennehey | Colby Attorney Services Co., Inc |
documents presented at the NYSATSOF 2016 symposium for the session titled "FHWA - Signs and Pavement Markings" |
2016-0361 | CLOSE | 9/26/2016 | Leslie | Oles Morrison |
This is a request by American Bridge/Fluor, A Joint Venture, for copies of the following records: All records, investigations, analyses and other documents and communications including but not limited to email regarding the ASTM A354 Grade BD High- Strength Steel Rods on the East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. These records can be produced electronically such as pdf and pst. |
2016-0362 | CLOSE | 9/27/2016 | Oliver | Original request - Wanted information regarding the DC/Fl WY pro Spoke with requestor via phone on Sept 27 and he would like start date and completion date of project. Also, would like a brief description stating the intention of project. |
2016-0363 | CLOSE | 9/27/2016 | Rake | Rake Law Group, P.C. |
Please send me the following information on the motor carrier, TRANSDEV SERVICES, INC.: 1. Copies of all MCS-150 registration reports; 2. Copies of all MCS-90 reports; 3. Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) data; 4. A copy of any New Entrant Reports, Audits and Compliance Reviews (defined in 49 CFR Section 385.3), including any attached documents as well as any additional information that exists in your database; 5. A copy of any enforcement investigations and/or enforcement actions as well as supporting documents pertaining to enforcement investigations or actions; 6. Copies of all Driver/Vehicle Roadside Inspection reports; 7. Copies of all reported crash reports; including but not limited to the injury crash occurring on Oct. 27, 2015 at 3rd Street and Fillmore in Phoenix, AZ; 8. The USDOT number(s) of any other entities operating from the same Principal Place of Business as the above entity, if any exist in your database; 9. Copies of any Safety Management System (SMS) Compliance, Safety & Accountability program (CSA 2010) records to include any notices of "Intervention Level" safety categories; and 10. Copies of Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICS), assessment of the motor carrier's on-road performance and investigation results. |
2016-0365 | CLOSE | 9/26/2016 | Allen | eCivis, Inc. | We are seeking a copy of an application that was awarded through the Advanced Transportation and Congestion Mangement Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) Initiative Program. Specifically, we are seeking an application from a local government (preferred), a metropolitan planning organization, a transit agency/authority, or other subdivision of local government. I am affiliated with a private business and am seeking information for use in the company's business. I am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $100. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please inform me before completing this request. Please send the requested copy of the winning application and any invoice or other communication, as soon as possible by email (preferred) or y mail if necessary. |
2016-0366 | CLOSE | 9/29/2016 | Day- Woodruff |
This is a formal Freedom of Information Act request. 23 CFR Section 450.316(a)(3) requires that Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) submit their Participation Plan to FHWA. This request is for a copy of the most recent Participation Plan submitted by the Capital Area MPO of Texas to the FHWA. |
2016-0367 | CLOSE | 9/29/2016 | Brune | Cook Inlet Region, Inc. |
Copies of public comments related to the draft EIS for the Sterling Hwy MP 45-60 project. |
2016-0368 | CLOSE | 9/29/2016 | Ashton | California State University, Los Angeles |
I hereby request access to (or a copy of) all records pertaining to Structure No. 53C1916 ("the Structure"), including but not limited: 1. Construction documents/ As-built design drawings 2. Engineer's cost estimate and final expenditures report for design and construction 3. Name of the Owner/ Agency charged with maintenance of the Structure 4. Field Inspection records per the National Bridge Inventory standards I am requesting these records for educational research purposes at California State University, Los Angeles. If any expenses in excess of $20 are incurred in connection with this request, please obtain my approval before any such charges are incurred. Additionally, I request a waiver of fees because my interest in the records is not primarily commercial and disclosure of the information will contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government. I will expect a response within 20 working days as provided by law. If my request is denied in whole or in part, I expect a detailed justification for withholding the records. I also request any segregable portions that are not exempt to be disclosed. |
2016-0369 | CLOSE | 9/30/2016 | Jourdain | American Council of Snowmobile Association |
I would like to request a copy of all proposals (other than our's) that were submitted in response to: Funding Opportunity No. DTFH6116RA00009 We would like to review the other proposals to see if there are ideas, projects, or programs that we may have overlooked for inclusion in our work. |
2016-0370 | CLOSE | 9/30/2016 | Jourdain | American Council of Snowmobile Associations |
I would like to request a copy of all proposals (other than ours) that were submitted in response to: Funding Opportunity No. DTFH6116RA00009. We would like to review the other proposals to see if there are ideas, projects, or programs that we may have overlooked for inclusion in our work. |
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Last updated: Friday, December 20, 2024