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2015 FOIA Request Log


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Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject
2015-0090 Gaines Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid, Inc 01/02/2015 Requesting all copies/information/communications   related to the Corpus Christi US 181 Harbor Bridge Project, see attached letter.
2015-0091A Tran Mathis & Donheiser 01/07/2015 After reviewing the decision, the requester cannot tell whether his request was denied because the FHWA does not have any records in response or because there was something wrong with the request.
2015-0092 McAfee McAfee Design & Distributing Co., Inc. 01/14/2015 Any inter-departmental letters, memos, emails, minutes to meetings, or notices concerning the suspension and proposed debarment of McAfee Design & Distributing Co., Inc.
2015-0093 Loo Shiramizu Loo & Nakamura, LLLP 01/14/2015 FOIA Request for Highway Records Pertaining to Kauai
2015-0094 Melin Alliance for Biking & Walking 01/15/2015

For the 2016 Benchmarking Report, we are additionally requesting all 2013 and 2014 FHWA transportation funding data to determine the total and percentage of federal funds obligated to bicycle/pedestrian projects for each state and city included in the report. In other words, we would like the total obligations for all programs by improvement type and their location code.

In the data file, could you include to following columns separated by FY2013 and FY2014:


2015-0095 Hausner Miller Schirger LLC 01/15/2015 Information concerning any communications between the FHWA and contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and distributor of the ET-Plus guardrail product produced by Trinity Industries, Inc. and or its affiliates.
We also request the contracts and any information related to such contracts between those entities and the FHWA. The applicable time period for these requested materials is 2000 through present.
2015-0096 LoScalzo   01/15/2015 Van Wyck Expressway/Willets Point records between October 5, 2014 and
January 6, 2015
2015-0097 Watterson Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP 01/16/2015 Freedom of Information Act Request, US 411 Connector, EDS00 0500 00 005, PI No
661950, Bartow County, Georgia. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, we request the opportunity to review and copy all documents in the files, including but not limited to electronic mail and computer files of the Federal Highway Administration FHWA, regarding the U.S. 411 Connector Project, EDS00 0500 00 005, PI 661950, Bartow County, Georgia the Project. This request seeks all files and documents created, modified, or collected since the date of my last request on November 20, 2013. We specifically request any documents relating to any analysis of reasonable or feasible alternatives that would avoid the use of the Dobbins Mining Landscape, including any new or updated traffic, cultural, or environmental studies, following FHWAs letter of June 11, 2013, to Commissioner Keith Golden of the Georgia Department of Transportation GDOT, any documents relating to environmental issues that have been reviewed or will be reviewed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, notes and or minutes of any meetings between GDOT and or its consultants and FHWA, any and all correspondence or other documents prepared or received by FHWA regarding the City of Euharlee conservation easement wildlife refuge located on the Cartersville Ranch property, mining rights within Land Lot 270, and or communications involving, between or among  b(6)        and or  b(6)                  and any documents transmitted between FHWA and GDOT relating to the Project.
2015-0098 Mahdavi A.M. Classic Construction, Inc. 01/20/2015 Inspect all public records your agency has pertaining to the construction of Project ID No. RDC0012103 Queensway Southbound Ramps J & K Over Harbor Scenic Drive Federal Aid Project No. BRLSZD-5953(544), the Los Angeles County's management of
the above referenced project, and to inspect any and all records associated with FHWA/Caltrans investigation in response to various allegations of DPW's misconduct and lack of proper Contract Administration on Federally Funded Projects.
2015-0099 Mahdavi A.M. Classic Construction, Inc. 01/20/2015 Requests to inspect all public records your agency has pertaining to audits performed by FHWA. According to  b(6)        of Caltrans, FHWA process reviews one project per agency per year, although LACDPW being a big agency usually will have more than one project being reviewed. This request includes, but is not limited to the following types of documents: A copy of the audit of any LACDPW project performed from 1/1/2008 to 12/31/2014 (draft audit reports, any changes recommended by DPW or others, final audit reports, name or names of the auditors).
2015-0100  b(6)          01/22/2015 I am requesting all documentation relating to Federal Highway Administration-Office of Civil Rights investigation on Select Development and Construction Inc and Pima County. This relates to a complaint filed on August 8, 2014 by  b(6)        of Blue Diamond.  b(6)        Division Civil Right Specialist, is the lead investigator on this case. I am requesting all information pertaining to this investigation including audits, investigation reports, investigation results, payment information, interviews and any other pertinent information relating to this investigation.
I do currently have various information from a previous FOIA sent on 10-30-14, I am now requesting all communication between USDOT and Pima County as well as new information since other FOIA documents were sent last year.
2015-0101 Biggs isenberg & hewitt, P.C. 01/22/2015 A copy of the following documents, or documents containing the following information, be provided to me:
Any and all memo notices or correspondence which was provided to any state DOT in the US which mentions, concerns or relates in any way to the dangerous propensities of the Breakaway Cable terminal;
Any and all materials, documents, letters, correspondence and references to the unsuitability of or dangerous propensities of the Breakaway Cable Terminal;
Any and all correspondence, notices and other tangible documentation which would indicate where and what conditions a Breakaway Cable terminal could be utilized; Any record or report or list which would show or memorialize vehicular impacts with BCTs
2015-0102A Kildare Advocates for Highway And Auto Safety 01/22/2015 Appealing a FOIA fee waiver application decision.
2015-0103 Imbus   01/22/2015 Request is made for the report by the FHA or its delegate, in response to the oversight investigation/probe requested by
Cal-Trans and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (of the San Francisco Bay Area).
2015-0104 Jelks   01/22/2015 Case materials regarding the debarment or decertification of Sallie's Wholesale and Construction, Inc. (SWC) as a qualified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), including, but not limited to administrative and/or judicial rulings, findings, reports or any and all documents related to any investigation of or action brought against SWC.
2015-0105 Walter AltusLaw LLC 01/23/2015 Copy of the task orders and all amounts invoiced and earned for Banc 3 on IDIQ DTFH70-10-D-00013
2015-0106  b(6)          01/26/2015 I would like to request all e mails between  b(6)                , employee  b(6)            employee  b(6)            and Manager  b(6)        in Denver Central federal lands office between the time of August 14th and September 1st of 2014, with my name  b(6)            or  b(6)       in subject line or body of the e mail. specifically all e mails exchanged between the above 4 DOT in CFLHD employees related to the adverse reference that  b(6)        gave about me to  b(6)              from Virginia department of Transportation.
2015-0107 McEvoy Cameron - McEvoy 01/26/2015 All records concerning any contracts with the Department of Transportation (collectively, along with any subdivision, activity or component thereof, the DOT,) presently or formerly serviced by Advanced Systems Technology and Management, Inc. (AdSTM) and/or Qi Tech, LLC ('Qi Tech,), for the period of January 1, 2006 through the present.
All records concerning any payment from the DOT to AdSTM and/or Qi Tech for the period of January 1, 2006 through the present.
All responses submitted by AdSTM and/or Qi Tech to the DOT in response to any Request for Proposal or bid opportunity for the period of January 1, 2006 through the present.
All requests for payment of any kind submitted by AdSTM and/or Qi Tech to the
DOT for the period of January 1, 2006 through the present.
2015-0108 Griffin   01/26/2015 A copy of the 2010 California Highway Safety Improvement Program 5percent report, also the same documents for the years 2006 through 2012.
2015-0109 Castellon United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers Local Union No.81 01/26/2015 Yosemite National Park Tunnel, Waterproofing Big Oak Flat Road. CA FTNP YOSE PRES 1(13 Award
DTFH6815C00018, solicitation 14-B-00014. Request for copies of three low bidders, Bidder's Statement of sub contractors for those bidders, Name and address of person who processes requests for certified
payroll, name of the contractor receiving award and the date of the award.
2015-0110 Gambardella WTVD-TV 01/26/2015 Access to and copies of all crash test video conducted on the Breakaway Cable Terminal.
2015-0111 Green Equal Treatment Now, Inc 01/27/2015 1964 Civil rights Act Title VI EEO NCDOT Fiscal Report - July 2013 thru June 2014 including the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles and the Ferry
2015-0112 BARTLETT YERETSKY & MAHER, L.L.C 01/27/2015 Information relating to railroad warning signs for project RR0-000S(002) and Railroad warning devices on project RR0-000S(151)
2015-0113 Naas Widen - I77 01/28/2015 We are requesting copies of the Letter of Interest received by the TIFIA program office Aug 7, 2012, analyses and correspondence concerning the Initial Eligibility Review, all correspondence between the TIFIA program office and the project sponsor concerning the creditworthiness review, and the loan application, even if still a work in progress
2015-0114 Anderson Anderson Paint Store, LLC 01/28/2015 Requesting complete file for FTA No 2013-0159.
2015-0115 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP 01/29/2015 I-81, Syracuse, NY October 29, 2014 - Janaury 20, 2015
2015-0116 Howell   01/29/2015 A copy of the guidance manual for protected bike lanes. A current publish date and to be added to the distribution list.
2015-0117 Carollo   01/30/2015 Access to and copies of all records since January 1, 2008, related in any way to Google, Inc., including, but not limited to, communications with Google employees and or with any other individuals or entities acting on behalf of Google and all communications with federal entities regarding Google, Inc.
2015-0118 Carrigan Road Safe LLC 02/02/2015 I seek a copy of the data extracted by the FHWA in the summer of 2014 from the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Study; any records or documents regarding the FHWAs analysis of all crashes extracted from the data involving w-beam end terminal crashes; any documentation of the methods used to determine the terminal type; any records or documents regarding the FHWAs finding that a total of 14 cases involved the ET-Plus; any records or documents regarding the FHWAs findings relative to the other terminal types identified in the dataset; and any records or documents indicating that the evidence available did not indicate a performance issue with a device in any of these cases.
Through this second request I seek any information provided by State Departments of Transportation to the FHWA in  response to FHWAs request for information regarding the performance of w-beam guardrail end terminals, including the ET-Plus manufactured by Trinity Highway Products
2015-0119 Galli ABC News 02/02/2015 I am requesting access to and copies of all correspondence between any employees or officials of FHWA and any employees or officials of Trinity Industries/Trinity Highway Products between the dates of December 1, 2014 and January 30, 2015. This would include written letters, memos or electronic (email) correspondence and this request includes any and all attachments to said correspondence.
2015-0120 Cook   02/02/2015 Act I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of public records that certifies the attached survey of the federal highway system is true and accurate.
Please include the State of Tennessee professional license data that identifies the person who supervised the survey. The survey was provided by  b(6)        , Tennessee Department Of Transportation (TDOT) Excess Land Coordinator
2015-0121 Tangel The Wall Street Journal 02/02/2015 1) a copy of an application or applications submitted by either New York State, the New York State Thruway Authority and/or the New York State Department of Transportation for any and all Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loans related to the a project to build a new bridge across the Hudson River, a replacement of the existing Tappan Zee Bridge.
2) copies of any and all documents submitted in support of said TIFIA applications that reflect a proposed financial or funding plan for said bridge project. The request includes but is not limited to any and all documents reflecting proposed and/or hypothetical tolls, loan repayment schedules, and traffic volume assumptions.
3) any and all other supporting documents submitted by NYSDOT, NYSTA or NYSDOT in support of said TIFIA loan applications.
2015-0122 Ray Road Safe, LLC 02/02/2015 I hereby request copies of records relating to the following:
All reports, letters, e-mails, videos and photographs pertaining to the eligibility requests associated with the following FHWA eligibility letters:
System FHWA Letter System FHWA Letter
SKT-350 CC-61A BEST-350 CC-37A SKT-350/FLEAT-350 CC-61 BEST-350
2015-0123 Sullivan Construction Claims Consultant 02/02/2015 Revised FOIA request received Feb 2, 2015 See Email
Copies of records for Project No. WA FS 071-2023 Suiattle River Road MP6.0MP 14.4, Combined Projects Contract No DTFH70-13-C-00015 as defined below Per our discussion last Friday regarding a more specific list of the documents I am requesting, here are the items noted in my letter that I would like copies of
Item 1 - All correspondence, memoranda, E-mails and telephone notations and any other documents that relate to of disclose communications between MidMountain Contractors, Inc., Contractor personnel throughout the duration of the Project.
Item 3 - All minutes, notes, memoranda, recordings or other documents that refer to or disclose any communications between US Forest Service and FHWA personnel in connection with any phase of the design, administration or construction of the Project.
Item 4 - Any and all documents related to pre-design, design and changes to the design of the project including plans, drawings, cost estimates-budgets and or project scheduling.
Item 5 - All correspondence, printouts and other documents of any nature that refer to or relate to design schedules, construction schedules, schedule drafts and updates, computer files and CPM printouts including FHWA analysis and or summaries of schedules prepared on the Project.
Item 6 - All diaries, logs, inspection reports, daily reports or other similar documents with respect to the project prepared by FHWA personnel or obtained by FHWA personnel from other entities or individuals involved in this project.
Item 8 - All change orders Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract , field directive, change order proposals or similar documents pertaining to extras, changes, or delays on the Project, together with all documents which reflect the action taken upon such submittals by FHWA, and its employees.
Item 9 - All interdepartmental and internal memoranda, E-mails or other documents generated by FHWA personnel related to the Project.
Item 14 - All logs and or chronological listings of correspondence and or memoranda relating to the Project maintained by FHWA.
Fee authorized amount: $2500
2015-0124 O'Brien Lowis & Gellen, LLP 02/05/2015 U.S. 27 within the City of Clermont, County of Lake, Florida.  Requesting any and all documents concerning maintenance, upkeep, construction, repair, modification, and reconfiguration of the roadway, median and shoulders from March 10, 2012 to present.
2015-0125 Whalen EarthJustice 02/06/2015 Copies of the original project agreement between FHWA and ADOT describing the arrangements between FWHA and ADOT or funding the Juneau Access Improvements Project, and any modifications to the original project agreement.
2015-0126 Greene Montag WHPacific, inc 02/09/2015 I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that relate to the Washington Division of the Federal Highway Administrations communications and interactions with the Washington State Office of Minority Womens Business Enterprises OMWBE with respect to WHPacific Diversity Northwest, LLCs qualifications for certification by the OMWBE as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, which includes, but is not limited to, all email and other electronic or written correspondence by and between any state employee and
any federal employee relating to this matter. This includes, but is not limited to, any correspondence by and between  b(6)                                                                                           
2015-0127 Graves Fitzsimmons The New York Times 02/09/2015 I request a copy of documents related to funding proposals at the Commerce Street railroad crossing in Valhalla, N.Y., regarding Section 130 funding. Specifically, we request documents regarding $126,000 set side in 2009 for safety work at that crossing, including a proposal for a new set of warning lights, as reported last week by The Associated Press, and any additional funding proposals for the last 10 years at that site.
2015-0128 Olivarez Kern Valley State Prison 02/09/2015 Copy of a world map with all the states and towns.
2015-0129 Fitzsimmons The New York Times 02/09/2015 request a copy of documents related to funding proposals for the Midland Avenue railroad crossing in Elmwood Park, N.J., regarding Section 130 funding for the last 10 years. The crossing ID number is 263164S.
2015-0130 VANCE VANCE AND HASSAN, PLC 02/10/2015 All payment and performance bonds for work performed by Kovilic Construction Co., Inv. of 3721 North Cameron St., Franklin Park IL 60131 for the Seney Wild Life Refuge Project Located in Schoolcraft County, MI.
2015-0131 Shair ARTBA 02/10/2015 An updated full data dump of the Fiscal Management Information System database and the latest FMIS Project Data Dictionary.
2015-0132 Kimball Clemson University 02/10/2015 A copy of the Southeast Michigan Connected Vehicle Test Bed Proposal.
2015-0133 Fritz Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky, P.C. 02/11/2015 Copies of any and all contracts between EIC Associates, Inc. and the FHWA for the NY ERFC Statue of Liberty.
2015-0134 Chism   02/12/2015 All UNIFORM DBE Reports from 2003-Preset from Ohio Dept of Transportation
2015-0135 MASH   02/12/2015 To obtain copies of all bid proposals submitted for the construction of the Cumberland Gap Tunnel.
2015-0136 Chism   02/13/2015 IL DOT DBE Uniform Reports for the following years 2003-Present. Please include any DBE Uniform Reports filing for Stimulus Monies Received.
I would like the Stewardship Agreement signed by IL DOT to receive monies from FHWA/USDOT from 2003-Present. (This might be called a different name - if so, please inform me if new FOIA request is needed) .
I would like to asprirational DBE goals for IL DOT DBE Program for each year 2000 - Present with actual achievement for each year.
2015-0137 Church Yeretsky & Maher, LLC 02/18/2015 Grade Crossing No. 293392L and other Randolph County, Missouri RR crossings.
2015-0138 Bartlett Yeretsky & Maher, LLC 02/18/2015 RR crossing DOT 442-056p AT MITCHELL STREET, WARRENSBURG, JOHNSON COUNTY, MO.
2015-0139 Brinton Rogers Towers 02/18/2015 All electronic files, discs and documents provided to Myron Levin and Fair Warning during the thirty-one day period, December 10, 2013 to January 10, 2014, in response to a FOIA request.
Clarified : Please furnish documents and materials that were furnished to Myron Levin in response to his FOIA request 2012-0022.
2015-0140 Marshall US Legal Support 02/19/2015 1. Any and all documents related to the investigations of the reasonable access complaint filed in 2014 against the City of La Porte; 2. any and all documents evidencing or reflecting any results from the investigation; 3. any and all statements obtained from the complaining party and or his or her counsel; 4. any and all communications with the complaining party and his or her counsel' 5. any and all communications with he City of La Porte; and 6. any and all statements, recordings,
or other information used or obtained during the investigation.
2015-0141 Vielkind Capital New York 02/19/2015 Access to and copies of applications for loans under the TIFIA, including any attachments, relating to the following projects which were awarded funding in FY 2014.
New York Bridge (NYS Thruway), Grand Parkway Segments D-G (TxDOT), Regional Connector Transit Corridor (LACMTA), CTA 95th Street terminal Improvement (Chicago transit Authority), Westside  Purple Line Extension, Section 1 (LACMTA), Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement (Port of Long Beach), Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project (WMAA, Fairfax County CA, Loudon County VA), North Tarrant Express (TxDOT), Goethels Bridge Replacement (PANYNJ), Ohio River bridge Downtown Crossing (KPTIA), and Northwest Corridor (Georgia DOT).
2015-0142 Church Yeretsky & Maher, LLC 02/19/2015 A copy of any and all records and documents in the possession of the FHWA regarding FHWA Project RR0-000S(4); FHWA Project RRP-000S(4); and any records or documents regarding US DOT Crossing No. 330499R or any other grade crossings located in Wickes, Arkansas including, but no limited to, records, documents or communications regarding any safety improvement projects, safety improvements, in connection with the aforementioned grade crossings and projects.
2015-0143 Schneller Wilkins Schneller Law 02/20/2015 Any and all information that pertain to the injuries suffered to  b(6)        on a demolition portion of the Milto-Madison Bridge on July 24, 2013.
2015-0144 Bolton Maddin Hauser Roth & Heller, PC 02/20/2015 All documents relating to the pedestrian bridge located north of Joy Road, crossing the Southfield Freeway (M-39), including but not limited to documents regarding the original construction and development of the pedestrian bridge, including plans, engineering records, architectural plans, design reports and blueprints, inspection records, contracts, agreements, estimates, bids and quotes relating to the initial construction of the bridge, and any other document relating in any way to the original construction of the bridge; Any  and all maintenance documents relating to the pedestrian bridge including any repairs at any time for any reason including inspection reports, appraisals, damage documents, demolition documents, plans, engineering records, architectural plans, design reports and blueprints, contracts, agreements, estimates, and bids and quotes relating to all maintenance, repair and conservation of the bridge from the original construction through present; Any and all documents relating to the September 26, 2014 collapse of the pedestrian bridge including but not limited to accident reports, photographs, damage reports,. repairs, bids, quotes for repairs, replacement costs and quotes, engineering reports, contracts, agreements, any document reflecting the construction, design or architecture of the bridge, inspection reports, documents relating to salvage of the damaged area, and documents relating to the destruction and demolition of same; and Any and all documents relating in any way to the pedestrian bridge located north of Joy Road, crossing Southfield Freeway (M-39), including the original construction of the bridge through the collapse dated September 26, 2014.
2015-0145 Latos WSOC-TV 02/24/2015 Copies of the TIFIA loan application for NC I-77 toll lanes and any correspondence and documentation pertaining to this project and NCDOT, Cintra and I-77 Mobility Partners.
2015-0146 Davis   02/24/2015 respectfully request the excel files (aka financial models aka financial records) used to calculate the FY 2013, 2014 and 2015 distribution of FHWA funds to states from the following FHWA funds:
Interstate Maintenance, National Highway System, Surface Transportation Program, and Equity Bonus.
These excel models are the actual spreadsheets that accomplish the statutory calculations to arrive at each state's respective allocation, and include the various data such as highway miles and census data involved in the calculation.
2015-0147 Poppke   02/24/2015 Little Missouri Crossing: A copy of the Final Cultural Report and Draft EIS
2015-0148 Bennett End Terminals Trinity Highway 02/25/2015 All accompanying crash test reports, crash test videos and any supporting documentation submitted for eligibility for the following:
Test Reports and Videos) CC-40 04/02/97
CC-40A 02/04/00
CC-40B 07/14/04
CC-46 04/02/98
CC-46A 08/27/98
CC-46B 05/21/99
CC-46C 06/01/01
CC-46D 08/24/01
CC-61 08/27/99
CC-61A 10/30/02
CC-61B 04/05/04
CC-61C 08/20/04
CC-69 11/09/00
CC-69A 02/01/02
CC-69B 02/22/02
CC-69C 12/12/03
CC-69D 07/16/04
CC-69E 10/06/08
CC-88 03/08/05
CC-88A 06/01/08
CC-88B 09/17/08
CC-88C 12/10/09
CC-88D 01/29/10
CC-88E 02/10/12
Test Reports and Videos)
2015-0149 Miller   02/25/2015 Videos of all vehicles entering the Alleghany Tunnel on the Pennsylvania Turnpike (Highway 70) between 2 and 3 pm
on December 23, 2014.
2015-0150 Pearson Greenman-Pedersen, Inc 02/27/2015 Field Evaluation of At-Grade Alternative Intersection Designs that was awarded on January 21, 2015. Please provide Volume I - Technical Proposal and Volume II - Past Performance for contract DTFH6114R00041 for the selected offeror Texas A & M Transportation Institute.
2015-0151 Brooks Old Castle Law Group 02/27/2015 Copies of all files, documents, photographs, notes, whether handwritten, or electronic, and reports related to an investigation of the termination of Smith Jamison by APAC-Atlantic Inc. on federal-aid contract C202881
PRESENT. This request covers paper and electronic records, including but not limited to Portable Document Files and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
2015-0153 Wilson Perkins Coie LLP 03/04/2015 All records of any written or oral communications to or from the FHWA, or any agent, representative, or official of the FHWA, regarding the expansion of the La Center I-5 Interchange at Exit 16 (milepost 16.80) in Clark County, Washington for the time period of January 1, 2013 to the date the FHWA responds to the request.
2015-0154 Jones KOTV/News On 6 03/04/2015 The number of people a year convicted of driving on a suspended or revoked license in the state of Oklahoma.
2015-0155 Saracino   03/09/2015 Copies of reports, photos and correspondences pertaining to Project No:8113.55. I have an Intermediate Inspection Report written by John Burns, Major Projects Engineer, dated July 21, 2011.
2015-0156 Winegardner   03/09/2015 I am requesting copies of public records from the March 2, 2015 TIFIA Credit Council Meeting that relate to the I-77 Project in North Carolina. This information should include any communication related to CINTRA, I77 Mobility Partners, NC DOT, or any government communications from government officers, staff or elected leaders.
2015-0157 Lee Givens Pursley LLP 03/09/2015 Please provide copies of any and all documents that relate to WFLHDs compliance with the above quoted provisions, including, in particular, the following,
A. Please provide a complete set of the plans and specifications that were allegedly approved by the U.S. Forest Service, the Idaho Transportation Department, and the County in compliance with provision 2 above.
B. Please provide any changes in or departures from the plans and specifications allegedly approved subsequent to the original plans and specifications. If there is more than one set of plans and specifications, please provide copies of each version.
C. Please provide all documentation, including correspondence, memoranda, notes, emails, and fax cover sheets, showing when the U.S. Forest Service, the Idaho Transportation Department, and the County were provided copies of the above referenced plans and specifications.
D. Please provide all available documentation showing that the U.S. Forest Service, the Idaho Transportation Department, and the County concurred in, declined to concur in, or otherwise commented upon or inquired into the above referenced plans and specifications prior to or after project bidding. This should include documentation, such as email or fax transmittals or other recordkeeping showing when such concurrence or nonconcurrence was provided
E. Please provide documentation that WFLHD sought input from the County throughout development of the project. In particular, documentation addressing 1 those instances in which the County was informed of changes in project design, 2 requests by WFLHD for input by the County, and 3 the input provided the County to WFLHD regarding those changes.
F. In Mr. Rathke's letter of August 29,2013 to Chairman Rockwell, he states On June 10, 2013 the final inspection of the Salmon River Road, ID PFH 60-5 was made with representatives of the County of Idaho. At that time it was agreed all project work was complete with the exception of slope at Station 14 568 Rt. Please provide
documentation of this June 10, 2013 inspection meeting, including who attended, what was said by whom, and, in particular, any statements made justifying the assertions made by Mr. Rathke in the August 29, 2013 letter.
G. In Ms. Curtis letter of May 15, 2014 to Mr. MacGregor, she states, In fact, Idaho County orally agreed during a meeting on August 7, 2013, that the project was built in conformity with the plans and specifications. Please provide documentation regarding this August 7, 2013 meeting, including what was said, what was agreed to, and by whom.
H. Please provide any other communications or documentation bearing on or tending to show compliance or
non-compliance with the three provisions of the 1999 Agreement above quoted.
2015-0158 Kane   03/10/2015 All publicly available documents including but not limited to any and all records of communication (including but not limited to letters, written requests, report, telephone records, electronic communication, complaints, investigations, violation and memos) between your department and all divisions and agencies under your jurisdiction and Christopher Chris J. Christie or is offices. (Details are on attached FOIA request)
2015-0159 Vinocur   03/10/2015 Any and all records fo communication (including but not limited to letters, written requests, reports, telephone records, electronic communication, complaints, investigations, violation and memos) between your department and all divisions and agencies under your jurisdiction and the individual Scott Walker or his office. (Details on attached request)
2015-0160 Kotkin   03/10/2015 Any and all records fo communication (including but not limited to letters, written requests, reports, telephone records, electronic communication, complaints, investigations, violation and memos) between your department and all divisions and agencies under your jurisdiction and the individual Piyush Bobby Jundal or his office. (Details on attached request)
2015-0161 Roberts   03/10/2015 Any and all records fo communication (including but not limited to letters, written requests, reports, telephone records, electronic communication, complaints, investigations, violation and memos) between your department and all divisions and agencies under your jurisdiction and the individual Randal Rand Paulor his office. (Details on attached request)
2015-0162 Bennett   03/10/2015 Any and all records fo communication (including but not limited to letters, written requests, reports, telephone records, electronic communication, complaints, investigations, violation and memos) between your department and all divisions and agencies under your jurisdiction and the individual James Richard Rick Perry or his office. (Details on attached request)
2015-0163 Stranix   03/10/2015 Any and all records fo communication (including but not limited to letters, written requests, reports, telephone records, electronic communication, complaints, investigations, violation and memos) between your department and all divisions and agencies under your jurisdiction and the individual John Ellis Jeb Bush or his office. (Details on attached request)
2015-0164 Johnston Johnston Land Surveying 03/11/2015 I would like to request the Crescent Lake Control Sheet spreadsheet for the FHWA control network established in 2014 along Highway 101 in the general vicinity of Lake Crescent west of Port Angeles, WA.
2015-0165 Noel   03/12/2015 Most recent research data regarding Dynamic Message Signs as they pertain to impacting traffic safety.
2015-0166 Hausner Miller Schirger LLC 03/13/2015 Any information concerning any communications and corresponding documents between the Federal Highway Administration and Trinity Industries, Inc. and/or its affiliates related to the certification, acceptance, approval, testing, crashworthiness, effectiveness, safety, production, modification, alteration, change, removal, sale, marketing, manufacturing, and review of the ET-Plus and its related system. We also request the contracts and any information related to such contracts between those entities and the FHWA. The applicable time period for these materials is 2000 through present.
2015-0167  b(6)        Law Office of Cristina Mireless Cooper, PLLC 03/13/2015 Any documents received from  b(6)        or  b(6)        agents, including  b(6)                      or regarding  b(6)                          to  b(6)                        AA of Civil Rights, FHWA, during the month of September 2012.
2015-0168 Brodey   03/13/2015 Examples of vandalism of signs placed on highways/turnpikes/streets that indicate improvements made by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act/TIGER/various 2009 stimulus programs.
2015-0169 Davis Waters, McPherson, McNeill, P.C. 03/13/2015 (details on original request) Project Management Plan for the following major projects in New Jersey; Route 1, Route 38; Route 168; South Pemberton Road; Trenton Amtrak Bridges; North Avenue Corridor Improvement Project; PANY and NJ-NJDOT; Route 206 bypass.
2015-0170 Zittkowski Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal 03/16/2015 Records relating to the WI 164 Rehabilitation Project in Washington County, WI (Project No. 2709-03-00) dated January 1, 2014 to March 16, 2015
2015-0171 Bogardus Greenwire 03/17/2015 I request a copy of the first email(s) sent by FHWA Acting Administrator Greg Nadeau from any and all email accounts that he uses for agency business.
Please conduct a comprehensive search of his email account(s) that are used for agency business in response to my FOIA request. Several agency leaders have been found to have used more than one email account for agency business. For example, former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used several agency email accounts to conduct agency business, including windsor In addition, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used her own personal email account,, to conduct agency business.
2015-0172A Tangel The Wall Stret Journal 03/17/2015 I write to appeal the redactions and withholding of any and all exhibits and attachments related to the TIFIA loan application sought in this FOIA request
2015-0173 Mash   03/17/2015 Requesting copies of all Cumberland Gap Tunnell beween the dates of December 26, 1993 to May 30, 1998.
2015-0174 THOMAS Hemmer DeFrank - Attorneys at Law 03/17/2015 Copies of documents pertaining to Elmo Greer & Sons and Greer Group, LLC - both a Kentucky limited liability company.
2015-0175 Horton Adams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo 03/17/2015 All public records regarding or referring to the Interstate 19 Ajo Way Interchange Project. The project is a component of the Interstate 19 San Xavier Road to Interstate 10 project.
2015-0176 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 03/18/2015 All rate information identified to DTFH6010D00007.
2015-0177 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 03/18/2015 All rate information identified to DTFH6010D00006.
2015-0178 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 03/18/2015 All rate information identified to DTFH6010D00005.
2015-0179 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 03/18/2015 All rate information identified to DTFH6010D00004.
2015-0180 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 03/18/2015 All rate information identified to DTFT6010D00003.
2015-0181 Blair Interloc Solutions 03/18/2015 A copy of the proposal response from TRM for Solicitation Letter 2015-D-16-SL, Maximo Upgrade, for Golden Gate bridge, Highway and transportation District. The proposal due date was December 29, 2014 and was sent to  b(6)        Contracts Office with Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District.
2015-0182 Guerriero Beveridge&Diamond PC 03/20/2015 Information regarding the record of expenditures and project status for specific federally funded projects included in the request
2015-0183 Thomas Hemmer DeFrank 03/23/2015 Bids, Contracts, bonds, other surety or guaranty agreements, assets lists, equipment lists; and financial statements regarding Elmo Greer & Sons, LLC and Greer Group, LLC; a Kentucky limited liability company, for the work in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and State of Florida for the time period of January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2009.
2015-0184 Galli ABC News 03/24/2015 access to and copies of all correspondence between any employees or officials of FHWA and any employees or officials of Trinity Industries/Trinity Highway Products between the dates of January 31, 2015 and March 23, 2015. This would include written letters, memos or electronic (email) correspondence and this request includes any and all attachments to said correspondence.
2015-0185 Hawkins Law Offices of Robert C. Hawlins 03/24/2015 All records, documents, transcripts of public testimony and other proceedings, oral testimony, written comments, and other documents relating to public comments on the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration-Initial Study with Environmental Assessment for the Olancha-Cartago Four-Lane Project on US Highway 395 in Inyo County between 2.1miles south of Los Angeles Aqueduct Bridget (48-10) to 0.2 miles south of Ash Creek Bridge and all records, documents, oral testimony, written responses and other documents relating to any responses to public comments on the Project.
2015-0186 Simon Lukins & Annis Attorney 03/24/2015 Any ad all plans, schematics or drawings relating to the inter-agency project to relocate a portion of Fernan Creek.
2015-0187 Mutz Mally Law 03/25/2015 Information regarding US Route 1 Ramp to North Providence Road, Media PA.
2015-0188 McDonald SC DOT 03/26/2015 A copy of the Premier Suspension Notice, with attachments.
2015-0189 Igel   03/26/2015 Estes Park Downtown Loop - all public comments related to this project.
2015-0190 Mills Mills Law Firm, LLC 03/30/2015 Copies of State Police Accident reports, Reconstruction Reports, Witness Statements, Photographs, Traffic Camera images from highway, reports and contracts regarding construction of or near the accident location within six months of January 27, 2015 including but not limited to work on the highway barriers, vehicle inspection reports, investigative notes of state troopers and more (on original letter).
2015-0191 Dayton Honolulu Bureau Chief 03/30/2015 All 2014 correspondence from FHWA and or US DOT to the state of Hawaii that addresses the accumulation of federally funded highway projects in Hawaii.
2015-0192 Jensen MMK Capital Group 03/30/2015 A list of all FOIA requests submitted to the DOT between January 1, 2014 and
December 31, 2014.
2015-0193 Bradner Weyerhaeuser Wood Products OSB Sales 03/30/2015 All documents regarding the accident of  b(6)        that happened on March 22, 2015 in Fairfax County, Virginia.
2015-0194 Treinen   03/31/2015 Please provide reports from the State of Kentucky to the Federal Highway Administration grading bridge and overpass sufficiency rating in the following counties:
I'm looking for the most recent data submitted. I think it was 2014.
2015-0195 Treinen   03/31/2015 Please provide reports from the State of Indiana to the Federal Highway Administration about bridge and overpass sufficiency rating in the following counties:
Clark Floyd Harrison Scott Jefferson
I'm looking for the most recent data submitted. I think it was 2014.
2015-0196 Chism   03/31/2015 IN DOT DBE Uniform Reports for the following years 2003-Present. Please include any DBE Uniform Reports filing for Stimulus Monies Received.
I would like the Stewardship Agreement signed by IN DOT to receive monies from FHWA/USDOT from 2003-Present. (This might be called a different name - if so, please inform me if new FOIA request is needed) .
I would like to asprirational DBE goals for IN DOT DBE Program for each year 2000 - Present with actual achievement for each year.
2015-0197 Evans Hartnett Gladney Hetterman, LLC 03/31/2015 Any and all certified payroll submitted by Gulf Coast Rebar, Inc., Gulf Coast Rebar & Associates, Inc., Gulf Coast Placers, Inc., and or  b(6)        for the period of August 1, 2009 to the present; and any and all performance and or payment bonds covering any project for which the certified payroll described in item 1 was submitted.
2015-0198 Hiddleson   03/31/2015 I am requesting information, including records regarding the subject of pavement edge drop-offs and the safety edge. I would like to know if FHWA has any information as to what states have adopted the use of the safety edge as an official policy and when they did so. It is my understanding that when the State of California made the decision in August of 2012 to require the use of safety edge, that California may have been the first state to do so. I requesting a copy of the most recent research on the use of safety edge.
I am also requesting a copy of the most recent research on the subject of pavement edge drop-offs.
2015-0199 Naas Widen I-77 04/01/2015 Questions posed in the TIFIA Questions memo regarding Revenue Payment Amounts.
2015-0200 Newman HC Project Advisors, LLC 04/01/2015 The current amount of funding available (appropriated but not committed to specific projects) for credit risk premiums for TIFIA projects.
2015-0201 Smith   04/06/2015 All FHWA communications, correspondence, and any and all documents generated or produced in response to the following Environmental Justice Complaint presented by  b(6)        for the Sustainability Committee,
on May 11, 1998; 1998 Hawaii Long range Land transportation Plan.
2015-0202 Berrios Brevard County Board of County Commissioners 04/06/2015 Any and all documents at all related to the project Barnes Blvd RR Crossing 272108- J. Railroad Signal Construction.
2015-0203  b(6)          04/07/2015 A copy of my personnel file specifically related to the revocation of my security clearance.
2015-0204 Duffy WPIX-TV 04/07/2015 The Railway-Highway Crossings Report submitted by New York, New Jersey and Connecticut for the past 10 years. Per the Federal Railway Administration, states are required to submit these reports electronically to the FHWA Division Administrator by August 31st each year. Please provide the reports from these  states beginning with those submitted by August 31st 2014, through those submitted by August 31st 2005.
2015-0205 Pingolt Cotner Board of County Commissioners 04/08/2015 All documents, including but limited to, correspondence to and from OST, emails, writte reports, memoranda, and technical documents, addressing and related to the All Aboard Florida Intercity Passenger Rail Project Orlando to Miami, Florida, with the exception of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement issued for the All Aboard Florida Project in September 2014. This request includes any and all information relating to the Provision Bond Allocation Approval letter issued on December 22, 2014, by Peter M. Rogoff to Michal Reininger for the project.
Indian River County recognizes the scope of the FOIA request may involve multiple departments.
2015-0206 Robinson Minority Business Enterprise legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. 04/10/2015 Documents related to the World trade Center Permanent PATH Terminal, PATH Harrison Station and JFK Runway construction projects under the New York FOIA Law, any and all documents related to the funding plan between the U.S. Department of Transportation and or the Federal Transit Administration, other funding authority and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
More details on original request.
2015-0207 Gist Southern Environmental Law Center 04/10/2015 Supplemental FOIA Request Regarding
1-85 High Occupancy Toll Lane Extension Project, Gwinnett County, Georgia.
2015-0208 Mouton Mouton & Mouton 04/10/2015 The complete full scale crash test reports and the associated crash videos for two products that were crash tested to the MASH criteria. One of them is the SoftStop as described in FHWA eligibility letter CC-115 dated 12/19/2011. The other is Slotted Rail Terminal as described in FHWA eligibility letter CC-100B dated 12/5/2012.
2015-0209 Rodgers Delaware Riverkeeper Network 04/10/2015 Copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania DOT HQ Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania (MPMS 13716) from January 1, 2013 to April 9, 2015.
2015-0210 Berns   04/10/2015 Any and all records of communication between FHWA and Marco Rubio. (more details on original request)
2015-0211 Vinocur   04/10/2015 Any and all communication between FHWA and John Kasich. (details on original request)
2015-0212 Ramirez   04/10/2015 Any and all communication between FHWA and Michael Mike Pence. (details on original)
2015-0213 Bennett   04/10/2015 Any and all communication between FHWA and Rafael Edward ted Cruz.
2015-0214 Orosco Blue Diamond Contracting 04/13/2015 All documents related to the Federal Highway Administrations Letter of Finding for Complaint HCR-30 DOT 2014-0254, dated March 24, 2015, including but not limited to all communications ,written or electronic, between FHWA and Select Development, Inc., all information and documents provided to FHWA by Select Development, Inc., all and all documents that support FHWAs finding that Select Development, Inc. violated the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise prompt payment regulations by its failure to pay Blue Diamond Contracting, as alleged in Blue Diamond Contractings complaint to FHWA.
2015-0215 Aharoni   04/13/2015 I request the number of accidents that occurred by the distraction of cell phones in 2014.
2015-0216 Hollins   04/16/2015 All conespondence, addressed to or received from, the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Aide Puerto Rico Division Offrces (FHWA) and any representative of the United States Virgin Islands Department of Property and Procurement or any representative of the United States Virgin Islands Depaftment of Public Works; including but not limited to email correspondence, evaluation reports and phone logs that was written during the period October 15,2013 to the present and that relates in any way to the project, the project's solicitation or the evaluation of the project's solicitation for the Main Street project referenced above.
Copies of any incoming and outgoing emails, letters and other communications for the October I5, 2013 to present time period between any agent or employee of the Virgin Islands Government and any agent or employee of FHWA that relate to Tip Top Construction Corporation, Island Roads Corporation or the United States Virgin Islands procurement of the Main Street Enhancement project referenced above.
All FHWA action or project specific concurrence corespondence sent to the government of the United States Virgin Islands during the period of October 15,2013 to present.
2015-0217 Wilson Andereck, Evans, Widger, Johnson & Lewis, L.L.C. 04/16/2015 DOT Crossing #605631A
2015-0218 Teal   04/17/2015 Posted Speed Limit Signs
2015-0219 Vega Will Ferguson & Associates 04/21/2015 All traffic engineering data pertaining to the traffic light located at the intersections of Roy Rd. and Pan American Frwy NE (on the west side of I-25) in Albuquerque, New
Mexico from January 1, 2011 to the present.
2015-0220 Winegardner   04/21/2015 copies of public records from the April 17, 2015 TIFIA Credit Council Meeting that relate to the I-77 Project in North Carolina. This information should include any communication related to CINTRA, I77 Mobility Partners, NC DOT, or any government communications from government officers, staff or elected leaders. I am asking for copies of material presented by I77 Mobility Partners, NC DOT, or Cintra as part of this decision.
Information was previously provided by WidenI77  b(6)        relating to contract provisions that suggested the TIFIA loan would likely default under the terms of the contract. I would like any documents or contract extracts that refuted that possibility.
2015-0221 Patrick Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, Inc. 04/21/2015 All correspondence and communications from October 2, 2014 to April 20, 2015, mentioning or relating to the proposed Constitution Pipeline, among and between any employee, administrator, and or contractor of FERC, and the following companies, and or representatives of these companies: Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation; Constitution Pipeline Company, LLC; Dawson Associates; John Charlson; John Faso; Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP; Marsh, Wasserman & McHugh, LLC; Piedmont Natural Gas Company; Southwest Energy LP; The Elk Street Group; Tonio Burgos; Tonio Burgos and Associates, Inc; and Williams Partners, LP.
2015-0222 Anderson Anderson Paint Store LLC 04/22/2015 An award letter from TxDOT for Horseshoe Project for three contractors: Structural  Steel Fabrication-Installation; Pavement Makings Stripe-A-Zone, Inc,; and Concrete Bridge and Wall Painting.
2015-0223 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP 04/27/2015 All records regarding the I-81 project from 1/20/15 through 4/16/15.
2015-0224 LoScalzo   04/27/2015 All records relateing to PIN X770.44 Van Wyck Expressway/Willets Point between January 7, 2015 and April 16, 2015.
2015-0225 Dyke Lindsay Transportation Solutions 04/28/2015 copies of the submittal documentation provided for the assessment of eligibility for Roadsafe safety devices for the SoftStop, Trend, Quadguard, and Smart Cushion.
2015-0226 Smith Work Area Production Corp. 04/28/2015 All supporting documentation submitted for the NCHRP 350 approval for the QuadGuard II.
2015-0227 Packer Rod-Techs, Inc. 04/29/2015 *The letter published to the Director in February that informed him of ODOT's non-compliance and the corresponding report. Also any reports that prove to be relevant, in support of these non-compliant claims.
*The Ohio Department of Transportation (DOT) DBE Uniform Reports for the years of 1989 through 2002.
*Inspirational goals for ODOT DBE Program from 1989 through 2002 with actual achievement for each year.
*Stewardship and Oversight Agreement signed by ODOT to receive monies between the FHWA Ohio Division and ODOT, from 1989 through 2002.
*Approved ODOT goals methodologies for years covering 1989 through 2002, and actual DBE achievement.
2015-0228 Packer Rod-Techs, Inc. 04/29/2015 *The letter published to the Director in February that informed him of ODOT's non-compliance and the corresponding report. Also any reports that prove to be relevant, in support of these non-compliant claims.
*The Ohio Department of Transportation (DOT) DBE Uniform Reports for the years of 1989 through 2002.
*Inspirational goals for ODOT DBE Program from 1989 through 2002 with actual achievement for each year.
*Stewardship and Oversight Agreement signed by ODOT to receive monies between the FHWA Ohio Division and ODOT, from 1989 through 2002.
*Approved ODOT goals methodologies for years covering 1989 through 2002, and actual DBE achievement.
2015-0229 Morisy MucjRock News 04/29/2015 A copy of the most current U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration National Bridge Inventory database.
2015-0230 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 05/01/2015 any and all documents, including but not limited to the following from 1970 to the present:
1. Any and all documents related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
2. Any and all documents between YOU and the New York Department of Transportation, New York City Department of Transportation, and/or any
governmental or roadside safety agency in New York related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
3. Any and all documents received from the New York City Department of Transportation and/or any New York roadside safety agency related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
4. Any and all documents received from the American Association of State Highway Officials related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
5. Any and all documents received from ATSSA related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
6. Any and all documents including agreements, bids, proposals, contracts related to the implementation, repair, and/or replacement of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
7. Any and all state, city, and/or federal roadside design guidelines, plans, and/or policies referencing Texas Twist guardrail systems.
8. Any and all documents referencing the replacement and/or ban of the Texas Twist guardrail systems.
9. Any and all documents referencing vehicular impact hazards associated with Texas Twist guardrail systems including but not limited to rollover hazards.
10. Any and all research studies, in-service performance evaluations, reports and/or
the like referencing the field performance of Texas Twist guardrail systems including but not limited studies, evaluations, and/or reports from universities nationwide.
11. Any and all research studies, evaluations, reports or the like published by the Transportation Research Board related to and/or referencing Texas Twist guardrail systems.
12. Any and all roadside design engineering drawings and/or site plans referencing the removal and/or replacement of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
13. Any and all meeting minutes, logs, and/or notes related to the design, installation, removal, testing, and/or use of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
14. Any and all lawsuits and/or property damage claims alleging a hazard or defect related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
15. Any and all documents related to the purpose or reason for the removal of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
16. Any and all documents that mention, discuss, or otherwise reference the installation of guardrail systems, guardrail componentry, traffic signals, traffic signs, and or the like at or near the location of underground and/or above ground electrical cable and/or sources.
17. Any and all training documents related to the installation, replacement, repair of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
18. Any and all roadside design guidelines and/or policies referencing Texas Twist guardrail systems.
19. Any and all documents between YOU and any and all state departments of transportation that mentions, discusses, or otherwise references Texas Twist guardrail systems.
20. Any and all documents including but not limited to agendas related to conference proceedings and/or seminars that mention, discuss or otherwise reference Texas Twist guardrail systems.
21. Any and all invoices, contracts, bids, and/or procurement documents related to the replacement and/or repair of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
22. Any and all documents to and/or from Dick Powers related to Texas Twist turn down guardrail systems.
2015-0231 Lee Bllomberg News 05/07/2015 access to and copies of the following four categories of records:
1. any and all FOIA requests, other information requests and/or subpoenas that the FHWA has received related to Trinity Industries Inc., the ET-Plus and/or the ET-2000 since 1999, as well as the documents and any other files and materials that FHWA turned over in response to those requests and/or subpoenas;
2. any and all documents and communications (including drafts of documents and communications) since June 1, 2014, that involve and/or are about Trinity Industries Inc., Trinity-affiliated individuals (such as employees or representatives) and/or Trinity products (such as the ET-Plus);
3. any and all documents and communications (including drafts of documents and communications) since June 1, 2014, that involve and/or are about the Department of Transportation's Inspector General and/or employees or representatives of that office, as they relate to an investigation or other scrutiny of Trinity, Trinity products, Trinity employees or representatives, the FHWA, FHWA processes and/or FHWA employees or representatives;
4.    any and all documents and communications (including drafts of documents and communications) since June 1, 2014, that involve and/or are about the Department of Justice, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts and/or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (and/or employees or representatives of those offices), as they relate to an investigation or other scrutiny of Trinity, Trinity products, Trinity employees or representatives, the FHWA, FHWA processes and/or FHWA employees or representatives
2015-0232 Chism   05/07/2015 FOIA Request - MD DOT DBE Uniform Reports for the following years
2003-Present. Please include any DBE Uniform Reports filing for Stimulus Monies Received. (PDF Preferred)
2015-0233 Thurston Ryley Carlock & Applewhite 05/07/2015 an electronic copies of an original version of the Arizona Roadway Departure Safety Implementation Plan and the Appendices A-C
2015-0234 Joyner The Atlanta Journal - Constitution 05/07/2015 Copies of settlement documents, investigative files, reports and case summaries regarding the April 1, 2015 settlement with  b(6)       
2015-0235 May 9 On Your Side 05/12/2015 Access to and copies of the DBE Uniform Reports for Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio from the year 2005 through 2014.
2015-0236 Fabiani Beach Point Capital Management LP 05/12/2015 all submissions received in response to the request for information dated December 24, 2014 regarding the ET Plus Guardrail End terminal.
2015-0237 Bedard Beartooth Land Surveying 05/13/2015 The information requested is the acquiring of Right-of-Way for FAS Highway 419 or any information on how the position of the Right-of-Way was established
FHWA project: PFH 83-1(2), Stillwater River Road NE1/4 Section 8, T5S., R17E, Principle Medidian Montana
2015-0238 Bradford   05/14/2015 FHWA records concerning Recreational Trails Program funding for development of the Latah Trail from Troy, Idaho to Kendrick, Idaho, within the Bear Creek Canyon drainage.
2015-0239 Cumba California Department of Transportation 05/18/2015 any and all documents related to any FHWA design exception released to the design speed for State Route 78 near Deer Canyon Drive (post mile 46.45) in Ramona, California from 1933 to 1989.
2015-0240 Waite Siskiyou County  Department of Public Works 05/18/2015 Requesting all documents related to the subject project - Klamath River Bridge (near Ash Creek) BRLO 5902(040) - related to Bridge Loading Design Exception and Post Award Design Change between August 16, 2012 and May 12, 2015.
2015-0241 Cotter American Bridge 05/19/2015 Incoming-And-Outgoing Emails Between Agency Email Accounts And Various Email Accounts
I am requesting copies of incoming-and-outgoing email correspondence (including any attachments) between agency email
accounts and the email accounts listed below from the year 2007 to present day fl.governor@eog.state jeb@gencom net
2015-0242 Voss Conrad O'Brien PC 05/20/2015 I request that copies of the following documents (or documents containing the following information) be provided to me:
(1) The 2008 application (including any attachments or exhibits) from California for waivers from federal advertising regulations and laws regarding highway signs.
(2) The 2008 denial from the Federal Highway Administration regarding the California application.
(3) The April 2010 application (including any attachments or exhibits) from Pennsylvania to the Federal Highway Administration seeking approval to place advertising on highway signs.
(4) Correspondence from the Federal Highway Administration in response to the Pennsylvania 2010 application.
(5) Correspondence from Pennsylvania to the Federal Highway Administration regarding the 2010 application.
(6) Correspondence from Pennsylvania to the Federal Highway Administration in April 2011 withdrawing the 2010 application.
(7) Correspondence from the Federal Highway Administration in response to the Pennsylvania withdrawal of the 2010 application.
(8) The October 27, 2004 letter to Mr. Vaughn T. Munshower regarding Experimentation Request Number 2-496.
(9) The application for Experimentation Request Number 2-496.
(10) Correspondence from the Federal Highway Administration terminating Experimentation Request Number 2-496.
In order to help to determine my status as to assess fees, you should know that this request is for commercial use.
The maximum dollar amount I am willing to pay for this request is $500. Please notify me if the fees will exceed the maximum dollar amount I entered. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
2015-0243 Murray Southern Environmental Law Center 05/20/2015 Request all records in the possession of the FHWA related to the expansion of the
Mark Clark Expressway since December 19, 2013.
2015-0244 Gambill Hasty Pope 05/26/2015 Documents concerning carrier Shaw Transport, Inc.
2015-0245 Mandel   05/26/2015 Copies of the following public records: any emails or paper letters your office received from US Senator Hillary Clinton from January 3, 2001 to January 21, 2009; any emails or paper letters your office received from any member of US Senator Hillary Clinton's Senate staff from January 3, 2001 to January 21, 2009.
2015-0246 Stewart The Wall Street Journal 05/26/2015 any and all records or communication between your department and John Ellis Jeb Bush as an individual for the dates of 1981 to 1993 and 2001 to 2007.
2015-0247 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 05/27/2015 I hereby request a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH6112D00032: 1)the Contract and all Contract Modifications issued under the vehicle 2)copy of Sevatec Inc.'s entire proposal submission. Proprietary Information may be redacted as necessary
2015-0248 Old Hunter 05/27/2015 Various documents pertaining to conctract number DTFH71-14-c-CCC18
2015-0249 Hagazi   05/28/2015 All maintenance records and light timing adjustments and benchmark tests and any other defect corrections done to the red  light camera unit on Richmond Rd and New Drop Lane going east bound in Staten Island, NY for the past 3 years.
2015-0250 Spicuzza Flynn Wirkus Young 05/28/2015 All documents allocated for Crossing location Friendship, NY, crossing number 265370L, RR subdivision 306500.
2015-0251 Santos FOIA Group, Inc 05/28/2015 a copy of the following documents identified to DTFH6113D00015:
We are looking for the task order proposal entitled Enhancing Highway Revenue Forecasting Model that was submitted by CDM Federal Programs Corporation in response to Task Order Proposal Request No. 31-10-15011 under the Federal Highway Administration PROGRAM SUPPORT FOR HIGHWAY POLICY ANALYSIS contract.
We are requesting the task order proposal volume, including all attachments, exhibits, and/or appendices. We are not requesting the volume pertaining to cost..
2015-0252 Sloan Sayre & Associates Forensic Engineering 05/28/2015 Request for traffic collision records at I-65 and I-24 Trinity Lane at Dickerson Road. FHWA inspection of Traffic control.
2015-0253 Spicuzza Flynn Wirkus Young 06/01/2015 All documents allocated for Crossing location Friendship, NY, crossing number 265370L, RR subdivision 306500.
2015-0254 Lallo Hill & Smith, Inc. 06/01/2015 All records pertaining to the issuance of the Roadway Safety Hardware Eligibility Letters: B-131; B-158; B-159; and B-160.
2015-0255 Barbarosoglu   06/01/2015 I am looking for information about construction projects handled by FHWA in Illinois in the last 10 years. I am especially seeking for the largest 25 construction projects of each year from 2006-2015.
2015-0256 Carroll   06/02/2015 OIG referral for Iowa Division document.
2015-0257 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna, LLP 06/02/2015 All records regarding the I-81 project between 4/16/15 and 5/28/16.
2015-0258 Chism   06/02/2015 FHWA Ohio DOT DBE Uniform Reports that was due June 1, 2015
2015-0259 Mandel   06/03/2015 I am writing to request copies of any
e-mails or paper letters your office received from the Clinton Foundation since January 1, 1997.
The Foundation has gone by several names since it was first established. From
1997 until approximately 2003 or 2004, the Foundation was officially called the William
J. Clinton Presidential Foundation. From approximately 2003 to 2013, the Foundation was officially called the William J. Clinton Foundation or the William J. Clinton Foundation, Inc. Since 2013, the Foundation has been officially called the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. This request covers correspondence received from any iteration of the entity described above.
The Clinton Foundation has also been structured into numerous initiatives, including
The Clinton Health Access Initiative -CHAI The Clinton Global Initiative-CGI
The Clinton Climate Initiative
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation The Clinton Development Initiative
The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Initiative The Clinton Presidential Center
Too Small to Fail
No Ceilings- The Full Participation Project
2015-0260  b(6)          06/03/2015 All the email exchange between:
 b(6)        (supervisory structural team leader at Central Federal Lands) and  b(6)        (project Manager at Central Federal Lands)
Starting from January 2014 till present, with regard to project Utah FLAP 149(1) Including any emails with my name as a subject matter or embedded within the email.
2015-0261 Jackson Steiner   06/03/2015 Environmental Justice Complaint presented by  b(6)                  for the Sustainability Committee on May 11, 1998: Hawai'i Long Range Land Transportation Plan. I hereby make a FOIA request for all FHWA communications, correspondence, and any and all documents generated or produced in response to the above complaint by  b(6)        in 1998, including but not limited to letters, emails, memos, investigative report(s), findings recommendations and/or directives. Also included in the request are any correspondences, further responses, directive and compliance checks related to the letter (not dated but stamped several times) in early October 2000 from  b(6)                      Director, Office of Civil Rights (FHWA) to  b(6)           , Director, Hawaii Department of Transportation.
I am an individual seeking information for personal use and not for a commercial use
2015-0262A Anderson Anderson Paint Store, LLC 06/03/2015 Adequacy of the search for TX DOT.
2015-0263 Gershon Sheehan & Sheehan, P.A. 06/03/2015 Federal-Aid project No. AC-GRIP-(NH)
2015-0264 Willis, Jr.   06/08/2015 A;; records of and related to PBS & J Construction Services, Inc., an event which occurred on January 18, 2006 at the I-15 Freeway about exit F Los Vegas, NV:
Bid-Bond; performance bond; construction bond; delegation of authority; and oath of office.
2015-0265 Mills Drew Eckl & Farnham, LLP 06/08/2015 any and all citations, notices, reports or other documents regarding Metal Conversion Technologies, LLC, from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2014.
2015-0266 Malamud Public Resource. Org 06/08/2015 All communications that the FHWA has had with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the American Welding Society (AWS) discussing making AASHTO and AWS standards available  for public viewing during either the NPRM period or after a rule is promulgated.
2015-0267 Havlina Law Office of Natalie J. Havlina 06/09/2015 All communications between any officer or employee of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and any officer or employee of the Idaho Transportation Department between January 1, 2015 and the present regarding the realignment of
U.S. Highway 95 between Lewiston, Idaho, and Moscow, Idaho. This request includes, but is not limited to, communications about the U.S. 95 Thorncreek Road to Moscow Project in Latah County, Idaho, Project No. DHP-NH-4110 (156), Key No. 9294.
2. All internal communications between officers and/or employees of FHWA between October 1, 2014 and the present concerning the realignment of U.S. Highway 95 between Lewiston, Idaho and Moscow, Idaho. This request includes, but is not limited to, communications about Project No. DHP-NH-4110(156), Key No. 9294.
3. All communications between officers and employees of FHWA and officers or employees of the Council on Environmental Quality between January 1, 2015 and the present concerning the realignment of U.S. Highway 95 between Lewiston, Idaho and Moscow, Idaho. This request includes, but is not limited to, communications about Project No. DHP-NH-4110(156), Key No. 9294
2015-0268 Friedman   06/10/2015 The most recent FOIA request from January 2013 to the present- from anyone other than me
- for information related to unclaimed, uncashed, or undelivered check(s)
-warrant(s) where the information related to unclaimed, uncashed, or undelivered check(s)warrant(s). Located, and then actually provided to the Requestor in response.
The information actually provided in response may have included the actual the Limited Pay ability Cancellation Report(s), a list of deposits into Treasury Account 20x6
l 33, or a list of check(s) - warrant(s).
2015-0269 Lipscomb Southern Environmental Law Center 06/10/2015 FOIA request regarding the proposed widening of US 84 SR in Clinch and Ware Counties, Georgia PI Number 422120, 522770, 422125, 522775, and 522780.
Request documents in the possession or control of the FHWA relating to widening of US 84 SR 38 from Homerville northeastward to the instersection with SR 38C and US 82 SR 50 in Waycross in southern Georgia. Project EDS00 0084 00
023 026, BHN00 0007 03 25 28, and HPPN
EDS 84 27.
2015-0270 Duffy WPIX-TV 06/10/2015 1) The Railway-Highway Crossings Report submitted by all states for the past 10 years. Section 130(g) of title 23, U.S.C. requires each State to submit this annual report to the Secretary of Transportation by August 31st of each year. Please provide the reports submitted by August 31st 2014, through those submitted by August 31st 2005.
2) Reports submitted by each state that describe how improvements contributed to reducing fatalities and injuries at
railway-highway crossings. According to 23 U.S.C.
148(h)(1)(C), States are required to submit to the Secretary a report that describes how improvements contributed to reducing fatalities and serious injuries at
railway-highway crossings.
Per the FRA:
2015-0271 Kimball Clemson University 06/11/2015 A copy of the Southern Michigan Connected Vehicle Test Bed Proposal.
2015-0272 Donnelly   06/15/2015 FOIA log from December 1, 2014 to June 10,
2015-0273 Petersen WILLIAM-LYNN-JAMES, INC. 06/15/2015 The purpose of this letter is to request information from the Indiana Federal Highway
Administration on a number of federal funding sources being used for the Monument Circle Project. This project is being undertaken by the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works. In each case listed below, we are requesting the application, final documentation, and any award information for the funding source. National Endowment of the Arts (NEA)
Grant Number 14-4292-7065
City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Project (CMAQ)
City of Indianapolis
$1.3 Million 2009
Indianapolis Bicycle and Pedestrian Network
City of Indianapolis and the Central Indiana Community Foundation
IN-INDIANA $20,500,000 2010
Monument Circle Reconstruction
City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works
IN-INDIANA $48,000,000 2011
Monument Circle Area Reconstruction City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works
IN-INDIANA $48,000,000 2013
Monument Circle District Reconstruction City of Indianapolis
IN-INDIANA $15,000,000 2015
City of Indianapolis
Submitted: Friday, June 5th, 2015
We are also requesting a review of whether the CMAQ grant money can be used prior to a full EA and a preferred alternative being selected for the Monument Circle design.
2015-0274 Anderson Anderson Paint Store, LLC 06/17/2015 A copy of the estimate from TX DOT, engineering, or construction sections on Special Coating from bridge painting, pavement marking, steel fabrication painting, concrete coating, wall painting and text coating; labor cost and materials cost for each item.
2015-0275 Zittkowski Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal 06/17/2015 Except for previously provided records, all records that discuss, reflect, or refer to a decision by FHWA to authorize (provide funding for) the Wisconsin Department of Transportation WI 164 Rehabilitation Project in Washington County (Project ID No. 2709-03-00)
2015-0276 Sterman WJLA 06/18/2015 Access to and copies of any and all expense reports, receipts and paperwork submitted for reimbursement by any US DOT employee or contractor in relation to the Annual Winter Conference staged in February 2015 in Sterling, Virginia.
2015-0277A LoScalzo   06/22/2015 Appeal for withholding of records.
2015-0278 Asquith Southern Environmental Law Center 06/22/2015 All records in the possession of the FHWA regarding Gloria Shepard's statement that the recent order in Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation v NCDOT, 2015 would have repercussions for the more that 109 environmental impact studies FHWA currently has underway across the United States.
2015-0279 Schaff Flesher McKague, LLP 06/23/2015 copies of public records that relate to the Railway-Highways Crossing Section 130 Program/Federal Grants (Title 23, US Code, Section 130) as it pertains to the State of California, including funding requests, funding grants, oversight, studies, inspections, regulatory actions, accidents, collisions, use agreements, modification request, improvement or other construction projects.
2015-0280 DesGranges Ahtna Environmental, Inc. 06/24/2015 AK PRA DENA 10(26) Rock Creek Culvert- Contract#DTFH7013C00007
I hereby request copies of the following documents:
1. The design files for the above project, including without limitation those related to the MSE walls, Geotechnical testing and the quantities and construction cost estimates for the project.
2. All daily or weekly reports or diaries or other written documentation of the FHWA's observations on the project and interpretations of the project documents, including photographs or email communications.
3. All internal FHWA emails relating to the design and construction of the MSE walls.
2015-0281 Migliara   06/25/2015 Copies of all certified payroll documents for work performed by Jeci Corp during the period of January 1, 2013.
2015-0282 Gavin Law Office of Kevin P. Gavin as Portsmouth Town Solicitor 06/29/2015 State of Rhode island's current plans or considerations for potentially imposing tolls on Rhode Island bridges
2015-0283 Mash   06/29/2015 Copies of reports for two projects occured at Cumberland Gap from 1979-1985
2015-0284 Asquith Southern Environmental Law Center 06/30/2015 All records in possession of the FHWA regarding the North Carolina DOT's proposed Southeast Extension of the Triangle Expressway, also known as Complete 540.
2015-0285 Asquith Southern Environmental Law Center 06/30/2015 All records in the possession of the FHWA regarding the North Carolina DOT's proposed Havelock Bypass project.
2015-0286 Thornton   06/30/2015 Details of Provisions to Practice Patent for Expired U.S. Patent 5,771,518 of Black Veteran.
2015-0287 May WCPO-TV 07/01/2015 Access to and copies of the DBE Uniform Reports for Pennsylvania from the year 1995 through 2011.
2015-0288A Steiner   07/01/2015 Missing information on pages that were released and withheld documents.
2015-0289 Palecek Palecek & Palecek PLLC 07/01/2015 AZ FLAP 249(1) Three Forks Road DTFH68-14-C-00025 and Mod 0001
1. A copy of the Prime Contract between SBBI and the US DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION - FHWA - CFLHD for the above referenced project.
2. Copies of any and all applications and certificates for payment, certified or not certified by the CFLHD and/or the contracting officer.
3. Any and all correspondence between SBBI and CFLHD regarding modification of contract/order number DTFH68-14-C-0025.
4. Copies of any and all memos, notes, letters, or emails relating to the work performed on the above referenced project.
5. Copies of any documents showing payments to SBBI on the above referenced project.
6. Copies of any and all certifications made by SBBI certify that they were paying their subcontractors pursuant to the Federal Prompt Payment Act.
7. Copies of any and all inspection reports on the above referenced project.
8. Copies of the schedules made by the contracting officer or anyone for the CFLHD.
9. Copies of any schedules, time changes, or issues related to the time performance of the contract.
10. Copies of any acceptance of the final contract, including any and all punch lists for the final performance of the contract.
11. Any and all documents associated with modification of the contract order number referenced above.
2015-0290 Barnhardt MBELDEF 07/02/2015 Grant application, executed Master Agreement and supporting documents related to the funding of the I-8 Challenge; the 12-mile I-81 corridor through the greater Syracuse, New York region construction project.
2015-0291 LoScalzo   07/02/2015 Records related to roadway project PIN X770.44, Van Wyck Expressway, near Willets Point, between April 17, 2015 and June, 20, 2015
2015-0292 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 07/06/2015 Materials of any type received from the North Texas Turnpike Authority and or Texas Department of Transportation related to the REACT350 and or REACT350 II impact attenuating roadside safety devices including but not limited to the performance of the REACT350 and or REACT350 II compared to the Smart Cushion and materials of any type received from and or sent to the Texas Transportation Institute and or its
divisions or departments, Energy Absorption System, and or Trinity Industries and or its entities related to, referencing, mentioning, and or discussing the REACT350 and or REACT350 II including but not limited to testing, in field performance evaluations, complaints, accidents, injuries, concerns, design modifications and the like from 1995 to the present.
2015-0293 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 07/06/2015 Any and all documents related to FHWA's eligibility for the REACT350 and or REACT 350 II crash attenuating roadside safety products and communications of any type received from any all states department of transportation related to, referencing, mentioning, and or discussing the performance of the REACT350 and REACT350 II impact attenuating roadside safety products.
2015-0294 McLeod Southwest Research Institute 07/08/2015 A copy of the Guidelines for Analysis of Passenger Compartment Intrusion created in 1999 to 2003.
2015-0295 Rodgers Delaware Riverkeeper Network 07/08/2015 copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania DOT Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, buck County, Pennsylvania from April 9 to July 8, 2015.
2015-0296 Charry Martinez Law Group, PPLC 07/09/2015 Request for the FOIA Log Reports for the month of June, 2015.
2015-0297 Stokes Southern Environmental Law Center SELC 07/09/2015 SELC requests all documents that relate to any improvements on Cahaba Beach Road in Jefferson and/or Shelby County, AL.
2015-0298 Pattwell Clark Hill PLC 07/15/2015 Copies of any and all documents, records, and correspondence (including emails) related to the Marquette County Road Commission's proposed County Road 595.
2015-0299  b(6)          07/15/2015 all documents whether in written or electronic form which relates to:
1) Decisions made by individuals in the FHWA and others (specifically the Executive Director and the then-FHWA Administrator Victor Mendez) to assign  b(6)        to a non DA position upon  b(6)        return from Afghanistan.
2015-0300 Berrigan Gannett Fleming 07/15/2015 release of the proposal documents received from the following firms in response to the Federal Highway Administrations solicitation DTFH7114R00011.
Volkert and Associates Inc. awarded contract DTFH7115D00003
Short-Elliott-Hendrickson Inc. awarded contract DTFH7115D00004
2015-0301 Mann   07/16/2015 OR PRA CRLA 14(1) Rehabilitat West Rim Drive and East Rim Drive-I am requesting the following electronic desin .tin abd .dgn files as follows:
MP28_6.tin, MP26_4-27_0.tin, MP25_9.tin,MP25_6.tin, MP25_3.tin, MP23_5-24_5.tin, MP22_0.tin, MP20_5.tin, MP18_6.tin, MP17.tin, MP15_4.tin, MP14_25.tin, Crater_Lake_2010_dsl,dgn, Rim_village-lidar-topo-dsl.dgn
2015-0302 Lahiri Noble Ventures Inc. 07/16/2015 Urgent FOIA Request for all Data held in your department with EIN Employer Identification Numbers
Ref Data that may be available in your Records Applicaion for OMB ( OMB Approval No. 0348-0043), Financial Status Report (OMB Approval No. 0348-0038); Financial Status Report (OMB Approval No. 0348-0039) and Federal Cash Transaction Report (OMB Approval Nu. 0348-0003)
2015-0303 Stemplewicz Delaware Riverkeeper Network 07/16/2015 All communications generated by employees of the Federal Highway Association (FHWA), or received by employees of FHWA from the National Park Service (NPS), with regard to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportations Headquarters Bridge Project (Project) over Tinicum Creek in Bucks County, PA (S.R. 1032, MPMS No. 13716). This request includes but is not limited to any communications regarding a Section 4(f) determination for the Project, and or any communications relating to Section 7 of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act for the Project. We
are requesting only those communications dated from January 1, 2013 to present. To the extent there are additional materials the FHWA believes are relevant to this request, but are not specified above, DRN requests that those documents be included in any response.
2) All materials generated or received by the FHWA relating to the FHWAs review of the Project pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act.
2015-0304 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 07/23/2015 All records regarding the I-81 project between 5/28/15 and 7/20/15.
2015-0305 King Boise, Schiller & Flexner, LLP 07/24/2015 Referral of documents regarding Interagency Streamlining Agreement.
2015-0306 McGowan   07/24/2015 A copy of the USDOT Study for South Carolina; funds.
2015-0307 White   07/24/2015 A copy of the documentation showing why the contracts circled on the attached Exhibit A had an increase in the original contract days. I also ask how much in liquidated damages were paid on each of the circled contracts.
2015-0308 Potter Norton Allen Norton & Blue 07/24/2015 any and all interviews of any and all employees takin in the matter of Port of Miami Tunnel and Access Improvement Project, TIFIA number 2008-1008A. Information is needed for pending litigation in the US District Court, Southern District of Florida.
2015-0309  b(6)          07/24/2015 All the email exchange between:
 b(6)        (supervisory structural team leader at Central Federal Lands) and
 b(6)        ( Structure team lead at Central Federal Lands)
 b(6)        (project Manager at Central Federal Lands)
 b(6)        (Project management branch chief at Central Federal Lands)
 b(6)        (Director of project delivery at Central Federal Lands )
Starting from January 2014 till present, with regard to project Utah FLAP 149(1)
Including any emails with my name as a subject matter, To/From/CC/BCC or embedded within the email
2015-0310 Collister KXAN TV 07/24/2015 All data submitted by the Texas Department of Transportation under Highway Performance Monitoring System since January 1, 2014.
2015-0311 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 07/24/2015 Any and all documents sent to and or received from Mr. James Hatton, a former FHWA employee, related to the ET-Plus and or the same class of energy absorbing roadside safety devices from January 1, 2014 to the present; and any and all document sent to, received from, and or authored by Mr. Mark Bloschock, a former FHWA employee, related to the ET-Plus and or the same class of energy absorbing roadside safety devices from January 1, 2006 to the present.
2015-0312 Daredia Transit Labs 07/30/2015 Electronic records pertaining to all projects recorded in FHWAs FMIS from 1998 through 2015.
2015-0313 Rodgers Delaware Riverkeeper Network 07/30/2015 copies of any and all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania DPTs HQ Road Bridge  project in Tinicum Township, Buck County, PA. from July 9 to July 29, 2015.
2015-0314 Miller Huey Law Firm, LLC 07/30/2015 any and all documents, including emails, photographs, video footage, and other investigate reports within the FHWA possession, that reference an incident resulting in the injury of  b(6)                       , which occurred on the General W.K. Wilson Jr. bridge in Mobil County on Interstate 65 North.
2015-0315 Schiavoni Smith Butz LLC 08/03/2015 Copies of records relating to the RRC US DOT AAR 145-252D. Also, all documents regarding the installation of all
railroad-highway grade crossing safety devices, including but not limited to all automatic warning devices, track circuitry and signal systems.
2015-0316 DeBruicker Duane Morris 08/04/2015 USDOT Crossing Inventory No. 140641S; Warning Devices at Railroad-Highway Crossing at Sixth and Main Street, Darby, PA
2015-0317 Lozano Ryan 08/04/2015 requesting a report of Unclaimed Money and Assets being held by The United States DOT Federal Highway Administration. If available, please include the check number, payee name, issue date, and amount. To be more specific please
include all items available prior to February 1, 2015 with dollar value greater than
$500.00 relating to business tax, general purpose disbursements and vendor payments to businesses.
With your response please also include: 1.Any instructions or claim forms necessary to have checks re-issued including contact information for the department or individual in case of questions.
2015-0318 Anderson The Providence Journal 08/04/2015 , I am requesting a copy of all correspondence, including memos and emails, between the Federal Highway Administration and the Rhode Island Department of Transportation regarding highway tolls since, and not including, the May 29 letter from FHWA to RIDOT with the subject Rhode Island Bridge Proposal May 2015.
Also, I am requesting a copy of any and all correspondence between the Federal Highway Administration and Rhode Island Department of Transportation since Jan. 1, 2014 regarding efforts to recover funds spent on the IWay bridge (carrying I-195 over the Providence River) project as a result of contractor error.
2015-0319 Pourian County of Trinity 08/06/2015 Any before repair photos you have of the damaged area of this road - approximate timeframe: 5-13-15, and any documentation of your inspection, describing the actual damage.
2015-0320 Walter   08/07/2015 copies of documents where we have used Alliance Petro Pipeline in the eastern portion of Ohio.
2015-0321 LaNoue UMBC 08/10/2015 a.A list of all recipients who have requested such undue burden or overconcentration waivers in the last fifteen years and the industry groups involved in such waiver requests. b.The federal agency response to such
undue burden or overconcentration waiver requests, including the industries involved and the adjustment to overall DBE goals permitted.
c.All communication between the recipient and the federal agency regarding such undue burden or overconcentration waiver requests.
d.All communication between the recipient and the federal agency terminating such undue burden or overconcentration waiver requests and the reasons for the termination.
e.All communication between the recipient and the federal agency expressing that an overconcentration study was performed by the recipient but no undue burden was found.
2015-0322 LaNoue UMBC 08/10/2015 49 Code of Federal Regulations 26.15 allows recipients of USDOT funds to apply for waivers from any part of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise regulations. Under this regulatory section, over the past fifteen years your agency has granted waivers to some federal funding recipients allowing them to exclude some DBE groups from meeting DBE goals after a disparity study or some other research
found insufficient evidence of discrimination against those groups in the their transportation industry. Such waivers were granted at least for the Colorado DOT, the California DOT, the Oregon DOT and the Washington DOT.
Please provide
a. A list of all recipients who have requested such waivers in the last fifteen years and the DBE groups involved in such waiver requests.
b. The federal agency response to such waiver requests.
c. All communication between the recipient and the federal agency regarding such waiver requests.
d. All communication between the recipient and the federal agency terminating such waiver requests and the reasons for the termination.
2015-0323 Salem   08/10/2015 Copies of investigation conclusions and finding relating to Hotline investigation H14G023CC.
2015-0324 Inouye FI Consulting 08/10/2015 A copy of a data dictionary describing all data fields and data tables used to store deal information including borrower characteristics, deal terms, and loan performance for all TIFIA direct and guaranteed loans.
2015-0325 Mann   08/11/2015 Additional files for the OR PRA CRLA 14(1), Crater Lake National Park project.
1. Design_Ground_lidar.tin
2. Rim_village_lidar-topt.tin
2015-0326 Jensen   08/13/2015 I am hereby requesting the grant application from WSDOT and the resulting contract for work execution for the TIGER project described in item on I-90 in the FHWA newsletter at http://www
2015-0327 Anderson   08/14/2015 OIG conducted a search that contained FHWA documents. Referral documents (102 pages) will be sent in an email.
2015-0328 Lessem Aldous Walker LLP 08/14/2015 obtain copies of the following documents related to Trinity Industries ET-Plus guardrail header system (hereinafter (the ET-Plus):
1. All FHWA communications with any past or present member of the board of directors and/or executive committee of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials that discuss: (a) Trinity Industries, Inc., (b) Trinity Highway Products, LLC, (c) the ET-Plus, or (d) Southwest Research Institute from June 1, 2014 to present;
2. All Freedom of Information Act requests directed to the FHWA related to the
ET-Plus by any party from June 1, 2014 to present; and
3. All responses, disclosures, and/or productions from the FHWA in response to Freedom of Information Requests from:
(a) Safety Research and Strategies, Inc., (b) The Safety Institute, Inc., and (c) ABC News from June 1, 2014 to present.
2015-0329 Stewart The Wall Street Journal 08/17/2015 Any and all records of communication (including but not limited to letters, written requests, reports, telephone records, electronic communication, complaints, investigations, violation and memos) between your department (and all divisions and agencies under your jurisdiction) and John Ellis Jeb Bush for the following dates:
-2007 to 2014 (as individual or as Florida governor)
2015-0330A Gavin Law Office of kevin P. Gavin 08/19/2015 Fee Waiver Determination.
2015-0331 Rodgers Delaware Riverkeeper Network 08/19/2015 copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania DOT's HQ Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, PA. from July 30 to August 18, 2015. This request also includes all attachment mentioned in these documents.
2015-0332A Gavin Law Office of Kevin P. Gavin as Portsmouth Town Solicitor 08/24/2015 Adequacy of search
2015-0333 Hogg Jackson Walker LLP 08/25/2015 Federal Project Number: STP 2005(59) RXP Control Section Job (SPN): 5800-00-031 Project Description: Highway-RR Grade Crossing Crossbuck Sign Assembly Upgrade Project to Comply with 2003 TMUTCD Texas Pacifico Transpiration/South Orient Railroad
Date of Federal Project Authorization Agreement: 10/12/2004
Specifically, I am looking for a list of all crossings that were included as part of that project, any contracts for the installation of the cross bucks, and documents confirming the expenditure of federal funds on this project, any documents confirming the installation of the federally funded cross bucks at the crossings, the date or dates
the federally funded cross bucks were installed, the identity of the persons or entity that installed the cross bucks, and any documents showing final approval of the installation of the cross bucks.
2015-0334 Guderian Motorcycle Safety Consulting 08/25/2015 I am requesting information about how Motorcycle Vehicle Miles Traveled, Motorcycle VMT, is established/determined by the FHWA. I am asking for any policy, procedure, research report, how to document, anything written that explains the process for establishing/determining the published Motorcycle VMT data.
2015-0335 Wang Macquarie 08/25/2015 I am looking for the list of lenders who funded the SH-130 project (toll road connecting Austin and San Antonio, TX). I am making this request under FOIA.
There are reportedly 10 banks but only 5 have been published.
We are looking for a list that includes the other 5 banks.
2015-0336 Thomas SmartProcure 08/25/2015 copies of all information pertaining to the following:
Definitive Contract-DTFH6115C00041-0
2015-0337 Finnerty   08/25/2015 All records of communication between Congressman Michael Bishop MI8 or the Offices of Congressman Michael Bishop and the Federal Highway Administration, from January 1, 2015 to present. Including but not limited to the following
Mentions of Presidential permit for U.S.Canada international bridge, Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, Michigan Mentions of Presidential permit for Detroit River International Crossing AKA DRIC,New International Trade Crossing AKA NITC, U.S. customs plaza andor Gordie Howe International Bridge Point International Gordie Howe
Discussion of zoning permits, lease arrangements, construction licenses and any other official permissions related to bridge highway construction with reference to the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, Michigan, the Ambassador Port Company,Detroit International Bridging Company, Centra, Inc., Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority,New International Trade Crossing,Detroit International
Crossing,Gordie Howe International Bridge, Dan Stamper andor Manuel Matty Moroun Discussion of FY 2016 Transportation appropriations bill andor SAFETEA LU highway bill
Discussion of U.S. Canadian Beyond the Border Initiative
2015-0338 Gordon Pender & Coward 08/25/2015 Information (detailed on original request) regarding VA ERFO FWS CHIN 2013 project contract number DTFH7114C00018.
2015-0339 Smith   08/25/2015 Request 1
During the Jim Hatton era, Energy Absorption submitted for approval the GREAT Impact Attenuator and received approval. I would like the initial approval and supporting submissions. Mr. Hatton had the GREAT tested at Turner Fairbanks and it failed. I would like those results.
Energy Absorption resubmitted and was granted a second approval. I would like the correspondence and information on those tests.
Request 2
During Richard Powers tenure, the REACT 350 was submitted by Jack Carney. Energy Absorption challenged the approval because test 3-39 was waived. I would like all information on those proceedings. In fact, I believe they brought action on Mr. Powers over this.
2015-0340 Sikorski Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance Comittee 08/25/2015 Certified Payroll Records from Pave-Tech, Inc. (Prime Contractor) for project Mojave National Preserve-Pavement
(DTFH68-14-B-00021) from beginning of project to today's date (08/20/2015).
2015-0341 Brasher Boyle Brasher 08/26/2015 Route JJ (Route B) Marion County; Missouri Public Service Commission Case No. 18,630
2015-0342 Palecek Palecek & Palecek PLLC 08/26/2015 A copy of the Payment and Performance Bond associated with contract
2015-0343 Hobaugh Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 08/27/2015 Copy of suspension notice pertaining to Karen Construction Company, Inc.
2015-0344A DeBruicker Duane Morris 08/27/2015 Adequacy of search for records regarding the railroad-highway grade crossing at Sixth and Main Streets in Darby Borough, Pennsylvania, USDOT Crossing Inventory No. 140641S.
2015-0345 Leake East Side Highway District 08/28/2015 Project: ID PFH 80-1(1) Fernan Lake Road, Kootenai County
1. Copies of each and every pay note provided from the contractor(M.A. DeAtley) to FHWA which was ultimately stamped with the FHWA apprval for payment.
2. Copies of each and every pay not that was provided from the contractor (M.A. DeAtley) that was not approved and returned to the contractor. Include copies of any documents that describe the rational for not approving any payment requests.
3. Copies of the project Engineer(s) and inspector(s) diaries and quality control diaries.
2015-0346 Zagrean   09/01/2015 request the FHWA analysis of 2005 crash tests validating that the ET Plus with 4-inch guide channel was crash tested in May 2005. I am not sure when the analysis was performed but I think it was sometime before October 2012, after concerns about undocumented design changes were brought to the attention of the FHWA.
2015-0347 Van der Bellen WUSA9 09/02/2015 All copies of vehicular property damage claims filed from December 1, 2009
through September 1, 2015 against the Federal Highway Administration in
the 11th Street Bridge Project construction zone located in Washington,
2015-0348 Sullivan   09/02/2015 a. A list of all recipients who have requested undue burden or overconcentration waivers in the last fifteen years and the industry groups involved in such waiver requests.
b. The federal agency response to such burden or overconcentration waiver requests including the industries involved and the adjustment to overall DBE goals permitted.
c. All communication between the recipient and the federal agency regarding such undue burden or overconcentration waiver requests.
d. All communication between the recipient and the federal agency terminating such undue burden or overconcentration waiver requests and the reasons for the termination.
e. All communication between the recipient and the federal agency expressing that an overconcentration study was performed by the recipient but no undue burden was found.
2015-0349 Deskins Dickinson Wright PLLC 09/02/2015 DBE and commercially useful function information pertaining to the projects commonly known as Gateway 4, State of Michigan Department of Transportation Contract ID 82194-37795 and Westnedge Project, State of Michigan Department of Transportation Contract ID 39022-105128.
2015-0350 Krueger Leidos 09/08/2015 All responses to the FHWA
RFI-DTFH6115RI00006. This RFI was
issued in January of 2015 and we were directed to request the responses by Matthew Phelps, Acting Division Director, Office of Contracting Operations, FHWA.
2015-0351 Bialik Mazel Equities National Associates 09/09/2015 access and copies of unclaimed or outstanding checks, in the amount of
$5,000 and over, for the past five years, including the dates, names, last addresses, and amounts due the payees. (Generally these are accounts payable checks which haven't been cashed within six months.) (A list, instead of actual copies, is acceptable.)
2015-0352A Sidhom   09/09/2015 Requestor is appealing both the fee estimate and requesting a fee waiver.
2015-0353 Edward   09/10/2015 All interviews/ investigations that OIG office has held in my complaint case against central federal lands. This investigation started February 2014 and ended August 2015.
2015-0354 Cherry Exelon 09/11/2015 Any documentation regarding:
1. Work at Washington Boulevard in the City of Baltimore by the City of Baltimore, Federal Aid Project No. STP-000A(2)E, City of Baltimore Contract No. TR03313, S.H.A. Project No. BC 315-062-815.
2.    Work at Sinclair Lane in the City of Baltimore by the City of Baltimore, Federal Aid Project No. HP-BR 2755(1)E, City of Baltimore Contract No. TR03333, S.H.A. Project No. BC 318-016-815.
2015-0355 Greenslit WEINBERG WHEELER HUDGINS GUNN & DIAL 09/14/2015 1. Copies of any track, signal, and train control records related to DOT Crossing No.
629659J, located at the intersection of US Highway 301 and NC Highway 903 in Halifax, NC (the subject crossing), including, but not limited to, applicable design
standards and guidelines; research or analysis related to the types of vehicles that use the subject crossing; research or analysis related to the safety of the subject crossing; measurements of the subject crossing; data or analysis related to the ability of overweight, over-height,
over-width, and/or over-length vehicles to navigate the subject crossing; planning and construction documents; inventory and funding documents; and correspondence related to any of these issues with regard to the subject crossing;
2. Copies of all records related to the design, planning, and construction of the subject crossing, including, but not limited to: applicable design standards and guidelines;research or analys is related to the types of vehicles that use the subject crossing;measurements of the subject crossing; research or analys is related to the safety of the subject crossing; data or analysis related to the abi lity of
over-weight, over-height, over-width, and/or over-length vehicles to navigate the subject crossing; planning and construction documents; inventory and funding documents; and correspondence related to any of these issues with regard to the subject crossing.
2015-0356 Christensen   09/14/2015 Any and all video footage depicting the Ohio Turnpike on November 2, 2012 near Richfield, Ohio, Summit County, more specifically mile marker 173.
2015-0357 Brock-Hamilton Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP 09/16/2015 Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, we request the opportunity to review and copy all documents in the files, including but not limited to electronic mail and computer files, of the Federal Highway Administration FHWA, regarding the U.S.
411 Connector Project, EDS00 0500 00 005,
P.I. 661950, P.I. 0013238, a project identified by the number 335646, and or the project now known as the Rome Cartersville Development Corridor, Bartow County, Georgia the Project. This request seeks all files and documents created, modified, or collected since the date of my last request
on January 14, 2015. We specifically request any documents relating to any analysis of reasonable or feasible alternatives that would avoid the use of the Dobbins Mining Landscape, including any new or updated traffic, cultural, or environmental studies, following FHWAs letter of June 11, 2013, to Commissioner Keith Golden of the Georgia Department of Transportation GDOT; notes and or minutes of any meetings between GDOT and or its consultants and FHWA; notes, emails, agendas, and minutes of a meeting between FHWA and GDOT regarding closeout of P.I. No. 661950 and start up or projected study of P.I. No. 0013238; and any documents transmitted between or among FHWA, GDOT, and GDOTs consultants including Hatch Mott MacDonald, Atkins, GT Hill Planners, and the Adrian Collective relating to the Project.
2015-0358 Schmitz   09/18/2015 A master list of all Class A CDL holders in the United States by State along with the phone number they associated with their license.
2015-0359 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna, LLP 09/21/2015 Records related to the I-81 project from 7/20/15 - 9/11/15.
2015-0360 Ely HIstoric Green Springs, Inc. 09/21/2015 VDOT Project No: 0695-054-0812 Hamilton Road Bridge Replacement Project. Green Spring Rural Historic District, Louisa County, VA (DHR File#2012-1517)
2015-0361 Newman HC Project Advisors, LLC 09/22/2015 A copy of the South Bay Expressway TIFIA-DOT loan agreement (all tranches)
2015-0362 Heiman Law Offices of Henry A. Heiman 09/22/2015 A copy of the unpublished and undated report and survey submitted by O.P. Colan Associates on the issue of HECM mortgages (revers mortgages) and condemnation. Also, copies of any rules and or regulations developed or suggested for implementation by the states DOT on Federally funded projects.
2015-0363 McGee Southern Envirnmental Law Center 09/22/2015 All records in the possession of the FHWA regarding Mid-Currituck Bridge, STIP Number R-2576. This request excludes all records provided pursuant to the previous SELC public records request filed on March 10, 2014.
2015-0364 Rodgers Delaware Riverkeeper Network 09/22/2015 Request for records of the Headquarters Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, PA from August 19 to September 21, 2015.
2015-0365A Sullivan   09/23/2015 Adequacy of search - Requestor was able to locate FHWA or DOT records/state DOT records responsive to his request via internet search engine(s) following a
no-records response by the Office of Civil Rights.
2015-0366 Dyer Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, Inc. 09/24/2015 All correspondence and communications from April 21, 2015 to September 21, 2015, mentioning or relating to the proposed Constitution Pipeline, among and between any employee, administrator, and/or contractor of FERC, and the following companies, and/or representatives of these companies:
Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (including the related entity Cabot Pipeline Holdings, LLC) (e.g., domain name; Constitution Pipeline Company, LLC (including any and all of its
subcontractors) (e.g., domain name;
Dawson Associates (e.g., domain name
John Charlson, Consultant for Several of the Above and Below Listed Entities; John Faso, Consultant for Several of the Above and Below Listed Entities; Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP (e.g., domain name www; Marsh, Wasserman & McHugh, LLC; Piedmont Natural Gas Company (e.g., domain name;
Southwest Energy L.P. (e.g., domain name;
The Elk Street Group, LLC (e.g., domain name;
Tonio Burgos, Consultant for Several of the Above and Below Listed Entities; Tonio Burgos and Associates, Inc. (e.g., domain name;
Williams Partners, L.P. (e.g., domain name
2015-0367 Steiner   09/24/2015 Upon review of the 2035 Federal Aid Highways Transportation Plan for the District of Hawaii 2035 Plan reference is given to the 1998 plan, and there are significant concerns how the 1998 plan was incorporated, given its inaccuracies leading to the Environmental Justice Complaint in 1998 by Bonnie Goodell for the Sustainability Committee and subsequent findings by FHWA Civil Rights department.
I hereby make a FOIA request for all following FHWA communications, correspondence, maps, charts, and any and all documents generated or produced regarding land use for the 2035 Plan, District of Hawaii, specifically
All County of Hawaii land use data from all county sources supplied to the State for
this 2035 Planning Process. This was one of the underlying failures of the 1998 plan.
A list of parties who provided land use
data from the County of Hawaii for the 2035 plan
Regarding Public Meeting workshops held in 2012 and 2014, a list of all meetings and copies of sign in sheets collected.
A list of persons who represented the County of Hawaii at these public meetings.
2015-0368 James   09/24/2015 Any statues or laws that contradicts cases  or statements. (original request will have all the details on it)
2015-0369 Lessem Aldous Walker LLP 09/24/2015 we would like to obtain copies of the following documents related to Trinity Industries ET Plus guardrail header / system (hereinafter the ET Plus):
1. All FHWA communications with any past or present member of the board of directors and/or executive committee of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials that discuss (a) Trinity Industries, Inc., (b) Trinity Highway Products, LLC, (c) the ET Plus, or (d) Southwest Research Institute from June 1, 2014 to present
2. All Freedom of Information Act requests directed to the FHWA related to the ET Plus by any party from June 1, 2014 to present and
3. All responses, disclosures, and/or productions from the FHWA in response to Freedom of Information Requests from
(a) Safety Research and Strategies, Inc., (b) The Safety Institute, Inc., and (c) ABC News from June 1, 2014 to present.
2015-0370 Brown Ulmer & Bener LLP 09/24/2015 Any and all documents and communications regarding Anytime Waste System, LLC located at 4184 Reservoir Ave., Louisville, KY 40213.
2015-0371 Dyer Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, Inc. 09/25/2015 All correspondence and communications2 from April 21, 2015 to September 24, 2015, mentioning or relating to the proposed Constitution Pipeline, among and between any employee, administrator, and/or contractor of FHWA, and the following companies, and/or representatives of these companies:
Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (including the related entity Cabot Pipeline Holdings, LLC) (e.g., domain name; Constitution Pipeline Company, LLC (including any and all of its
subcontractors) (e.g., domain name;
Dawson Associates (e.g., domain name
John Charlson, Consultant for Several of the Above and Below Listed Entities; John Faso, Consultant for Several of the Above and Below Listed Entities; Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP (e.g., domain name www; Marsh, Wasserman & McHugh, LLC; Piedmont Natural Gas Company (e.g., domain name;
Southwest Energy L.P. (e.g., domain name;
The Elk Street Group, LLC (e.g., domain name;
Tonio Burgos, Consultant for Several of the Above and Below Listed Entities; Tonio Burgos and Associates, Inc. (e.g., domain name;
Williams Partners, L.P. (e.g., domain name
The above-listed requests may or may not be associated with: (1) the current FERC Docket No. CP13-499; and (2) the previous FERC Docket No. PF-12-9,
2015-0372 Sucharski Newsome Melton 09/30/2015 I would like to request a copy of the September 29, 2005 letter from Barry Stephens, Sr. Vice President of Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requesting acceptance of a modified anchorage design for the REACT 350 crash cushion, including all attachments. The FHWA responded to this request on November 2, 2005, HAS-10/CC-26H:
2015-0373 Shupp Western Pacific Signal 09/30/2015 I would like to request either an electronic (where possible) or alternatively a paper copy, of the FHWA applications that were submitted for the national connected vehicle research project (FHWA Application), compiled earlier this year. Specifically, I am requesting:
1. FHWA RFP advertisement and application docs.
2. Final RFP report copies (including exhibits and appendices) from all applicants, including (but not limited to) Caltrans PATH LA Metro, Wyoming DOT, Tampa Regional COG, NYSDOT, WSDOT Portland, and various private firms.
3. Selection scoring sheets and FHWA staff evaluations of application submittals.
4. Letters, memos, and emails relating to application clarification andor supplemental information requests to applicant agencies, or their respective traffic engineering consulting representatives, related to application selection.
5. Letters, memos, and emails relating to pre-award, and official award announcement of successful project applications.
If there are FOIA related duplication costs associated with producing these copies, please advise details, so we may arrange for payment of such fulfillment and document duplication costs. Thank you for your assistance with this request.
2015-0374 Williams Law Offices of Bedingfield
& Williams, LLC
09/30/2015 All contracts, endorsements, amendments, work orders, correspondence and any documents between the US Department of Transportation, the State of South Carolina and Metric Engineering, Inc., for services rendered in the State of South Carolina.
2015-0375 Duxbury North Dakota Game and Fish Department 10/01/2015 Traffic count memo and map for the Little Missouri River Crossing Project.
2015-0376 Schaff   10/01/2015 By this request, I am specifically seeking all documents related to 23 USC section 130 funding for improvements to the public highway-railroad grade crossing (DOT# 749-745L) located near the intersection of
Hesperian Blvd and Springlake Drive in San Leandro, California. I am happy to accept these document electronically via email and will pay for all costs associated with the searching or delivery of these documents.
This information is not being sought for a commercial purpose; rather, this information is sought for purposes of litigation between private parties.
2016-0001 Anderson WRDW News 12 10/02/2015 Fee benefit requested Fee waiver requested
Expedited processing requested Dear FOIA Officer
I request access to and copies of documents pertaining to weight violations for commercial vehicles in Georgia and South Carolina from 2010 to October of 2015.
I would like to receive the information in electronic format.
As a representative of the news media I am only required to pay for the direct cost of duplication after the first 100 pages.
Through this request, I am gathering information on the number of cited andor documented overweight vehicles on Georgia and South Carolina roads that is of current interest to the public because overweight vehicles aren't just a safety concern; they also cost taxpayers a lot of money in the form of road repairs. This information is being sought on behalf of WRDW News 12 for dissemination to the general public.
Please waive any applicable fees. Release of the information is in the public interest because it will contribute significantly to public understanding of government operations and activities.
If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act. I will also expect you to release all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material. I, of course, reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or to deny a waiver of fees.
As I am making this request as a journalist and this information is of timely value, I would appreciate your communicating with me by telephone, rather than by mail, if you have questions regarding this request.
Please provide expedited processing of this request which concerns a matter of urgency. As a journalist, I am primarily engaged in disseminating information.
After a number of deadly accidents involving tractor trailers this year, I want to see if there has been a documented increase in overweight vehicles.
I certify that my statements concerning the need for expedited processing are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I look forward to your reply within 20 business days, as the statute requires.
2016-0002 Tate McClatchy Newspapers 10/02/2015 I am writing on behalf of McClatchy Newspapers to request a copy of the cooperative agreement between FHWA and the Southeast Kentucky Economic
Development Corp. for the establishment of a regional intermodal park in Somerset, Ky., signed between 2002 and 2006.
I request that the records be provided electronically and as they become available. I also request expedited processing.
In the event that this request results in research or copying, McClatchy requests a public interest fee waiver because the material being sought is likely to be used in a newspaper story.
We would argue strongly that there is a significant public interest in our reviewing the material being sought because disclosure of the information is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of government and is not primarily in McClatchys commercial interest.
McClatchy is one of the nations largest newspaper groups with 29 publications in 14 states, reaching millions of print and online readers, and qualifies as an entity that acts primarily in the publics interest.
Your office may require FOIA requesters to commit to paying fees. However, we feel strongly that a public interest fee waiver should prevail in this instance. Should this letter prompt questions, please feel free to call me at the numbers below.
2016-0003 Wuest Coats Rose 10/02/2015 Copies of correspondence and any other written information permissible for dissemination to the public regarding the history of S. Pete Diaz Ave. and the public highway excepted to in the 1944 Deed.
2016-0004 Walters Traffic Research & Analysis, Inc. 10/08/2015 a copy of Contract DTFH71-13-D-00003 issued to Kimley-Horn and Associations, Inc. (KHA) and a copy of KHAs submittal for solicitation DTFH71-13-R-00005.
2016-0005 Hawkins Vinson & Elkins 10/08/2015 I request copies of the most recent versions of the following documents
regarding the US 1 Reconstruction Phase 1, Maryland State Project Number PG624_21 College Avenue to University Blvd (MD
193) that have been received or reviewed by agents of the Federal Highway Administration:
1. Key plan sheets;
2. Right-of-way plats; and
3. Right-of-way data sheets.
2016-0006 Senikidze   10/08/2015 A copy of Wyoming proposal , the grant, and any additional details regarding how Wyoming will be using their portion of the
$42 million for next generation vehicles and infrastructure technologies.
2016-0007 McClure Geck Duea & Olson, PLLC 10/08/2015 request information regarding US Highway 10 in Minnesota; specifically for documentation showing the building of the freeway through the Northwest suburbs of Minneapolis and St. Paul, from I-35W through Anoka, between University  Avenue and Anoka completed in the 1970s. Our office requests documentation regarding the identity of contractors and or subcontractors who completed such work, as well as what property owner the  property was purchased from or taken from via eminent domain.
2016-0008A Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 10/09/2015 Appealing the adequacy of the search and improper withholding or documents under 7(a)
2016-0009 Dickey IV   10/09/2015 All documents used in the analysis and decision to deny the request to add the Parking/Transit Alternative to the Environmental Assessment for the CO FLAP 34 &
36 Moraine Avenue and Riverside Drive Project as an option.
2) All communications to include emails and letters from Tony Galardi, Project Manager, CFLHD, 12300 W Dakota Ave., Lakewood, CO 80228 concerning the analysis and decision to deny the request &om Mayor Pinkham of Estes Park, Colorado to add the Parking/Transit Alternative to the Environmental Assessment for the CO FLAP 34 & 36 Moraine Avenue and Riverside Drive Project as an option
2016-0010 Johnson Marston Legal, PLLC 10/14/2015 WA PFH 29-1(1) Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Road
Mt. baker-Snoqualmie national Forest, King County WA
Contract DTFH7014C00009
1. Documentation identifying the governments officers and employees assigned to the above project including each persons position, role and authority to direc the work and including without limitation identification of the Contracting
Officer(CO) and Administrative Contracting Officer(ACO).
2. Documentation identifing all funds currently apropriated for the construction of the above project including but not
limited to the initial contract award amount, all contract modifications amounts and all other currently apropriated funds that may be used to pay for additional work performed on this project.
3. All documentation FHWA prepared, utilized and relied upon to arrive at the estimated quantities identirifed in the bios
2016-0011 Willaredt   10/15/2015 , I am requesting all documents and video submitted to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for acceptance in 2005 for the Safe Stop Trailer TMA (trailer mounted attenuator) by Energy Absorption Systems, Inc.
Reference number HSA-10/CC-78C was used in a letter from John R. Baxter, Director, Office of Safety Design, dated June 15, 2005 to Barry D. Stephens, Sr. Vice President Engineering, Energy Absorption Systems, Inc.
I spoke with Nicholas Artimovich, Office of Safety, FHWA, on 10/9/15 regarding the files; he located the documents and video using CC-78C. Per his request, I have included him in this correspondence
2016-0012 Goering Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. 10/15/2015 request copies of the following records from January 1, 2012, to the present: 1.All records or information regarding the membership requirements applicable to Metropolitan Planning Organizations
(MPOs) under 23 U.S.C. 134(d) andor the application of those requirements to the Metropolitan Council.
2.All records or information regarding statutory changes to 23 U.S.C. 134(d) and or how those changes impact or might impact the Metropolitan Council and or its membership.
3. All records or information regarding the need to have, or presence of, local elected officials on the Metropolitan Council.
4. All records or information regarding the need to have, or presence of,appropriate State officials on the Metropolitan Council. 5.All records or information regarding the need to have, or presence of, officials of public agencies that administer major modes of transportation in the metropolitan area, including representation by providers of public transportation on the Metropolitan Council.
6. All records or information regarding the relation of the Metropolitan Councils Technical Advisory Board (TAB) to the MPO membership requirements in 23
U.S.C. 134 (or its implementing regulations) or the TABs role in satisfying those requirements.
7. All records or information regarding any proposed (State or federal) legislative or regulatory changes, lobbying proposals, platforms, or strategies, and legal or administrative challenges to or regarding the MPO membership requirements in
23 U.S.C. 134 (or its implementing regulations) or the application of those membership requirements to the Metropolitan Council.
8. All communications and records of communications (including, but not limited do, letters, e-mail correspondence, text messages, voice mails, phone notes, and documents summarizing, describing, or referencing personal or telephone conversations) regarding or relating to any and all of the topics identified in Request 1-7 between any member, official, officer, director, employee, consultant, lobbyist, agent, or representative of the Federal Highway Administration or any of its divisions, offices, or departments, and any of the following individuals and entities: a.The Minnesota Department of Transportation, including all officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants, lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof
b. The Federal Transit Administration, including all officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants, lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof
c.Any other division, branch, or office of the United States Department of Transportation, including all Secretaries, Administrators, officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants, lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof;
d. The Metropolitan Council, including all members, officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants, lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof;
e. The Governor of Minnesota or the Governors office, including all officials, officers, directors, employees, consultants, lobbyists, agents, and representatives thereof;
f.Any lobbyist or organization or entity that engages in lobbying activities on behalf of any of the individuals or entities identified in Request 7(a) - (e); and
g. Any other individual, organization, governmental entity, or other entity, including all political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota.
2016-0013 Youngman Washington and Lee University Huntly Hall 10/15/2015 request access to all documents within the custody and control of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the following categories:
I . Any settlement agreements, consent judgments, and or other such documents that evidence the terms of any settlement or resolution of any lawsuits or causes of action involving claims under section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (codified at 23 U.S.C. 138 and 49
U.S.C. 303) and that were entered into between January I , 2005 and the present (up to and including the date of production).
2. Any internal FHWA or Department of Justice memoranda or guidance regarding the negotiation, settlement, andor resolution of claims under section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966.
2016-0014 Tang Civille & Tang, PLLC 10/15/2015 Guam Department of Public Works Bile & Pigua Bridge Reconstruction Project, Project No. GU-NH-NBIS(007)
2016-0015 Retton Stantec 10/16/2015 Copies of the winning proposal for Bridges Inspection Services, DTFH-14-R-00011 and DTFH71-12-D-00012.
2016-0016 Wyman   10/19/2015 Requesting copies of all notes, electronic mails, letters and whatever documents are being held pertaining to reconstruction work on US Highway 377 in Pilot Point, Texas.
2016-0017 Elmendorf AGC 10/19/2015 PLA Agreement for contract D900025
2016-0018 Elmendorf AGC 10/19/2015 PLA Agreement for contract # D900031
2016-0019 Elmendorf AGC 10/19/2015 PLA Agreement for contract D900030
2016-0020 Malloe Office of the County Clerk 10/22/2015 request for all FHWA communications, correspondences, and other documents generated or produced in response to the following Environmental Justice Complaint presented by Bonnie Goodell for the Sustainability Committee, on May 11, 1998: 1998 Hawaii Long Range Land Transportation Plan.
The information requested includes, but is not limited to letters, emails, memos, investigative report(s), findings, recommendations, and/or directives.
2016-0021 Montano Holland & Hart LLP 10/22/2015 Freedom of Information Act Request for Documents
2016-0022 Foulon   10/23/2015 Any and all correspondence between FHWA and WSDOT, NPS, US. Army
Corps of Engineers, City of Bellevue, and any other Federal Agency or state of Washington Agency, or Tribe, or Local Government regarding WSDOT 112th Ave. SE to 8th St. Widening Including any reference to 112th Ave. to SE 8th St. segment (or original Bellevue Project) or the 1-90 to SE 8th St. segment (original Bellevue Nickel)
2016-0023 Hoover Eyak Preservation Council 10/23/2015 This request is limited to documents dated after February 1, 2014. Requested are all information regarding the Shepard Point Road and Deep Water Port, the Cordove Oil Spill Response facility and/or Port and/or POA-1994-1014, Orca Inlet.
1. Official Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, or Memorandums of Agreement between the Native Village of Eyak, the Alaska Department of Transportation, and public facilities, and Federal Highway Administration that you have regarding Shepard Point Road and Deep Water Port, the Cordova Oil Spill Reponse facility and/or Port/Orca Inlet. 2.All emails and documents between the Army Corps of Engineers, The Western Federal Lands Highway Division, State of Alaska Statewide Transportation Improvement Program and the Native Village of Eyak, regarding the Shepard Point and Road project, POA-1994-1014 Orca Inlet or the Cordova Oil Spill Response facility. Fee Waiver is Requested
2016-0024 Anderson Anderson Paint Store LLC 10/26/2015 Description of public record requested: 07-1W2404
1.Copy of Construction Estimator and blue sheet
2.DBEs list for each 3.Each Modification
2016-0025 Kim Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee 10/26/2015 All communications between the FHWA and Rep. John L Mica, US House of Reps., and his staff from January 1993 to present that are related to All Aboard Florida project and FHWAs allocation of private activity bonds to the project. Also, any documents related to FHWAs decision to approve the allocation of private activity bonds to All Aboard Florida.
2016-0026 Anderson WRDW News 12 10/26/2015 I request copies of the number of tractor trailer crashes in both Georgia and South Carolina each year from 2010 -2014. Please also include (general) statistics for the causes of those accidents (for example: speed, following too closely, etc) and the number of fatalities and/or injuries associated with the accidents.
I am also looking for a breakdown of overweight violations in both South Carolina and Georgia. I received the number of overweight violations for 2010 -2014 in a previous Freedom of Information Act Request (FHWA Control Number
2016-0001). However, I would like to see where those violations occurred. In this request, I am asking for a list of where these violations were cited. (For example - 2,000 violations reported at weigh station A and 1500 at weigh station B. It doesn't need to be the specific information for each individual crash.)
I understand there are thousands of violations each year, so I'd like to keep this request as simple as possible. If there is an electronic document already complied for any of those years that lists all violations, please forward it to me in lieu of my specific request, and I will go through the info to  find it myself
2016-0027 Hubbard USC Sol Price School of Public Policy 10/27/2015 Im a Doctoral student at USCs Sol Price School of Public Policy and am doing my Thesis on a new way to fund infrastructure. Id like to get the following information if possible:
1) For TIFIA loans, the:
a) FY closed,
b) Primary source of revenue,
c) Interest rate(s) for issued loan, and,
d) Cost if issuance for that loan.
Ive collected all the data I can find from the TIFIA website and Ive attached it in a spreadsheet (1st tab - Financed).
On-line, I found 116 projects, but only partial found data for 44.
For the cost if issuance, Im looking for the total cost of issuing a loan. If thats not readily available, I can the projects annual budget and the amount of loans approved for that year. If I can this for 5 or more years then I can find a weighted average.
2016-0028 Esposito   10/27/2015 Information subject of the laws, rules, and regulations that conforms to the current standards prescribed by the MUTCD for Streets and Highways adopted by the commissioner. (More details on the original request)
2016-0029 Rodgers Delaware Riverkeeper Network 10/27/2015 copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania DOT's HQ Road Bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, PA. from September 22 to October 26, 2015. This request also includes all attachment mentioned in these documents.
2016-0030 Rodgers Delaware Riverkeeper Network 10/29/2015 a copy of Attachment 7 PennDOT Crash History Summary.
2016-0031 Finch, Jr. Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP 11/02/2015 we request the below described documents:
(A) Owner: City of Los Angeles, and any of its agents, employees, officials or representatives.
(B) Person: natural persons, firms, associations, organizations, partnerships, businesses, trusts, corporations, and public entities.
(C) Project: the construction project known as the Riverside Drive Viaduct Replacement Over Los Angeles River Bridge No.
53C-0160, W.O. Nos. E700002F and
E700301F; Federal Project No. BHLO 5006(221).
(D) Related To: those items that constitute, evidence, record, reflect, analyze, summarize, support, refute or comment upon.
(E) Writings: as defined in Federal Rule of Evidence 1001(1) as letters, words, numbers or their equivalent set down in any form. REQUESTS
(1) All construction updates Related To the Project prepared by the Owner or any other Person dated on or after January 1, 2011;
(2) All Writings Related To risk analyses andor risk management for the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011;
(3) All Writings Related To requests for funding by the Owner or any other Person for the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011;
(4) All Writings Related To delays to construction of the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011;
(5) All Writings Related To revisions to the design of the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011; and
(6) All Writings related to claims andor potential claims on the Project dated on or after January 1, 2011, including without limit claims for differing site conditions
2016-0032 Johnson Thompson Research Group 11/03/2015 Total FHWA reimbursement by month, year, and state for all U.S. states, except for Texas, for the last 10 years. MS Excel format is preferred.
2016-0033 Martinetti Bazan Huerta & Associates 11/03/2015 All writings relating to the operation and accident history of AIM Relocators, Inc. d/b/a Advantage Industrial Machinery Relocators, Inc., DOT #1358592, inlcuding: accident reports, certificates of insurance, certificates of authority, notices of revocation, warnings, notices of suspensions, citations, letters, forms,
e-mails, text messages, and charters.
2016-0034 Martinetti Bazan Huerta & Associates 11/03/2015 All writings relating to the operation and accident history of AIM Relocators, Inc. d/b/a Advantage Industrial Machinery Relocators, Inc., DOT #1358592, inlcuding: accident reports, certificates of insurance, certificates of authority, notices of revocation, warnings, notices of suspensions, citations, letters, forms,
e-mails, text messages, and charters.
2016-0035 Williams   11/03/2015 Grant application/contract for Utah State Project No. 6690 R3 FZ52647 ZF-0092(12)1,
FMIS Project No. F005(290); and All Buy America Act waiver documentation regarding the aforementioned project.
2016-0036 Quereshi NAACP Legal Defense Fund 11/05/2015 1. All versions of the Maryland Department of Transportation's most recent Title VI Program filed with FHWA;
2. FHWA's approval letter ofthe Maryland Department ofTransportation's most recent Title VI Program;
3. All letters and/or communications to the Maryland Department of Transportation from the FHWA (and vice versa) regarding any Title VI deficiencies from January 1, 2010 to present;
4. All versions of the Maryland State Highway Administration's most recent Title VI Program filed with FHWA;
5. FHWA's approval letter of the Maryland State Highway Administration's most recent Title VI Program;
6. All letters and/or communications to the Maryland State Highway Administration from the FHWA (and vice versa) regarding any Title VI deficiencies from January 1, 2010 to present;
LDF requests that any records that exist in electronic form be provided in their native electronic format on a compact disc, digital video disk, internet transfer, or equivalent electronic medium. LDF requests that any documents stored in Portable Document Format (PDFs) be provided as individual files in a searchable PDF format.
2016-0037 Bell Kelly & Walker LLC 11/09/2015 Documents and communications related to ID PFH24(13) as follows:
1. bidding, source selection, contract negotiations, and contract award by WFL to TK Construction on the project.
2. Copy of Contract with TK Construction.
3. All applications, draw request and/or demands for payment submitted by TK in connection with the project.
4. Schedule and detail of payments made to TK construction including but not limited to what amount was paid, when payments were made, to whom payments were addressed and any information related to the financial institution which TK construction used.
5.Proposed or actual agreements or arrangements with or communications regarding proposed schedule for completion for the project and changes to the schedule for the project.
6.Proposed or actual amount retained by WFL in connection with the completion of the project.
7. Change orders issued by TK whether approved or not.
2016-0038 Walkinson The Children's Home Society of Florida 11/10/2015 an address for  b(6)        of West Holden in Orlando.
2016-0039A Zagrean   11/10/2015 I am writing to appeal the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) decision to deny my FOIA request dated August 17, 2015, in which I requested the FHWA analysis of 2005 crash tests validating that the ET Plus with 4-inch guide channel was crash tested in May 2005.
The decision relies on 1) Exemption 7(a) authorizing the withholding of records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes and on 2) Exemption 5 protecting the deliberative process that covers agency personnel.
I argue that both grounds of denial are unfounded as follows
1) Exemption 7(a) First, the FHWA does not have law enforcement powers, and therefore cannot invoke Exemption 7. Second, the documents I have requested were created in the course of FHWAs ordinary business and not for the purpose of any investigation. Third, the FHWA has not specifically identified the subject or target of an investigation - on the contrary, I understand that the official position is that the product has enjoyed an unbroken chain of eligibility. For each of these reasons, Exemption 7(a) does not apply.
2) Exemption 5: For Exemption 5 to apply, the FHWA has the burden of proving that
the requested documents are both predecisional and deliberative. The FHWA has done neither. Further, even if privilege might arguably apply, the government has waived its right to invoke Exemption 5.
Lastly, the FHWA cannot assume the authority of deciding what may or may not confuse the public, as this exemption describes as part of its general purpose.
Rather, the FHWA must face public scrutiny of its exercise of public service - including its deliberation and decision making processes which it seeks to protect here through this Exemption. For each of these reasons, Exemption 5 cannot be invoked.
Based on the above I request that the decision to deny my request be reversed and that the documents requested be provided immediately under the rights guaranteed by FOIA.
2016-0040 Parra-Guedez Sperry Capital, Inc. 11/10/2015 I would like to request BOTH the TIFIA Letter of Interest and TIFIA Application for the following Projects financed by TIFIA:
I-77 HOT Lanes Project
North Tarrant Express (Segments 3A and 3B)
I-4 Ultimate Project
I-95 HOV HOT Lanes
SR 91 Corridor Improvement
U.S. 36 Managed Lane Bus Rapid Transit Projects: Phase 2
U.S. 36 Managed Lane Bus Rapid Transit Project: Phase 1
North Tarrant Express Segments 1 and 2A Capital Beltway High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes
I-595 Corridor Roadway Improvements IH 635 Managed Lanes
2016-0041 Parra-Guedez Sperry Capital Inc. 11/10/2015 I would like to request TIFIA Letter of Interest for the following projects that have requested TIFIA financing:
Midtown Express (Texas Department of Transportation)
C470 Express Lanes (Colorado High Performance Transportation Enterprise) 183 S (Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority)
IH 35 E (Texas Department of Transportation)
SH 288 (Texas Department of Transportation)
I would also like to request the TIFIA Application for the following projects that have requested TIFIA financing:
IH 35 E (Texas Department of Transportation)
SH 288 (Texas Department of Transportation)
2016-0042 Brachanow Atlantic Engineering Associates, Inc. 11/13/2015 Any and all public records of FHWA pertaining to Atlantic Engineering Associates, Inc. and Mass DOT and RFR # 201406S1EFS, Statewide Bid- Engineering Field Survey and Mass DOT Contract
#71348. Please disclose all Documents, Correspondence and Communication which would include, but not be limited to:
1. Investigation notes, communication and documents regarding any and all complaints by Mass DOT and by Atlantic Engineering Associates, Inc.
2. Conflicts of Interest Mass DOT.
3. State and Federal Law violations.
4. Approval of Mass DOT SOP's and Policies and Procedures.
5. Information regarding Mass DOT issuing ineligible contracts, defamation of Atlantic, unfair procurement and contract practices, arbitrary and capricious actions, withholding of work from Atlantic.
6. Architects and Engineers Review Board and RFR Selection Committee Members.
7  b(6)                                                           
8. Any and all information regarding the estimating of the value of work expected and/or Engineers Estimate for the work proposed, by Mass DOT for above contract and RFR. Federal monies paid on Mass DOT engineering and field survey during 2014 and 2015.
9. Mass DOT DBE goals met during 2014 and 2015.
10. Conflict of Interest.
11. Stewardship and Oversight agreement with Mass DOT.
12. Any other information that would be relevant to our complaint.
2016-0043 Willaredt   11/17/2015 I am requesting all documents and video submitted by Energy Absorption Systems
in 2002 for FHWA acceptance for their Safe Stop 180 TMA (trailer mounted attenuator). In particular, I would like to receive a copy of the report that was submitted titled, NCHRP Report 350 Crash Test Results for the Safe-Stop 180 TMA and all video of all tests that were conducted.
The above report and tests were referred to in a letter from Carol H. Jacoby, Director, Office of Safety Design dated July 11, 2002 to Barry D. Stephens, Sr. Vice President Engineering, Energy Absorption Systems, Inc., reference number HSA-10-CC-78C.
Mr. Nicholas Artimovich handles Impact Attenuators at FHWA, Office of Safety. He was quite helpful with another impact attentuator FOIA request. I have included him in this email.
2016-0044 Elliott Law Offices of Elliott & Elliott 11/17/2015 I080 Reconstruction/Road Improvement Project US Route 209 and Shafers Schoolhouse Road intersection.
2016-0045 Hornsby Hornsby Law 11/17/2015 copies of documents regarding an accident caused by carrier Joel Transport, Inc.
2016-0046 Hornsby Hornsby Law 11/17/2015 copies of documents regarding an accident caused by carrier CG Auto Transport.
2016-0047 Creekbaum Hayes Harkey Smith Cascio LLP 11/18/2015 All records, communications of investigations or inquiries, complaints or statements made by or regarding Jeff Mercer, LLC, Jeff Mercer to USDOT
2016-0048 Creekbaum Hayes, Harkey, Smith & Cascio 11/18/2015 various documents regarding and/or concerning Jeff Mercer, LLC under the laws of the State of LA and DBE, and Jeff Mercer.
2016-0049 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 11/19/2015 Records related to the I-81 Viaduct Project, between September 11, 2015 and November
6, 2015.
2016-0050 Guderian Motorcycle Safety Consulting 11/20/2015 Request for the Motorcycle VMT for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia for the calendar years of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.
2016-0051 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 11/20/2015 records of a meeting with FHWA officials and  b(6)       
2016-0052 Wanner Harris Beach Attorneys At Law 11/23/2015 Federally Funded Project on Queensboro Bridge (New York City)
2016-0053 Brunelle Mesa Verde Enterprises, Inc. 11/23/2015 Under the Freedom of Information act, Mesa Verde Enterprises, Inc. requests a copy of the bid documents for the potential low bidder on the Dripping Springs and Baylor Canyon Roads bid. Mesa Verde is willing to pay any potential costs accrued for providing this information.
2016-0054 Miller Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance 11/24/2015 Certified payroll records from the above noted contractor (LB Civil Construction, Inc.) for project (Convict Lake Road - DTFH68-15-B-00005) from the beginning of the project to today's date (11/16/2015).
2016-0055 Miller Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance 11/24/2015 We formally request the following information on the above referenced project (Convict Lake Road - DTFH6815B00005 - Prime Contractor: LB Civil Construction, Inc.): 1) Contract Number; 2) Bid Advertising Date; 3) Bid Opening Date; 4) Wage Decision and Modifications; 5) Estimated start-up date (Notice to Proceed); 6) Length of project for each contractor (Calendar or Working Days); 7) Amount of general contract; 8) Name, address and contractors license number of each awarded contractor and/or subcontractor; 9) Copy of Signed Agreement
2016-0056 Taylor Herback General Engineering 12/01/2015 Copies of bid packages for the following companies that also bid on the Whitney Portal Road Project (DTFH68-15-B-00017) on November 17, 2015:
1. Leaders Contracting
2. Hat Creek Construction
3. Road and Highway Builders
2016-0057 Bandy   12/02/2015 I am requesting copies of all communications (written and electronic) and notes of verbal communication(meetings, phone conversations, etc. ) to do with the signs for the HOV lane on Highway 36 in Colorado.
More specifically for US Highway 36 in Colorado from the Broadway exit to Boulder. And all communication to do with the proposed wording on, and number and placement of signs for the HOV lane.
2016-0058 Hernandez Internation Union of Operating Engineers 12/02/2015 WA NPS MORA 14(8) Nisqually to Paradise Phase II
1. Inspectors Daily Reports
2. Field notes
3. Pictures
4. Certified Payroll
2016-0059 Pres HK Construction 12/02/2015 Design files, TIN. DGN PLM CON and survey files
2016-0060 Preiser McDonald Toole Wiggins, PA 12/04/2015 any and all records, reports, documents, measurements, statements, photos, videos concerning an incident in FY Myers, FL.
2016-0061 Grubb   12/04/2015 copies of all EIS, DEIS, SEIS, and FEIS for the WV highway project US340-Charles Town Bypass to Virginia Line as listed in the active EISs table on the FHWA webpage
www.environment tive_eis.asp
2016-0062 Toolan Oldcastle Law group 12/04/2015 Documents regarding SCDOT Project No. BR26(012); SC File No. 26.036774A
Interchange at US 17 Bypass & SC 707 Farrow Parkway - Horry County, SC.
2016-0063 Plotch, PhD, AICP Saint Peters University 12/04/2015 I am seeking an electronic copy of the following information relating to the Tappan Zee Bridge.
- FHWA's 2015 progress reports
- 2015 inspection reports
- Steering Committee minutes and materials.
2016-0064 menditch Stein Mitchell Cipollone Beato & Missner LLP 12/07/2015 The light sequence and pedestrian traffic light pattern at the intersection of 14th and I Street, NW on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 between the hours of 4pm and 5pm EST.
2016-0065 Papavizas Winston & Strawn LLp 12/07/2015 A copy of the FHWA communication dated October 27, 2015 that is referenced in two recent CRS reports appearing to indicate that cargo preference applies to
the highway program.
2016-0066 Siegwart Siegwart German American Law, Inc. 12/07/2015 This is request is for all documents for the past 15 years, for big oak Flat Tunnels, located on Big Oak Flat Road/Highway 120 in Yosemite National Park, regarding the condition, design, renovation,
maintenance, construction and or repair of the rock face over the tunnel entrance and exit.
2016-0067 Pickens Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 12/08/2015 Contractor: Dig It Construction, Inc. Project: CA FLAP 111 Beckwourth Genesee Road (DTFH68-14-B-00011)
Copies of the following:
1. Start Date
2. Estimated Completion Date
3. Funding Source(s)
4. Dollar amount of Contract
5. Project Location(s)
6. Contractor License Number and Name Style
7. Copy of Payment Bond and Performance Bond
8. Copy of Contract between the Contractor and FHWA
9. Copies of Bid/Solicitation documents submitted by the contractor
2016-0068 Vazquez Vazquez & Vazquez 12/09/2015 The instant request for the disclosure and production of documentation and information is made pursuant to the Freedon of Information Act on behalf of Betteroads Asphalt LLC and Betterecycling Corp. The documents and information at issue concern all documents, communications, memoranda, emails, correspondence and the like received, generated or issued in regards to Walter C. Waidelich, Jr.s November 18, 2015 Final Decision Regarding Exception Request of Super Asphalt and the Puerto Rico Highway and Transit Authority
2016-0069 Vazquez Vazquez & Vazquez 12/09/2015 The instant request for the disclosure and production of documentation and information is made pursuant to the Freedon of Information Act on behalf of Betteroads Asphalt LLC and Betterecycling Corp. The documents and information at issue concern all documents, communications, memoranda, emails, correspondence and the like received, generated or issued in regards to  b(6)                            November 18, 2015 Final Decision Regarding Exception Request of Super Asphalt and the Puerto Rico Highway and Transit Authority
2016-0070 Redding   12/10/2015 Answers to questions regarding Above Ground utility Structure Placement.
2016-0071 Walker Law & Moran 12/10/2015 All documents related to DOT Crossing Number 723002L in Cordele, GA, including but not limited, to all crossing inventories, photographs of the crossing, signalization authorizations, annual reports and documents reflecting federal aid of funding.
2016-0072 Guttman Brown, Dean, Wiseman, Proctor, Hart & Howell, LLP 12/10/2015 a certified copy of ALL documents in the Federal Highway Administration, Texas Divisions possession for Highway-Rail Grade Crossing DOT No. 755624C located in Houston, Harris County, Texas; the intersecting street is Fondren Road.
My request includes a request for copies of ANY and ALL correspondence, agreements, invoices, approvals for expenditures, or any other documents related to selection, installation, andor maintenance of the signal system at the crossing, exchanged or received by the Federal Highway Administration, Texas Division, concerning this crossing. I agree to pay reasonable postage, duplication fees and other reasonable applicable fees for the processing of this request in an amount not to exceed $500.00. However, please notify me prior to your incurring any expenses in excess of that amount. I would also request that all records forwarded be certified and will pay any additional fees concerning same.
2016-0073 Kepple Todd & Weld LLP 12/11/2015 I am writing to request a certified, unredacted copy of your inspections of Harold Levinson Associates LLC, in the past 24 months any other documents you have regarding Company: Harold Levinson Associates LLC at 21 Banfi Plaza Farmingdale, NY 11735 US DOT Number: 798144
2016-0074A Goering Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. 12/11/2015 Appealing the denial of access to two emails.
2016-0075 Powers POLITICO 12/11/2015 I am requesting a copy of any correspondences between the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation/the
N.C. governors office, the Virginia Department of Transportation/the Virginia governors office, or the Missouri Department of Transportation/the Missouri governors office, related to tolling or a highway tolling pilot program from January 2010 until December 2015.
2016-0076 Powers POLITICO 12/11/2015 I am requesting a copy of any correspondences between the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation the
N.C. governors office, the Virginia Department of Transportation the Virginia governors office, or the Missouri Department of Transportation the Missouri governors office, related to tolling or a highway tolling pilot program from January 2010 until December 2015.
2016-0077 Powers POLITICO 12/11/2015 I am requesting a copy of any correspondences between the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation the
N.C. governor s office, the Virginia Department of Transportation the Virginia governors office, or the Missouri Department of Transportation the Missouri governors office, related to tolling or a highway tolling pilot program from January 2010 until December 2015.
2016-0078 Mountcastle, Esq. GallagherSharp, LLP 12/14/2015 Dear Ms. Patterson:
Please accept this Freedom of Information Act request regarding Federal Aid Project No. RRPG-OOOS(326) concerning the payment of federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration to the State of Ohio for the Ohio Buckeye Crossbuck program. I am enclosing a certificate for your signature regarding any documents that you retrieve from your system relating to this federal project. The purpose of the enclosed certificate is to authenticate the accuracy of the documents retrieved from the Federal Highway Administration's system. As such, the appropriate legal custodian of these documents should sign the certificate. Please review the certificate, and if it meets with your approval please have it signed and send the original executed certificate to me in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. I will need the certificate with your original signature (or the original signature of the custodian of records) because this certificate along with the documents you provide will be filed in the above referenced court case. For your reference I am enclosing a copy of documents relating to this project that we previously received from your office, along with a certificate dated May 9, 2005 signed by Steven Baumann of your office.
Please provide an invoice for any copying costs incurred by your office pursuant to this request. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
2016-0079 Mountcastle, Esq. GallagherSharp, LLP 12/14/2015 Dear Ms. Patterson:
Please accept this Freedom of Information Act request regarding Federal Aid Project No. RRPG-OOOS(326) concerning the payment of federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration to the State of Ohio for the Ohio Buckeye Crossbuck program. I am enclosing a certificate for your signature regarding any documents that you retrieve from your system relating to this federal project. The purpose of the enclosed certificate is to authenticate the accuracy of the documents retrieved from the Federal Highway Administration's system. As such, the appropriate legal custodian of these documents should sign the certificate. Please review the certificate, and if it meets with your approval please have it signed and send the original executed certificate to me in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. I will need the certificate with your original signature (or the original signature of the custodian of records) because this certificate along with the documents you provide will be filed in the above referenced court case. For your reference I am enclosing a copy of documents relating to this project that we previously received from your office, along with a certificate dated May 9, 2005 signed by Steven Baumann of your office.
Please provide an invoice for any copying costs incurred by your office pursuant to this request. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
2016-0080 Pearlman Siegwart German American Law, Inc. 12/15/2015 All documents for the past 15 years, for big oak Flat Tunnels, located on Big Oak Flat Road/Highway 120 in Yosemite National Park, regarding the condition, design, renovation, maintenance, construction and or repair of the rock face over the tunnel entrance and exit.
2016-0081 Rodgers Delaware Riverkeeper Network 12/16/2015 copies of all records filed with or generated by the FHWA relating to all documents, internal and external communications, emails, applications, reports and studies regarding the Pennsylvania DOT HQ Road bridge project in Tinicum Township, Bucks County, PA from October 27 to December 14, 2015.
2016-0082 Plews Safety Research & Technologies, Inc. 12/16/2015 Please provide any and all documents, including but not limited to drafts, of the following from 1970 to the present:
1. Any and all documents related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
2. Any and all documents between YOU and the New York Department of Transportation, New York City Department of Transportation, and/or any
governmental or roadside safety agency in New York related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
3. Any and all documents received from the New York City Department of Transportation and/or any New York roadside safety agency related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
4. Any and all documents received from the American Association of State Highway Officials related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
5. Any and all documents received from ATSSA related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
6. Any and all documents including agreements, bids, proposals, contracts related to the implementation, repair, and/or replacement of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
7. Any and all state, city, and/or federal roadside design guidelines, plans, and/or policies referencing Texas Twist guardrail systems.
8. Any and all documents referencing the replacement and/or ban of the Texas Twist guardrail systems.
9. Any and all documents referencing vehicular impact hazards associated with Texas Twist guardrail systems including but not limited to rollover hazards.
10. Any and all research studies, in-service performance evaluations, reports and/or
the like referencing the field performance of Texas Twist guardrail systems including but not limited studies, evaluations, and/or reports from universities nationwide.
11. Any and all research studies, evaluations, reports or the like published by the Transportation Research Board related to and/or referencing Texas Twist guardrail systems.
12. Any and all roadside design engineering drawings and/or site plans referencing the removal and/or replacement of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
13. Any and all meeting minutes, logs, and/or notes related to the design, installation, removal, testing, and/or use of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
14. Any and all lawsuits and/or property damage claims alleging a hazard or defect related to Texas Twist guardrail systems.
15. Any and all documents related to the purpose or reason for the removal of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
16. Any and all documents that mention, discuss, or otherwise reference the installation of guardrail systems, guardrail componentry, traffic signals, traffic signs, and or the like at or near the location of underground and/or above ground electrical cable and/or sources.
17. Any and all training documents related to the installation, replacement, repair of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
18. Any and all roadside design guidelines and/or policies referencing Texas Twist guardrail systems.
19. Any and all documents between YOU and any and all state departments of transportation that mentions, discusses, or otherwise references Texas Twist guardrail systems.
20. Any and all documents including but not limited to agendas related to conference proceedings and/or seminars that mention, discuss or otherwise reference Texas Twist guardrail systems.
21. Any and all invoices, contracts, bids, and/or procurement documents related to the replacement and/or repair of Texas Twist guardrail systems.
22. Any and all documents to and/or from Dick Powers related to Texas Twist turn down guardrail systems
2016-0083 Black   12/16/2015 I am requesting all documentation relating to Federal Highway Administration-Office of Civil Rights investigation on Select Development and Construction Inc and Pima County.
This relates to a complaint filed on August 8, 2014 by  b(6)        of Blue Diamond.  b(6)        Division Civil Right Specialist, is the lead investigator on this case.
I am requesting all information pertaining to this investigation including audits, investigation reports, investigation results, payment information, interviews and any other pertinent information relating to this investigation. This includes:
-All information and communication between Pima County and USDOT regarding Select Development since August 8, 2014.
-All information and communication regarding Select Development, its suppliers, contractors, any other related parties
2016-0084 Lykins Democratic National Committee 12/16/2015 Any and all records of communication and FOIA requests between FHWA and John Kasich.
2016-0085 Gambill Hasty Pope 12/17/2015 Records concerning carrier Candler Concrete Products, Inc.
2016-0086A Retton Stantec 12/18/2015 Appealing the use of exemption 4.
2016-0087 Cabrera R.E. Cabrera & Associates 12/21/2015 As a follow up to my earlier request and based on additional information received from Mr. Artimovich, I wold like to amend my previously submitted FOIA request as follows:
All crash test reports and video of the QuadGuard system associated with the following FHWA letters:
CC-35 through CC-35I
CC-42 through CC-42B
CC-52 through CC-52B
2016-0088 Argenti   12/21/2015 List of Projects in that used SAFETEA federal funding for a greenway, and what type of surfaces were put down
(stone-dust, compacted soil, hard surface like asphalt or concrete, either pervious or impervious). Kindly list City, State, Date funded, dated completed, and funding amount, if possible.
2016-0089 Rudolf   12/21/2015 Under the FOIA, I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of public records for three categories of information:
1) Property Inventory: a complete inventory of the agency's real property
2) Lease Abstracts: an inventory of leases with salient terms, including location, term, annual rent, lease expiration date, date of first cancellation, lessor, etc
3) Requirements for Real Property: the needs for real property that the DOT is seeking. This information includes requirements (geography, size, timing, attributes, and other terms) to lease and purchase any and all types of real property.
2016-0090 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 12/22/2015 Records pertaining to the I-81 Challenge project between November 6, 2015 and
December 17, 2015.
2016-0091 Inouye FI Consulting 12/23/2015 All data records from the data fields and data tables used to store deal information including borrower characteristics, deal terms, and loan performance for all TIFIA direct and guaranteed loans from FY 1999 to the present.
2016-0092 Taft Ahlers & Cressmann PPLC 12/29/2015 Project known as Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Road, Contract No. DTFH7014C00009 at Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest, King County, Washington; I am writing to request copies of all documents described below for the time period between April 2014 and the end of February 2015.
1. All Documents which relate to, pertain to, or reference in any way Project costs, including but not limited to change orders, payment applications submitted for the Project, and any payments made;
2. All Documents which relate to, pertain to, or reference in any way invoices or support for payment applications and change orders;
3. All Documents which relate to, pertain to, or reference in any way claims, disputes, or settlements submitted on the Project and/or negotiations between Active Construction, Inc. and the WFL with respect to claims disputes, or settlements
on the Project.
2016-0093 Steiner   12/30/2015 After making several FHWA FOIA requests FOIA Control Nos. 2015.0288, 2015.0367 there were items not provided as being under the control of HDOT, in particular see as attached exhibit copy of correspondence from Elizabeth Fischer to John Turner dated 9.25.2015
A list of parties who provided land use data from the County of Hawaii for the
Federal Highways 2035 Transportation Plan regarding Public Meeting workshops
held in 2012 and 2014.
A list of all Public Meetings regarding preparation of 2035 Plan and copies of attendee sign in sheets collected at each meeting including a list of persons who represented the County of Hawaii at the above Public Meetings.
I also am inquiring in particular about the content of the final 2035 Plan, Island of Hawaii specifically On page 21, there is a map of the lower part of Hawaii Island, and entirecommunities are missing from lower Puna below Pahoa, e.g. Leilani Estates and the entire highway from Keaau to Volcano is missing all subdivisions or indications of human life. This same 2035 plan states approximately 40 to 50,000 cars a day travel to Hilo on Rt 11, and about 40,000 a day from Puna currently. If this is a correct map, it should show urban clusters for entire island, not just Hilo and Kona, and the roads must have their proper designation according to the true population centers.
What designates an urban cluster and where did the information for the maps on page 20 and 21 come from. On page 39 of the 2035 plan there is the following statement By 2035, the overall population on the Island of Hawaii is expected to grow by over 60 percent. The most significant growth is expected in Kohala in the communities of Waikoloa and Waimea, as well as in north
Kohala. Where exactly did this significant growth information come from and how did you reach these conclusions. Why is there no mention of the Puna Regional Circulation Plan, a very thorough and comprehensive document including several town centers and multi modal transportation solutions, prepared by Townscape, Inc. in November 2005 for the County of Hawaii Planning Department

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