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2014 FOIA Request Log


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Personal privacy information has been redacted based on FOIA Exemption 6.

Control No Requestor Last Name Requesting Firm Date Logged Subject
2014-0126 Zachritz   01/02/2014 Requesting a copy of all records pertaining to the Fultom Mall Reconstruction project in Fresno, California.
2014-0127 Hayes, Jr. Hayes Law Firm, PLLC 01/02/2014 Requesting any documents pertaining to
US Hwy 278/Hwy 6 within the city limits of
Oxford, MS (Lafayette County, 38655)
2014-0128 McKay Law Offices of Michael J. Morse, P.C. 01/02/2014 The Transportation Mgmt. Plan (TMP) of Dan's Excavating, Inc. concerning MDOT Contract ID82193-76902, JN76902. Any & all documents, memos, reports,
maintenance files, emails, charts, diagrams, photos, videos, plans, notes, call logs, meeting minutes and reveiws concerning construction, incidents, auto collisions,
man holes, man hole covers and sewer work occurring near M39 between 8 Mile Road and 9 Mile Road between
2014-0130 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 01/07/2014 Correspondence relating to project known
as I-81 for period December 2, 2013 through
January 2, 2014.I-81
2014-0132 Perez Tew Cardenas LLP 01/07/2014 Requestor is asking for all documents related to the PD&E phase of the SR7
Extension Project in Palm Beach county from November 15 - December 31, 2013.
2014-0133  b(6)      01/08/2014 copies of sick leave requests from CASTLE
database showing the reasons the sick leave was requested
2014-0136 Sander Tensar International
01/14/2014 Ketchum Challis 26-1(1)
1.All submittals including correspondance, to and from the contractor.
2. Only correspondence related to mechanically stabilized walls, wire wall products /materials, and geogrid.
2014-0137 Lwin   01/15/2014 All e-mails adressed to me (Myint Lwin), which are non-sensitive and publicy releasable, in September, October, November 2013, or when archiving stopped, whichever comes first.
2014-0138 Gunter Local 513 Hoisting and
01/15/2014 Requesting certified payroll records submitted by ASA Asphalt and any subcontractors employed on the Mingo National Wildlife Refute REsurfacing Project, Stoddard & Wayne Counties, MO.
2014-0139 Younger A. Teichert & Sons, Inc. dba
Teichert Construction
01/15/2014 CA SALU 11(2) Payment documentation to show payments made; payment security provided by T.L. Peterson or others
relating to the Entrance Road, San Louis NWR School and T.L. Peterson, Inc contract - surety bonds, deposited funds, instruments of credit.
2014-0140 Torres Latham & Watkins LLP 01/16/2014 All permanent FHWA records for the time period 1965 through 1985 related to proposals to construction, engineering design studiess and records related to the port of entry and border stations at Otay Mesa/Mes deotay
2014-0142 Krueck Fisher Pusch & Krueck LLP 01/22/2014 RE: ID PFH-60(5)/Contract No.
DTFH70-10-C-00026/ Salmon River Road
Knife River is seeking copies of the following documents replate to the project:
1. Any and All documents related to Pay Applications and/or Pay Estimates for the project;
2. Any and all documents and/or contracts between the Federal Lands Highway Division and Debco for the project;
3. Any and all correspondence, in the form of letters, email communications or otherwise, related to the asphalt materials used on the project; and
4. Any and all documentation related in any way to pay deductions.
2014-0143 Beelaert Sidley Austin LLP 01/22/2014 A copy of all letters, memoranda, rulings, determinations, and orders between January 1, 1970, and December 31, 1980, concerning the UNEX sign marketed by American Sign and Indicator Corporation, as well as 'commercial electronic information displays' and related
'commercial electronic variable messages signs.'
2014-0144 Boyd   01/22/2014 All communications and meeting notes
from a meeting that was held on January 12,
2006 with staff from FHWA, DHPA, INDOT, and consultants to discuss Sec.
106 issues. This request includes any e-mail communications regarding the meeting.
2014-0145 Freeburn Freeburn & Hamilton 01/22/2014 Crash test reports or approval letters for
Median Type III Barricade Standards.
2014-0146 Ravnitzky   01/22/2014 A copy of all correspondence between FHWA and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority during 2012 and 2013.
2014-0147 Smith Knife River an MDU Resource Company 01/27/2014 Copies of the following documents reated to WY PRA GRTE 10(12) Outside Hwy Craighead Hill Cunningham Cab project.
1. Any and all documents related to asphalt mix design produced out of the Spread Cr. Pit shown on the plans.
2. Any and all information related to source property testing information, including pit run gradations, specific gravity and absorption tests that is not to be shared as part of the bid packet
3. Any and all test data, in the form of summaries that show asphalt test properties on previous projects. It is not the intent of this request to produce each and every HMA test result, a summary of property testing is sufficient.
2014-0148 Smith Knife River and MDU Idaho
01/27/2014 WY PRA YELL 10(17) Grand Loop Road, Morris to GoldenGate Phase I.
Copies related to the project:
1. Any and all documents related to asphalt mix designs produced out of the designated souce, shown on the plans.
2. Any and all information related to source property testing information, including pit run gradations, specific gravity and absorption tests from job source that is not to be shared as part of the bid packet.
3. Any and all test data, in the form of summaries that show asphalt test
properties on previous projects. It is not the intent of this request to produce each and every HMA test result, a summary of property testing is sufficient.
2014-0149 Hartsell Federal Tower Building 01/28/2014 Any and all documents, maps, studies,
reports, info, emails or other materials FHWA has in its possession regarding any review of the Crosstown Parkway Extension Bridge Project and any of its
alternatives from Nov. 1, 2013 through Jan.
23, 2014
2014-0150 Zabel Mercer-Fraser Company 01/28/2014 Eagle Peak Rock & Paving payment estimates for CA PHH 149(4) & 150-1(1) and dates of all payments made to the contractor.
2014-0151 Asquith Southern Environmental
Law Center
01/29/2014 Requests all records in the possession of the FHWA regarding the Monroe Connectore/Bypass, STIP Numbers R-3329 and R-2559, generated since May 3, 2012.
2014-0152 stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 01/30/2014 copies of scoping comments for I-81
Viaduct project.
2014-0153 b6)     01/30/2014

I am hereby requesting the following information through my rights with FOIA , also I need all records related to the

1- All and Every e mail and correspondence shared between  b(6)                                                                                       

2- All and every e mail and correspondence between  b(6)                                                                                           

3- All and every e mail and correspondence between  b(6)                                                                                           

5- All notifications with dates and times between  b(6)                                                                                            

6- All Emails and correspondence between  b(6)                                                                                              

7- All e mails between  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                   

8- All investigations and interviews regarding  b(6)                                                                                                   

2014-0154 Potts, Esq. Ku & Mussman, P.A. 01/30/2014

I am making a request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act for the following, and am willing to pay for the processing of these requests:

(1) All contracts / federal-funding agreements / grants entered into between the FHWA and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources since 2008. This request includes the contract itself and other related documents (such as civil rights assurances) .

(2) All correspondence since 1992 with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources relating to its obligations under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and/or the Rehabilitation Act.

These documents will be used for non-commercial purposes and are sought with respect to ongoing litigation between my client and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. You may provide the information electronically or at the mailing address in my signature line. Thank you, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

2014-0155  b(6)    01/31/2014 employment information for  b(6)                                                         , who was hired by the Bureau of Public Roads in the  b(6)                                                            from Federal Highway Administration.  b(6)                                                         and you are seeking the date or year of his hiring and his retirement.
2014-0156 Hopkins   01/31/2014 The final report of the Highway 217 DBE fraud investigation and subsequent action plan with curretn progress.
2014-0157 LeCroy Hattenburg Dilley and Linnell Engineering Consultants 02/03/2014 Request one copy of Geotech Report
#093-93366 dated November 1,2010 for the project entitled Kake to Seal Point Road (AK PFH 40-1(1)).
2014-0158 Kroeger Snell & Wilmer 02/03/2014 Copies of all standard forms used by FHWA with applicants concerning the use of criminal background checks and consumer reports from January 1, 2010 to the present.
2014-0159 Armand, Jr., Esq. Marin Goodman, LLP 02/03/2014 Copies of all records maintained by this agency concerning lane closures, traffic alerts, detours, construction, and all other traffic related information and documentation kept about the cumulative one mile of roadway preceding and following Interstate 278 E-Grand Central Pkwy. at Exit 45 in Queens, NY from June
17, 2009 through June 18, 2009.
2014-0160 Lipton The New York Times 02/04/2014 I request copies of any correspondence between the FHA and Gov. Chris Christie or his administration as it relates to the level of funding available for relief efforts related to Hurricane Sandy. I would also like any correspondence that details how New Jersey intends to spend the money it is being allocated from FHA for Sandy related relief.
I would like copies of this correspondence, including letters from New Jersey officials and from FHA, from September 2012 through the date of this request, or the date that you respond to this request.
2014-0161 LaGarce Laborers Employers Coorperation and Education Trust 02/04/2014 Requesting copies of certified payroll records for employers that worked on the Mingo National Wildlife Refuge Resurfacing (DTFH7113B00005),
2014-0162 Soto Clean Air Organizing for
Health and Justice
02/04/2014 Request all correspondence and reports in attendance to moving truck traffic off the Peace Brigde, both internal and external, between Federal and local New York agencies.
2014-0164 O'Brien   02/04/2014 1. Any and all correspondence, e-mails, memoranda, reports, approvals, applications, interchange justification reports, environmental documentation, cost benefit analyses, traffic studies, plans, diagrams and/or other documents received by the Federal Highway Administration regarding the proposed Highlands Interchange on Interstate 70 in Ohio County, West Virginia, since June 22, 2012; and 2. Any and all correspondence, e-mails, memoranda, comments, reports, approvals, denials and/or other similar documents received by and/or prepared by the Federal Highway Administration regarding the Interchange Justification Report, dated September 2006, which was prepared by HDR for the proposed Highlands Interchange on Interstate 70 in Ohio County, West Virginia.
2014-0165 Tarasek Hammargren & Meyer, PA 02/04/2014 SD PFH 17-1(7); DTFH68-11-C-00024; Hill City to Lead. The firm request the entire Agency file (hardcopy and electronic) related to this projects including all correspondence between the Agency and the Contracto or subcontractors on the project.
2014-0166  b(6)    02/05/2014 Site assessment report that was done  b(6)                                                                                                                                                               
2014-0167 Boltz   02/06/2014 A copy of Environmental Statements in regards to the initial construction of Interstate 470 in the states of Ohio and West Virginia.
2014-0168  b(6)    02/06/2014 Requesting all e-mails during the time from July 15, 2013 up to January 24, 2014  b(6)                                                                               
2014-0169 Farrar   02/07/2014 Please send me all information concerning
issues with the seat (s), or seat back of
Mercedes Benz , Model CL500, CL 550, Cl
600. Cl 63, CL 65 for the years 2006 to 2012.
2014-0170 Moore   02/07/2014 Requesting the Highway Performance Monitoring System data that is not published online for Missouri - state and local.
2014-0171 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 02/07/2014 Requesting documents and supporting materials related to June and/or July 2012 emails to and from South Carolina DOT regarding ET-Plus guardrail system.
2014-0172 Campbell   02/07/2014 A copy of the re-evaluations that were conducted for the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement - Deep Bored Tunnel Project; on information and belief completed in February and November of 2012;
2014-0173 b6)      02/10/2014 1. All e-mails and correspondence  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
(2) All e-mails and corresponence between  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
(3) All e-mails  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
(4) All e-mails between  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
2014-0174  b(6)    02/10/2014 1. All e-mails and correspondence  b(6)                                                                                                                                                         
(2) All e-mails and corresponence between  b(6)                                                                                                                                                         
(3) All e-mails  b(6)                                                                                                                                                            
and (4) All e-mails between  b(6)                                                                             
2014-0175 Stamps   02/10/2014 Reports of car and truck accidents, to include dangerous hazards, pertaining to Highway 49, Northbound and Southbound, between Waupaca and Antigo during the years of January 2010 through January 2014
2014-0176  b(6)    02/10/2014  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                              
2014-0177 Greene Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal 02/10/2014 Project records and other records discussing or directly relating to the Wisconsin 164 Rehabilitation Project in Washington County, Wisconsin, Project ID #2709-03-00
2014-0178 Perez Tew Cardenas, LLP 02/10/2014 Requestor is asking for any and all electronic documents, including but not limited to emails, memoranda, summaries, correspondence (internal and external), notes and reports (draft and final form) for the period January 1 - 31, 2014 regarding the SR7 Extension Project in Palm Beach County Financial Proj ID No. 229664-2-22-01; FAP#4752-030-P.
2014-0179 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP 02/11/2014 Records pertaining to I-81 Challenge from January 2, 2014 throgh February 11, 2014.
2014-0180 Brown Law Office of Russell Brown 02/11/2014 Any (a) FOIA request, or (b) subpoena for document, inspection or testimony, received by FHWA relating to Trinity, Texas A&M, the ET-Plus, Guardrail Terminals, SPIG, Selco or Harman.
2014-0181 Cody Schlemlein Goetz Fick & Scruggs, PLLC 02/12/2014 Any and all timing sheets, phasing documents, letters, correspondences,
notes, etc related to the Intersection S. 12th St. and S. Orchard St., Tacoma, Pierce County, WA in effect on any date from February 1, 2011 through the present. Also, all information related to any motor vehicle accident occurring in or near (within 50 yards).
2014-0182 Adams Law Office of Morgan
02/13/2014 State of Tennessee Construction Zone
Safety Campaings for FY
2014-0183 Jaster Fletcher & Sippel, LLC 02/18/2014 A complete copy of all documents relating to Federal Aid Project Number
STP-0000-2C-00. Additionally, please provide a complete history and all documents relating to the intersection of Conger Street and the Railroad Crossing in Waterloo, Iowa.
2014-0184 Tan   02/18/2014 Details on two awarded FHWA proposals, FHWA-PROJ-10-0029 and
FHWA-PROJ-10-0023, on nanomechanical research in transportation.
2014-0185 Terpstra Cox Media Group
Washington Bureau
02/18/2014 All emails sent to and from Rodney Barry, FHWA Georgia Division, from January 27 through January 29, 2014. As a result of a follow-up discussion on February 19, 2014, requester narrowed his request to emails specifically related to the snowstorm that occurred in Atlanta during the dates mentioned above.
2014-0186  b(6)    02/18/2014

1- Email exchange between





2- Email exchange between




3- Performance appraisal forms for





4- performance appraisal forms for






2014-0187 Edward   02/18/2014

1. All the investigations and interviews

2. The site assessment report done by

3. Set of e mails between  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

4. Set of e mails betwee  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

5. Set of e mails between  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

6. Copy of  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

2014-0188 Adams Law Offices of Morgan
02/18/2014 State of Tennessee Safety Zone Campaings for FY 2010,2011,2012,2013
2014-0189 Johnson Center for Contract
02/18/2014 Bonnie Clare Road Improvement DTFH6813B000010: name of the awarded general contractor and / or prime contractors; sub contractors list; estimated start and completion date; bid advertisement date and award date.
2014-0190 Brogan Academic Analytics 02/19/2014

Hello, I am writing to initiate a FOIA request for an excel file that contains grants awarded during FY2013 with the following fields.

Requested Fields: Name of the Principal Investigator, Federal Award ID, Title, Funding Amount, Obligation Date, and the Start and End Dates for FY-2013 grants.

2014-0191  b(6)    02/19/2014  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
2014-0192 Zimmer   02/24/2014 the annual spending on two interstate highway spurs (175 and 375) in Downtown St. Petersburg FL. I want to know how much it costs (State or Federal) each year to maintain these specific lengths of highways and the estimated cost of repairs or improvements scheduled for the future.
2014-0193 Murray   02/24/2014 My request is for all files, correspondence, documents, contracts, emails, letters, maps, notes, or any other information pertaining to the Georgia DOT project P.I. # 0006873, CSSTP - 0006-00(873).
2014-0194A Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 02/24/2014 Appeal of the Adequacy of the Search for several items requested.
2014-0195 Shaik   02/24/2014 Information about a FHWA employee Mr.Joseph Werning and Douglas Atkin. The information I need consists of their education and Professional License numbers,issuing authority and expiration date
2014-0196  b(6)       02/24/2014  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
2014-0197 Murray   02/24/2014 For all files, correspondence, documents,contracts, emails, letters, maps, notes, or any other inforamtin pertaining to the Georgia DOT Project DOT
2014-0198 Coker   02/25/2014 copies of documents and drawings relative to the planned Norfolk Southern intermodal facility in Jefferson County, Tennessee as follows: (1) Widening, closing or
restricting access to Ken Manley Lane, a/k/a Ken Manley Road, Whitaker Road, Old Highway 11E, a/k/a Old Andrew Johnson Highway, and New Highway 11E, a/k/a New Andrew Johnson Highway; (2) Changes to any existing roads and building any overhead bridges or underpasses or railroad crossings to provide access to the properties on the North side of the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks in the vicinity of the intermodal facility; (3) Documents and drawings showing the location of utilities
to service the operations of the intermodal facilities; (4) Any changes to the present Norfolk Southern railroad tracks in the immediate intermodal area; (5) Plans or drawings relating to either rebuilding or removing the existing overhead bridge connecting the North and South sections
of the adjoining Whitaker/Coker/Fairview Farm LP property; (6) any plans by Norfolk Southern to acquire any portion of the adjoining Whitaker/Coker/Fairview Farm LP property.
2014-0199 Juva-Brown The Journal News 02/26/2014 A copy of the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) program application submitted by the New York State Thruway Authority for the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement project. Also a copy of related documents/attachments to that application
2014-0200 Kennedy Lynchburg Regional
Chamber of Commerce
02/26/2014 copies of public records and/or make available for inspection any and all electronic and hard copy communications between the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the Advisory Counsel of Historic Preservation concerning anything related to the construction of and decisions concerning the proposed expansion and modification
of U.S. Highway 29 Bypass or U.S Route 29
Bypass around Charlottesville.
2014-0202 Lider Lider Engineering on behalf of the Sierra Club 02/28/2014 Project: WA FS ERFO 071-2023, Suiattle River Road MP6.0-MP 14.4 combined projects.
Provide all superintendent logs, inspection reports, diaries or similar documentation showing the daily time of commencement of project activities and the daily time of
cessation of project activitities from April 1,
2013 through September 15, 2013.
2014-0203 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 03/04/2014 Material related to I-81 project; records from February 11 through March 3 in FHWA's possession..
2014-0204 Tokarski   03/04/2014 I am seeking a copy(s) of any and all communications between Indiana Finance Authority (IFA), FHWA- IN Division, EPA Region 5, INDOT, Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), or
any other agency or consulting party regarding any National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Reevaluation or Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement addressing the Public Private Agreement to fund Section 5 of the I-69 extension.
Please also include any/all communication(s) in all forms with FHWA, IFA, other agencies, INDOT, INDOT consultants and sub-consultants in regards
to the above mentioned documents.
The time-frame for this request would be between 2013 and 2014 calendar years
2014-0205 Kunzelman Associated Press, New
03/04/2014 A copy of every Highway Safety Improvement Program annual report submitted by each of the 50 states,plus the District of Columbia, to the Federal Highway Administration since 2006. If FHWA has conducted its own audit, analysis or other review of a states participation in the Highway Safety Improvement Program since 2006, please provide me with copies of any reports related to that process.
2014-0206 Luther   03/05/2014 I would like all correspondence between
United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and
The office of Congressman Paul Broun (R GA, 2007 to present)
The office of Congressman Rodney Davis
(R IL, 2013 to present)
The office of Congressman John Delaney
(D MD, 2013 to present)
The office of Congressman Jeff Denham (R CA, 2011 to present)
The office of Congressman Robert Dold (R IL, 2011 to 2013)
The office of Congressman Bill Enyart (D IL, 2013 to present)
The office of Congressman Bill Foster (D IL, 2008 through 2011 and 2013 to present) The office of Congressman Phil Gingrey (R GA, 2003 to present)
The office of Governor Nikki Haley (RSC,
2011 to present)
The office of Congressman Jack Kingston
(R GA, 1993 to present)
The office of Senator Charles Patrick Pat
Roberts (R KS, 1997 to present)
The office of Congressman Brad Schneider
(D IL, 2013 to present)
The office of Congressman John Tierney
(D MA, 1997 to present)
2014-0207 Maloney Hoosier Environmental
03/05/2014 Copies of the FY 2013 Financial Plan annual updates, and or Project Management Plan annual updates, as required by federal law, prepared by the State of Indiana for the I 69
Evansville to Indianapolis project, for Sections 1 to 4. INDOTs 2013 Fiscal Year ended on June 30, 2013, so we assume
these updates are complete by now. Also copies of the Initial Financial Plan and Project Management Plan for Section 5.
2014-0208 Nystrom   03/06/2014 FONSI Environment Document for the
Wekiva Parkway Project (from 2012)
2014-0209 Treacy   03/07/2014 Requestor is asking for paper copies of public comments made to FHWA Environmental Specialist Cathy Kendall concerning the Crosstown Parkway Bridge Project in December 2013.
2014-0210 Genzler Vandeventer Black LLP 03/11/2014 VDOT Project No: (FO) 0066-076-115, C501; (FO) 0066-029-128, C501 FHWA No: AC-NH-0661-1(303); AC-NH-066-1(302)
2014-0211 King ZAP Legislative Courier Service 03/11/2014 All communications, documents and records of any kind in the possession of FHWA DOT relating to the proposed exit 15B from Interstate 87, including the feasibility study conducted by Wilbur Smith Associates on proposed exit 15B.
2014-0212 Asquith Southern Environmental Law Center 03/11/2014 requesting records related to the Mid-Currituck Bridge, STIP Number R-2576, generated since May 3, 2012.
2014-0213  b(6)    03/11/2014  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


2014-0214 Ramey   03/12/2014 copies of all Title VI Civil Rights complaints submitted to the FHWA between January 1, 2013 and Match 11, 2014.
2014-0215 Canby OneRail Coalition 03/12/2014 I would like to obtain state level information for apportionments, obligations and unobligated balances for this set aside for the MAP-21 period (or MAP & SAFETEA).
2014-0216 Maurer, Sr.   03/12/2014 a.) Copies of those documents (documents
to mean any form of communications whether by telephone, fax, e-mail, sent by United States Postal or other similar means, text communications, and notes takes from the aforementioned, along with pictures, photographs, images, and other forms, letters, and notices) sent to the FHWA for approval pertaining to Map-21 and/or the proposed additional highways that were proposed to be added/or upgraded in
Comal County to a Primary Arterial highway NHS or reclassified under the functional classifications of highways by
the San Antonio Bexar County MPO or San Antonio Bexar County MPO Study Area between Jan 01, 2012 and December 31,
b.) copies of any documents sent by TX DOT, the TX DOT Commission, and/or the San Antonio Bexar County MPO with regards to MAP-21 and updating or requesting approval of the proposed highways to be upgraded pertaining to the functional classification of highways within the San Antonio Bexar County MPO Study
Area within the timeline of January 01, 2012 and December 31, 2013.
c.) copies of any documents or approval notices or letters sent to TX DOT or the TX Dot Commission and/or the San Antonio Bexar County MPO with regards to
MAP-21 and updating or requesting approval of the proposed highways to be upgraded pertaining to the functional classification of highways within the San Antonio Bexar County MPO Study Area within the timeline of January 01, 2012 and December 31, 2013.
D.) copies of any approval notice or document pertaining to the proposed functional classification of highways within the San Antonio Bexar County MPO Study Area within the timeline of January 01, 2012 and December 31, 2013.
2014-0217 Grube Breneman Grube PLLC 03/13/2014 I am requesting copies of all records relating to the City of Burien, Washington
1st Avenue South Improvements Project
(#STPUL-307(002)) which was completed in
2013. Specifically, we are requesting all documents and communications relating to the investigation or processing of any Title VI, 23 U.S.C. 324, or other gender discrimination complaints filed against the City of Burien or DPK, Inc., by DBE Electric Inc.
2014-0218 Padula Padula & Associates, LLC 03/13/2014 A list of all companies, (and their contact information) authorized to transport gasoline on Washington highways. Also, information on which Washington State agency/department regulates gasoline transport vehicles.
2014-0219 Edward   03/19/2014 1) I need all e mails between  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
2) all e mails between  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
2014-0220 Misenko, Esq. FEAD Construction Law 03/19/2014 1.Paper copies of any written or electronic
documents or communications relating to any approval by the Federal Highway Administration FWHA of the Vermont Agency of Transportation VTrans 1990
Standard Specifications for Construction and any General Special Provisions amending or revising it.
2. Paper copies of any written or electronic documents or communications relating to any approval by the FWHA of the VTrans
2001 Standard Specifications for Construction and any General Special Provisions amending or revising it.
3. Paper copies of any written or electronic documents or communications relating to any approval by the FWHA of the VTrans
2006 Standard Specifications for Construction and any General Special Provisions amending or revising it.
4. Any guidelines published by the FWHA relating to approval between 2000 and the present by the FWHA of contract terms and provisions of state departments or agencies of transportation for construction projects receiving federal funds through programs administered by FWHA.
5. Paper copies of any written or electronic documents or communications between September 2009 and the present among a, you and any representative of FHWA on
the one hand and b, any representative of
VTrans on the other hand, including
without limitation Richard Tetreault, David Hoyne, Toni Clithero or John Dunleavy, relating to any possibility of partial or total denial of federal funding for any of the following VTrans construction projects
a. East Montpelier BRF 028 3 36
Contractor Winterset, Inc.
b. Ludlow Culvert STP ST CULV 7
Contractor Miller Construction, Inc. and c. Barre City, North Main Street Reconstruction FEGC F 026 1 34 C2
Contractor Luck Bros. Inc..
6. Paper copies of any written or electronic documents received by you to which you responded by an email to Toni Clithero sent Monday, October 28, 2013 at about 11 am with the subject line reading Subject RE Winterset T Board decision on motion to reconsider. A copy of that email is attached for your easy reference. 7. Paper copies of any written or electronic documents sent or received by you from any representative of FHWA regarding your email to Toni Clithero sent Monday, October 28,2013 at about 11 am with the subject line reading Subject RE Winterset T Board decision on motion to reconsider and the subject of that email.
2014-0221 Fassett Arseneault & Fassett, LLP 03/20/2014 Any and all correspondence, memoranda, or other documents regarding the Developer's Agreement which NJDOT entered into with Prudential in the late 70's and/or the grade separation over I-287 with northbound ramps to and southbound
ramps from I-287, which that Agreement required.
2014-0222 Perdue The Eminent Domian
Litigation Group
03/20/2014 Current project plans showing
right-of-away impacts to properties caused by the Route 1 and Telegraph Road Intersection Improvement Project in s taffor County, VA.
2014-0223 Anderson Vogel Law Firm 03/20/2014 Copies of any and all correspondence, whether in written or electronic form, the FHWA received directly from Mikel Kunza, and any and all correspondence, whether in written or electronic form, the FHWA received in February 2014 and March 2014 referencing F-M Metro COG.
2014-0224 Carrington JH & C, PLLC 03/20/2014 information concerning supplemental guide signs for
super-regional malls. In particular, you requested copies of all e-mails and letters going back ten years from the current date which reference malls, regional malls, shopping centers, shopping malls or retail
in the subject line or body of such e-mail or letter between (i) Linda Brown and any State DOTs and (ii) Linda Brown and State level FHWA field offices.
2014-0225 Harley Chicago Legal Clinic 03/24/2014 Documents Related to the Expansion of
Quentin Road from Illinois Route
68(Dundee Road) to Lake Cook Road, Section No.00-V6426-09-RP &
2014-0226 Sikorski Southern California Labor/Managment Operating Engineers Contract Compliance 03/24/2014 Pinto Basin Road Construction - Cutting
Edge Construction. Request Bid
Advertising Date; Opening Date; Estimated start up date (NTP); amount of general contract; name, address and contractors license number of each awarded contractor and /or subcontractor; copy of signed agreement.
2014-0227A Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 03/25/2014 Challenging adequacy of search and withholding of material under FOIA exemption 5.
2014-0228 Sidhom   03/25/2014 1- Performance appraisals of Mr. Karl Eikermann from 2002 to 2011 where we use to be part of Eastern Federal Lands bridge office, Sterling VA.
2- Any awards or QSI's he ( Mr. Karl
Eikermann) received during the said period
2002 to 2011.
3- The EEO activity of Mr. Michael Davies from 2003 to 2013.
2014-0229 Wallace Potter Garland & Potter, LLC 03/25/2014 documents which pertain to the National Scenic Byway Program Teton Scenic Highway Grant, Project No. SB-2007-ID-05 from April 1, 2012 to the present.
2014-0230 Carrington   03/25/2014 Request for copies of all e-mails and letters going back ten years from the date of the request relating to the AASHTO Guidelines for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs for Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways (referred to Sections 2E.30 and
2E.35, MUTCD (2009)), which e-mails and letters reference malls, regional malls, shopping centers, shopping malls or retail
in the subject line or body of such e-mail or letter between (i) any FHWA employee(s) (excluding Kevin Sylvester) and any State DOTs, and (ii) any FHWA employee(s) (excluding Kevin Sylvester) and State level FHWA field offices.
2014-0231 Hopkins   03/25/2014 Final report and action plan for the highway 217 DBE fraud investigation.
2014-0232 Lider Lider Engineering, PLLC 03/27/2014 Please provide for each day during the period April 1, 2013 through September 15,
2013, all superintendent logs, inspection reports, diaries, or similar documentation showing the daily time of commencement of project activities and the daily time of cessation of project activities for every project on the Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest including but not limited to any construction project, logging
operation, WFLHD project, County Road Project, or any similar operation in Marbled Murrelet habitat areas with restrictions on the start and stop times for construction activities.
2014-0233 Wright   03/28/2014 Any correspondence between the Federal Highway Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation regarding the Interstate 81 viaduct project
in Syracuse.
2014-0234 Mann CP Construction, LLC 03/28/2014 Tiller Trail Highway OR PFH 16(7); copies of the following files, which can be posted under the public directory on the ftp site: Geopak CAD design file in MicroStation DGN format.
2. LandXML file of the horizontal and vertical alignments.
3. LandXML file of the original ground surface.
4. LandXML file of the final design surface.
2014-0235A Carrington JH&C, PLLC 04/01/2014 Adequacy of search.
2014-0236 Shane Taft Stettinius & Hollister
04/01/2014 all the documents reviewed by the Suspension and Debarment Official and relied on by him in making his decision to suspend and propose the debarment of
CESO International, LLC, CESO, Inc., CESO Testing Technology, Inc., David C. Oakes,
and Shery B. Oakes (the Administrative
2014-0237 McDonald McDonald & Cody, LLC 04/02/2014

I request the documents described below as maintained by Federal Office of Motor Carrier Safety at its Washi ngton, D.C., office, regional offices or local offices concerning two 2. motor carriers l. Sef Transport Inc. a Georgia Motor Carrier & 2. Sparti Transport Inc. a Georgia Motor Carrier.

1. The office of Motor Carrier Safety accident report submitted by reference to the accident in question which occurred on October 29,2013 at approximately 7:00a m . In Hall County Georgia. The Motor Carrier was Stef Transport Inc. & Sparti Express Inc. and Driver Keith Allen;

2. Copies of the initial notice of applicable DOT-OMCS rules sent to the motor carrier by the FOMCS, DOT in reference to the accident in question which occurred on October 29, 2013 at approximately 7:00a m. In Hall County Georgia. The Motor Carrier was StefTransport Inc. & Sparti Express Inc. and Driver Keith Allen

3. Copies of all correspondence of records received from or sent to Stef Transport Inc. or Sparti Express Inc.;

4. All driver equipment and compliance checks completed on standard DOT - OMCS equipment and roadside check forms along with copies of any such reports returned to the DOT with reference to the collision that occurred on October 29,2013 at the intersection of Lanier Cold Storage and State Route 365 involving Sparti Express and Stef Transport Inc.;

5. All case reports prepared by any DOT - OMCS agent on this carrier;

6. All safety compliance surveys conducted by any DOT- OMCS agent on October 29, 2013;

7. All memoranda and or reviews maintained in the files created by any state or federal agent, Regional Director, OMCS National Director or Counsel for the U.S. Department of Transportation that relate to Stef Transport Inc. and Sparti Express Inc.;

8. All settlement agreements, consent orders, or federal court action documents in reference to actions taken against the above-listed company. If your files also contain any news releases, we request copies.

9. The safety rating as maintained by the DOT - OMCS on the above-listed company on the date of the accident, Ocotber 29, 2013. We further request the present safety rating;

ll. All vehicular accident reports as submitted by the above-listed company for 2008,2009, 2010,2011,2012 and 2013;

12. Any other related documents concerning the above-listed company's past and present state of compliance with the motor carrier safety regulations andor hazardous materials regulations.

13. Any available printout or reports available for Safety Net as reported into by state and federal inspection officials.

14.The insurance filings MCS 90 forms on file for the above-listed company.

2014-0238 Stout, Jr. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 04/02/2014 I-81 Viaduct Project - copies of records of communications between FHWA and any or all of the NYSDOT or the Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council as well as supporting documents in FHWA's possession on or after March 3 through April 2.
2014-0239 Ryan   04/02/2014 All records of GDOT's and Federal Highway's involvement/participation in Type II Noise Abatement projects .
2014-0240A Edward   04/04/2014 Appealing the withholding of records under FOIA Exemption 5.
2014-0241 Dunagan Judicial Watch 04/04/2014

1. Any and all records regarding, concerning, or related to the feasibility, implementation, management, and/or potential economic impact of a mileage-based tax, to replace and/or augmnet the federal gasoline tax.

2. Any and all records regarding, concerning, or related to the establishment of the proposed Surface transportation Revenue Alternatives Office.

2014-0242  b(6)    04/07/2014

I would like to request the following FOIA documents:

1) All e mails between  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              IT and IT only

2) All previous complaints filed from  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


2014-0243 Nickson Wilder & Linneball 04/08/2014 Various documents regarding an outdoor advertising sign located in Montgomery County. Documents include correspondenc ebetween FHWA, NYSDOT and FHWA intwrnal offices.
2014-0244 Premo Black American Road & Transportation Builders Association 04/09/2014 A complete data dump of all project information that currently resides in the Federal Management Information System (FMIS) project tracking system.
2014-0245 Donald   04/09/2014 Any and all FHWA/ALDOT files for the Section 106/4(f) review process following the September 30, 2009 Section 106 meeting.
2014-0246  b(6)    04/09/2014 All documents related to a)  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
2014-0247 Stevens   04/14/2014 Recent correspondence with the City of Cando regarding the ADA complaint.
2014-0248 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 04/15/2014 Copies of Participaitng Agencies in I-81 Viaduct project.
2014-0249 Beach Green Diamond Resource Company 04/15/2014 Request for a copy of the Cultural Resource Investigation done by McKenny & Gough on Project WA-PFH 208(1) Camp Grisdale Road
2014-0250 Horvath Connell Foley LLP 04/15/2014 1. Copies of records produced in response
to FOIA request submitted to the FHWA within the last year by attorneys from Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., Riker Danzig Sherer Hyland Perretti, LLP or
Arsenault, Whipple Fasset & Azzarello LLP
seeking government records concerning the construction of an Interstate 287 flyover at the intersection of New Jersey Route 10 and Interstate 287 in the Township of Hanover, New Jersey. In responding to this request, please provide both the original FOIA request as well as the documents produced in response to such requests.
2. Copies of correspondence exchanged between officials at the FHWA and officials at the New Jersey DOT, including but not limited to Richard Dube, regarding the construction of a fylover at the intersection of New Jersey Route 10 and Interstate 287 in the Township of Hanover, New Jersey.
2014-0251 Green Equal Treatment Now, Inc. 04/15/2014 2012-2013 Fiscal Year Copy of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Annual Fiscal year Rights Report
2014-0252 Green Equal Treatment Now, Inc. 04/15/2014 2012-2013 Fiscal Year Copy of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Annual Fiscal year Rights Report
2014-0253 Holmes, Esq. Mobile Barriers, LLC 04/18/2014 1. Copies of Award/Contract
#DTFH61-08-C-00004 and all records pertaining thereto
2. Copies of Award/Contract
#DTFH61-08-D00012 and all records pertaining thereto
3.Copies of Award/Contract DTFH61-05-00029 and all records pertaining thereto.
2014-0254 Kunzelman Associated Press, New
04/18/2014 All data contained in the Federal Highway
Administration's Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) for every Highway Safety Improvement program project (including the High Risk Rural Roads Program and the Railway-Highway Crossing Program) in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia from August 10, 2005, through the present day.
2014-0255 Levin   04/22/2014 Access to a copy of any and all recorfs, correspondence, or other documents related to Lesli Gooch.
2014-0256 Billec Elite 04/22/2014 Information regarding DTFH71-13-B-00014
- contract award
2014-0257 Cramer Hartman Walsh Painting
04/22/2014 Razorback, LLC's proposal and all correspondence related to
DTFH-14-B-00001, Ombudsman's contact information handling Distric and immediate supervisor's contact information.
2014-0258 Soto Clean Air - Organizing for
Helth and Justice
04/23/2014 All correspondence, reports, etc. in attendance to the New York Gateway Connections Improvement Project to the US Peace Bridge Plaza, between your agency and Ron Reinas of the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority between
January 1, 2012 and thoday's date, April 22,
2014-0259 Soto Clean Air - Organizing for
Health and Justice
04/23/2014 All correspondence, reports, etc. in attendance the US Peace Bridge Plaza, between your agency Federal and local (New York) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) between January 1, 2012 and todays date of April 22, 2014
2014-0260 Soto Clean Air - Organizing for
Health and Justice
04/23/2014 All correspondence, reports, etc. in attendance to moving commercial truck traffic from the Peace Bridge crossing, both internal and external, between your agency and the US and NY Department of Transportation, between January 1, 2012 and today's date April 22, 2014.
2014-0261 Craig Fluet Huber & Hoang 04/23/2014 Full administrative record on which the Suspension and Proposed Debarment Memorandum was premised.
2014-0262A Edward   04/24/2014 Mr. Adel is appealing the decision the
agency made to withhold 36 pages from his initial request. He is also requesting a
refund in the amount of $319.
2014-0263 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0264 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0265 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0266 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0267 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0268 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0269 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0270 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0271 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0272 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0273 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0274 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 04/24/2014 A copy of documents identified to
1)Basic Contract
4)Business Clearance
5)Technical Proposal
6)Task Orders
7)Delivery Orders
8)Rate/Pricing Data
9)List of Respondents
10)Abstract of Offerors
2014-0275 McAndrew Transportation for America 04/24/2014 Information on each state's CMAQ obligation levels for the past four years, and if a state flexed CMAQ funds in a
given year, how much did the state flex and to what program did they flex funds.
2014-0276 Peaslee Torres Consulting & Law
Group, LLC
04/25/2014 1. NTP Notice to Proceed or estimated
start date
2. Construction schedules andor timelines
3. The signature page of the contract and award letter
4. Labor clauses within the awarding contract including the DBRA requirements
5. Designated Wage Determination incorporated into project contract
6. Subcontractor List
7. All certified payroll records for Stansell
Electric Company, Inc.
8. Contractor Fringe Benefit Statement including, if applicable, apprentices
9. A copy of the Apprenticeship Standard for the bona fide apprenticeship programs in which an apprentices may be registered, as well as, evidence of the formal certification by the Department of Labor
DOL for the Contractor referenced in Item 7
10. Copies of Davis-Bacon compliance interviews conducted by the
contracting agency for the crafts referenced in Item 8, if applicable.
2014-0277 Kornblatt Gibbs Giden Locher Turner
Senet & Wittbrodt LLP
04/28/2014 DTFH68-13-R-00007 & 13-R-00013 Multiple Award Task Order Contract. The firm represents McCullough Construction, Inc. Requesting the complete proposal package submitted by T.L. Peterson. Including: statement of intention to submit a proposal, copy of SBA letter, or proof of eligibility as
a SDVO small business, list of roadway construction projects, proof of registration or licensure in Califormnia and/or Nevada, proof of binding capacity, NAICS code registration, any other attachments to or correspondence regarrding the proposal.
2014-0278 Helgesen Paige J. Donnelly, LTD. 04/30/2014 Copies of commercial vehicle inspections, compliance reviews, and enforcement reports, etc. for Richard Delaney Trucking, LLC.
2014-0279 Hanna Claims Service Corporation of America 04/30/2014 Any records such as documents, reports, photos, or aerial footage that is available, for the road construction at the I-95
Southboubd, Exit 205 in Florida on October
1, 2012.
2014-0280 Pierson eCivis, Inc. 04/30/2014 A copy of the winning grant application from a city, county or state for the most recent award cycle of the grantee programs, National Safe Routes to School Clearinghouse - DTFH61-13-RA-00006 and Work Zone Safety Grants -
DTFH61-13-RA-00019. If this is not available, we request a copy of a winning grant application from another state,
non-profit, or other type of agency that has met or exceeded the standard and expectaitons of the program.
2014-0281 Osburn   05/01/2014 Copies of documentation submitted to the U.S. Department of Transportation relative to a transportation project entitled Illiana Corridor, including but not limited to, Letters of Interest and Applications, financial plans and models, and revenue feasibility studies by the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Indiana Finance Authority, any and all correspondence between the USDOT and each of the above-mentioned applicants
and any list of the documentation
requested by USDOT of each applicant for
Creditworthiness Review.
2014-0282 Smith Sussex One State Prison 05/02/2014 Concerns of stolen license plates.
2014-0283 Olivarez Kern Valley State Prison 05/02/2014 A map of all the Freeways and Highways of the State of California.
2014-0284 Abbott Abbott Law Firm 05/02/2014 Requesting report prepared by FHWA or DOT and any related investigative conclusions regarding the conduct of Delaware DOT in its acquisition efforts on the Jack and Mary Ann Lawson property in Middletown, DE.
2014-0285 Torres Lathan & Watkins, LLP 05/02/2014 RECORDS regarding any data collected and/or studies, analyses, and/or reports prepared by the FHWA or any other agency or entity relating toOtay Mesa/Mesa de Otay Port of Entry for the period 1985 to the present.
2014-0286 Gretz   05/02/2014 A copy of the report that Patrick Kennedy
submitted to the Washington, DC office of the FHWA concerning the investigation of the ADA, etc. complaints and copies of all other documents created through and or by the investigation of the ADA, etc. complaints I filed with the FHWA.
2014-0287 Hubbard Capell & Howard, P.C. 05/02/2014 Requestor seeks all documents, designs, correspondence, electronic mail, plans, drawings, specifications, details, design calculations, manuals, design notes, pier remediation, proposals, memoranda, and minutes in the possession, custody or control of FHWA relating to the Partial Replacement of the ALDOT maintained bridge known as the B.B. Comer Bridge (Project #BRF-0035(503)).
2014-0288 Brown Smith, Currie & Hancock
05/02/2014 on behalf of the Flatiron West Inc. and Kiewit Infrastructure West, Co, Joint Venture that FHWA provide an electronic copy of all documents described in Attachment A. This request falls into fee category as commercial-use requester because the request is primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. We
are willing to pay up to $1000.00 in fees and costs to FHWA for this request.
2014-0289A Waldron   05/07/2014 Very disappointed about the information
that was sent to him from Nikisha Pickett in the matter of his original request. All documents that may have had the information he requested was redacted.
2014-0290 Brown Wigington Rumley Dunn &
Ritch, LLP
05/07/2014 A certified complete copy of all of the
DOA: April 9, 2014; Location: LaSalle County, Texas; State Project-Contract Number: 0017-08-070; Federal-Aid Project Number: 2010067 Description: Reconstruction of north bound main lanes, ramps
a.the Contract and any and all documents related to the Contract
b.the Traffic Control Plan -actual size sheets or 11 x 17
c.the Traffic Control Device Inspection Checklists performed by and kept by the TX DOT engineers and inspectors
c.the index of sheets
d.any and all change orders
e.the Storm Water Pollution and Prevention
Plan - SW3P
f.the dairy for the construction project, specifically the Daily Work Record kept by the TX DOT engineers and inspectors
g.any and all minutes and memorandums concerning the meetings that were conducted prior to the commencing of the above-referenced project, including but not limited to all minutes and memorandums between the State or Federal Government and H.L. Zumwalt Construction, Inc., its employees andor representatives
h.any and all complaints made by the public to TX DOT concerning that portion of the highway maintained by TX DOT i.any and all records maintained by TX DOT pertaining to all accidents that have occurred on that portion of the highway j.any and all construction diaries of all engineers, supervisors and assistants out
on the above-referenced project k.daily logs regarding signage, safety barrels, cones, striping, and any other activities associated with the
above-referenced project and l.photographs andor videotapes of the project.
2014-0291 Jeansonne Dore Jeansonne Law Firm 05/07/2014 Copies of any written or electronic
correspondence, incoming and outgoing; records such as calendars or schedules related to meetings between the Administrator of FHWA and Texas State Senator Wendy Davis and her staff.
2014-0292 Pierson eCivis, Inc. 05/08/2014 A copy of the winning grant application from a city or county or the most recent award cycle of the Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program BR.
2014-0293 Pierson eCivis, Inc. 05/08/2014 a copy of the winning grant application from a city or county for the most recent award cycle of the Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program - Clearinghouse.
2014-0294 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 05/08/2014 Documents relating to I-81 Challenge.
2014-0295 Hunter   05/08/2014 I represent the Utah Department of
Transportation and the State of Utah.
There is litigation pending between the Ute
Tribe and the State authorities over who has arrest powers on which roads in the Uinta Basin. This has led to the question who claims which roads. The Tribe has been unable to provide a map or listing of what it claims to be Tribal Roads. They say that Red Plains, an engineering firm in Vancouver, Washington, has prepared
such a map. I see from your web site that you pay them for 797.4 miles of Tribal roads under the IRR program. Can you give us either a map or a list so that we can
compare it with the map from the counties. UDOT also pays fuel taxes to the counties to maintain their roads. We are trying to figure out if there is over lapping claims and whose roads are which.
2014-0296 CORNELIUS, P.E.,
05/12/2014 All communication between FHWA and
Caltrans regarding the design and construction on state highway in Los Angeles County in Long Beach and Los Angeles Route 47 from Ocean Blvd to Route 103 junction and on Route 103 from Route 47 junction to Anaheim Street Overhead. To include all communications between FHWA and Caltrans regarding the design and constuction of the bridge. All information relating to underground aquifiers in the vicinity of Schuyler Heim Bridge to include geotechnical, geology, hydrology, and foundation reports. Also, all project inspection/observation reports during construction phase of project. (see attachment to hardcopy for adtl request guidelines)
2014-0297 Weaver TRC 05/14/2014 Requesting copies of the winning proposals submittd by the two first who were awarded solicitation no.
2014-0298A Sidhom   05/15/2014 Appealing the excessive redactions of the documents received regarding FOIA request 2014-0186.
2014-0299 Kirtland Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP 05/15/2014 Provide documents on which the May 1,
2014 notice of suspension and proposed debarment to GCC Alliance Concrete, Inc. is based.
2014-0300 Stech The Wall Street Journal 05/15/2014 A copy of the documents listed below.
This request is made as part of news gathering and not for a commercial use.
1.Any and all testing conducted by Trinity Industries (Trinity) or on behalf of Trinity that was provided to the Federal Highway Administration FHWA in draft andor final form related to the ET-Plus guardrail system
2.Any and all test reports andor video or similar media obtained from Texas A & M University Texas A & M regarding the
ET-Plus guardrail system
3.Any and all documents regarding the certification, approval andor acceptance of the ET-Plus guardrail system
4.Any and all communications with Trinity regarding any and all Texas A & M testing conducted of the ET-Plus guardrail system from 1990 to the present
5.Any and all communications with Texas
A & M regarding any testing of the
ET-Plus guardrail system from 1990 to the present
6.Any and all communications with Trinity that pertains the National Cooperative Highway Research Program -NCHRP- Report 350 Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features including but not limited to documents exchanged during the evaluation of the device and the
acceptance process and specifically related to any and all ET-plus highway guardrail safety systems from 1990 to the present
7.Any and all communications between Nicholas Artimovich and any representative of Trinity related to the design, development, performance andor failures of any and all ET-Plus guardrail system
8.Any and all communications between the Office of Safety Design and Trinity regarding the safety andor performance of the ET-plus guardrail system from 1990 to the present
9.The 2012 Informal Survey conducted by
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO sent to the Technical Committee on Roadside Safety that represented that 3 of the 21 member agencies stated that the ET-Plus system was involved in crashes involving serious injury andor death 10.Any and all communications andor correspondence with AASHTO regarding the ET-Plus guardrail system and/or in response to their letter to FHWA dated December 14, 2012 11.Meeting minutes andor documents, presentation from the 2011 meeting related to the AASHTO Technical Committee on Roadside Safety in which the committee considered the NCHRP research proposal, In Service Evaluation of End Terminals.
2014-0301 Telegin Bricklin & Newman, LLP 05/15/2014 a copy of an article titled Grade Separations
- When Do We Separate The article is cited at page 77, footnote 75, of the FHAs Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Handbook, Revised Second Edition,
August 2007. The complete citation of the article is as follows
Nichelson, Jr., G. Rex and George L. Reed. Grade Separations - When do we Separate.
1999 Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Conference. Texas Transportation Institute TTI, College Station, Texas, October 17 -19,
2014-0302 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 05/16/2014 An index of all prior FOIA requests from
2009 to present regarding The ET-Plus guardrail system, Guardrail end terminals, and trinity Industries. The response should include requests made by Boies, Schiller, and Flexner LLC as well as Jones Day, if any.
2014-0303 Kane Safety research & Strategies, Inc. 05/16/2014 All documents, including but not limited to the letter requests and the agancy's letter responses, related to the table provided from FOIA 2014-0096. Further, please provide any and all FOIA letter requests submitted by the law firm of Boies Schiller
& Flexner LLC and all responsive documents related to any and all of their requests, including by not limited to the agency's letter responses.
2014-0304 Coleman Faegre Baker Daniels LLP 05/16/2014 A copy of the record regarding the proposed decision of an extension of the debarment period for Great Lakes Concrete.
2014-0305 Stokes   05/19/2014 Request for all documents in the possession or control o the FHWA that relate to any improvements on U.S.-431 in Barbour County, AL.
2014-0306 Reilly Environment & Energy
05/19/2014 Requests access to and copies of any cost-benefit analyses performed by the FHWA in relation to the Northern Beltline project from October 1, 2009 to the present.
2014-0307 Schwartz   05/21/2014 Information requested about planning and the resource impacts of proposed development in Shockoe Bottom.
2014-0308 Chandler Hasty Pope 05/21/2014 Request to DOT-OMCS and MTB for
Production of Documents.
2014-0309 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 05/21/2014 This request is beign remanded for an additional search: any and all douments related to any and all matters addressed in your January 10, 2013, ketter to AASHTO and in reference to HS5T.
2014-0310 Smith Work Area Protection Corp. 05/21/2014 NCHRP 350 Crash Testing Submittal Documentation including videos. The first and easiest information to provide is for recent crash testing: REACT II Files
CC-26J-need submittal report and videos, TAU II-R CC-75D- need submittal reports and videos, and Compressor - CC-95,
CC-95A or CC-95B, need sumittal report and videos.
Additional requested information may be a little older but is still needed:
1. HEART - CC-89 and CC-89A - only videos needed
2. Original REACT CC-26 - need submittal and videos
3. REACT- CC 0026H - need submittal and videos
4. QuadGuard Elite CC-57B and/or CC-57C - need submittal info and videos
5. REACT 60 CC-73 - need only video
6. TRACC - CC-54 - need only video
2014-0311 Pellecchia Tri-State Transportation
05/21/2014 Base Case Financial Model and the Base
Case Projections for the Tappan
Zee/NYSTA Tifia loan.
2014-0312 Reilly Environment and Energy
05/21/2014 Access to and copies of any cost-benefit analyses performed by FHWA in relation
to the Northern Beltline project in Alabama from October 1, 2009 to the present.
2014-0313 Schwartz   05/21/2014 1. Any and all correspondence between FHWA and the City of Richmond, VA, and the Virginia DOT related to the impact on
I-95, I-195, interchanges and ramps in or near Shockoe Bottom, and local streets related to the development of the proposed Shockoe Bottom baseball stadium, slave history museum, and associated office, hotel, apartments, and parking garages.
2. Any and all correspondence relating to meetings between FHWA and the City of Richmond, VA, and the Virginia DOT related to the impact on I-95, I-195, interchanges and ramps in or near Shockoe Bottom, and local streets related to the development of the proposed Shockoe Bottom baseball stadium, slave history museum, and associated office, hotel, apartments, and parking garages.
3.Any and all documents relating to the impact on I-95, I-195, interchanges and ramps in or near Shockoe Bottom, and local streets related to the development of the proposed Shockoe Bottom baseball
stadium, slave history museum, and associated office, hotel, apartments, and parking garages.
4. Any and all correspondence between FHWA and the City of Richmond, VA, and the Virginia DOT relating to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its application to the proposed Shockoe Bottom baseball stadium, slave history museum, and associated office, hotel, apartments, and parking garages.
2014-0314 Reilly Environmental and Energy
05/21/2014 Access to and copies of any cost-benefit analyses performed by FHWA in relation
to the Northern Beltline project in Alabama from October 1, 2009 to the present.
2014-0315 Sikorski Southern California
Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance
05/21/2014 Pinto BasinRoad Construction
FTNPJOTR1K4: Certified payroll records from the beginning of the project through May 15, 2014.
2014-0316 Jetha Kimley Horn 05/22/2014 Copies of the proposals, including the oral presentations, of the shortlisted firms from the previous cycle of this contract for DTFH71-14-R-00011.
2014-0317 Blankenship Blankenship Massey & Associates, PLLC 05/22/2014 A copy of public records providing any
and all contracts/documents reflecting who is responsible for cleaning/maintenance of the rest area located at I-271 south bound, Richfield, Summit County, Ohio.
2014-0318 Lider Lider Engineering, PLLC 05/27/2014 WA PFH 29-1(1)Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Rd Provide email pdf copies of all documentation confirming the start and stop times, including all inspection reports and certified documents that relate to the start and stop time for all construction activities for the period of April 1, 2014 to May 22, 2014.
2014-0319  b(6)    05/30/2014 Copies of any and all determinations or reasons given for  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
2014-0320 Pierson eCivis, Inc. 05/30/2014 a copy of the winning grant application from a city or county for the most recent award cycle of the grant program, Multistate Corridor Operations and Management. . If a successful city or county application is not available, please provide us with a copy of a winning grant
application from a state, non-profit, or other type of agency that has met or exceeded
the standards and expectations of the program.
2014-0321 Wilson   06/03/2014 copies of any and all documentation leading to Illiana Scrap (Crete, Illinois) being listed as an NPL eligible site, under section of the Illiana Corridor Tier One Final Environmental Impact Statement.
2014-0322 Newton Community Preservation Zone Association of Daufuskie Island 06/03/2014 A copy of the FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR FERRY SERVICES IN BEAUFORT COUNTY FY2014 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program.
2014-0323 Greene Monarch Electric 06/03/2014 A copy of the Payment & Performance Bonds for DTFH71-14-C-00011.
2014-0324 Lee   06/05/2014 records of successful proposals and supplementing proposal data on all contracts awarded in 2012 starting with the date of 01/01/12.
2014-0325 Jones   06/05/2014 A copy of cprrespondence from Unite States Congressman Bruce Braley and the response to the correspondence from January 2007 through present.
2014-0326 Jones   06/05/2014 A copy of correspondence from Unite States Congressman Travis Childers and the respose to the correspondence from May 2008 through January 2011.
2014-0327  b(6)    06/05/2014 All FOIA documents related to any correspondence between
2014-0328 Martin Office of Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWIne 06/09/2014 a copy of the FHWA decision on the NES debarment
2014-0329 Ely Historic Green Springs, Inc. 06/10/2014 All engineering studies, analyses,
photography, drawings and reports prepared by the VDOT or any
subcontractor or entity employed by VDOT or any other such referenced studies in the possession of VDOT referring to VDOT project no. 0695-054-0812, Hamilton Road Bridge Replacement Project, Green Springs Rural Historic District, Louisa County, VA. All correspondence and communications, whether received or sent by you (including digital, electronic CDs, DVDs, notes of telephone calls, emails) in your possession or available to you regarding VDOT Project No. 0695-054-0812, Hamilton Road Bridge Replacement Project, Green Springs Rural Historic District, Louisa County, VA.
2014-0330 Ruch Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility - PEER 06/10/2014 request access to and copies of any emails or other correspondence dated from January 1, 2014, to June 1, 2014, between New York State Thruway Authority employee Maria Lehman and FHWA New York Division employees regarding the New York Gateway Connections Improvement Project to the U.S. Peace Bridge Plaza in Buffalo, NY.
2014-0331A Juva-Brown The Journal News 06/10/2014 Appealing DOTs decision in a letter on May 15, 2014 to deny access to the request filed on March 19, 2014, FOIA number
2014-0332 Naifeh Demos 06/11/2014 Disclosure of all Forms 562 submitted
between 2004 and 2014 inclusive by the following states
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia
District of Columbia
2014-0333A Kornblatt Gibbs, Giden, Locher, Turner, Senet & Wittbrodt LLP 06/11/2014 The appeal is based on the second
sentence of FAR Subpart 24.202(a), which qualifies the sentence quoted in CFLHD letter.
2014-0334A Mann   06/11/2014 Appealing the decision not to provide requested records in LandXML format.
2014-0335 Wilson   06/12/2014 copies of any and all documentation leading to Illiana Scrap (Crete, Illinois) being listed as an NPL eligible site, under section of the Illiana Corridor Tier One Final Environmental Impact Statement.
2014-0336 McGoldrick Beck & Amsden, PLLC 06/12/2014 Safety Violations for Expedite
Transportation trucking company DOT #
2014-0337 McGoldrick Beck & Amsden, PLLC 06/12/2014 Safety violations for First Continental
Freight, LLC, DOT # 1593454.
2014-0338 Wisniewski   06/12/2014 Mr. Wisniewski is requesting a copy of all documents and records related to the KYTC project know as Item No. 7-425, Interchange I-75 in Scott County. He is interested in reviewing infomration related to the purpose and need for the project, alternatives considered, and specifically traffic, accident studies, and analysis that were completed. He is also interested in correspondence, electronic, or otherwise between the FHWA Division and FHWA HQ Offices, Transportation Cabinet, any other State officials, and the Toyota Corporation.
2014-0339 Rodriguez   06/17/2014 Certified copies of any and all documents regarding West 53rd Street from West 4th Avenue to West 8th Avenue, Hialeah, Miami-Dade COunty, FL.
2014-0340 Thigpen N/A 06/18/2014 Information with the Tennessee FHWA required re:H13G034CC OIG hotline complaint report.
2014-0341 Hamilton Shiver Hamilton 06/18/2014 All documents pertaining to Interstate 75 near exit 109, Vienna, GA, including all contracts and contractors hired for to perform work.
2014-0342 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 06/18/2014 A copy of FHWA FOIA log, most recent two year period.
2014-0343 Bush McKay Chadwell, PLLC 06/18/2014 All records in the possession, custody, or control of the FHWA that refer or related in any way to Rebar International, Inc. or any of its owners: Jodie Behrendt, Myrna
Yount, and Jamie Odren.
2014-0344 Sahler Wildenhain Crain, PC 06/19/2014 Contract related to the installation of red light cameras and/or fiber optic lines for red light cameras on United States Highway 46, in Palisades Park, New Jersey. This request includes a copy of the contract with American Traffic Solutions.
2014-0345 Perron Thomson Reuters 06/19/2014 1. One complete paper copy of any and all current contracts that the DOT-FHWA has for online legal research, and/or information services, with Lexis and Accurint.
2. One copy of any and all purchase orders, delivery orders, and/or any modifications
or amendments issued to or paid to Lexis and Accurint for online legal research and/or information services, for
2014-0346 Marino, Esq. Law Offices of Nora
Constance Marino
06/19/2014 All information regarding the Federal Grants to the Town of Riverhead, received by the Town in 2005 to repair downtown sidewalks.
2014-0347 Traylor, III Yearout & Traylor, P.C. 06/19/2014 A copy of the contract, specifications, inspection reports and all related documents between Alabama DOT and
gary Ingram Grading & Paving. The project number is STPAA-HSIP-0048(503).
2014-0348 Smith Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP 06/20/2014 A copy of all documents to FHWA involvement with the Snoqualmie Indian Tribe, SR 202-Tokul Road Roundabout Improvement Project.
2014-0349 Aman, Esq. Frantz Law Group 06/20/2014 All documents regarding the SR
91-Pachappa Railroad Bridge removal.
2014-0350 Chait Marathon Strategies 06/24/2014 Any correspondence between the Federal
Highway Administration and the Milwaukee County Department of Transportation or the Wisconsin Department of Transportation regarding the Park East Freeway and its removal.
Any correspondence between the Federal Highway Administration and the Milwaukee County Department of Transportation or the Wisconsin Department of Transportation regarding the Marquette Interchange Project
Any materials presented to the public regarding the Park East Freeway or the Marquette Interchange Project.
2014-0351 Ravnitzky   06/24/2014 A copy of the FHWA Style Manual.
2014-0352 Keir   06/26/2014 A copy of the all documents regarding federal funding of the signd and warnings at the intersection of Larry Noland Road.
2014-0353 Weiss   06/26/2014 Requestor is asking for emails pertaining to the Recreational Trails Program Conversion process also known as the Miccosukee Greenway RTP Land Exchange or the Welaunee Greenway Land Exchange or the Welaunee Plantation Greenway Land Exchange. Requestor is specifically asking for emails on this topic between the requestor and Brian Telfair, Cathy Kendall; Brian Telfair and Christopher Douwes; Brian Telfair and the FL DEP other than Alexandra Weiss and Calendar records noting any meetings which occurred between FHWA Florida Division and FL DEP organized by Brian Telfair and/or Cathy. Requestor is also asking for electronic fiiles reviewed and commented
on related to the project
2014-0354 Ely Historic Green Springs, Inc. 07/01/2014 VDOT Project No: 0695-054-0812 Hamilton Road Bridge Replacement Project Green Spring Rural Historic District, Louisa
county, VA (DHR File#2012-1571)
2014-0355 Quisenberry Construction Teamsters
Contract Compliance
07/02/2014 Copy of contract for CA FTNP JOTR 11; Pinto Basin Raod DTFH68-14-C-00008
2014-0356 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 07/02/2014 A copy of sections A-J and all attachments identified to DTFH61-13-D-00023.
2014-0357 Amante Debtwire Municipals 07/02/2014 any and all correspondence between the Federal Highway Administration or TIFIA with State Highway 130 Concession Company and lenders with regard to debt service payments and debt reduction. I am also interested in traffic and revenue estimates for the roadway, the facilities and financing agreement, including the security document and funding agreement. Finally, I request a copy of any financial and legal advisor mandates with regard to SH 130.
2014-0358 Pittman James Bates LLP 07/07/2014 Request copies of any and all video recordings, notes, logs, investigation reports, and/or photographs related to
Accident Number: C000225554-01; the date of the motor vehicle accident was
2014-0359 Filson   07/09/2014 Under the US Freedom of Information Act,
and Ohio Open Public Records Law, I am respectfully requesting copies of any and all material including all written reports, letters and official correspondence pertaining to the decision to eliminate any low or mid level bridge design options following changes made to the Purpose
and Need Statement required by FHWA in
A copy of any and all traffic speed studies performed on the north end of Vrooman Road between I90 and State Route 84 for the years 2008 through 2012.
Copies of any and all preliminary bidding request for construction of the aforementioned replacement bridge.
Electronic copies would be preferred but I am willing to pay for all hard copy made in accordance to Ohio and FOIA guidelines.
Thank you, in advance, for your help in honoring this Public Records request.
Ronald Filson, FAAR, FAIA Dean and Professor Emeritus
2014-0360 McNeil Mayor of New Cumberland, WV 07/09/2014 A map detailing the right-of-way for West Virginia Route 2 through the city of New Cumberland, Hancock County, WV.
2014-0361 Jayhan   07/09/2014 Any and all documents showing all revenue collected through the Federal Highway Trust Fund during the fiscal year of 2013 via Federal gasoline taxes.
2014-0362 Bernstein WNYC New York Public
07/09/2014 Section D of the TIFIA program application submitted by the New York Thruway Authority for the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement project.
2014-0363 Lavin WKMG Local 6 07/09/2014 A copy of any requests submitted by the
state of Florida, including the Florida DOT, for federal reimbursement of the ET-Plus system, which is sold by Trinity Industries. The time fram for records is January 1, 2014 to present.
2014-0364 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna, LLP 07/10/2014 I-81 Viaduct
2014-0365 LoScalzo   07/10/2014 X770.44 Willets Point/Van Wyck
Expressway - project information
2014-0366 Maloney Hoosier Environmental
07/15/2014 Followup to 2014-0207
2014-0367 Gless Wood, Smith, Henning & Berman, LLP 07/16/2014 Any and all public records regarding 1. FHWA provision of federal emergency relief program funds to the State of California and or the State of California acting by and through the DOT (Caltrans) in connection with the December 14, 2011
SR-60 tanker fire in Montebello, CA, and 2. the former Paramount Boulevard Bridge, Bridge Number 53 1910 located at Post Mile
07-LA-060-R7.77-MTBL, in or near
Montebello, CA from 1967 to Decemeber
14, 2011.
2014-0368 Gitlen Whiteman Osertman & Hanna, LLP 07/16/2014 Any document created or bearing a date since January 1, 2013 relating to the proposed Exit 15B to the New York State Thruway.
2014-0369 Thigpen   07/16/2014 I require copies of the documents which show how you came to determine that the Trousdale County Highway Department paved the road in question. Complete and full showing the entire path to that conclusion.
2014-0370 Newman HC Project Advisors 07/16/2014 A 2003 study of HOT lanes that the Value Pricing Pilot Program funded in San Antonio in 2003.
2014-0371 Newman HC Project Advisors 07/16/2014 A 2005 study of Value Priced Express lanes that the Value Pricing Pilot Program funded for San Antonio
2014-0372 Morahan Coughlin & Gerhart, LLP 07/16/2014 1. An official copy of the
August-September 1989 report titled, Heavy Truck Fuel System Safety Study
2. Any data or information NHTSA or DOT has on fires started as a result of ruptured fuel tanks and or fuel lines on heavy trucks
3. Any data or information NHTSA or DOT has on injuries sustained (burn deaths or serious burn injuries) from fires started as a result of ignited fuel on heavy trucks and 4. Any other reports, studies, recommendations, memoranda, or findings made by NHTSA or DOT regarding fuel system safety on heavy trucks.
2014-0373 Salinas Hasty & Pope 07/16/2014 Documents concrening Performance Food
Group, Inc. regarding a collision on June
16, 2014 on Mundy Mill Road.
2014-0374 Ely   07/16/2014 A print out of his CSA Score showing that the violation (bypassing an open weigh station) has been removed.
2014-0375 Stiles, Jr. Gardner United Law Group, LLC 07/16/2014 A copy of any inspection reports, logs, citations, insurance filings, disciplinary actions, licenses, authorities, correspondence, safety records, accident register or any other documents concerning referencing, or relating to the
accident File numner RODA-14-07-00319.
2014-0376 Autenried Center for Effective
07/22/2014 The original grant documents or agreements for the Federal Awards ID numbers 067101807LZ2E32 and
060151230M00130 from Fiscal Year 2013.
2014-0377 Newman HC Project Advisors 07/22/2014 A copy of the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authorities' application for a TIFIA loan for the Silver Line.
2014-0378 Rubistein Capital New York 07/22/2014 The application, proposal, and requests submitted to the FHWA by the New York Thruway Authority for a TIFIA loan to finance the construction of the new Tappan Zee Bridge.
2014-0379 Berrios Brevard County Board of
County Commissioners
07/22/2014 And and all documents regarding the disbursement of federal funds to the Florida Department of Transportation for the purpose of the construction or maintenance of railroad crossings within Brevard County, Florida.
2014-0380 Hall Channel Law Group, LLC 07/23/2014 Any and all documents concerning any National Environmental Policy Act or other environmental analysis of the decision by the Federal Highway Administration to
fund the Riverside Drive Bridge Replacement Project in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California.
2014-0381 Wilson   07/23/2014 NCDOT diaries
2014-0382 Wilson   07/23/2014 NCDOT ADA letter of position and FHWA Baseline Assessment
2014-0383 Gist Southern Environmental
Law Center
07/28/2014 The Northwest Corridor HOT lane project (CSNHSA-0008-00(256), PI No. 0008256). 1. all electronic mail correspondence from
9/1/2011 to the present relating to the Northwest Corridor HOT lane project; 2. all documents from January 1, 2012 to present relating to anticipated toll revene for the Northwest Corridor HOT lane project; 3.
all doucments from January 1, 2012 to the present relating to any Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loan or grant contemplated for the Northwest Corridor project; 4. all documents from January 1, 2012 to the present relating to any Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle (GARVEE) bonds contemplated for the Northwest Corridor project; 5. any documents discussing the applicability of the decision by the United States Court of Appeal for the Fourth Circuit in N.C. Wildlife Fed'n v. North
Caroloina DOT, 677 F.3d 596 (4th Cir. 2012)
to the Northwest Corridor HOT lane project.
2014-0384 Dayao Labor Commissioner, State of Callifornia DOIR 07/28/2014 CA PFH 112-1-2(2) S Fork Smith River Road, request for contract; perfomrance/Payment Bond, Bid Notice, Prevailing Wage Rate, Name and Addresses of all Subs, Certified Payroll Records, Notice of completion or acceptance, Date project initiated, completion date, money being withheld, inspedctors daily logs, location of project, funding requiring use of approved labor compliance.
2014-0385 Edwards Committee of 100 on the
Federal City
07/29/2014 All records relating to how the proposal to expand the Virginia Avenue tunnel affected or interacted with the reconstruction of the
11th Street bridge.
2014-0386 Bond White & Case 07/29/2014 Records that contain data for 2011, 2012,
2013, and YTD 2014 regarding purchases of steel concrete reinforcing bar meeting
ASTM A615 and A706 standards subject to Buy America restrictions.
2014-0387 Marciniak Miller Starr Regalia 07/29/2014 True and correct copies of all maps, lists, tables, or other records relating to 1) identifying whether the Segment is currently part of the National Highway System, 2) Identifying any roadway, throughout the State of California, that is currently part of NHS, 3) Identifying whether the Segment was on June 1, 1991, part of the Federal Aid Primary System,
4)Identifying any roadway, throughout the Stat of California, that was, on June 1, 1991, part of the Primary System, and 5) If any of the above materials use abbreviations, nomenclature, symbols, signs, terms, or
other special notation, we request a key, legend, index, or explanation of those usages.
2014-0388 Krudy Thomason Reuters 07/29/2014 A report containing full project costs estimates and a review of the Goethals Bridge project that was carried out by the Port Authority of New York and New jersey in accordance with FHWA and US DOT requirements.
2014-0389 Futie Children's Home Society, Dependency Program 07/29/2014  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
2014-0390 Dodds Technology Publishing
07/29/2014 Bid proposal forms for solicitation no. DTFH71-14-B-0008
2014-0391 Ommundsen, EIT Stonefield Engineering & Design, LLC 08/01/2014 Various documents pertaining to Lincoln Highway (U.S. Route 30) at 1106 West Lincoln Highway in Valley Township, Chester COunty, Pennsylvania.
2014-0392 Laible Outdoor Advertising
Association of America
08/01/2014 A copy of the FHWA report which had as
its focus GA DOT enforcement and compliance with the HBAs outdoor advertising control program. Also, a copy of GA DOTs response along with any final conclusions and recommendations concerning HBA program changes at the state level.
2014-0393 Maynard RCA Reston 2020
08/01/2014 A complete digital (PDF) copy of the entirety of the approved MWAAs joint application with Fairfax and Loudoun counties for TIFIA Financing for the Dulles Metrorail Project Metrorail project, including all appended materials.
2014-0394 Gist Southern Environmental
Law Center
08/05/2014 All correspondence or other records of communications regarding any changes to modeling in the environmental review of the Northwest Corridor Project subsequent to the release of the project's Final Environmental Impact Statement. You requested documents from June 1, 2012 to the present, and only correspondence or other records of communications between FHWA and the Georgia Department of Transportation, the Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority, or consultants working on behalf of agencies.
2014-0395 McDonough Hanson Bridgett LLP 08/05/2014 City of Redding, Cypress Avenue Bridge Replacement Project. On behalf of Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
2014-0396 Marciniak Miller Starr Regalia 08/05/2014 On behalf of CBS Outdoor LLC (CBS) regarding Freedom of INformation ACt Request Regarding Roadway
Classifications Adjacent to 16898 California
49, Nevada City, CA (APN 04-140-69)
2014-0397 Houghton Smith, Currie & Hancock
08/05/2014 Copies of all the communications Caltarns had with the Presidio Trust regarding the enumerated contracts, as well as any comments the Trust may have had on any EIS/EIR work that was done for the Park Presidio Doyle Rehabilitation Project.
2014-0398 Barton Tahlequah Steel, Inc 08/05/2014 In reference to Federally Funded Ranchero
Road INterchange Project Fire, May 5, 2014
2014-0399 Jones   08/06/2014 All FHWA communications,
correspondence, and any and all documents generated or produced in response to the Environmental Justice Complaint presented by Bonnie Goodell for the Sustainability Committee, on May 11,
1998: 1998 Hawaii Long Range Land
Transportation Plan.
2014-0400 Bath   08/06/2014 All communications, correspondence, and other documents produced or generated in response to the Environmental Judgment Complaint presented by Bonnie Goodell for Sustainability Committee, on May 11, 1998:
1998 Hawaii Long Range Land
Transportation Plan.
2014-0401 Autenried Center for Effective
Government policy
08/06/2014 The list of all FOIA requests received by the agency in fiscal year 2013.
2014-0402 Pinto   08/06/2014 All communications, correspondence, and other documents produced or generated in response to the Environmental Judgment Complaint presented by Bonnie Goodell for Sustainability Committee, on May 11, 1998:
1998 Hawaii Long Range Land
Transportation Plan
2014-0403 Boyd   08/07/2014 I-69 Section 5 More Logging/tree clearing sites in Monroe County out of season cutting
2014-0404 Bautista Bautista Allen 08/07/2014 All documents related to inspections, investigations, orders, accidents, reports, witness statements, complaints, investigation notes and memoranda, expenditures, plans, traffic counts, construction and repair records, and any other document related to the intersection of St. John's Road and the Norfolk Southern Railway Co. railroad tracks, designated 480072B by DOT in Cahokia Township,Macoupin County, Illinois
2014-0405  b(6)    08/07/2014 A complete and full copy of  b(6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
2014-0406 Umlauf Crivello Carlson 08/08/2014 Copies of any reports, photographs,
videos, statements, files or other documents you may have regarding the truck explosion that occurred at the Industrial area on Pamperin Road, between Velp Avenue and Cornell Road in Howard, Wisconsin on April 3, 2014.
2014-0407 McGoldrick Beck & Amsden, PLLC 08/08/2014 Any and all reports, preliminary reports, engineering studies, crash or incident data, or other information or documentation in the possession of the US DOT related to
I-94 in Eastern Montana, from Mile Marker
140 to Mile Marker 155 for a time period of
January 2000 to present.
2014-0408 Houghton Smith, Currie & Hancock
08/11/2014 Request copies of all the communications Caltrans had with the Presidio Trust regarding the enumerated contracts, as well as any comments the Trust may have had
on any EIS/EIR work that was done for the Park Presidio Doyle Drive Rehabiliation Project.
2014-0409 Ghafouri Bright Acess Group 08/11/2014 Requesting all documents or correspondence to tenants located at 9140
Richmond Road, Ft. Belvoir - Project No.
0001+029-001, RW-201.
2014-0410 Kane Safety Research &
Strategies, Inc.
08/12/2014 Please provide documents and supporting
materials in reference to the June 17th
Memorandum as follows:
- Any and all draft memorandums;
- Any and all emails, meeting minutes, meeting logs, text messages, and/or documents related to any and all subject matters included in the June 17th Memorandum from January 1, 2014 to the present;
- Any and all communications and/or documents sent to and/or received from Trinity Industries, Inc. and its subsidiaries, its agents, its consultants related to
the June 17th Memorandum from January 1,
2014 to the present;
- Any and all communications/documents sent to and/or received from Mark
Bush at TRB and/or any and all panel members associated with the NCHRP
22-30 project and related directly and/or indirectly to the June 17th
Memorandum from January 1, 2014 to the present;
- Any and all communications with Malcolm Ray related to the June 17th Memorandum from January 1, 2014 to the present;
- Any and all communications/documents sent to and/or received from any and
all state level DOT agencies related directly and/or indirectly to the June 17th Memorandum from January 1, 2014 to the present;
- Any and communications sent to and/or received from AASHTO related
directly and/or indirectly to the June 17th
Memorandum from January 1, 2014 to the present;
- Any and all communication sent to and/or received from TAMU and/or TTI
related directly and/or indirectly to the June
17th Memorandum from January
1, 2014 to the present.
2014-0411 Rothenberg Sam Schwartz Engineering 08/12/2014 I would be interested in the IDIQ document/award for the FHWA IDIQs for safety, operations, and planning
2014-0412 Wade WSBTV 08/14/2014 Any and all correspondences, documents,
memorandums, or directives sent to all the states departments of transportation regarding requirements, rules or guidelines to terminate the use of BCT Breakaway Cable Terminal guardrails, including any sanctions, fines andor federal fund suspension for non-compliance
2014-0413A Pellecchia Tri-State Transportation
08/18/2014 TSTC appeals Duane Callender's decision for denial of the records request pursuant
to the privileged or confidential commercial or financial information FOIA expemption 5.
2014-0414 Ravnitzky   08/18/2014 request a digital/electronic copy of the
most recent FHWA Communications Plan. By Communications Plan, I mean a press/external relations plan.
2014-0415 Gist Southern Environmental
Law Center
08/19/2014 all documents in the possession or control of the FHWA relating to the proposed extension of the Interstate 85 High Occupancy Toll lanes. Specifically SELC requests, (1) all documents related to the review of the I-85 HOT Lane Extension project as a categorical exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); (2) all documents related to the decision
that the I-85 HOT Lane Extension Project is eligible for a NEPA categorical exclusion; (3) all documents related to the decision
that a NEPA assessment should not be prepared for the I-85 HOT Lane Extension project; (4) all documents related to any environmental justice or social equity analysis for the I-85 HOT Lane Extension Project; (5) all documents analyzing the use of the existing I-85 HOT lanes by drivers of different demographic groups, including different income levels, and (6) all documents related to SELC's analysis of
use of the I-85 HOT lanes by drivers of different income levels.
2014-0416 Adams Children's Home Society of
08/19/2014 Official request for an address on Anthony
T Williams, D.O.B. -  b(6)         , Race-Black, Sex-Male. Last known address  b(6)                                     
2014-0417 Sewell   08/19/2014 Documents relating to the re-alignment and
rebuild of Interstate 40 after the nuclear assault on the City of Albuquerque in October of 1983.
2014-0418 Geevarughese, Esq. The Jordan Group 08/21/2014 requesting a current mailing address for
 b(6)            I know  b(6)              is employed at a hospital in NJ and  b(6)                    date of birth is  b(6)           .  b(6)          last known address was  b(6)                                                      I am not sure where this email should be forwarded to. This information is needed for a current litigation matter that is pending in Philadelphia Family Court in PA. Please feel free to contact me regarding the cost for this information.
2014-0419 Cotter American Bridge 21st
08/25/2014 copies of incoming-and-outgoing correspondence between the Office of the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administrator, the Associate Administrator for Policy, the Director of the Office of Legislative Affairs and Policy Communications, and the following public officials listed below
Gov. Chris Christie 01/19/2010 - Present
Gov. Scott Walker 04/30/2002 - Present Sen. Rand Paul 01/03/2011 - Present Gov. Jeb Bush 01/05/1999 - Present
Sen. Marco Rubio 01/25/2000 - Present
Ted Cruz 01/09/2003 - Present
Gov. Mike Pence 01/03/2001 - Present Rep. Paul Ryan 01/03/2011 - Present Gov. Rick Perry 01/19/1999 - Present Gov. John Kasich 01/03/1983 - Present Gov. Bobby Jindal 01/03/2005 - Present Sen. Mark Kirk 01/03/2001 - Present Sen. Kelly Ayotte 06/15/2004 - Present Sen. Richard Burr 01/03/1995 - Present Sen. Rob Portman 05/04/1993 - Present Sen. Pat Toomey 01/03/1999 - Present Sen. Ron Johnson 01/03/2011 - Present
2014-0420 Horan   08/25/2014 Copies of information pertaining to federal emergencies involving the highway. Please include information involving products being released from contatiners that presented a hazard.
2014-0421 Holmstrom Stamos & Trucco, LLP 08/25/2014 to locate prior versions of the Law
Enforcement Escort Best Practices
Guidelines (FHWA-HOP-04-027; EDL
13996) and Pilot Car Escort Best Practices
Guidelines (FHWA-HOP-04-026, EDL 13995
2014-0422 Lamb, Esq. The Lamb & Frischer Law
Firm, LLP
08/26/2014 any and all records cencerning motor vehicle accidents (including collisions by bucycles and any otehr vehicle, collisions between vehicles and pedestrians, and solo vehicle accidents) occurring on or near the Interstate 80, 5th Street off-ramp from the Bay Bridge in San Francisco. Any and all records concerning complaints, concerns,
or suggestions from citizens or government officials about the lack of lighting at the Interstate 80, 5th Street off-ramp from the Bay Bridge in San Francisco, CA. Any and all records concerning Any and all records concerning complaints, concerns, or suggestions from citizens or government officials about the lack of railing or traffic control devices at the Interstate 80, 5th Street off-ramp from the Bay Bridge in San Francisco, CA. Any and all records concerning traffic and/or safety studies of the Interstate 80, 5th Street off-ramp from the Bay Bridge in San Francisco, CA.
2014-0423 Jones New Jersey Department of
08/27/2014 Copies of the complete debarment file for Alpha Painting and Liberty Maintenance, including but not limited to: debarment notice for Alpha Painting, judgment of conviction for Alpha Painting and Liberty Maintenance, any transcribed or other record in which Alpha Painting and Liberty Maintenance made admissions which
served as the basis of this debarment, and any other evidence supporting the federal debarment/exclusion of Alpha Painting and Liberty Maintenance
2014-0424 Syed Environmental Protection
08/27/2014 Certain Agency Records relating to selenium, mountaintop mining.
2014-0425A Mann CP Construction, LLC 08/28/2014 Not providing the records requested in the LandXML format on the basis that the records existed at the time of the request and they were readily reproducible in the requested format.
2014-0426A LoScalzo   09/02/2014 Requester is appealing search and review
fee in the amount of $60.00. He asserts that his request is eligiable for without any charges or at a reduced charge, pursuant to
5 U.S.C. Section 552(a)(4)(A)(iii). The response letter indicated, sarch and review fee 1 hour at $60.00. However, the response letter contains no discussion or determination of his request that the FHWA waive or reduce fees in connection with his request.
2014-0427 Hill Riverside Contracting, Inc 09/03/2014 Enviromental Permit documents to include the application to the Corps of Engineers for a 404 permit and the subsequent authorization letter provided by the Corps for the Monarch Culvert Replacement Project, MT DOD 13(57).
2014-0428 McIntyre San Bar Construction Corp 09/03/2014 Requesting copies of all payments and supporting quantities paid to Hard Drives Construction for work done in 2013 and
2014 on the CFLHD project.
2014-0429A Sewell   09/04/2014 Adequecy of search
2014-0430 Mitri FNF Construction, Inc. 09/08/2014 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request
2014-0431 Ray Acme Research 09/08/2014 Listing of subcontractors and primes who worked on I-95 ramp Ft. Belvoir contract number DTFH71-12-C-00022.
2014-0432 Green James K. Green, P.A. Lawyers 09/08/2014 I-25 Santa Fe Preventive Maintenance Project - Bridge #7273 Seton Village Road and #7373 Nine Mile Road
2014-0433 Altraziqi   09/10/2014 Video analysis and activities recognition in traffic videos; junction, intersection and roundabout videos.
2014-0434 Davis   09/10/2014 Copies of the Georgia State Trooper and/or Department of Transportation Report documenting the recovery of a stolen
semi-tractor truck, report number
I100060192-01 with date 11/10/12 at 8:04pm.
2014-0435 Lee IUOE Local 428 No. 248 09/11/2014 A list of Arizona Department of
Transportation construction projects which are or have received over one million dollars of Federal Aid from the FHWA for FY 2014. This request is not city or county specific and is a State wide request.
2014-0436 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna 09/11/2014 Copies of all scoping comments received for the Interstate 81 viaduct project
2014-0437A Edward   09/11/2014 Emails between Kevin Black and James
Kerrigan from period 11/6/2013 to 2/1/2014.
2014-0438 Sanders The Benefit Coordinators 09/15/2014 Request all of DOT FHWA employee name, duty position/title, hire date, annual/hourly wage, facility name/building, employment address, city, ctate, and zip code.
2014-0439 Thongchua Littler 09/15/2014 All employment records and documents relating to Adel Edward.
2014-0440 Frazier Bangerter Sheppard & Frazier, PC 09/15/2014 The traffic control plan in place for the resurfacing of southbound Interstate 15 that was in active construction as of September 18, 2013;
All photos of traffic control conditions implemented between southbound mile posts 264-244 from August 29, 2013 through September 19, 2013;
All engineering notes pertaining to the project between southbound mile posts
264-244 from August 29, 2013 through
September 19, 2013;
2014-0441 Overstreet   09/15/2014 1. Copies of the EEO forms that are required to be submitted monthly for the
employment utilization of minorities who worked on a project and subcontractors
who were awarded contracts on the project.
2. The operating budget of the FHWA
2014-0442 Debnar   09/16/2014 Information on bridges/under passes; latitude, longitude, bridge name, height, city and state, for all US road ways. The purpose of this data is to map low clearance bridges for an RV recently purchased.
2014-0443 Blewett Blewett Mushlitz LLP 09/16/2014 All files, documents and records relating to
project ID PFH 60(5) Salmon River Road
Connection/Extension, Contract DTFH70-10-C-0026 and solicitation DTFH70-10-B-00015. This request includes the following documents:
Contract and all modifications; All daily diaries; Inspection Reports; All records relating to this job which you have maintained; Directives and Work Orders; Correspondence; All bidding documents; Progress schedules; All modification files; All documents related in any way to a suspension or delay in work arising from paving subcontractor Knife River's failure to produe per specificationl All material sampling and testing records including paving; Pay estimates; All other records related to the project.
2014-0444 Coker   09/17/2014 Norfolk Southern Intermodal Facility/New
Market, Jefferson County, TN
2014-0445 Stout Whitemna Osterman & Hanna, LLP 09/17/2014 Correspondence relating to project known as I-81 for period July 3, 1014 through September 12, 2014.
2014-0446 Williams   09/18/2014 All federal grants awarded to the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) for light and commuter rail since 2009 and all fede3ral grants awarded to the UTA for parking structgures or surface parking since 2009.
2014-0447 Anastasopoulos, Esq. Bright & Sponder 09/19/2014 Any and all correspondence to, from, and/or between any citizen, commercial or business entity, regulator or other government official with regard to CURE Auto Insurance billboards, exit signs, and advertisements/marketing materials located on the Atlantic City Expressway.
2014-0448 Triplett III MuckRock News 09/19/2014 A copy of the budget for the North Shore
Road Environmental Impact Study (EIS), and any documents related to the legal justification for using any portion of the 16 million dollars appropriated for the specific purpose of construction of, or
improvements to the North Shore Road to conduct the EIS.
I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.
In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.
2014-0449 Walsh URS Corporation 09/23/2014 Information for contaminated soil removal, undergraound and above ground storage tanks, hazardous material usage/storage, hazardous waste, parcel number, prior site usage, existing/expired permits, documentated violations.... for the state of Ohio.
2014-0450 Gaetz, II Keefe, Anchors & Gordon, PA 09/24/2014 Request for electronically stored information (ESI) created, sent, received, reviewed, seen, relied upon or otherwise in existence from January 1, 1995 through the present.
2014-0451 Dreidel   09/24/2014 A copy of all federal grant proposals and associated documents for construction of, or road work on, US 27 in Kentucky.
2014-0452 Leader, Esq. The Leader Law Firm 09/26/2014 A copy of the June 2012 Arizona Roadway Departure Safety Implementation Plan and the name and contact information for the contractor FHWA hired to assist with development of the data analysis package referenced in the Plan.
2014-0453 Pisarcik Laws, Staruch & Pisarcik 09/26/2014 all information that the FHWA and the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) has regarding the concrete, two-span bridge that crosses over Indian Creek on State
Route 1054, Section E10, located in Saltlick Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania The structure number for this bridge is believed to be 261054010000620. I request all information regarding this bridge, including but not limited to, results of all inspections, all reports, correspondence between the FHWA/NBI and any other
state or federal agency (including the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation), and all analyses made or received by the FHWA/NBI.
2014-0454 Naifeh Demos 09/26/2014 Disclosure of all Forms 562 submitted
between 1999 and 2003 inclusive by the following states
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia
District of Columbia
2014-0455 Berrios Brevard County Board of
County Commissioners
10/01/2014 Any and all 23 USCS Section 121 required project agreements for any and all projects located in Brevard County, FL.
2014-0456 Harris EarthJustice 10/01/2014 Copies of all memoranda, studies, reports, data, correspondence, comments, conversation records, files, electronic mail records, or other documents, which have been generated, received, kept and/or considered by the FHWA in furnishing guidance, participating in the preparation, and independently evaluating the Draft SEIS for Juneau Access.
2014-0457 Mann   10/14/2014 files and formats are requested for the Tiller
Trail Highway Project, OR PFH 16(7), as follows:
1. Geopak XS-List Report (cross-section files in XSR format) of the original ground surface. This information is stored in Geopak in ASCII format and can be
exported as an ASCII text file. Although the text file may not exist at the time of this request, the data is stored in Geopak based on information I received directly from Bentley Systems.
2.The horizontal and vertical alignments for the final road design. The horizontal alignment defines the centerline of the road and the vertical alignment defines the finish grade of the road at centerline. I am requesting this data be converted to LandXML
format (xml file extension).
3.The original ground three dimensional surface data that is used to generate the final design, generate earthwork quantities and define existing site features such as drainages, existing utilities and so on. This data may reside in the design system as a digital terrain model (dtm), or as a
Triangulated Irregular Network (tin) file and contains the topographical survey data of
the original ground surface and may also contain break lines and boundaries as defined by the survey team or design team. I am requesting this data be converted to LandXML format (xml file extension).
4.The final design three dimensional surface data. This data may reside in the design
system as a digital terrain model (dtm), as a Triangulated Irregular Network (tin) file, or as cross section data. It is the final design surface merged with the original ground surface. I am requesting this data be converted to LandXML format (xml file extension).
2014-0458 Bohner   10/14/2014 relates to a proposed construction project
in Pacifica, CA which involves expansion of Highway 1 by the CA Department of Transportation (CalTrans), and the project is being called the Calera Parkway Project. Caltrans has pro9duced a Final Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Assessment for Project named State Route 1/Calera Parkway/Highway 1 Widening Project San
Mateo County, CA 04-SM-1/PM 41.7/43.0/ EA 04-254600.
2015-0001 Berrios Board of County
10/01/2014 Any and all 23 USCS Section 121 required project agreements for any and all projects located in Brevard County, FL.
2015-0002 Conway Power Rogers & Smith, PC 10/01/2014 Copies of any and all documents, memos, press releases, emails and correspondence regarding signage, barricades, arrow boards, programmable message boards, painted roadway markings, traffic control devices, photos, and rumble strips, regarding the road construction for northbound traffic on Interstate 55 near
Mile post 243, Channahon, Illinois, relating to Contract 60R62 through 8/14/14.
2015-0003 Salinas Hasty Pope 10/01/2014 Multiple documents as a result of an accident involving Supermarkets, Inc. The accident occurred on Septemeber 2, 2014 on State Route 60 in Hall COunty, GA.
2015-0004 Nagami NRDC 10/02/2014 Copies of correspondence, memos, reports, fact sheets, and draft legislative language
or recommendations from FHWA representatives before any legislative committee, relating to National Environmental Policy Act review of the Tesoro Extension Project; copies of correspondence, memos, fact sheets, email and other updates, and other related materials produced by or for FHWA, or sent between FHWA and Caltrans or TCA or any contractors that work on state and
federal legislation, regarding 1) the need for NEPA review for the Tesoro Extension Project, and 2) whether NEPA review will need to cover just the current 5.5 mile Tesoro segment or the entire planned 16 mile State Route 241 extension.
2015-0005 Blasius   10/02/2014 All agency records regarding instances in which the DOT was obligated to provide compensation for unavoidable wetlands impacts.
2015-0006 Paulson Western Funding
Associates, Inc.
10/07/2014 The amortization schedule of the private debt and the underlying loan documents, the amortization schedule of the TIFIA debt and the underlying loan documents, the swap agreement documentation, including all notational schedules, the name of the firm that you have retained to assist in evaluating restructuring options and the contact person, along with the latest revenue projections.
2015-0007 Peritz KXAS-TV NBC5 10/07/2014 KXAS-TV NBC5 is requesting Information Statement from FHWA on the overall MU.T.C.D. process specifically as it pertains to states to be reimbursed for highway projects to lower (wrong way) or (do not enter) signage to assist in reducing wrong way driver crashes.
2015-0008 LoScalzo   10/08/2014 Records related to proposed roadway project X770.44, new access ramps to and from the Van Wyck Expressway as elements of the propsoed Willets Point
development, January 1, 2013 - July 1, 2014.
2015-0009 Corbalan Pace Environmental
Litigation Clinic, Inc.
10/08/2014 All correspondence and communications from September 26, 2013, to October 2,
2014, mentioning or relating to the proposed Constitution Pipeline, among and between any employee, administrator, and/or contractor of FERC, and other companies or representatives.
2015-0010 LoScalzo   10/08/2014 Records related to proposed roadway project X770.44, new access ramps to and from the Van Wyck Expressway as elements of the propsoed Willets Point development, January 2, 2014 - October 4,
2015-0011 Shartle RoadSafe Traffic Systems 10/14/2014 A copy of all FWA approved quantities for
pavement markings applied throughout the entire duration of the project, copies of all change orders related to the application
and /or removal of pavement markings, all documents, correspondence, and records regarding pavement marking labor, equipment or materials supplied by RoadSafe traffic Systems, Inc., and a full project accounting showing all disburesements made to NAC as well as all of the corresponding pay estimates.
2015-0012 Wade WSB TV 10/14/2014 a list of federally funded 3R and 4R projects in the state of Georgia for the period of January 1, 2009 to the most recent. Please provide dates, road/highway names and dollar amounts. If possible, provide electronically.
2015-0013 Smith Work Area Protection Corp. 10/15/2014 All crash test documentation for the TRAFFIX Compressor crash cushion including written documents and videos. Namely CC-95, CC-95A and CC-95B.
2015-0014A Bohner   10/20/2014 Appealing non-responsive documents that
FHWA-CA Division Office did not release.
2015-0015 Lee   10/20/2014 All records from at least 2 years prior to
09/20/2014 that has caused any/all kind of accidents that has happened on I-80 east bound, exit 4a to Rt. 5 west bound.
2015-0016 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 10/20/2014 A copy of all task orders with SOW/PWS and contract with applicable SOW/PWS Labor rates regarding DTFH6110D00020.
2015-0017 Riel   10/20/2014 A copy of Form SF 1012 From February 1,
2014 - March 31, 2014.
2015-0018 Miller The Palm Beach Post 10/20/2014 The application from All Aboard Florida or its parent company, Florida East COast Industries, for private Activity Bonds. This request all attachments to the application. Expedited as FECI and All Aboard Florida are preparing for a public comment period following hte release of the EIS on the project.
2015-0019 Sunderland Ogdensburg C.F. 10/20/2014 1. Documents on all current
systems/technology in the State of New York (Long Isalnd) that can regulate/manipulate the speed of traffic by changing the amount of time or frequency that a traffic signal stops traffic or change from red to gree, 2. The names of agencies that are involved in maintaining, manufacturing, and managing such equipment and how to contact them, 3. a list of third party companies that collect data for statistical/research purposes on
the monitoring of quantity of cars/vehicles on the roads at any given time of the day,
4. which specific department in the DOT are the individual records/documents located,
5. all available information and documents regarding myself, and 6. all information documents about third parties/agencies
that have been requesting information regarding myself.
2015-0020 McGrath   10/20/2014 Form 1012 Travel Form - for educational purposes for a class assignment.
2015-0021 Havlina Law Office of Natalie J.
10/21/2014 1. All communications between any officer
or employee of the FHWA and any officer or employee of the Idaho Transportation Department between September 19, 2003 and November 2012 regarding the realignment of U.S. Highway 95 between Lewiston, Idaho and Moscow, Idaho. This request includes, but is not limited to , communications about the U.S. 95
Thorncreek Road to Moscow Project in
Latah County, Idaho, Project No.
DHP-NH-4110 (156), Key No.9294; 2. All internal communications between officers and/or employees of FHWA between September 19, 2003 and November 26, 2012 concerning the realignment of U.S.
Highway 95 between Lewiston, Idaho and Moscow, idaho. This request includes, but is not limited to, communications about Project No. DHP-NH-4110 (156), Key No.
9294; and 3. All internal communications between officers and/or employees of FHWA between August 1, 2014 and
October 1, 2014 concerning the realignment of U.S. Highway 95 between Lewiston, Idaho and Moscow, idaho. This request includes, but is not limited to, communications about Project No.
DHP-NH-4110 (156), Key No. 9294.
2015-0022 Penman   10/22/2014 Information on the August 1, 2007 collapse of the I-35 Mississippi River Bridge - 9340, a log of the requests that have been
received last month, and records from the
Natioanl Transportation Safety Board.
2015-0023 Trotter Leitner Williams Dooley
10/22/2014 Any and all documents, records, and reports regarding the ET-Plus w-beam guardrail end terminal manufactured by Trinity Highway Products including but
not limited to testing and eligibility results, in-service performance evaluations, and any other investigation reports regarding the ET-Plus.
2015-0024 Ray   10/22/2014 All meeting notes, e-mails, documents and any other communications regarding NCHRP 22-30.
2015-0025  b(6)      10/24/2014  b(6)                                                                                                                                                            
2015-0026 Cormany Cormany Law PLLC 10/24/2014 a copy of any and all accident reports, investigation notes, citations, and any other documents relating to Leonard Lee Persingers September 2014 fatality near Lowmore, VA on September 2, 2014.
2015-0027 Mirabella Mirabella Law, LLC 10/27/2014 Identify the manufacturer of a guard rail in Cloquet, MN on I-35 heaing north and approaching the state Highway 33 overpass
2015-0028 Wang Children's Home Society, Dependency Program 10/27/2014 Mailing address for Charles Caramanello, D.O.B. 12/4/1979.
2015-0029 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 10/27/2014 Any and all documents, including but not limited to drafts, that led to the agency's October 10, 2014 and the October 21, 2014 letters and /or memorandums referencing the evaluation and/or testing of the Trinity Industries, and/or its subsidiaries, ET-Plus end treatment.
2015-0030A Sidhom   10/27/2014 1) Incomplete documents - Performance
appraisals of M. Karl Eikermann From 2002 to 2011
I have requested the performance
appraisals of Mr. Karl Eikermann from 2002 to 20011, all what I received are his performance appraisals for 2009 and 2010. The letter I received from the director of the Office of Human Resources used
Transmittal No. 23 General Record Schedule 1, Civilian Personnel Records (September 2014) as a reason not to provide performance appraisals prior to
According to U.S National Archives and Records Administration, the dissemination of Transmittal 23 was published in the
Federal Register on September 12, 2014 and it was corrected on September 25, 2014.
The Office of Human Recourses, according to the director's letter, has received my FOIA request on March 21, 2014 and the fee waiver was granted prior to the
issuance of Transmittal 23.
2) Incomplete documents Awards or QSIs that Mr. Karl Eikermann has received from
2002 to 2011
I have requested any Awards or QSIs that Mr. Karl Eikermann has received from 2002 to 201, all what I received are his cash
award amounts from 2007 to 2011 without the reasons for these cash awards.
3) Excessive redaction of the performance appraisals of Mr. Karl Eikermann.
The two performance appraisals I received were completely redacted in violation of FOIA rules and Supreme Court precedent on the matter. The redactions are in violation due to the following reasons
The existence of allegations of wrongdoing and discrimination by management.
The public interest in knowing what standards of performance are expected of public employees particularly when receiving merit pay is involved and that the release of such information will shed light on an agency's performance of its statutory duties.
The Supreme Court has articulated the general rule that the identity of a FOIA requester cannot be taken into consideration in determining what should be released under the Act. A rule the DCR has violated in considering what to release in response to this request. 4) Incomplete documents The EEO activity of Mr. Michael Davies from 2003 to 2013 The EEO activity of Mr. Davies that was provided Case 201325295FHWA06 is my EEO case against the DOT. The ROI has confirmed prior EEO activity for Mr. Davies. I request the following Performance appraisals of Mr. Eikermann from 2002 to 2011 in response to the FOIA 2014-0228 request without any redaction. The complete awards that Mr. Eikermann has received from 2002 to 2011 including the justification or reasons for the awards. The complete EEO activity of Mr. Michael Davies from 2003 to 2013.
2015-0031 Harris Earthjustice 10/28/2014 Copies of all memoranda, studies, reports, data, correspondence, comments, coversation records, files, electronic mail records, or other documents which have been generated, received, kept and/or considered by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) since May 2011 regarding the Juneau Access Improvement Project.
2015-0032 Maskin Paddock & Maskin 10/28/2014 Copies of all records related to the State of Tennessee proposed road widening improvements to US Hwy 127S, State Route
28, from SawMill Road to Cleveland Street, Crossville, Cumberlamd County Tennessee
2015-0033 Velez C.S. Engineered Castings, Inc. 10/28/2014 Requestor is asking for a copy of an FHWA approval of a submitted Public Interest Finding to use a proprietary device for new or replacement hangers on
federal-aid projects. The device is a pivotal adjustable hanger from October 2011.
2015-0034 Campbell BRANSTETTER, STRANCH & JENNINGS, PLLC 10/28/2014 Request documents related to the Henley Street Bridge project which was recently completed or is near completion in Knox County, Tennessee
2015-0035 Bolton Maddin Hauser Roth & Heller, PC 10/29/2014 All documents relating to the pedestrian bridge located north of Joy Road, crossing the Southfield Freeway (M-39), including but not limited to documents regarding the original construction and development of the pedestrian bridge, including plans, engineering records, architectural plans, design reports and blueprints, inspection records, contracts, agreements, estimates, bids and quotes relating to the initial construction of the bridge, and any other document relating in any way to the original construction of the bridge;
Any and all maintenance documents relating to the pedestrian bridge including any repairs at any time for any reason including inspection reports, appraisals, damage documents, demolition documents, plans, engineering records, architectural plans, design reports and blueprints, contracts, agreements, estimates, and bids and quotes relating to all maintenance, repair and conservation of the bridge from the original construction through present;
Any and all documents relating to the September 26, 2014 collapse of the pedestrian bridge including but not limited to accident reports, photographs, damage reports,. repairs, bids, quotes for repairs, replacement costs and quotes, engineering reports, contracts, agreements, any document reflecting the construction, design or architecture of the bridge, inspection reports, documents relating to salvage of the damaged area, and documents relating to the destruction and demolition of same; and
Any and all documents relating in any way to the pedestrian bridge located north of Joy Road, crossing Southfield Freeway
(M-39), including the original construction of the bridge through the collapse dated September 26, 2014.
2015-0036 Christensen   10/30/2014 Any and all public records concerning the
Daggett-Yermo Road public grade crossing (DOT No. 026050D, CPUC No. 2-737.85) in Daggett, California Mile Post 737.82 of the BNSF Needles Subdivision. Also, all documents related to the request for and
use of federal money affecting the grade crossing.
2015-0037 Melin Alliance for Biking & Walking 11/03/2014 we are requesting 2013 and 2014
FHWA-FMIS data to determine the total and percentage of federal funds obligated to bicycle/pedestrian projects for each
state and city included in the report and the distribution of bicycle/pedestrian funds by funding program (CMAQ, HSIP, STP-TE, STP-NonTE, SRTS, RTP, NTPP, HPP, TE, ARRA, and other sources).
2015-0038 Black   11/03/2014 , I am requesting all documentation relating to Federal Highway Administration-Office of Civil Rights investigation on Select Development and Construction Inc and Pima County.
This relates to a complaint filed on August
8, 2014 by  b(6)                                                                  .  b(6)           , Division Civil Right Specialist, is the lead investigator on this case.
I am requesting all information pertaining to this investigation including audits, investigation reports, investigation results, payment information, interviews and any other pertinent information relating to this investigation.
2015-0039 Hardin   11/03/2014 Any photographs, maps, engineering diagrams, paint diagrams, or other related media depictions of Exit 205 of Interstate
81, which is located in Rockbridge County, Virginia.
2015-0040 kunzelman Associated Press 11/03/2014 All data contained in the Federal Highway
Administrations Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) for every Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project across all HSIP funding categories (including the High Risk Rural Roads Program, the Railway-Highway Crossings Program and the Safe Routes to School Program) for all 50 states plus the District of Columbia from August 10, 2005, through the present day.
2015-0041 Galli ABC News 11/04/2014 request access to and copies of crash test plans submitted to the FHWA by Trinity Industries/Trinity Highway Products in regards to the ET-Plus end terminal highway product, in response to an October 21st request by FHWA for said plans. The request from the FHWA, made public on October 21st, was for crash test plans to be submitted by Trinity Industries by October 31st. Those plans were, indeed, subsequently submitted by Trinity Industries to FHWA. We are requesting:
1) A copy of those crash test plans;
2) Any corresponding FHWA emails, memos or letters or other documents that a) pertain to the crash test plans or discussed the plans sent to FHWA by Trinity Industries before and after the October 21st letter sent to Trinity Industries; b) accompanied the plans sent to FHWA by Trinity Industries.
2015-0042 Kane Safety Research & Strategies, Inc. 11/04/2014 All documents received from Trinity Industries, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries in response to the agency request for a test matrix and/or protocol and any communications/documents with and/or related to texas A&M and/or TTI related to the test matrix and/or protocol, and any and all documents referencing the test house or facility that has been selected, contemplated, and/or contracted.
2015-0043 Luci Department of Civil Engineering Polytechnic Institute of NYU. 11/05/2014 Request for Indirect Cost Rate
2015-0044 Lee Bloomberg News 11/06/2014 access to and copies of the ET Plus test
plan submitted on October 31, 2014 by Trinity Highway Products LLC, a subsidiary of Trinity Industries Inc., to the
FHWA, as well as email exchanges relating to the test plan sent and/or received by FHWA employees. An FHWA spokesman verified the submission of the test plan in
an e-mailed statement on October 31, 2014, which stated: The Federal Highway Administration received Trinity's ET Plus test plan. The FHWA will expeditiously,
but carefully, review the plan.
I would like to receive the information in the form of an e-mailed PDF to or a hard copy faxed to 646-268-5064.
2015-0045 Ivory The New York Times 11/06/2014 I request copies of (or access to)
documents, pertaining to Trinity Industries and all of its subsidiaries (hereafter referred to as the Records), specifically
(1) Records of all communications between Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) staff and Trinity staff from January 1, 2012, to the present, including, but not limited to emails, phone calls and text messages.
(2) Meeting records from all meetings between Trinity and FHWA staff from January 1, 2012, to the present, including any agendas, calendars, minutes, transcripts, and messages about meetings.
(3) Records of all correspondence of FHWA employees that mention Trinity or Trinity products, from January 1, 2012, to the present.
(4) All documents submitted by Trinity to FHWA on Oct. 31, 2014, detailing new crash test plans for the ET Plus end terminal system.
(5) Any and all documents and records produced, sent, or received by any FHWA or DOT employee involving test reports or discussions of testing pertaining to Trinity,
or its affiliates and partners, from January 1,
2012 to the present.
(6) Any and all records produced, sent, or received by any FHWA or DOT employee pertaining to the draft letter regarding the ET-Plus composed by FHWA in 2012, addressed to Trinity. This includes all drafts of the letter itself, as well as all correspondence associated with the letter, both prior to and after the decision not to send a finalized letter to Trinity.
(7) Any and all databases containing
records related to Trinity, including all data dictionaries, record layouts or other documentation pertaining to those databases. Correspondence, in all cases above, is defined as written correspondence, which includes, but is not limited to electronic correspondence. It shall include e-mails, letters, memos, instant messages, text messages or any communications in any other medium. Trinity staff or employees, in all cases above, are defined as anyone working on behalf of Trinity Industries or its subsidiaries, which includes, but is not limited to contractors, legal staff and public relations staff. FHWA staff or employees, in all cases above, are defined as anyone working on behalf of FHWA, which includes, but is not limited to contractors, legal staff and public relations staff.
2015-0046 Sheehan Annette Gonthier Kielty & Assoc. PC 11/06/2014 Central Artery/Tunnel Guard Rail
Use of Vehicle Barriers with top pedestrian rails in the Central Artery project
2015-0047 VerSchneider   11/07/2014 All accidents within the Village of
Boonville NY 13309 from 2000-2013.
2015-0048 Malabanan Department of Commerce/
11/07/2014 Mr. Poston requested access to copies of
reports written by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding a dam and fish ladder on Boardman Creek underneath the Oregon State highway 99E in Milwaukie, Oregon. Mr. Poston provided the following information to reference the requested reports:
October 5, 1999. NMFS signs a Biological Opinion requiring improvement of fish passage at Kellogg Lake Dam as part of the Sunnybrook Interchange and Extension Project
June 25, 2001. A reinitiation includes the term and condition: Improvements to the fishway at the mouth of Kellogg Creek at the Kellogg Creek Dam shall be designed and reviewed by NMFS, and actions initiated within 2 years of the conclusion of this reinitiated consultation unless
otherwise agreed to by NMFS.
July 10, 2001. NMFS submits a draft BiOp stating that the original consultation is invalid due to non-completion of fish passage improvements at Hwy 99E and Kellogg Lake
October 16, 2001. FHWA submits a letter to
NMFS stating that improvements to the fish ladder were still planned
November 20, 2001. NMFS issues a consultation reinitiation letter including the following ESA Section 7(a)(1) recommendation to FHWA:
FHWA and the applicant will work with the Bonneville Power Administration, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, and other interested parties, to remove the dam at the mouth of Kellogg Creek to restore unimpeded anadromous fish passage
During our search for records, we identified one document that originated with Federal Highway Administration. Therefore, according to DOC regulations 15 C.F.R.
4.5(b), we are consulting your office for a review/release determination. Please review the attached two pages from your Oregon Division and confirm NMFS may release this document to requester in response to this FOIA request. Please respond to this consultation request no later than November 12, 2014, so that we may respond to Mr. Poston in a timely manner. If we don not hear back from you by November 12, 2014, please consider this communication a FOIA referral for FHWA to respond directly to Mr. Poston. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me at telephone number (562) 980-4008.
2015-0049 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 11/10/2014 following documents identified to
DTFH6112D00041 / 1T13001:
1) Task order technical proposal volume including all attachments, exhibits, and/or appendices. We are not requesting the volume pertaining to cost.
2) Task order proposal under the Federal Highway Administration Support Services for the Office of Operations: Intelligent Transportation Systems IDIQ contract. TOPR # O&ITS-13-08 awarded to Booz Allen Hamilton (DTFH61-12-D-00041-T-
2015-0050 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 11/10/2014 following documents identified to
DTFH6112D00048 / 8T13001:
1) Task order technical proposal volume including all attachments, exhibits, and/or appendices. We are not requesting the volume pertaining to cost.
2) Task order proposals under the Federal Highway Administration Support Services for the Office of Operations: Intelligent Transportation Systems IDIQ contract. TOPR # TM&O-13-011 awarded
to Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (DTFH61-12
2015-0051 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 11/10/2014 following documents identified to
DTFH6111D0001 Order 5T13004:
1) Task order proposal volume including all attachments, exhibits, and/or
appendices. We are not requesting the volume pertaining to cost.
2) Task order proposal under the Federal Highway Administration Technical Support for Advancement of Freight Management and Operations contract.
2015-0052 Santos FOIA Group, Inc. 11/10/2014 following documents identified to
DTFH6112D0005 / 0T13013:
1) Task order technical proposal volume including all attachments, exhibits, and/or appendices. We are not requesting the volume pertaining to cost.
2) Task order proposal under the Federal Highway Administration Support Services for the Office of Operations: Intelligent Transportation Systems IDIQ contract. TOPR # TM&O-13-022 awarded to SAIC (DTFH61-12-D-00050-T13013)
2015-0053 Sidhom   11/10/2014 I request a copy of the following documents:
(1) Any awards or QSIs that Mr. Karl Eikermann (Functional Team Lead with CFL bridge office) has received from 2011 to
(2) The write-up (the basis for the award or the QSI) and the approval documents for such awards or QSIs from 2011 to 2014.
2015-0054 Kane Safety Research &
Strategies, Inc.
11/10/2014 Any and all expert reports provided to the
FHWA, by anyone, and filed in the qui tam action prosecuted in the Eastern District of Texas that resulted in a $175 million trebled verdict against Trinity Industries, Inc. including but not limited to expert reports authored by Brian Coon, Ph.D. and
Malcolm Ray, Ph.D.;
2. Any and all ET-Plus terminals and/or documents referencing these terminals that were measured and/or documented by Brian Coon, Ph.D. and/or any party affiliated with the qui tam action prosecuted in the Eastern District of Texas against Trinity Industries, Inc.
3. Any and all photographs and/or documents, including but not limited to accident reports and witness statements, provided to you by Joshua Harman and/or his counsel related to alleged failures of ET-Plus end terminals.
2015-0055 SHEEHAN ANNETTE GONTHIER KIELY & ASSOCS., PC 11/10/2014 Central Artery 1990-1992
2015-0056 French   11/12/2014 request copies in electronic format of
specific documents placing federal restrictions on the development of land on North Padre Island, Texas, purchased in part with money granted by the Federal Highway Administration. The attached document provides the details of the purchase.
Specifically, I seek copies of the documents showing compliance with the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA/CBIA) when the FHWA provided the grant to the State
of Texas for the purchase and use of this property, which lies within Unit T10 of the Coastal Barrier Resource System. Specifically, I seek copies of the state and federal interagency documents which demonstrate the mandatory consultation between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the FHWA to insure compliance with the general CBRA prohibition against providing federal money and other assistance towards the development of
such property, as well as those which discuss what restrictions FHWA placed upon the state and the Texas General Land
Office to insure CBRA compliance by those agencies and all successors in ownership
of this CBRS land which the FHWA
assisted in purchasing.
2015-0057 Kirkpatrick Troutman Sanders LLP 11/13/2014 Requesting any and all documents related to the Paulding Northwest Atlanta Airport, Silver Comet Field and the Paulding Aerospace Technology Park; GDOT Project number
2015-0058 Burns Tucker, burns, Yoder & Hatfield 11/14/2014 All communications in type written and/or electronic mail form occurring between April 1, 2014 and october 17, 2014 and specifically pertaining to the precasst cattle guard portion of DOT Project CN2100250/2100251. Including, but no tlimited to, all communications between DOT inspectors and third party civilians and/or corporations.
2015-0059 Flynn, III Flynn & Gottlieb, P.A. 11/14/2014 For the time period of January 1, 2013 to
present, 1. COncerning road work or paving performed on SR 85 by E. R. Snell Contractors, Inc., on June 7, 2014, please provide all records and information relating there to, including the contract and/or
award of the job, 2. All records and information concerning the road work undertaken pursuant to Federal Project M004582, especially including the following related to said project: a. all Contract (s), b. correspondence/commnications, to form E.R. Snell, c. all invoices or charges from any dump truck operator/company for said project, 3. and contract agreement of any nature, by and between the US DOT agencies or other federal government entity involved in doing road work, and highway improvements or construction, and 4. any photgraphs, reports, notices, records
and/or information of any sort concerning Lisa Benjamin and/or a dump truck causing an overhead line to fall on another vehicle, on June 7, 2014, on or near SR 85 in Riverdale, GA.
2015-0060 Walsh NBC Universal 11/14/2014 I request access to and copies of 1. The survey and results from a 2014 AASHTO survey on ET Plus to members of its Subcommittee on Design, 48 States, PR and DC, including the concerns and material received from Missouri.
The survey and responses to an October
2014 request to all State DOTs for all information they may have on crashes involving the ET Plus on their roads. Crash details about the 14 crashes identified in FHWAs analysis of the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Study data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
All new information FHWA received from Trinity as requested in a letter, mentioned in Attachment A, number 5.
2015-0061 Kurdock Advocates for Highway and
Auto Safety
11/14/2014 provide any and all agency records
regarding the ET-Plus guardrail end terminal (end terminal) manufactured by Trinity Industries (Trinity) based in Dallas, Texas and any or all subsidiaries or affiliates of Trinity including, but not limited to, Trinity Highway Products LLC. This FOIA request is limited in time to all responsive records dated on, or in the possession of, the agency beginning on, January 1, 2000, but in all other respects seeks all records regarding changes to the design of the end terminal, research conducted regarding the end terminal,
testing of the end terminal, communications from Trinity to FHWA employee Nicholas Artimovich regarding the end terminal, communications by FHWA employee Nicholas Artimovich to Trinity or others regarding the end terminal, all records of communications to or from FHWA employees and FHWA contractors
regarding the end terminal.
The scope of this request covers all agency records including, but is not limited to, memoranda, letters, notes, telephone messages, electronic mail (e-mail) and electronic files, transcribed materials, technical analyses, technical assistance documents regardless of format and whether as drafts or in final form.
2015-0062 Pingolt Cotner Board of County
11/14/2014 any and all copies of applications and/or requests submitted by All Aboard Florida and Florida East Coast Industries pertaining to a bond allocation.
2015-0063A Bohner   11/17/2014 Appealing the decision for no records provided by the CA division office.
2015-0064 Jones Pritchard, McCall & Jones, L.L.C., Attorneys At Law 11/17/2014 Requestor requests all documents in the possession or control of FHWA that relate to the Cahaba Beach Road Extension and Bridge Replacement FA Number SCP
59-839-12 Shelby/Jefferson County.
2015-0065 Stokes SELC 11/17/2014 Requestor requests all documents in the
possession or control of the FHWA that relate to any documents regarding the widening of U.S. 431 north and south of North Eufaula Avenue in Barbour County, AL.
2015-0066 Overstreet   11/18/2014 FHWA Nevada Division Operating Budget and salaries of employees
2015-0067 Guy Highway Tech 2 11/19/2014 am requesting some information regarding CDL law. I work for the Ohio Department of Transportation and I am also safety
advocate. We are seeking clarification regarding as to whether City, County and State agencies are exempt from the current hours of operations for driving and hours
of service. While typically we operate with
12 hours shifts some locations and depending on a snow event operate with a
16 hour shit. Most of that time is spent drive a snow plow truck. It is my understanding that the current law is 11 hours of driving time and 14 hours on duty. Are we exempt from that law as a state agency. There is debate on this issue but
as it stand no one has been able to find any law or reference to state that there are exemptions.
Are there any reference(s) that someone can guide or direct us to in relation to this inquiry Any in formation would be greatly appreciated.
2015-0068 Tran Mathis and Donhieser
Attorneys and Couselors
11/19/2014 The name of the person or entity responsible for the placement of the One Way sign along US 81 before it intersects with Industrial Loop in Hillsboro, Texas.
2015-0069 Stout Whiteman Osterman & Hanna, LLP 11/20/2014 Correspondence relating to project known as I-81 for period September 3, 1014 through October 29, 2014.
2015-0070 Masson Luke, Santaniello, Petrillo & Jones 11/21/2014 Mr. Ernest Charles Willains Jr DBA Big E Trucking, FL License #W452203823650, Mr. Brian L Nettles, FL License
#N342072702420, and the following Motor
Vehicle Vin:1M2AA13Y4MW009775.
2015-0071 Lang Hillard Munoz Gonzales LLP 11/21/2014 I am requesting an opportunity to inspect
or obtain copies of records reflecting
(i) Crash test data submitted to FWHA in connection with any request for federal-aid eligibility for the ET-Plus and any records reflecting the agencys analysis, evaluation, or validation of that data.
(ii)Any other crash-test data of the ET-Plus reviewed, analyzed, evaluated, or validated by FWHA and records reflecting the agencys review, analysis, evaluation, or validation of that data.
(iii)Modifications to the ET-Plus involving a reduction in the width of the guide channels, including how and when FWHA became aware of the modification, communications with Trinity about the modification, crash testing of the modified guardrail, and FWHAs analysis,
evaluation, or validation of crash test data. (iv)Re-testing of the ET-Plus, to commence in November 2014, including the reasons
for seeking retesting, and the retesting protocol.
(v)Any AASHTO surveys or data
regarding the ET-Plus submitted to FWHA and records reflecting FWHAs review, analysis, evaluation, or validation of that data.
(vi)Responses to the October 2014 request to State DOTs for information regarding crashes involving the ET-Plus.
(vii) FHWAs analysis of crashes in the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Study involving the ET-Plus.
(viii)Crash data involving the ET-Plus provided to FWHA by the Missouri DOT and records reflecting FWHAs review, analysis, evaluation, or validation of that data.
(ix) Any other data collected, reviewed, analyzed, evaluated, or validated by FWHA n assessing the safety of the
2015-0072 Flournoy GA DOT 11/21/2014 copies of any and all documents relied upon by the Suspension and Debarring Official in making the decision to suspend and propose to debar McAfee Desgin & Distributing Co., Inc.
2015-0073 Yazbeck Yazbeck, Cloran & Bowser, PC 11/21/2014 Any and all documents and communications between FHWA and ODOT concerning the DBE program and compliance with the DBE program for the Sunrise JTA project.
2015-0074 Jones   11/25/2014 A copy of correspondence from United States Senator Ted Cruz or his staff and the response to the correspondence from January 2013 through present. I believe the correspondence are most likely to be held
by your Office of Congressional Affairs or the office of the Executive Secretariat and likely tracked within a correspondence management system. I am specifically looking for correspondence regarding policy, legislation, or regulations, recommendations for executive branch positions or appointments, or support or opposition to federal funding for programs, projects, or companies
2015-0075 Pope Hasty Pope 11/25/2014 Request documents concerning Leon Jones Feed & Grain, Inc for an accident that occurred on January 16, 2014 on Ball Ground Road in Cherokee County, GA.
2015-0076 Machado ICA Engineering 12/01/2014 Copies of submissions made by the selected firms in association with solicitation number DTFH71-14-R-00011.
2015-0077 Byzet Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. 12/01/2014 Narrowing the scope: records for Ms. Wright-Aklin.
2015-0078 Scott   12/01/2014 TIFIA funding letter of interest and all supporting documents for the 183S project submitted on 4.16.14 by CTRMA.
2015-0079 Morrow   12/01/2014 Information pertaining to 1. National
Highway System (NHS); 2. any maps that show NHS, National Parks/Forests, Reservations and other public lands; 3. Sustainable Communitites local projects; 4. MAP-21; 5. NTL; 6. RITA; 7. myth or fact about walking or hitchhiking on the interstate; 8. Supporting Sustainable Rural Communities Report; 9. Livability in Transportation Guidebook - FHWA
-HEP-10-028; 10. Fact sheets on how incorporating livability into the transportation decision making process can benefit communities; and 11. Extensive list of all fact sheets used by DOT.
2015-0080 Renteria Renteria Law Firm, PLLC 12/02/2014 Request 1:
All documents related to crash data for ET Plus which DOT requested from or provided to any state.
Request 2:
All documents related to internal investigations, emails, or other correspondence related to safety concerns with ET Plus or guardrails.
Request 3:
All documents from Trinity Industries acknowledging a design change from 2005 to the present.
Request 4:
Any independent studies related to the performance of ET Plus.
Request 5:
All documents from other state or federal agencies or personnel sent to or requested by DOT related to safety concerns of ET Plus.
2015-0081 Baker Hiltgen & Brewer, P.C. 12/05/2014 1. Any and all contracts between the
FHWA and Railroad relating to any public projects on Railroad Crossing DOT No.
673-920K. 2. Any and all contracts between the oklahoma DOT and the City or COunty relating to any public proects at this crossing. 3. any documents showing
Federal funding was used to pay for a project at this crossing and 4. all work orders, plan sheets and billing related to a project at this crossing.
2015-0082 Lazo The Washington Post 12/08/2014 Correspondence (letters, emails or any other form) from the D.C. Department of Transportation to the Federal Highway Administrations District of Columbia Division asking about the requirements to close a portion of I-395 3rd Street ramp in order to expedite construction on the Capitol Crossing project.
Any written response from the Federal Highway Administration to the D.C. Department of Transportation related to the request to close a portion of I-395 in order to expedite construction on the Capitol Crossing project.
2015-0083 Ravnitzky   12/08/2014 a copy of the final report provided to the
FHA by the Texas
Department of Transportation under Grant Number 482011268L22030. The time frame for this contract was approximately
2011-2012. The subject was The Bankhead
Highway: A Heritage to Tourism
2015-0084 Fortier Fortier & Mikko 12/08/2014 records the FHWA Federal Lands Office possess regarding any technical, financial, or other assistance that the FLH provided to the Native Village of iliamna, Alaska, with respect to construction or
maintenance of roads or other construction projects funded through the Indian Reservation Roads programs, between January 1, 2004, and the present date.
2015-0085 Christensen   12/11/2014 Any and all public records and complete
file on the grade crossing and all documents related to the request for and use of federal money affecting the grade crossing concerning the Palmdale
Boulevard public grade crossing (DOT No.
750603SS; CPUC No. 001B-413.70; CPUC Crossing ID No. XING LA-1289), in Palmdale, CA, at Milepost 68.9 of the Metrolink Antelope Valley Line, former Mileport 413.7 of the UP Mojave Subdivision.
2015-0086 Lutz Gilbert, Harrell, Sumerford &
12/12/2014 Specifically request the following records
1. A complete and full copy of the
2. A copy of any and all contracts between any subdivision of the government and Nova involving the said project;
3. Project plans, specification, drawings and designs;
4. Copy of bid or proposal submitted by Nova in connection with the said project, including correspondence or RI associated with the submission and accept and of the bid;
5. Copy of any and all daily logs, field notes, inspection reports and other documents referencing the work being performed on the project by Nova or and of its subcontractors or suppliers;
6. Copy of any and all communications and or correspondence between Nova and any other person or entity involving the
project, the prime contract or the work performed by Repipe;
7. All pictures or videos taken at the project site from commencement of construction through the completion of the project by Nova or any of its subcontractors or suppliers;
8. All documents relating or referenced in any manner to the work being performed by Nova, or any of its subcontractors or suppliers, including Repipe on the project;
9. All applications for payment, lien waivers, and release involving the work performed on the project; and
10. Evidence of the completion of the construction, acceptance by the owner and payment of all amounts due for the work performed on the project.
2015-0087 Renteria Renteria Law Firm, PLLC 12/16/2014 1) Any email, correspondence which relates
to discussions concerning problems with
Trinity Highway Industries:
a) failure to notify regulators of design change.
b) injuries/fatalities caused by guardrails. c) design changes disclosed by trinity.
d) design changes not disclosed by trinity. e) state (dot) concerns with trinity guardrails products
f) internal discussions of concerns with trinity highway products
g) requests by state officials to retest trinity guardrails
#2: Any communications with Dean Sicking re trinity.
#3: Any independent examinations of trinity guardrails submitted to FHWA.
#4 Any examination of trinity guardrails requested by FHWA.
a) guidelines for 2014/2015 testing.
b) any documents submitted by trinity related to the testing.
c) results of testing.
#5 any disclosures by trinity related to personal injury suits, Qtam actions or other suits related to guardrails provided to FHWA by trinity or any other entity or individual.
2015-0088A Sunderland Din 14A0008 12/17/2014 Appealing the adequacy of search along with spelling errors that may have resulted in no records.
2015-0089 Goldberg   12/17/2014 Requestor is asking for the analysis of routes in deciding which one to use for the Crosstown Parkway Bridge in Port St. Lucie, Florida.

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