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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

U.S. Defense Supply Center – Richmond Virginia

The location of the Virginia State Route 150 overpass bridge abutments, and the sharp curve that approaches the existing two-way entrance intersection at G and Strathmore Road, impairs the sight distance for making a left turn from Strathmore road onto G Street leading into the supply center. In addition, vehicle speed approaching the intersection is a problem.  The objective of the project is to upgrade the intersection of G Road and Strathmore Road to AASHTO standards, and provide increased sight distance and any potential traffic calming measures. The two alternatives proposed to improve the sight distance are relocating the intersection to improve sight distance, and/or changing the T intersection to a roundabout, which may also serve as a calming feature for slowing vehicles, and providing improved time gaps for turning vehicles from the Supply Center.

The U.S. Department of Defense, Army has partnered with Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) to deliver seven projects under the Defense Access Road Program.  The list of projects can be found here:

Other Defense Access Road (DAR) Projects

Anticipated Timeline

Advertise:  2023

Construction:  2024

Project Photos