Arlington National Cemetery Defense Access Roads (DAR) Project
To help achieve the vision of the Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion (ANCSE), the DAR project will realign Columbia Pike, modify the S. Joyce Street Intersection and the Columbia Pike/Washington Boulevard (Route 27) Interchange, and replace Southgate Road with a new segment of S. Nash Street. As part of the realignment, a new location for the Cemetery maintenance compound will be added to the south of Columbia Pike. The project also will improve multimodal capacity and safety by adding pedestrian and bicycle facilities as well as street lighting. There will be no residential relocations as a result of this project.
This project has been the subject of an Environmental Assessment in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in December 2019.
The goals of the DAR project include:
- To improve safety and security
- To allow for more contiguous land for Arlington National Cemetery expansion
- To improve traffic and transit operations at signalized intersections
- To provide for more efficient pedestrian and bicycle access along Columbia Pike and through its interchange with Washington Boulevard
- To improve multimodal access to regional destinations, and maintain consistency with the Arlington County Master Transportation Plan, the Columbia Pike Multimodal Street Improvements Project, ANC expansion plans, and Pentagon 9/11 Memorial plans
For further information, updates, and detours visit the ANC Southern Expansion Project Page here:
Anticipated Timeline
Awarded: September 8, 2021
Construction: September 2021 - Summer 2025
Documents and Updates:
- Project Overview
- MOT TMP Phases (subject to change/adjustment to fit field conditions
- ANC landing page:
- USACE SE Project Page: Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion Project and Associated Roadway Realignment
- Arlington County ANC SE Project Page:
- Arlington County Columbia Pike Projects Page: