Lewisville Lake Access Road Improvements
Project Description
The Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA) project will improve the roadways accessing LLELA and the roadways and facilities within LLELA. The project length will be 2.18 miles. There are two roadways accessing LLELA that will be improved, Jones Street and North Kealy Avenue. Both roadways will be widened to a 37-foot wide concrete pavement roadway with bike lanes and curb and gutter on both sides of the roadway. A 10-foot wide aggregate path will be constructed on the north side of Jones St. and on the east side of N. Kealy Ave. Several utility poles will be relocated as part of the project. Roadways will remain open to traffic during construction and work will be completed using single lane closures. Jones St. can be accessed from N. Cowan Ave. on the west, and N. Kealy Ave. can be accessed from E. Valley Ridge Blvd. from the south and Jones St. from the north.
Anticipated Timeline
Advertise and Award: Winter 2023/2024
Construction: 2024