Rehabilitation of the Gatlinburg Tunnel located at MP 1.6 Along the Northbound Gatlinburg Spur Road
Project Description
Project NP-GRSM 11(4) is located in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate and replace the lighting system of Gatlinburg Tunnel through Big Ridge Mountain to prevent future deterioration. The work includes rehabilitation of the Gatlinburg Tunnel (Structure 5460-085P), replacement of pavement markings, repair of tunnel lining, replacement of the tunnel drainage system/drainage chases as needed, repointing of stone masonry portals, and installation of both an updated lighting system throughout the tunnel to meet current standards, an emergency backup battery system and other miscellaneous work.
Anticipated Timeline
Advertise and Award: Fall 2021
Construction: Summer 2022-Summer 2023