Repair Storm Damage on PR-191, PR-9938, PR-988, PR-9966, PR-930, and PR-186
El Yunque National Forest was devastated by torrential rains, high winds, and floodwaters from Hurricane Maria on September 20, 2017 causing widespread road damage that included slope slides, loss of pavement surfacing, shoulder and embankment washouts, heavy rutting, and structural damage. This Emergency Relief of Federally Owned Roads (ERFO) project is intended to repair the travel way, shoulder, embankment, culverts, and other miscellaneous work along PR routes 191, 9938, 988, 9966, 186, and 930. The scope of work consists of asphalt concrete pavement reconstruction, embankment construction, construction of gabion gravity walls, slide repairs, shoulder and ditch reconditioning, culvert replacement, and other miscellaneous work on PR Route 191 between KM 5.7 and KM 13.3; PR Route 9938 between KM 0.25 and KM 0.68; PR Route 9966 between KM 8.0 and 8.3; PR Route 988 between KM 0.45 and 4.7; PR Route 186 between KM 12.2 and 19.7; and PR Route 930 on KM 0.6.
Anticipated Timeline
Advertisement and Award: Spring 2021
Construction: 2021-2025