Garvin Road
Garvin Road is the primary access route for visitors to the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). The purpose and need of this project is to rehabilitate 3.4 miles of Garvin Road from 1000 feet east of West Bridge to CR 630 to the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) boundary. The County would like to maximize the amount of roadway to be rehabilitated as a part of this project. The project will be packaged based on Alfalfa County priorities accordingly:
- Schedule A: 3.4 miles of Garvin Road 11-ft HMA with 3-ft grass in each direction:
- Refuge to County Road 630 (CR630), Full-depth reconstruction (assuming a 6 HMA and 8 ABC), pave gravel section
- Provide turning movements just west of the NWR entrance.
- Option X: Begin, 1000 feet east of West Bridge to CR 630 (assuming a 3 ACP and 8 FDR), rehabilitate pavement, approximately 0.4 miles.
The proposed road reconstruction will closely follow the existing road with widening as appropriate to improve safety and minimize impacts. The reconstruction will improve the alignment, grade, and width to appropriate current standards. The project includes grading, drainage structures, subsurface drainage, placement of crushed aggregate base and asphalt pavement, signing, striping, guardrails, and other safety-related features necessary to meet current design practice.
Anticipated Timeline
Advertise: Fall 2026
Construction: Spring – Fall 2027