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Red Rock Trail


Project Description:

The FHWA is the lead agency for the Red Rock Trail and Intersections project, which proposes to connect the rapidly growing community of Summerlin to the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area (RRCNCA) Visitor Center for non-motorized users on a paved shared use path. The purpose of the project is to provide safer access to various recreational nodes in the RRCNCA for all users. The trail system, will connect approximately 5.5 miles of recreational use between a residential community and the RRCNCA along a detached path, providing an alternative opportunity for users in lieu of SR 159, therefore improving safety along SH 159, and continue to promote preservation of natural and cultural resources in the RRCNCA.

This project has 2 components that will be delivered in one combined project:

1) A 5.5-mile paved multi-use path from Summerlin (Sky Vista Drive) to the Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center, including safety improvements and parking. The safety improvements include relocation of the Red Rocks Canyon welcome sign to improve safety along SR 159

2) Intersection Improvements at Calico Basin and Scenic Loop Drive.