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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Milwaukee Bridge Resurfacing & Rehabilitation

Project Description:

The Milwaukee Bridge is located approximately 5 miles west of Terry. The purpose of this bridge rehabilitation project is to provide safer and more adequate transportation access to the Terry Badlands Wilderness Study Area (WSA) for residents, recreationists, visitors and resource users. The scope of work proposed by Prairie County includes removal of the existing deck and rail, installation of a new steel grate bridge deck, new bridge rail, and scour mitigation at one of the piers. The rehabilitated structure will utilize the existing superstructure and substructure of the Milwaukee Road Bridge.

Project Vicinity Map

Project Partners:

Prairie County

Eastern Plains Economic Development Corporation (EPEDC)

Montana Department of Commerce – Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP)

Federal Highway Administration – Western Federal Lands Highway Division (FHWA-WFLHD)

Key Project Dates:

Final Design Complete: December 2024

Advertise Construction: April 2025

Award Contract: June 2025

Begin Construction: July 2025

End Construction: October 2025    

Project Photos

Project Documents: