Park Road paved multiuse shoulder additions
The objective of the project is to allow for safer bicycle and pedestrian use along Park Road and for restoration of water flow in the wetlands on both sides of the road. This work will construct two 5-foot wide bicycle and pedestrian shoulders on the existing 22-foot wide, two-lane, two-way Park Road, replace an existing culvert at East Stark Bayou, and replace guardrail and bridge rail along the roadway. At East Stark Bayou, the existing boardwalk will be replaced with either a new boardwalk or a wall supporting embankment material (fill) for the bike trail. Existing culverts will be extended if required. This project includes creation of a one-acre marsh within the Park boundaries to mitigate impacts to essential fish habitat and loss of wetlands due to the widening of the roadway. The project can be accessed from US Route 90 on the north.
Anticipated Timeline
Advertisement and Award: Spring 2021
Construction: Fall 2021 - Summer 2022