I want to know more about . . . the basics of project development
The following modules contain information on that topic:
- Form FHWA-1273
- Selecting the Method of Construction: Contract or Force Account
- Pedestrian Accessible Design Requirements
- Buy America Contract Requirements
- Job Site Posters
- A Process from "Cradle to Grave"
- Introduction to Right-of-Way Requirements and the Uniform Act
- Right-of-Way Coordination and Certification Requirements
- Utility Coordination and Certification Requirements
- Railroad Coordination and Certification Requirements
- Construction Quality Assurance
- NEPA Compliance and Class of Actions
- Funding Basics and Eligibility
- Organizational and Consultant Conflicts of Interest
- Key Actions in the Cradle to Grave Process
- Mitigation of Environmental Impacts and Environmental Commitment Compliance
- Environmental Requirements
- Introduction to Project Construction and Contract Administration
- Design-Build Procurement
- DBE Contract Goals
- Project Requirements
- Hiring a Consultant Using Competitive Negotiation Procedures
- Projects and Statewide Planning Requirements
- Project Geometric Design Requirements
- Cost-Effectiveness Determinations and Public-Interest Findings
- Patented or Proprietary Products
Last updated: Wednesday, May 17, 2023