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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs


The list below contains a wide variety of resources and links that Vision Zero communities may find relevant.

Outreach, Toolkits, and Reports


  • State Strategic Highway Safety Plans
    To learn about your State’s planned infrastructure safety programs and strategies, please go to the Strategic Highway Safety Plans database and click on your State.
  • State Highway Safety Plans (HSPs)
    To understand your State’s planned behavioral safety work, please go to State Highway Safety Documents and select the link for your state. The HSPs, which are developed in collaboration with the State Departments of Transportation and other partners, are updated annually.
  • State Long Range Transportation Plans
    To learn about priority transportation topics in your State, please go to the State Transportation Long Range Planning database.
  • Metropolitan Transportation Plans
    For information about your Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and its planning process, plans, and programs, please use the MPO database.

FHWA Programs and Initiatives

Partners and Other Programs

two children in a pedestrian crossing