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FHWA Highway Safety Programs


  1. Strategies for Distributing "Speed Shatters Life" Campaign Public Service Advertising Materials (2011).
  2. Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010 Data.
  3. Donnell, E., et al., Speed Concepts: Informational Guide, FHWA Office of Safety (2009),
  4. FHWA Office of Safety Web site:
  5. FHWA Road Safety Audit Web site:
  6. Strategies for Distributing "Speed Shatters Life" Campaign Public Service Advertising Materials (2011).
  7. NCHRP Report 622 Effectiveness of Behavioral Highway Safety Countermeasures (2008)
  8. USLIMITS Web site:
  9. Forbes, G, et al., Methods and Practices for Setting Speed Limits: An Informational Report (2012),
  10. Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE). Iowa State University. Handbook of Simplified Practice for Traffic Studies. Iowa DOT project TR-455. CTRE project 01-08. November 2002. Available:
  11. Liu, Dissanayake, Speed Limit-Related Issues on Gravel Roads (2007),
  12. Unless otherwise noted, CMFs in this document were obtained from the CMF Clearinghouse and are assumed to apply to all crash types. Available at:
  13. MUTCD 2009
  14. Milstead, R., et al., Procedures for Setting Advisory Speed Limits on Curves (2011),
  15. Vest, A., et al., Effect of Warning Signs on Curve Operating Speeds. Kentucky Transportation Center (2005),
  16. Elvik, R. and Vaa, T., “Handbook of Road Safety Measures.” Oxford, United Kingdom, Elsevier, (2004).
  17. Hallmark, S., et al., Evaluation of Gateway and Low Cost Traffic-Calming Treatments for Major Routes in Small, Rural Communities (2007),
  18. Potts, I., et al., Relationship of Lane Width to Safety for Urban and Suburban Roadways, (2007),
  20. Bared, J., Hughes, W., Jagannathan, R., and Gross, F. "Two Low Cost Safety Concepts for Two Way Stop Controlled, Rural Intersections on High Speed Two Lane, Two Way Roadways." Report No. FHWA-HRT-08-063, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC. (2008)
  21. Hauer, E., “Lane Width and Safety.” (2000)
  22. Huang, H., et al., Summary Report: Evaluation of Lane Reduction "Road Diet" Measures and their Effects on Crashes and Injuries (2004),
  23. Harkey, D.L., R. Srinivasan, J. Baek, B. Persaud, C. Lyon, F.M. Council, K. Eccles, N. Lefler, F. Gross, E. Hauer, J. Bonneson, “Crash Reduction Factors for Traffic Engineering and ITS Improvements”, NCHRP Project 17-25 Final Report, Washington, D.C., National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board, (2008)
  24. Persaud, B. N., Retting, R. A., Garder, P. E., and Lord, D., “Observational Before-After Study of the Safety Effect of U.S. Roundabout Conversions Using the Empirical Bayes Method.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1751, Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, (2001)
  25. Gates, T., et al., The Safety and Operational Effects of Road Diet Conversions in Minnesota, 2007 TRB 86th Annual Meeting: Compendium of Papers CD-ROM, Vol. TRB#07-1918, Washington, DC, (2007),
  27. Schultz, G.G., K.T. Braley, and T. Boschert, “Correlating Access Management to Crash Rate, Severity, and Collision Type.” TRB 87th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers CD-ROM. Washington, D.C., (2008).
  28. Fortuijn, L. “Turbo Roundabouts: Design Principles and Safety Performance.” TRB 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers CD-ROM. Washington, D.C., 2009.
  29. Schoon, C. and van Minnen, J., “The Safety of Roundabouts in The Netherlands.” Traffic Engineering & Control, Vol. 35, No. 3, London, United Kingdom, Hemming Information Services, (1994) pp. 142-148.
  30. ITE Web site:
  31. FHWA Web site:
  32. Traffic Calming: Speed Control. Available:
  33. Elvik and Vaa, "Handbook of Road Safety Measures." (2004),
  34. Evaluation of Gateway and Low Cost Traffic-Calming Treatments for Major Routes in Small, Rural Communities 2007,
  35. Traffic Calming: Speed Control. Available:
  36. Traffic Calming: Speed Control. Available:
  37. Technical Summary:Mini-Roundabouts (February 2010)
  38. Evaluation of Gateway and Low-Cost Traffic-Calming Treatments for Major Routes in Small, Rural Communities (2007),
  39. Engineering Countermeasures for Reducing Speeds: A Desktop Reference of Potential Effectiveness (2009),
  40. Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 19,Uniform Guidelines for StateHighway Safety Programs, NHTSA (2006), Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 19,Uniform Guidelines for StateHighway Safety Programs, NHTSA (2006).
  41. NHTSA’S High-Visibility Model,
  42. Freedman, M., et al., Field Test of the Impact of Setting and Enforcing Rational Speed Limits in Gulfport, Mississippi, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, Washington, DC. (2007).
  43. USDOT Speed Team Enforcement Camera Systems Operational Guidelines (March 2008),
  44. Rural Initiatives for Traffic Safety: A Guide for the Office of Sheriff and Other Law Enforcement Officials in Rural Communities, NHTSA and National Sheriff’s Association,
  45. Speed Campaign Toolkit,
  46. Strategies for Distributing "Speed Shatters Life" Campaign Public Service Advertising Materials (2011),
  48. NHTSA,Countermeasures that Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasures Guide for State Highway Safety Offices, Sixth Edition (2011).
  49. Pennsylvania Traffic Calming Handbook, PennDOT,
  52. Gross, F., et al., A Guide for Developing Quality Crash Modification Factors, FHWA Office of Safety (2010),