This User Guide (User Guide #1) focuses on studying safety conditions at one site. The site could be identified in any variety of ways such as public concern, local official input, or staff familiarity of site conditions. To study safety at one site, the practitioner can use a portion of the roadway safety analysis process presented in Figure 1. The steps to study safety conditions at one site are:
- Step 1 – Compile Data;
- Step 4 – Diagnose Site Conditions and Identify Countermeasures;
- Step 5 – Prioritize Countermeasures for Implementation;
- Step 6 – Implement Countermeasures; and
- Step 7 – Evaluate Effectiveness of Implemented Countermeasures.
At the conclusion of these activities, the practitioner also should evaluate whether there are other additional safety-related activities that can be conducted as part of ongoing work in the agency.
The solutions presented in this User Guide are provided in step-by-step form so that practitioners can apply the methods to comparable situations in any community. The scenarios outlined in the User Guide are examples to show intended use of the tools and provide examples of how some of the tools for each step are applied.