Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program
InfoBridge ™
Originally released in January 2019, data disseminated and displayed through InfoBridge includes the National Bridge Inventory (NBI), the National Bridge Elements (NBE), climate data extracted from National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 database, as well as data collected through LTBP program efforts including design and construction data for select bridges, NDE data for select bridges, as well as data from experimental testing The visualization capabilities and the tools provided in InfoBridge are highly beneficial to the States and other highway bridge owners as they work to manage bridge performance. InfoBridge includes several productivity features many of which are the results of the research conducted by the LTBP Program.
Additional information on InfoBridge can be found here.
LTBP Program
The LTBP Program is a long-term research effort to collect high-quality bridge data from a representative sample of highway bridges nationwide that will help the bridge community to better understand bridge performance. This site contains information about the program including a discussion of the program objectives, data collection goals, program protocols, data analysis, research projects and related products.
Long-Term Infrastructure Performance (LTIP) Student Data Analysis Contest
Encouraging Undergraduate and Graduate Students to Explore a Career in Bridge Engineering.
The contest (click here for guidelines) is designed to encourage university students to use bridge data to study the various factors affecting bridge performance, and to develop a technical paper to document their research.
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Program Contacts
FHWA Staff
Y. "Jane" Jiang, P.E.
Team Leader
Long-Term Infrastructure Performance Team
Email: jane.jiang@dot.gov
Office: (202) 493-3149
Robert (Rob) Zobel, P.E., Ph.D.
Program Coordinator
Long-Term Bridge Performance Program
Email: Robert.Zobel@dot.gov
Office: (202) 493-3024
Shri Bhide, Ph.D., S.E., P.E.
Research Structural Engineer
Long-Term Bridge Performance Program
Email: Shri.Bhide@dot.gov
Office: (202) 493-3302