TV Public Service Announcements
These PSAs can be found on both the beta tape and Data CD2 in the Pedestrian Safety Campaign Planner materials.
This campaign includes 2 driver-targeted TV PSAs:
Driver/Child Crossing :30
Highlights a crucial concern for pedestrian safety: Drivers making left or right turns at intersections may not remember to look for pedestrians crossing.
Download: open-caption version (MPEG, 13.4 Mb) | no-caption version (MPEG, 12.2 Mb)
Driver/Young Girl :30
Makes a hard-hitting emotional appeal to drivers: Look out for pedestrians-the lives of others are in your path.
Download: open-caption (MPEG, 13.4 Mb) | no-caption (MPEG, 12.8 Mb)
Also included are 2 pedestrian-targeted TV PSAs:
Pedestrian/Signals :30
Uses film footage, voiceover and animated text to explain the pedestrian crossing signals.
Download: open-caption (MPEG, 13.4 Mb) | no-caption (MPEG, 12.5 Mb)
Pedestrian/Night Visibility :15
Shows a firefighter at work and walking in casual clothing at night, making use of reflective materials and emphasizing the importance of being visible when walking in the dark.
Download: open-caption (MPEG, 6.9 Mb) | no-caption (MPEG, 6.3 Mb)