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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

TV Public Service Announcements

These PSAs can be found on both the beta tape and Data CD2 in the Pedestrian Safety Campaign Planner materials.
This campaign includes 2 driver-targeted TV PSAs:

Driver/Child Crossing :30

Highlights a crucial concern for pedestrian safety: Drivers making left or right turns at intersections may not remember to look for pedestrians crossing.

Download: open-caption version (MPEG, 13.4 Mb) | no-caption version (MPEG, 12.2 Mb)

Driver/Young Girl :30

Makes a hard-hitting emotional appeal to drivers: Look out for pedestrians-the lives of others are in your path.

Download: open-caption (MPEG, 13.4 Mb) | no-caption (MPEG, 12.8 Mb)

Also included are 2 pedestrian-targeted TV PSAs:

Pedestrian/Signals :30

Uses film footage, voiceover and animated text to explain the pedestrian crossing signals.

Download: open-caption (MPEG, 13.4 Mb) | no-caption (MPEG, 12.5 Mb)

Pedestrian/Night Visibility :15

Shows a firefighter at work and walking in casual clothing at night, making use of reflective materials and emphasizing the importance of being visible when walking in the dark.

Download: open-caption (MPEG, 6.9 Mb) | no-caption (MPEG, 6.3 Mb)