First Name:
Last Name:
(202) 493-3471
Team: Resource Management Team
Office: Office of Research Services
Office Code: HRRS-30
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Serves as the key advisor to Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) leaders and staff in addressing and resolving technical issues related to Information Technology (IT), Video Teleconference (VTC), and facility improvement planning and security needs
- Advises on issues involving U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and Federal Highway Administration IT policies, local area network/wide area network (LAN/WAN), TFHRC Help Desk, and common operating environment (COE). Ensures that policies are up to date and issues addressed
- Acts as the contract office representative (COR) on research network contracts
- Provides oversight and advisory support for the DOT’s Office of the Secretary IT support contract. Conducts IT planning for research network (e.g., procurement planning, cost estimating, budgeting, etc.)
- Plans physical space at TFHRC and ensures maintenance/updating of TFHRC’s space inventory
- Maintains TFHRC security database. Updates database regularly and supports the needs for tracking and reporting both Federal and contractor employee information
- Acts as the TFHRC accountable property manager, including transfer, surplus, physical audit, inventory management, and reports of survey
- Is the purchase card coordinator and approving official for Office of Research, Development, and Technology purchase card holders. Reviews all purchase card purchase requisitions in Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) application
- Acts as records management liaison with Office of Administration.
- Oversees vehicle administration including government tags, credit cards for research vehicles, and review and approval of fuel charges
- Manages support and maintenance of the TFHRC copy machines and mail meter