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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Research and Technology Program Development and Partnership Team

The Research and Technology (R&T) Program Development and Partnership Team conducts the following services.

Corporate Program Delivery

The team provides Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) leadership for policy development and the administration of nationwide R&T programs in the following areas: the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)Research Partnerships Program, and the research activities portion of the State Planning and Research (SP&R) programs. With the FHWA program offices and the FHWA Resource Center, the team develops and implements feedback systems about the effectiveness of research products from these programs. With partners (e.g., American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the AASHTO Special Committee on Research and Innovation, the AASHTO Research Advisory Committee, NCHRP, SP&R, universities, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Research, Development, and Technology (RD&T) Planning Council, the Transportation Research Board (TRB), etc.), the team leads the overall development of national R&T programs at the Agency-wide level and coordinates appropriate areas with the FHWA program offices. The team also administers the Transportation Pooled Fund Program. The team coordinates the FHWA-wide Small Business Innovation Research program, working with the Volpe Center of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R). The group also provides peer exchange guidance for the SP&R program. For additional information on conducting peer reviews, read FHWA's State Planning and Research Guide For Peer Exchanges, FHWA–HRT–10–048. The Frequently Asked Questions page contains helpful answers. Also useful for State departments of transportation is the NCHRP, TRB, National Research Council; see NCHRP 20-111(G) Best Practices for State DOT Peer Exchanges for additional information.

R&T Leadership Team Support

The R&T Program Development and Partnership Team provides leadership and support to the R&T Leadership Team, which includes the Associate Administrators for Planning, Environment, and Realty; Federal Lands Highway; Infrastructure; Operations; Policy and Governmental Affairs; Professional and Corporate Development; Safety; Civil Rights, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, and Research, Development, and Technology. The Office also formulates strategic issue agendas, schedules meetings, provides followup, and develops progress reports for R&T Leadership Team decisions.

Our Responsibilities

The team provides the following coordination services.

Liaisons and Partnerships: This function facilitates the planning and development of a collaborative, inclusive outreach process intended to identify future research needs, and targets research opportunities within the larger national R&T agenda. In this role, HRTM coordinates with and supports OST-R on the implementation of the University Transportation Center (UTC) program, and establishes R&T UTC partnerships. The team coordinates with entities such as the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the USDOT RD&T Planning Team and Council, and others. The team coordinates with the TRB Research and Technology Coordinating Committee to develop and deliver the FHWA R&T program. The team also serves as the point of contact for R&T in matters involving the Office of Inspector General, Government Accountability Office, and other review or investigative organizations. In addition, the team provides Agency leadership for policy development and the administration of the research activities portion of the SP&R programs, including drafting regulations and policy guidance, and providing advice to FHWA division offices and State research managers.

Legislative and Intergovernmental Actions: The team provides legislative analysis and support for R&T, including drafting and reviewing R&T legislation, and providing technical assistance for legislative testimony to the FHWA Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs and the U.S. Congress. The team also assists FHWA leadership and coordinates with the FHWA Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs, OST-R, and/or the Office of the Secretary of Transportation’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy in responding to congressional and departmental inquiries on R&T activities and requests for technical assistance. The team works with the R&T Leadership Team to implement newly authorized research initiatives and coordinates FHWA leadership interactions with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the USDOT RD&T Planning Council, and others on R&T plans and initiatives.

Strategic Planning and Performance Management: The team formulates FHWA's R&T strategic plan and collaborates with the OST-R on the USDOT RD&T strategic plan. The team designs and implements the tools and methods to improve the quality of FHWA R&T. The team also develops and implements action/business plans that advance USDOT and FHWA strategic goals, objectives, and corporate management strategies. The team develops and coordinates R&T input to FHWA's strategic and performance plans. In addition, the team develops the program evaluation and performance measurement framework for the overall R&T program. The team develops and maintains systems for collecting and analyzing data and trends—including customer service surveys—to evaluate R&T policy and program effectiveness, and develops the RD&T performance plan, and gathers data to develop and publish a performance measurement report for RD&T. The team provides leadership to advance the U.S. President's Management Agenda for R&T, including budget and performance integration, and improves Agency processes leading to demonstrable program results.

Budget Preparation and Execution: The team leads the coordination and preparation of FHWA's annual R&T budget request for the overall R&T program, and prepares the budget request for RD&T with FHWA’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). In addition, the team prepares and coordinates the R&T budget delivery plan on receipt of notification of the final appropriation action by U.S. Congress. The team identifies and tracks congressional earmarks and provides required data that are used on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) website. The team contributes to the annual report to the U.S. Congress describing USDOT's actual and proposed funding for R&T; collaborates within the interagency National Science and Technology Council and its various subcommittees on the identification of FHWA research and development priorities; and provides advice to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy about R&D priorities.

Technology and Innovation Deployment: The team serves as FHWA’s primary contact for identifying best practices, formulating strategies, and engaging transportation stakeholders in technology and innovation delivery. The team identifies, coordinates, and manages strategies and goals related to intellectual property.