Research Technology and Innovation Deployment
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) plays a key leadership role in sponsoring, sustaining, and guiding highway research. As a leader in the transportation research and technology (R&T) field, FHWA is working to improve its R&T program and to deploy innovations and technologies.
Managers and staff at the FHWA are responsible for R&T, particularly in functional areas that develop and set the R&T Agenda for that subject, focus, or program area. These functional areas reflect FHWA's mission, support strategic goals, and engage internal and external stakeholders.
Core Highway Programs and Topics
Cross-Topic Areas
- Big Data
- Connected Vehicle Research Program
- Data Security
- National Security
Environment, Planning, and Real Estate
- Accelerating Project Delivery/Environmental Process
- Air Quality Analytical tools and methods/Mobile Source Ari Toxics (MSAT)
- Alternative Fuel Corridors/Electric Vehicles
- Bicycle and Pedestrian/Multimodal
- CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality)
- Conformity
- Connected/Autonomous Vehicles
- Context Sensitive Solutions/Livability
- Community Impacts
- Economic Development
- Fiscal Constraint and Financial Planning
- Freight Planning
- International and Border Planning
- Metropolitan Transportation Planning
- National Economic Networks
- National Highway System
- Noise
- Outdoor Advertising and Junkyard Control Programs
- Performance Based Planning and Programming
- Realty
- Resiliency and Adaptation
- Safety Planning
- Scenario Planning and Visualization
- Statewide/Non-Metropolitan (rural) Transportation Planning
- Sustainability
- Travel Model Improvement Program
- Tribal Lands
- Federal Lands
Exploratory Advanced Research
- General Exploratory Advanced Research
- Connected Highway and Vehicle System Concepts
- Breakthrough Concepts in Material Science
- Human Behavior and Travel Choices
- Technology for Assessing Performance
- New Technology and Advanced Policies for Energy and Resource Conservation
Federal and Indian Lands
- Indian Reservation Roads / Bridges
- Park Roads and Parkways
- Public Lands Highways
- Forest Highways
- Refuge Roads
- Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads
- Defense Access Roads
- Transportation Planning
- Construction and Project Management
- Asset Management
- Design
- Geotechnical
- Hydraulics
- Long-Term Infrastructure Performance
- Major Projects
- National Highway System
- Pavement and Materials
- Security
- Structures
- Transportation Performance Management
Innovative Program Delivery
- Economic Recovery
- Federal-aid and Financing
- Federal and Indian Lands Funding
- Innovative Finance Program
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Status of the Highway Trust Fund
- Tolling and Pricing Program
- Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA)
Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Accessible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative
- Automated Vehicles
- Cooperative Automated Vehicles
- Cooperative Automation Research Mobility Applications (CARMA)
- Integrating Advanced Technologies to Actively Manage Traffic
- Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation
- Saxton Transportation Operations Laboratory
- Connected Vehicle Research
- Vehicle to Infrastructure
- Transportation Systems Management and Operations
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
- Security
- Tolling and Pricing Program
- Freight/Goods Movement
- Highway Data/System Performance
- Laws, Regulations, Policy and Directives
- National Household Travel Survey
Research Infrastructure, Technology Transfer, and Partnerships
- Research Infrastructure
- Technology Transfer
- Partnerships
- Coordination and outreach to State and local partners
- Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)
- International partnerships and cooperation
- National Cooperative Highway Research Program
- Transportation Pooled Fund Program
- Transportation Research Board Core Services
- State Planning and Research Program
- Safety Design and Operations
- Intersections
- Roadway Departure
- Pedestrian / Bicycle
- Local and Rural Roads
- Safety Program Delivery
- Highway Safety Improvement Program
- Roadway Safety Capacity Building Program
- Human Factors Analytics
- Human Factors
- Traffic Control Device Pooled Fund
- Safety Data and Analysis
- Data and Analysis
- Motorcycle Crash Causation Study
- Interactive Highway Safety Design Model
- Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM)
- Naturalistic Driving Study Pooled Fund
External Links icon
- Evaluation of Low Cost Safety Improvements Pooled Fund Study
- Highway Safety Information System
- Safety Training and Analysis Center