Journal Citations
Many of the studies conducted using HSIS data result in publication in professional journals, conference proceedings, research records, and other peer-reviewed documents.
Title | Pub Date | Author |
Analysis of head-on crash injury severity using a partial proportional odds model | June | Pengfei Liu and Wei (David) Fan |
Exploring truck driver-injury severity at intersections considering heterogeneity in latent classes: A case study of North Carolina | June | Li Song and Wei (David) Fan |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Modeling and comparing injury severity of at-fault and not at-fault drivers in crashes | November | Venkata R Duddu, Praveena Penmetsa, and Srinivas S Pulugurtha |
A heterogeneity based case-control analysis of motorcyclist’s injury crashes: Evidence from motorcycle crash causation study | October | Behram Wali, Asad J. Khattak, and Aemal J. Khattak |
Injury Severity Analysis of Commercially-Licensed Drivers in Single-Vehicle Crashes: Accounting for Unobserved Heterogeneity and Age Group Differences | September | Mohamed Osman, Sabyasachee Mishra, and Rajesh Paleti |
Factors Influencing Injury Severity of Crashes Involving HAZMAT Trucks | March | Majbah Uddin and Nathan Huynh |
Modeling Crash Injury Severity by Road Feature to Improve Safety | January | Praveena Penmetsa and Srinivas S Pulugurtha |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Development of a global road safety performance function using deep neural networks | September | Guangyuan Pan, Liping Fu, and Lalita Thakali |
Evaluation of the Impact of Traffic Volume on Site Ranking | May | Wen Cheng, Gurdiljot Singh Gill, Luis Loera, Xiaofei Wang, and Jung-Han Wang |
Modelling single-vehicle, single-rider motorcycle crash injury severity: an ordinal logistic regression approach | April | Mahdi Pour-Rouholamin, Mohammad Jalayer, and Huaguo Zhou |
Investigating temporal trends in the explanatory variables related to the severity of drivers' injuries in single-vehicle collisions | February | Essam Dabbour |
Examining Injury Severity of Not At-Fault Drivers in Two-Vehicle Crashes | January | Praveena Penmetsa, Srinivas S Pulugurtha, and Venkata R Duddud |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Analysis of injury severity of large truck crashes in work zones | December | Mohamed Osman, Rajesh Paleti, Sabyasachee Mishra, and Mihalis M Golias |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Safety Propensity Index for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections: Exploration and Assessment | October | Justin P. Schorr and Samer H. Hamdar |
Comparison of Sichel and Negative Binomial Models in Hotspot Identification | January | Lingtao Wu, Yajie Zhao, and Dominique Lord |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Appraisal of the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model's Crash Prediction and Design Modules: Case | February | Donnell, E.T., F. Gross, B.P. Stodart, and K.S. Opiela |
Safety Effectiveness of Lane and Shoulder Width Combinations on Rural, Two-Lane, Undivided Roads | January | Gross, F., P.P. Jovanis, and K.A. Eccles |
Analysis of Effects of Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity on Traffic Crash Frequency on Highways in | January | Donnell, E.T., V. Karwa, and S. Sathyanarayanan |
Safety Impact of Truck Lane Restrictions on Multilane Freeways | January | Fontaine, M.D., C.S. Bhamidipati, and L.E. Dougald |
Analysis of Road Crash Frequency with Spatial Models | January | Guero-Valverde, J. and P.P. Jovanis |
Two Low-Cost Safety Concepts for Two-Way, Stop-Controlled Intersections in Rural Areas | January | Gross, F., R. Jagannathan, and W. Hughes |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Adjustment for Maximum Likelihood Estimate of Negative Binomial Dispersion Parameter | January | Park, B. and D. Lord |
Effects of Varying Dispersion Parameter of Poisson-Gamma Models on Estimation of Confidence Interval | January | Geedipally, S.R. and D. Lord |
Safety Evaluation of Installing Center Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes on Two-Lane Roads | January | Lyon, C., B.N. Persaud, N.X. Lefler, D.L. Carter, and K.A. Eccles |
Safety Evaluation of Flashing Beacons at Stop-Controlled Intersections | January | Srinivasan, R., D.L. Carter, B.N. Persaud, K.A. Eccles, and C. Lyon |
Safety Effectiveness of "Stop Ahead" Pavement Markings | January | Gross, F., R. Jagannathan, C. Lyon, and K. Eccles |
Relationships Between Safety and Both Congestion and Number of Lanes on Urban Freeways | January | Kononov, J., B. Bailey, and B.K. Allery |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Predicting motor vehicle collisions using Bayesian neural network models: An empirical analysis | September | Xie, Y., D. Lord, and Y. Zhang |
Difficulties with Quasi-Induced Exposure when Speed Varies Systematically by Vehicle Type | July | Jiang, X. and R.W. Lyles |
Estimating Safety Benefits of Shoulder Rumble Strips on Two-Lane Rural Highways in Minnesota | January | Patel, R., F. Council, and M. Griffith |
Crash Prediction Models for Intersections on Rural Multilane Highways: Differences by Collision Type | January | Jonsson, T., J.N. Ivan, and C. Zhang |
Multivariate Poisson-Lognormal Models for Jointly Modeling Crash Frequency by Severity | January | Park, E.S. and D. Lord |
Modeling the Probability of Freeway Rear-End Crash Occurrence | January | Kim, J.K., Y. Wang, and G.F. Ulfarsson |
Application of Innovative Time Series Methodology to Relationship Between Retroreflectivity of Pavement | January | Masliah, M., G. Bahar, and E. Hauer |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Turning Young Drivers into Survivors | September | Opiela, K.S., B.M. Sant,and J.A. Childers |
Use of Propensity Score Matching Method and Hybrid Bayesian Method to Estimate Crash Modification Fa | January | Davis, G.A. and N. Aul |
Part 5: Surface Transportation Weather: Development of Roadway Weather Severity Index | January | Strong, C. and Y. Shvetsov |
Bayesian Multivariate Poisson Regression for Models of Injury Count, by Severity | January | Ma, J. and K.M. Kockelman |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Real World Crash Evaluation of Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) Technology | January | Bahouth, G. |
Safety Effects of Speed Limit Changes: Use of PanelModels, Including Speed, Use, and Design Variable | January | Kockelman, K.M. and Y.J. Kweon |
Safety of U-Turns at Unsignalized Median Openings: Some Research Findings | January | Levinson, H.S., I.B. Potts, D.W. Harwood, J. Gluck, and D.J. Torbic |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Crash Reduction Following Installation of Centerline Rumble Strips on Rural Two-Lane Roads | November | Persaud, B.N., R.A. Retting, and C.A. Lyon |
Method for Priority-Ranking and Expanding Freeway Service Patrols | January | Khattak, A., N. Rouphail, K. Monast, and J. Havel |
Safety Evaluation of Permanent Raised Snow-Plowable Pavement Markers | January | Persaud, B, G. Bahar, C. Mollett, and C. Lyon |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Effects of Work Zone Presence on Injury and Non-Injury Crashes | January | Asad J. Khattak, Aemal J. Khattak, and Forrest M. Council |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Three-Strand Cable Median Barrier in North Carolina: In-Service Evaluation | January | W.W. Hunter, J.R. Stewart, K.A. Krull, H.F.Huang, F.M. Council, and D.L.Harkey |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Explaining two-lane highway crash rates using land use and hourly exposure | January | John N. Ivan, Chunyan Wang, and Nelson R. Bernardo |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Safety Effects of the Conversion of Rural Two-Lane to Four-Lane Roadways Based on Cross-Sectional Mo | October | Forrest M. Council and J. Richard Stewart |
Effects of Speed Limit Increases on Crash Injury Severity | October | Henry Renski, Asad J. Khattak, and Forrest M. Council |
Safety Evaluation of Rolled-In Continuous Shoulder Rumble Strips Installed on Freeways | October | Michael Griffith |
Estimating Truck-Rollover Crashes on Ramps by Using a Multistate Database | January | David L. Harkey |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Investigation of National Highway System Roadways in the Highway Safety Information System States | September | Charles V. Zegeer, Herman F. Huang, J. Richard Stewart, and Carolyn Williams |
Effects of a Towaway Reporting Threshold on Crash Analysis Results | September | Charles V. Zegeer, Herman F. Huang, J. Richard Stewart, Ron Pfefer and Jun Wang |
Accident Models for Two-Lane Rural Segments and Intersections | September | Andrew Vogt and Joe Bared |
Applying the ordered Probit Model to Injury Severity in Truck-Passenger Car Rear-End Collisions | September | Chandler S. Duncan, Asad J. Khattak, and Forrest M. Council |
Role of Adverse Weather in Key Crash Types on Limited-Access: Roadways Implications for Advanced Wea | January | Khattak, A.J., P. Kantor, and F.M. Council |
Safety Effects of Cross-section Design on Rural Multi-lane Highways | January | Jun Wang, Warren E. Hughes, and J. Richard Stewart |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Effects of Air Bags on Severity Indices for Roadside Objects | January | Forrest M. Council, Yusuf M. Mohamedshah, and J. Richard Stewart |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Vehicle-Animal Crashes: An Increasing Safety Problem | August | Warren E. Hughes, A. Reza Saremi, and Jeffrey F. Paniati |
Investigation of Highway Work Zone Crashes: What We Know and What We Don't Know | January | Jun Wang, Warren E. Hughes, Forrest M. Council, and Jeffrey F. Paniati |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Comparison of the Safety of Lighting Options on Urban Freeways | Michael S. Griffith | |
Accident Rates Using HSIS | Yusuf M. Mohamedshah, and Amy R. Kobls | |
Accident Relationships of Roadway Width on Low-Volume Roads | January | Zegeer, C.V., J.R. Stewart, F.M. Council, and T.R. Neuman |
Frequency and Severity of Crashes Involving Roadside Safety Hardware by Vehicle Type | January | John G. Viner, Forrest M. Council, and J. Richard Stewart |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Modeling Vehicle Accidents and Highway Geometric Design Relationships | December | Shaw-Pin Miaou and Harry Lum |
Association of Median Width and Highway Accident Rates | October | Mathew W. Knuiman, Forrest M. Council, and Donald W. Reinfurt |
Truck Accident Models for Interstates and Two-Lane Rural Roads | October | Yusuf M. Mohamedshah, Jeffrey F. Paniati, and Antoine G. Hobeika |
Statistical Evaluation of the Effects of Highway Geometric Design on Truck Accident Involvements | October | Shaw-Pin Miaou and Harry Lum |
Estimation of Safety at Two-Way stop-Controlled Inrtersections on Rural Highways | October | James A. Bonneson and Patrick T. McCoy |
Comparative Performance of Barrier and End Treatment Types Using the Longitudinal Barrier Special St | January | Hunter, W.W., J.R. Stewart, and F.M. Council |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Investigation of Passing Accidents Using the HSIS Data Base | September | Yusuf M. Mohamedshah |
Title | Publication Date | Author |
Evaluation of Truck Crashes Using a GIS-Based Crash Referencing and Analysis System | David L. Harkey |