ELCSI-PFS 2013 TAC Meeting Agenda
FHWA Evaluation of Low-Cost Safety Improvements Pooled Fund Study 2013 Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
NHI Facility (Virginia Room), Arlington, Virginia
May 21 - 22, 2013
** Morning Session – 8:00 AM ET **
- Welcome and Vision—Roya Amjadi and Carol Tan,
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Introductions and Overview of Meeting—Kim Eccles,
- Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB)
- Background and Review of Study to Date
- Mission, Objectives, and History of the Study—Kim Eccles, VHB
- Evaluation Study Designs—Frank Gross, VHB
- Mission, Objectives, and History of the Study—Kim Eccles, VHB
- DCMF Overview—Jon Soika, VHB
- Combination of Centerline & Edgeline Rumble Strips—Craig Lyon, Persaud & Lyon
- Update on South Carolina Statewide Intersection Improvements—Joey Riddle, SCDOT
- Phase VII
- Intersection Conflict Warning Systems—Frank Gross, VHB
- Pavement Marking Types and Characteristics—Craig Lyon, Persaud & Lyon
- Intersection Conflict Warning Systems—Frank Gross, VHB
- Combination of Centerline & Edgeline Rumble Strips—Craig Lyon, Persaud & Lyon
- Peer Exchange Discussion
** BREAK – 10:00 AM ET **
- A Focused Approach to Pedestrian Safety— Tamara Redmon and Gabe Rousseau, FHWA
- Phase VII (continued)
- Pedestrian Safety in Florida—Rickey Fitzgerald, FDOT
- Pedestrian Signals, Signing, and Markings—Daniel Carter, The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (UNC-HSRC)
- Driver Feedback Signs—Eric Donnell, Penn State University
- Pedestrian Safety in Florida—Rickey Fitzgerald, FDOT
- Phase VII (continued)
- Peer Exchange Discussion
- Advances in Pavement and Phase VI
- FHWA Every Day Counts: High Friction Surface Treatments—Mike Moravec, FHWA
- Update on Phase VI: Pavement Safety Performance—Dave Merritt, Transtec
- Surface Aggregates and Pavement Friction—Rick Meininger, FHWA
- Porous Graded Asphalt—Eric Weaver, FHWA
- FHWA Every Day Counts: High Friction Surface Treatments—Mike Moravec, FHWA
- Peer Exchange Discussion
** LUNCH – 11:45 AM ET **
** Afternoon Session – 12:45 PM ET **
- MAP-21 and its Implications to Highway Safety Programs and Initiatives
- HSIP Perspective—Karen Scurry, FHWA
- Data Perspective—Ray Krammes, FHWA
- Cost Estimates for Collecting MIRE Subset—Stuart Thompson, FHWA
- CDIP & RDIP—Ray Krammes, FHWA
- Question and Answer Session
- HSIP Perspective—Karen Scurry, FHWA
- General State Safety Reports
- Connecticut—Joe Ouellette, ConnDOT
- Arizona—Kohinoor Kar, ADOT
- Connecticut—Joe Ouellette, ConnDOT
- Peer Exchange Discussion
** BREAK – 2:30 PM ET **
- NCHRP 17-61 and Work Zone Safety Countermeasures—Mike Fontaine, Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research (VCTIR)
- Recent or Ongoing Safety Initiatives at FHWA
- FHWA Roadway Safety Data Program Highlights
- Road Safety Data Peer Exchanges: What We Heard—Kim Eccles, VHB
- Developing National Actions for Improving Safety Data Systems—Ray Krammes, FHWA
- Discussion and Q&A
- Road Safety Data Peer Exchanges: What We Heard—Kim Eccles, VHB
- Safety Research on Motorcyclist Safety—Craig Thor, FHWA
- Tree Crash Analysis—Roya Amjadi, FHWA
- FHWA Roadway Safety Data Program Highlights
- Peer Exchange Discussion
Adjourn – 4:20 PM (Building locks at 4:30 PM … LEAVE your name tent, TAKE everything else)
** Morning Session – 8:00 AM ET **
- Day 1 Recap—Kim Eccles, VHB
- Alternative Intersections and Safety
- Missouri Experiences—John Miller, MoDOT
- Tennessee Experiences—Brian Hurst, TDOT
- Utah Experiences—Scott Jones, UDOT
- Michigan Experiences—Mark Bott, MDOT
- Evaluation of the Diverging Diamond Interchange—Wei Zhang, FHWA
- FHWA Every Day Counts: Intersection and Interchange Geometrics—Jeff Shaw, FHWA
- Research Outlook—Joe Hummer, Wayne State University
- Missouri Experiences—John Miller, MoDOT
- Peer Exchange Discussion
** BREAK – 10:00 AM ET **
- General State Safety Reports
- Montana—Kraig McLeod, MDT
- Ohio—Michael McNeill, ODOT
- Montana—Kraig McLeod, MDT
- Update from the Human Factors Team—Jim Shurbutt, FHWA
- Looking Forward
- DCMF Marketing, Communication, and Outreach Plan—Patty Hardee, Voice Associates
- Planning for Next Year—Jon Soika, VHB
- DCMF Marketing, Communication, and Outreach Plan—Patty Hardee, Voice Associates
- TAC Balloting and Future Direction of the Study—Roya Amjadi, FHWA
- Meeting Summary—Kim Eccles, VHB
Adjourn – 12:00 PM ET
Last updated: Monday, December 2, 2019