ELCSI-PFS 2012 TAC Meeting Agenda
FHWA Evaluation of Low-Cost Safety Improvements Pooled Fund Study 2012 Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
May 15–16, 2012
DAY 1: Tuesday, May 15
Morning Session – 8:30 AM ET
- Welcome and Introductions, Ray Krammes (Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)) [15]
- Review of Mission, Objectives, and History of the Study, Kim Eccles (Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB)) [30] Phase V, Part 1
- Overview of Study Designs and Update on Strategies, Craig Lyon
- (Persaud & Lyon) and Jon Soika (VHB) [25]
- (Persaud & Lyon) and Jon Soika (VHB) [25]
- Pennsylvania’s Experience with Combined Rumbles, Chris Speese
- (PennDOT) [15]
- Statewide Intersection Improvements: A Brief Update, Joey Riddle
- (SCDOT) [15]
- (SCDOT) [15]
- Statewide Intersection Improvements: A Brief Update, Joey Riddle
- (PennDOT) [15]
- Overview of Study Designs and Update on Strategies, Craig Lyon
- Break – 10:15 AM ET (approximately) [15]
- Related National Evaluation Efforts
- Safety Edge, Cathy Satterfield (FHWA) [15]
- Rural Safety Innovation-Evaluation Project, Jim Dewar (FHWA) [10]
- Evaluation of Intersection Safety Strategies (National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 17-35) – Interactive
- Discussion of Results, Daniel Carter - The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (UNC-HSRC) [20]
- Discussion of Results, Daniel Carter - The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (UNC-HSRC) [20]
- Safety Edge, Cathy Satterfield (FHWA) [15]
- FHWA Intersection Programs, Wei Zhang (FHWA) [15]
- Human Factors Evaluations, Jim Shurbutt and Brian Philips (FHWA) [15]
- MIRE MIS, Bob Pollack (FHWA) [15]
12:00 Boxed Lunch
Afternoon Session – 1:00 PM ET
- Future Direction of the Study, Roya Amjadi (FHWA) Evaluation Phase
- (Part 2) of Phase III and V [10] Initiation of Phase VI [10]
- Evolution of Study and Subsequent Phases [10]
- (Part 2) of Phase III and V [10] Initiation of Phase VI [10]
- Phase VI
- Update on Progress, Dave Merritt (The Transtec Group) [20]
- Experiences of Participating States [20]
- Related FHWA Pavement Efforts, Jim Sherwood (FHWA) [15]
- Update on Progress, Dave Merritt (The Transtec Group) [20]
- Break – 2:30 PM ET (approximately) [15]
- Peer Exchange
- Oklahoma Peer Exchange Summary, Matt Warren (OKDOT) [15]
- Emerging Low-Cost Strategies – Experiences to Date
- Rural Intersection Pavement Markings in PA, Chris Speese (PennDOT) [15]
- Vehicles Entering When Flashing in NC, Shawn Troy (NCDOT) [30] Rural ITS
- Strategies in MN, Brad Estochen (MnDOT) [20]
- Other Strategies
- Rural Intersection Pavement Markings in PA, Chris Speese (PennDOT) [15]
- Shared Challenges Implementing Low-Cost Improvements
- Oklahoma Peer Exchange Summary, Matt Warren (OKDOT) [15]
- Meet in Lobby at 6:00 PM for walk to dinner at neighborhood restaurant
DAY 2: Wednesday, May 16
Morning Session –8:30 AM ET
- Recap of Day 1, Kim Eccles (VHB) [10]
- Roadway Safety Data Partnership, Heather Rothenberg (FHWA) [20]
- TAC States – A Sample of Good Practices
- Safety Efforts in Texas, Brian Stanford (TxDOT) [15] Safety
- Efforts in Georgia, Norm Cressman (GDOT) [15] Safety
- Efforts in South Dakota, Nicole Frankl (SDDOT) [10]
- Safety Efforts in Texas, Brian Stanford (TxDOT) [15] Safety
- Crash Modification Factors Resources, Karen Scurry (FHWA) [15]
- Break – 9:55 AM ET (approximately) [15]
- Balloting, Roya Amjadi (FHWA) Uses of Ballots [10]
- Instructions for Ballots [10]
- Instructions for Ballots [10]
- Developing a Safety Improvements Database
- Ohio’s Experiences, Jonathan Hughes (OHDOT) [15]
- California’s Experiences, Robert Peterson (Caltrans) [15]North
- Carolina’s Experiences, Shawn Troy (NCDOT) [15]
- Unveiling the Combined Database, Kim Eccles & Jon Soika (VHB) [25]
- Ohio’s Experiences, Jonathan Hughes (OHDOT) [15]
- Meeting Summary
Adjourn – 12:00 PM ET
Last updated: Monday, December 2, 2019