R&T Portfolio: Freight
The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) Freight Management and Operations research program is developing training, tools, data and analysis to support the public and private sectors in freight system management. Developing a better understanding of how freight moves and impacts the transportation network will enable State and local agencies to implement improved operational processes and increase reliability of the movement of goods throughout the National Highway Freight Network, on the National Highway Network, the National Highway System (including the Interstate Highway System) and the broader, multimodal transportation network.
Program Objectives:
- Assess the condition and performance of key freight infrastructure.
- Improve our understanding of the impact of freight movement on key freight infrastructure.
- Develop and improve freight data analysis tools and data collection techniques.
- Initiate stakeholder forums and outreach, peer exchanges, pilot implementations, research, training, and technology transfer to ensure safe, durable, and high-performing infrastructure and operations.
FHWA's freight supply chain and economics research focuses on improving the representation of supply chain information in freight planning and modeling by incorporating industry dynamics, economic impacts, and commodities moved.
Spotlight Project: Freight Fluidity Program
Freight fluidity is a bridge between economic and network data, showing how freight flows and facility measures merge into effects on multistage, multimodal industrial performance. The Freight Fluidity Program is creating a new U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)-owned database of information, with a visualization and mapping tool to record and report performance metrics across multiple modes, scalable to future expansion and enhancement.
Image copyright: Soleg © 2014 123RF.com.
Data about the movement of freight enable freight to move where and when needed. Enhancing the integration, standards, and consistency of freight data sources—both private and public—improves the ability to target investment where needed.
Spotlight Project: Freight Analysis Framework (FAF)
The FAF produced through a partnership between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and FHWA, integrates data from a variety of sources to create a comprehensive picture of freight movement among states and major metropolitan areas by all modes of transportation. Starting with data from the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) and international trade data from the U.S. Census Bureau, FAF incorporates data from agriculture, extraction, utility, construction, service, and other sectors.
For more information, see Freight Analysis Framework.
Image copyright: Krisdog © 2014 123RF.com.
FHWA's freight flow modeling research aims to improve our understanding of the local, regional, and national freight flows, including enhancements to the Freight Analysis Framework. Considerations affecting the accuracy, granularity, and comprehensiveness of flow modeling include private industry data availability and proprietary concerns.
Spotlight Project: Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement
The Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement program, funded by the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2), provides tools for incorporating freight movement considerations in the transportation planning process. The project provides innovative ideas and tools for developing improved freight datasets and freight modeling practices. Creating better data and models will enable State, regional, and local planners to better predict freight movement trends, and make more informed project investment decisions.
For more information, see Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement: A Strategic Roadmap for Making Better Freight Investments.
Image copyright: Soleg © 2014 123RF.com.
FHWA's freight management and operations research seeks to maintain the physical condition of infrastructure that carries freight traffic. Understanding how freight flows impact the condition and performance of the transportation system helps FHWA and States support safe, durable, and high-performing infrastructure for all users.
Spotlight Project: Freight Conditions and Performance Report
FHWA issued a report to the U.S. Congress about highway freight conditions and performance as required under the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The report included information on the National Highway Freight Network and showed that the National Highway System is handling 60 percent of the Nation’s total freight volume.
For more information, see the Highway Freight Conditions and Performance Report Congress.
Image copyright: Phartisan © 2014 123RF.com.
FHWA's freight infrastructure needs research assesses the demand, availability, and requirements of critical infrastructure for freight movement, including analyzing truck parking needs, identifying rural freight transportation issues, bridge strikes, and managing the designation of critical urban and rural connectors to improve the mobility of freight.
Spotlight Project: Freight Intermodal Connectors Study
The National Highway System intermodal connectors are critical for timely and reliable movement of freight. The Freight Intermodal Connectors Study project reviewed literature and data to help FHWA and the USDOT understand how freight connectors are used and how that use is changing.
For more information, see the Freight Intermodal Connectors Study.
Image copyright: Alfonsodetomas © 2014 123RF.com.
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Office of Operations Research and Development
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101
United States
Office of Operations
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590
United States