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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Research and Technology (R&T) Program Portfolio

Operations: Connected and Operating Smoothly

Smart cars move the Nation.

Infrastructure: Strong and Safe

Infrastructure is the backbone of the economy.

Corporate Research: Leading Edge and Advanced

Exploratory Advanced Research finds solutions using basic research and leads the way for new industry innovations.

Safety: Everyone Plays a Role

Keeping people safe inside and outside vehicles.


The primary goal of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) R&T program is to deliver research and development (R&D) directly that supports the strategic goals of FHWA and the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). FHWA’s R&T program identifies and addresses issues of national significance that are not or cannot be addressed by other research sponsors, including issues that require higher risk and/or longer term research and areas of specific Federal responsibility. The FHWA R&T program is responsible for conducting R&T activities that produce a clear public benefit, support Federal stewardship roles, meet and address current and emerging needs, and ensure the coordination of highway R&T activities.

The FHWA R&T program covers the entire innovation lifecycle, including agenda setting; conduct of R&D; technology testing and evaluation; deployment and evaluation of market-ready technologies and innovations; development of regulations and guidance; and technical assistance. This portfolio is just a glimpse into our research and technologies. The portfolio highlights selected R&T activities, initiatives, and projects from across the agency that we are working on for safer roads and to move the Nation forward toward economic growth and prosperity.

Program Areas

"corporate research accelerated load facility at Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center"

Corporate Research and Development

"infrastructure - culvert"


"transportation operations"




"global policy"


"planning, environment, and reality virtual public involvement"

Planning, Environment, and Realty


Innovative Program Delivery

"federal lands"

Federal Lands

Research Projects and Programs

For a list of all of our projects, go to to search for specific projects. For more information on the programs, please visit the program office's web page listed under Contact Us on each page.

Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

6300 Georgetown Pike

, VA 22101
United States

Image Sources: FHWA; FHWA; © 2015 Thornton/Volpe; © 2007; © 2014 cooldesign /123RF ; © San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority; © 2014 3dmentat/123rf; © 2014 kuponjabah/123rf