R&T Portfolio: Modeling and Analysis
The modeling and analysis tools research program focuses on the development of analytical tools to help decisionmakers understand how highway projects impact air quality, noise, and congestion. Improved data and modeling capabilities allows transportation agencies to deliver projects more quickly and efficiently.
Program Objectives:
- Disseminate modeling tools and research products to transportation stakeholders.
- Provide data to the public and stakeholders to assess impacts and performance of the highway system.
- Develop innovative approaches to preserve the environment and expedite the environmental review process.
Image source: FHWA.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides data to States, local partners, and the public to assess air quality and noise impacts information from the National Highway System.
Spotlight Project: CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit
The FHWA Office of Natural Environment developed a series of tools to provide technical support and resources for the implementation of the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program. CMAQ project justification, as well as annual reporting, require the development of reliable emissions estimates. Realizing that every potential project sponsor may not have the capacity for developing independent air quality benefit estimates, the FHWA developed a series of spreadsheet-based tools to facilitate the calculation of representative emissions estimates. The CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit is offered as an additional resource to assist State departments of transportation (DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and project sponsors in the project justification process.
For more information, see the CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit.
Image copyright: Boisson © 2016 123RF.com.
FHWA supports environmental stewardship by developing modeling and analysis tools for States to use to demonstrate the impacts of their mitigation strategies. Developing and deploying improved modeling tools and methods make environmental analyses simpler and more efficient.
Spotlight Project: FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM) Version 3.0
FHWA released the Traffic Noise Model (TNM) version 3.0 and updated all related documentation, including frequently asked questions, the validation report, and the technical manual, to contain information relevant to TNM Version 3.0. TNM now includes an Esri version and a license-free version. TNM 3.0 brings significant changes to the user interface and improvements to the acoustics library. The FHWA is working to develop and provide training on TNM 3.0. In addition, the FHWA continues making improvements to TNM and is expecting to release TNM 3.1 in the summer of 2021.
For more information, see the Traffic Noise Model.
Image source: FHWA.
The timely dissemination of new and improved analytical tools, data, and other research products allows States and MPOs to put the products of FHWA’s Modeling and Analysis research program into practice and benefit from improved capabilities.
Spotlight Project: Model Destination Choice
The guide describes the various data sources used in destination choice modeling, how the set of potential destinations is defined, how the model is specified and various factors are incorporated, how parameters are statistically estimated, how destination choice models are implemented in the context of larger travel modeling frameworks, and ultimately how they are evaluated and calibrated for use in travel forecasting.
For more information, see How-to: Model Destination Choice.
Spotlight Project CMAQ Cost Effectiveness
The 2020 CMAQ Cost-Effectiveness Tables Update compares the cost-effectiveness of projects funded by the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program, in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 149(i)(2). These tables are intended to provide information to assist States, metropolitan planning organizations and other project sponsors as they make the most efficient use of CMAQ funding to reduce vehicle emissions and traffic congestion. State and local governments can use CMAQ funds to support projects and programs that will reduce emissions in areas that are in non-attainment or maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQs) for three criteria pollutants: (1) ozone, (2) carbon monoxide (CO), and (3) particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5).
Contact Us
Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20003
United States