Asset Management, Preservation, and Maintenance
The Transportation Performance Management (TPM) and Asset Management (AM) Research and Technology (R&T) Program is a coordinated and cohesive program of research, development, and technology deployment activities focused on providing tools, innovations, and technologies; and on developing guidance and policies to advance the effective management of highway infrastructure and system performance. Research development and deployment activities include: identification and advancement of specific strategies to enhance TPM; the improvement of AM, preservation, and maintenance practices; and the development and deployment of TPM and AM training, technology transfer, and support initiatives.
Next-Generation Pavement Performance Measures and Asset Management Methodologies
Next-Generation Transportation Asset Management Methodology
Next-Generation Pavement Performance Measures
Tradeoff Analysis for Multiasset Performance Objectives (TA-MAPO) Tool
Program Contacts
FHWA Staff
Nadarajah Sivaneswaran, P.E., Ph.D.
Technical Director
Office of Infrastructure Research and Development
Office: (202) 493-3147
Katherine Petros
Team Leader
Infrastructure Analysis and Construction Team