Exploratory Advanced Research (EAR) Program Status
The EAR Program has awarded 108 projects through 13 solicitations since 2007. Awarded projects—some of which are ongoing—involve both Government and academic researchers. The EAR Program projects represent an investment of more than $100 million in Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funds and more than $30 million in matching funds.
Most awards are provided to partnerships across academic departments, between academic institutes, and across public and private sectors. In total, 80 academic institutions, 57 businesses, 13 State and local agencies, 9 Federal labs, and 10 institutions outside the United States have participated in projects. This interactive map presents information about the geographic distribution of projects, the institutions that have led the research, and the cumulative investment of funds over time. Status will be updated on this map as the EAR Program sponsors additional projects.