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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
Office of Research, Development and Technology at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center

Safety Effects of the Conversion of Rural Two-Lane Roadways to Four-Lane Roadways

FHWA-RD-99-206.pdf (111.99 KB)

Publication Information

Publication Type:
Summary Report
Publication Number:

As congestion on two-lane rural roads increases, there is increasing interest in conversion to a four-lane divided facility within the same corridor. The authors have attempted to estimate the benefits of such conversions by developing cross-sectional models producing crash rates for typical sections of two- and four-lane roadways in California, Michigan, North Carolina, and Washington. Predicted crash reductions for conversion from most typical two- to four-lane divided sections ranged from 40-60 percent. The reduction due to conversion to a four-lane undivided configuration is much less well defined, ranging from a 20 percent reduction to a slight increase. Future research needs include (a) verification of the undivided four-lane results, (b) additional information on the effects of driveways, (c) estimates for higher levels of two-lane average daily traffic, (d) expansion of the outcome variable to include crash severity, and (e) verification of all results by before-and-after studies of actual conversions.

Publishing Date:
November 1999
Council, Forrest
Stewart, J. Richard
Publishing Office:
Office of Research Services
FHWA Program(s):
AMRP Program(s):
Safety Data and Analysis
FHWA Activities:
Highway Safety Information System
Subject Area:
Safety and Human Factors