Publication Information
The research documented in this report was conducted as part of the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Evaluation of Low-Cost Safety Improvements Pooled Fund Study (ELCSI-PFS). FHWA established this PFS in 2005 to conduct research on the effectiveness of safety improvements identified by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 500 guides as part of the implementation of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Strategic Highway Safety Plan. ELCSI-PFS studies provide a crash modification factor and benefit–cost economic analysis for each targeted safety strategy identified as a priority by member States of the PFS.
This report documents the safety effectiveness of bicycle treatments at urban intersection locations in Virginia and Texas. This study included bicycle lanes, extension lines, through bicycle lanes, buffered bicycle lanes, and chevron pavement markings along the intersections. The evaluation considered the total number of vehicular crashes, including those resulting in fatality and injury. The analysis found statistically significant crash reduction for separated bicycle lanes in certain, but not all, contexts. These study results may be of interest to roadway safety professionals, State and local engineers, and planners responsible for the design and operation of facilities that may benefit from bicycle lane installations.
Recommended citation: Federal Highway Administration, Development of Crash Modification Factors for Bicycle Treatments at Intersections (Washington, DC: 2023)