Publication Information
This report identifies current practices and methods to consider when developing or updating a concept of operations (ConOps) and requirements for a TMS. It also discusses how the ConOps and requirements may be integrated into efforts to develop or update the vision, goals, performance measures, or design of a TMS or an agency’s operations program. The practices and processes captured in this report may assist agencies when they plan, design, procure, develop, implement, test, operate, and evaluate possible improvements to an existing TMS or the next generation of their system.
This report may interest representatives from State departments of transportation, local agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, regional authorities, toll authorities, and other groups whose members may be engaged in developing or using a ConOps when planning, designing, developing, and managing TMSs.
Recommended citation: Federal Highway Administration, Developing and Using a Concept of Operations for Traffic Management Systems—Current Practices (Washington, DC: 2024)